A love like this: Chapter 28

A love like this ♥


YoungSaeng went outside the apartment and headed to the park. There was no much people to be seen so it was alright to wear no disguise. The prince sat at a bench and had his mind filled with his thoughts.
Why do I have this kind of voice? It's so soft.. You can barely hear me when I talk.. They always say that I'm like mumbling everytime I try to speak.. With this, I decided to just not talk too much. I hate it. Wae? I wish I have a manlier voice like the others. And another thing.. I wish I could be as hyper, active and sociable enough to communicate comfortably with others.. I want to be charismatic.. and y.. In short.. I wish I was just JungMin.. So I could do everything without me being concious. YoungSaeng-shi.. please.. change for the better.
Truthfully, YoungSaeng was pretty much saddened by the scene earlier. He saw how Baby rushed back just to check JungMin out. He was envious of their closeness.
"I'm sooo jealooooousss!"
YoungSaeng tried to scream as loud as he can. Since no one was around, he yelled and yelled to get his voice louder and rougher.
"The Prince is sooooo jealooooouuuuss! Yahhhhh!"
After 5 consecutive shouts, YoungSaeng was finally contented. But suddenly..
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Ahh.. no..nothing."
"Sorry about what happened earlier.."
"A-aniyo.. Im fine, you dont have to apologize."
"YoungSaeng-ah.. Is it alright if I stay here with you?"
JungMin sat beside YoungSaeng. Both remained quiet for a few minutes. They were just feeling the air and staring at the clear blue sky. When suddenly JungMin blurted out something that YoungSaeng didn't expect.
"Do you like HyungJoon?"
Without hesitation and straight to the exact point, JungMin questioned the Prince.
"You like him right? HyungJoon."
The Prince couldnt answer him directly. JungMin expected him to be in denial with his feelings. But YoungSaeng kept quiet and stared at the ground for a long time.
"I guess its true.. You do like him.."
"Is it wrong JungMin-ah?"
"Wae?" *why?"*
"I.. like him.."
"Arraso.. I figured it out late.." *I understand*
"What do you mean?"
"I just noticed it when you kept on taking glances at him.. smiling everytime he laughs.. looking sad whenever he's sad as well.. and having that straight face when Im with him.."
"I dont know what to say.. >///<"
YoungSaeng felt kinda embarrassed with JungMin knowing all of this. The prince wasnt in the mood to talk anymore, probably he got tired after shouting earlier.
"Yahh.. Are you alright?"
"Mhm.. kinda surprised with you knowing everything.."
"Yah.. where's HyungJoon by the way?"
"He went back to the studio.."
"Huh? Wae?"
"We had a fight.. again.. I scolded him too much.. maybe he was at his limit.."
"Arraso.. Again huh?"
The weather changed.. from sunny, to windy. The semi-strong wind blew the long and silky hair of the two.. Both were just feeling the soothing wind as they were having their thoughts in mind..
The wind passed again. Swiftly. And right after that very wind..
"JungMin-ah.. Do you love HyungJoon?"
YoungSaeng suddenly questioned the pretty mal who was staring blankly at the sky. Upon hearing this, JungMin faced him and just smiled.
"I dont."
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Tara-ss501 #1
hi! please updaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate.
thank you.
Ichiissa #2
hahaha thankies for reading this story XD even though its taking me time to reveal who ends up with who :)
Could you please please if it is possible in any way continue this. Because I really wanna know how this will end. I am so excited and don't wanna stop reading, but here I am at the end of this chapter not knowing what to do, other than wait. But please *puppy dog eyes* continue this because your story is so awesome!!! ^^
Ichiissa #4
@mindreaderhero and other fellow readers... I want to write as much as i want until my fingers gets numb.. I really would love to update but college life is killing me. seriously, there's no time. Just wait you guys, Ill update after everything. :)
mindreaderhero #5
hey....<br />
why aren't u writing anymore?... i've been waiting for long and yet there's no update... why?... i like it.... it was fun... could u plz start writing again?
Lol new reader..it's a bit confusing O.O