A love like this: Chapter 19

A love like this ♥


"Where's YoungSaeng?"
"He's in the living room with Kyu-- ahh! There's KyuJong."
"Yah, where's the Prince? His food will get cold."
"Im going out."
Everyone in the dining table was surprise to hear KyuJong leaving early in the morning.
"Yah! Why are you leaving?"
"Where are you going?"
JungMin and HyungJoon were quite oblivious of what was happening around. There continuous questions irritated their Leader.
"Yah! Let him go wherever he wants."
HyunJoong glared at KyuJong. KyuJong also glared at him but immediately averted his eyes and went out.
"Whats happening?"
"Why are you fighting? Why dont we know anything?? HyunJoong-ah!"
"Its okay to not know everything.. Im full."
Leader who's still halfway of eating his breakfast, got up and went to his room. Leaving both JungMin and Baby on the table confused.
"Whats wrong with them?"
"I dont know.. Weirdos."
YoungSaeng saw KyuJong walking straight to the door, its as if he was in a hurry. But truth is KyuJong just doesnt want to see YoungSaeng at that moment.
"Yah! KyuJong-ah!"
KyuJong ignored him and just went on. YoungSaeng couldnt bear the things which he cant understand anymore.
"Yahh! What did I do?? :("
KyuJong suddenly stops and confronts him.
"What did you do?"
YoungSaeng felt that he asked him at the wrong time. He suddenly looks away making KyuJong pissed. He then grabs the Prince.
"Come with me."
"W..where are we--"
KyuJong was really serious. Making YoungSaeng think that it was better for him to shut up.
It was 8:30 in the morning. The park was not yet full of people. Daily joggers already went home.
"I cant take it anymore.."
"What do you mean..?"
"Everytime I try to say it.. Someone is always in the way.. I hate it.."
KyuJong gathered up all his confidence, but he couldnt just say it directly. YoungSaeng was just standing infront of him, waiting for his words.
KyuJong wasnt still ready. YoungSaeng thought he was having a hard time to speak out so he went on first.
"Last night.. I went here."
"After you yelled at me.. I dont know why.. But my feet took me here."
"I see.."
"You remember this place Kyu right?"
"*Humming sounds*"
"Amoori kidaryuhdo nan motka
Babochuhrum oolko inneun (nuh)nuh-yi kyuhte
Sangchuhman jooneun nareul weh moreuko kidarini 
Tuhnakaran marya..." *Bogoshipda by Kim Bum Soo, listen to it*
"Hmm? KyuJong-ah!"
"You always sing that whenever youre here. :)"
"I like that song.. Its very beautiful."
"Yeah, but your version is way nicer."
"Kamsahamnida. ^__^" *Thank you*
"Yah~ Lets go!"
"Mhm. :)"
*end of flashback*
"I didnt know everytime I sing that, HyunJoong was just always there."
YoungSaeng points at the bench behind them. KyuJong looked at it and thought that they were so close at that time.
"So you always talk?"
"Aniyo.. He never talks to me. He just listens."
KyuJong smiles.. YoungSaeng was confused with his sudden actions.
"What if I tell you that.. I like you?"
Finally, after all this time, KyuJong finally confessed his feelings to the Prince.
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Tara-ss501 #1
hi! please updaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate.
thank you.
Ichiissa #2
hahaha thankies for reading this story XD even though its taking me time to reveal who ends up with who :)
Could you please please if it is possible in any way continue this. Because I really wanna know how this will end. I am so excited and don't wanna stop reading, but here I am at the end of this chapter not knowing what to do, other than wait. But please *puppy dog eyes* continue this because your story is so awesome!!! ^^
Ichiissa #4
@mindreaderhero and other fellow readers... I want to write as much as i want until my fingers gets numb.. I really would love to update but college life is killing me. seriously, there's no time. Just wait you guys, Ill update after everything. :)
mindreaderhero #5
hey....<br />
why aren't u writing anymore?... i've been waiting for long and yet there's no update... why?... i like it.... it was fun... could u plz start writing again?
Lol new reader..it's a bit confusing O.O