Chapter XLVI

His Uncanny Wife

A/N: Okay, I know all of you hate me as of this moment, but remember... there is a time for everything under the sun. :)






Namjoon grabbed Sera’s wrist as they were walking out of the lobby. He motioned for Kai and Sehun to go ahead, before looking at his cousin.

“What happened with Jungkook?” He mustered the courage to say.

Sera exhaled and looked around them. People were looking at them, waiting for anything. After all, they were under close observation by the public these days.

“I’ll tell you in the car. Let’s go.”




Sera stepped on the brakes and her Maserati pulled over the Jeon’s curb. Her grip on the steering wheel loosened as she took on deep breaths. She was at least entitled to an explanation, right?

She stepped out of the car and was greeted by the family butler. He told her that Jungkook was inside his room, but instead she asked for Mr. Jeon’s whereabouts instead.

She knew she had to face him, but she couldn’t let her emotions take over her. They would talk, she was sure, but now she had to know one thing.

“Sera.” Mr. Jeon didn’t mask his surprise when she stepped inside his study. He offered her a seat and thought for a moment of the words he was going to say. “I’m…”

“I just want to know something, Uncle…” She blurted out, going straight to the point. She did not want to burden him with feelings of remorse or pity.

Mr. Jeon nodded, eager to tell her anything she wanted.

“Was it his decision?” She clenched her fists as she spoke, preparing herself for whatever he would say. When she finally recovered from her sobbing fit that morning, it came to her that breaking off their engagement might not be his own decision. He might not have had the choice.

Mr. Jeon contemplated for a second. He heaved a deep sigh and slowly nodded.

That did it. It hit her like a bullet straight to her already bruised heart. Her toes curled as she suppressed the threatening tears. The world seemed to spin, and there was this ringing on her ears that she couldn’t get rid of.

However, she managed a smile. “That’s all I need to know.” She stood up and bowed, turning to leave when Mr. Jeon shook his head. “Please sit down, Sera.”

He bit his lip. “I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but even before your engagement started, we made it clear that both of you have the choice. I wished with all my heart it would not end this way. But when he decided to end it, I needed to respect his decision. You know that, right?”

Sera nodded.

“I also want you to know… that I am fervently hoping that the two of you could settle whatever this conflict is. You do not need a fixed engagement to follow what your heart truly desires.”

A tear managed to escape her eyes. She hastily wiped it away and forced a smile. “Thank you, Uncle. I respect Jungkook’s decision. I will focus on fighting for the company right now, and if all is finished, if he still… if he’s still…”

“I understand, Sera.” Mr. Jeon smiled and squeezed her hand.



“You... talked about ending the merged subsidiary with Uncle Jeon?”

“We did.” She replied, glancing at Namjoon who was driving. “After I asked if it was really Jeon’s decision to end the engagement.”

Namjoon knew she was hurting, but she was doing a great job remaining calm. “Don’t you want to… talk to him?”

“I would, but he doesn’t want to.”


“When his father called for him to the office, we met. He saw me there and turned away with this cold look on his face. I tried to go after him, but he hopped in his car and drove away. I was also in ahurry because I wanted to make the announcement.”

“Sera,” Namjoon said softly. “I’m sorry.”


“You’re too young to be caught up in company problems. If not for—“

“Stop.” She interjected, looking out the passing view. “I made this choice. I will stand by it.” She closed her eyes and clenched her jaw, feeling the pain in her chest grow larger. She just lied about Jungkook not wanting to talk to her. They did talk, but she wanted to keep whatever they talked about to herself.




“Jeon!” Sera shouted as she caught up with him. Jungkook stopped before finally facing her. His stare was cold, emotionless.

She bit her lip, feeling small under his dead stare. She wanted to hug him, tell him he was all that she needed, but she couldn’t. He seemed so distant.

“What do you want, Sera?” He said, every word feeling like tons of bricks falling on her chest. She looked down, her lips quivering. What should she say? That he shouldn’t have done what he did? That he should’ve told her?

All those were unnecessary. What was done couldn’t be changed.

She hesitated if she should tell him that he was wrong, that she loved him and only him. She would be doing what Kai told her to do— treasure what was really important.

But wasn’t that too selfish? As long as he was with her, he would always be tied. Yes, he promised that he wouldn’t leave her side, but what would that do to him?

He would always be that person who stuck beside the messed up Park Sera. How about his music? The things he really wanted to do in life?

“Thank you.” She blurted out.

Jungkook pressed his lips into a thin line.

“For stepping away. Please know that I’m thankful for that engagement, for I have met a person as… as kind and talented as you. You taught me a lot of things, and I will forever be indebted to you. In whatever road you take, I will always be cheering you on.”

She didn’t even stay to look at his expression. She ran to her car before he could see the tears.



Jungkook sat alone in his car. He recalled what she said this morning over and over again.

“Please know that I’m thankful for that engagement, for I have met a person as… as kind and talented as you. You taught me a lot of things, and I will forever be indebted to you. In whatever road you take, I will always be cheering you on.”

A bitter chuckle escaped his lips. Of course she’d be thankful— she could finally go on with who she wanted in the first place. Without the engagement, she was finally free.

He thought of how vulnerable she looked, and how her eyes would not meet his for long.

He didn’t want to show her that he regretted his decision. He wanted her to see that he wasn't affected by it all, that he was contented and indifferent.

But the truth was, all he wanted to do was pull her close and tell her he loved her.

But that was selfish of him. If she really loved her, he would let her be.

And he did. He set her free and bore the pain to himself.



That morning Sera left hurriedly and hid her tears from him. She didn’t want him to think that she wanted him, because she thought that was too selfish of her. She only wanted what was best for him, and that wasn't her.

Little did she know that when her car disappeared from the driveway, his tears also fell. He suppressed them so hard he felt his chest was going to burst. He didn’t want her to think that he regretted what he did, because he thought that was too selfish of him. He only wanted her to be happy, and it would not be with him.





Thank you for letting me be me
For helping me fly
For giving me wings
For straightening me out
For waking me from being suffocated
For waking me from a dream which was all I was living in

- BTS, Save Me


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Chapter 64: Do you have any plan on continuing this story ?
Chapter 62: Oh my god .. so it's really not Sekyung who did all of those things... >< Your story is super fun author-nim
Chapter 58: Hope Sehun can find it quickly
Chapter 54: I just want that Sekyung to get the punishment faster #huft
Chapter 53: Glad that nothing happens to them :""
Chapter 52: That Sekyung b*tch
Chapter 50: Thanks God, they're okay again
Chapter 48: Oh my god, I feel bad for the two of them T.T
Chapter 46: Oh my god this story is getting sadder by chapter T.T
Hope there will be a good ending ..
New reader here :)
Youvebeenbamboozled #10
Chapter 64: Please update!!