Chapter I

His Uncanny Wife





A bright red Maserati stopped just in front of the Common Ground mall. A lady wearing hot pants, an oversized Stussy shirt, and a pair of Versace Black Leather Medusa sneakers stepped out, chewing gum. She scanned the area briefly and shrugged.

She sat outside one of the cafes as she waited for her iced caramel macchiato. The sun was scorching, but she actually liked it, unlike the typical girls of her class. She took out her e-cigarette from her small bag and began to smoke.

“You look like a not-so-legit thug.” A tall guy sat across her, shaking his head. He, too, took out an e-cigar from his pocket and they both smiled at each other.

“But that’s why we’re cousins, aren’t we?” He added in English.

“Because we look like thugs?” She chuckled, her eyes hidden by her huge-framed sunglasses.

Namjoon shook his head again. “Nope. We try hard to look like thugs but we fail miserably.”

The girl, Park Sera, stood up and sat at the chair beside him. “I think we’re doing just great.”

He watched her again at her e-cigar and sighed. She was hopeless.

“You do know you still look like a goody-two-shoes even if you’re holding that, don’t you? And what’s with the bad-girl get up? You even brought the Maserati out. Where’s your normal car? Sera, you got no jams to be cool so stop trying.”

She removed the e-cigar from her lips and smiled. “For goodness sake Rapmon, school’s starting tomorrow! Let me live like I want to.”

“Yeah. You make it sound like you’re going to college.”

She just grunted in response.

“You’re a high-schooler so it up. And what happened to ‘Namjoon Oppa’?”



“Young Miss?”

Sera turned around to face the old man. Mr. Jang smiled. He had been working for the Parks for three decades already, and she saw Sera grow. Watching her go on her way for her first day in her last year of high school made him feel proud, and melancholic.

“I’m not going to die out there, Jang. It’s school, not a battlefield.” She rolled her eyes, but later smiled and hugged the old man. Jang pulled away and tapped her head. “Alright young miss. I just want to remind you of your dinner with your parents later tonight.”

“Yeah, yeah. Bye!” With that she left for the car, the driver opening the doors and her giving Jang one last smile before closing the door.



The bell rang, signaling for the first class to start. Students rushed to their classrooms, others tripping on their steps and others barely getting to their classes before their teachers.

But there was one guy in particular who wasn’t really hurrying. It was not due to the fact that he didn’t give a damn if he was late, but because he was already sitting at his chair, just waiting for the bell. He was the early bird.

“Okay class, let me introduce a new student.” The teacher started as everyone settled. Some boys howled when they knew it was a girl. Others were just not amused. Jungkook, well he was sleepy.

Sera walked in the class, all the while thinking, I just want to sit and sleep.

“Introduce yourself.”

She forced a smile. “Hi, I’m Park Sera. Please treat me nicely.” She did a bow and forced another smile.

The teacher nodded. “Where do you come from?”

From my mother’s womb, she thought. She wasn’t really in the mood for small talk. Or talk in general.

“I’m from Seoul, but I studied at California and just came back last month.”

Jungkook looked at her and yawned.

“Very well. Everyone please treat Sera well, and help her get familiar with the school and the rules. You may sit wherever you like, Sera. Okay, I will pass around the…”

Sera walked to the back of the class where there were two empty seats. She chose the one beside the door so she could just slip away anytime.

“No one really sits there. It’s distracting. You can’t focus because too many people pass by.” Jungkook said and offered her a small smile. He waited for her response, watching her closely.

He figured out that he might as well make some friends. His hyungs couldn't be his only friends.

She stared at him for a moment and nodded. “Okay.”

He expected her to transfer to the other seat but she already took out her stuff and made herself comfortable. He turned back to the front and shrugged.

So much for being friendly, he thought before finally slipping away to dreamland.



“Oppa, my classes just ended. I’m on my way to the restaurant.”

Namjoon hummed a yes as he wedged the phone between his shoulder and his cheek. He was tying his shoelaces hurriedly.

“Are you coming?” She said on the other line, agitation clear on her voice. He sighed at her attitude. “Of course. I’m on my way.”

“By on your way, do you mean on the house tying your shoelaces and probably tying it all wrong?”

He stopped tying and got the phone. “How did you—“

“Just go here already, idiot.” She muttered and the line went dead.

Namjoon stared at his messed up shoelaces and blinked. “Did she just call me… idiot?”



“Sera, sit down.”

“I missed you too, Dad.” She sat across her parents and got the menu from the waiter.

Mrs. Park sighed and took it from her. “We already ordered.”

She frowned. “I don’t even get to choose my own food? Wow.”

“Don’t be childish. You always get what you want.” Mr. Park muttered as he scanned his tablet, probably checking e-mails.

Mrs. Park clasped her hands together. “Is Namjoon coming?”

“Yup.” She popped the p and played with her phone. “Oh mom, dad,” she looked up, smiling. Mrs. Park rolled her eyes. “What now?”

She chuckled sheepishly. “I may have bought a car last week using Jang's name.”

“We know.” It was her Dad who replied. “Nice choice, actually. A Maserati. But no way are you going to drive to school.”

She looked at them for a moment before replying. “I was going to ask you to let me drive it school—“

“You’re not even legal.” Namjoon interjected and sat beside her. “Hi Aunt, Uncle.”

Mr. Park put his tablet down. “Good you’re here. Let’s go.”

Both elders stood up. Sera and Namjoon exchanged looks.

Mrs. Park answered their questioning glares. “We’ll eat upstairs at a private room. We have guests.”

“Is this another one of your business deals? Do I have to smile all the time?” Sera groaned, and Mr. Park actually chuckled a little. “You know the drill, honey. Be good.”



A couple probably the same ages as Sera’s parents were already waiting when they stepped inside. Friendly introductions were made, and soon the party started discussing business as they ate.

Sera was just enjoying her plate of seafood when the doors opened; a boy wearing the same school uniform as hers entered.

“Sorry I’m late.” He did his respectful bows to the elders and took his seat across her.The Jeons acknowledged their son and went back to their converstion with the Parks. They didn't even mind that he was still wearing his training clothes.

“Ya, maknae-yah!” Namjoon kicked his foot from under the table. Jungkook looked at Namjoon and his eyes doubled in size. “Hyung! Why are you here?”

Namjoon chuckled. “These are your parents?” He whispered. Jungkook nodded and his eyes moved to Sera. “Oh, it’s you.”

Sera looked up and tilted her head. “Who…”

Jungkook smiled. “We’re classmates. I was the one—“

“Oh the dude who just slept the entire class. Hi.” She replied and went back to eating.

Namjoon shook his head. “She’s normally like that. Don’t mind her.”

“What are you two, siblings?”

“Cousins.” Namjoon shrugged nonchalantly. “Were you late because of practice?”

The younger one nodded. “They were actually cursing you because you were absent.”



“Kids, we were just talking about the company merger.” Mr. Park started as he placed his chopsticks down and wiped his lips with the cloth. Mrs. Park nudged her daughter and she looked up from her plate, obviously annoyed.

Jungkook just smiled, and Namjoon pretended to be interested.

“According to the feasibility studies, this project with the Parks will work out just fine. Our researchers reported great results, and on-site employees already started their training exchange.” Mr. Jeon followed with the details.

“That’s really good to hear.” Namjoon nodded. He was the eldest among the ‘kids’, and it felt like he needed to say something.

“But just like any other projects, we need some boost, or entry strategy.”

Sera finally said something. “That’s the Marketing and Advertising Departments’ job. Did they fail to present possible strategies?”

Jungkook just remained silent. He really didn’t like the idea of getting involved.

“They did. Quick thinking there, Sera.” Mr. Jeon smiled. “But we need something really noticeable.”

“If we’re creating a new merged subsidiary, it’s just right to merge families, too.” Mr. Park finally said it. Jungkook’s fists balled as he realized where they were going to with the tconversation. It was crystal clear. He watched Sera who remained unfazed.

Surely she would have realized by now? He thought.

“Marriage.” Namjoon mused.

The adults smiled and looked at both Sera and Jungkook. “This is why we’re gathered here today, to discuss this union.” Mrs. Jeon stated as-a-matter-of-fact.

Again, Jungkook looked at Sera who was wiping her hands with the wet tissue. She placed it down and exhaled.

The adults seemed impatient.

“Jungkook?” Mr. Jeon urged, and he swallowed his spit before managing to part his lips. “Abbeoji, isn’t this too… quick? And we’re too young.”

Mrs. Park chuckled. “Marriage comes after. Engagement comes first.”

Then they turned to Sera. “So, Sera?”

She didn’t even glance at Jungkook. She looked at her father and her mother for a moment and nodded. “Okay.”

Namjoon just remained silent. After all, he wasn’t the one getting engaged.

Just 'okay'? Jungkook scoffed inwardly. Is she for real?



That moment he knew she was different. He just didn’t know in what way.




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Chapter 64: Do you have any plan on continuing this story ?
Chapter 62: Oh my god .. so it's really not Sekyung who did all of those things... >< Your story is super fun author-nim
Chapter 58: Hope Sehun can find it quickly
Chapter 54: I just want that Sekyung to get the punishment faster #huft
Chapter 53: Glad that nothing happens to them :""
Chapter 52: That Sekyung b*tch
Chapter 50: Thanks God, they're okay again
Chapter 48: Oh my god, I feel bad for the two of them T.T
Chapter 46: Oh my god this story is getting sadder by chapter T.T
Hope there will be a good ending ..
New reader here :)
Youvebeenbamboozled #10
Chapter 64: Please update!!