
It's Not Fair

Taesun went and embraced Taemin, who was still shirtless.

"It's okay, he won't hurt you anymore." He cooed.

Taemin simply nodded. He was very quiet.

How about we order pizza?

The younger's face immediatly lightened up. "Yes please!!"

Taesun chuckled at his brother's cuteness and went to get the pamphlet.


A few hours later, the brothers were on the ground in front of the TV, rubbing their full bellies.

"That was soooooo gooooood." Taemin groaned.

"Yeah." Taesun agreed.

Suddnely Taemin's phone beeped, he knew what it was, so he prepared himself.

From: Kai <3

To: Taemin

I think we should break up. Your brother is just too much for me.

Taemin worked up his tears. He sniffled to get his brother's attention.

Taesun turned his attention from the TV and his eyes went wide. 

Taemin had tear running down his cheeks and he looked absolutely devestated.

"Taeminnie, what's wrong?" He said gently.

Taemin showed Taesun hs phone.

Taesun's mouth opened in shock.


Taemin pulled away from his brother harshly.

"This is your fault hyung!" He yelled. "If you had just let us be together, none of this wouuld have happened!"

Taemin stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

It took Taesun a few moments to realised what happened.

I thought I was protecting Taemin from Kris, but in the end, I'm the one hurting him.

Taesun shook his head.

That's ridiculous. There's no way I could hurt Taemin. He's just overreacting.

Taesun continued this mental battle for a while.

He then remembered his precious little brother leaving.

What if somebody (Kris) tried to do something?!

He freaked out and ran to the door. 

He pulled on his coat and began searching for Taemin.


Taemin was waited behind a tree, puposely letting some of his jeacket stick out.

He heard his brother approach him.

"Taeminne?" He said quitely.

At that, Taemin jumoed up and ran away.

He knew his brother wou;d catch him soon, so it came as no suprise when he felt himself being tackled into the grass. 

He made an effort to hide his smile and make Taesun think he was still angry.

"I'm so sorry Taemin. Please don't hate me anymore." He pleaded.

Taemin simply face away from him not answering.

"I'll do anything you want." Taesun begged, he was on his knees now.

"Will you let me date Kris." Taemin questioned, still not facing his older brother.

"No." Taesun stated flatly.

Taemin walked away without saying anything.

"Please Taemin. Anything but that!" Taesun ran circles around Taemin, trying to offer other things to him to try and get Taemin to forgive him.

But to no avail.

Taesun realised his efforts were futile and sighed as he trudged home behind his younger brother.


The two boys stayed wuite distant from each other at school...

Well, Taemin avoided Taesun while Taesun did everything within his power for forgivness. 

It was beginning to get on Taemin's nerves.

So one day when Taemin caught Taesun in the hallways following him, he snapped.

"Listen, I know you're there. So come out."


Taemin just sighed. "Fine. I'll propose a deal: Option 1, you and I coexist at school and at home unless completely necessary. Option 2, You let me and Kris date and everything will go back to normal. Option 3, I go over there, kick your and then you get to choose again."

Taesun slowly came out.

"Option 2." He mumbled under his breath. He may hate Kris, but how much he loved his brother couldn't compare with that hate.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you." Taemin mocked.

"I SAID OPTION 2. YOU MAY DATE KRIS!!!!!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

And with that, Kris came out of nowhere and embraced Taemin. He nuzzled into his neck. Taemin leaned into his embrace.

"Really hated it... Being apart." He breathed into his boyfriend's neck.

"Me too." Taemin whispered back. They were about to kiss when...

"Ahem!" They pulled away and look at Taesun.

"Okay Kris, I love my little brother and I want him to be happy. So I accept your relationship." He said the last part though gritted teeth.

Kris smiled and bowed. "Thank you very much."

Taesun smiled, moved closer and whispered into Kris' ear so Taemin couldn't hear.

"But if you hurt him or make him cry. I will ensure you will receive a slow and painful death.

A shiver went down Kris' spine.

Taemin came over and held Kris' hand. "Thank you hyung." He smiled his cutest smile. "I will make sure to make dinner tonight for you to say thank you."

Taesun smiled and nodded.

"We have to go now though. Bye hyung!"

And with that, the couple held hands and made their way through the hallway.

Taesun waited until they were out of sight and smiled.

I'm glad to see you growing up Taeminnie. Take care of him Kris.



Please don't kill me!

I have had a lot on my plate recently, so I haven't been able to update, also there have just been moments when I sort of just didn't feel like it, you know?

Anyway, thank you for reading and putting up with me. I think I should be updateing a little more often.

Well, anyway, this is not the end of the story.

We simply jus had a really nice ending here. So yeah...

I still have some drama to go, but like I said in previous chapters, I am also writing another fan fic. So I may be a little more busy, but this story will still be update more often.

Anyway, I'll stop babbling.

Please comment it really does help and it encourages me a lot!

Bye! ^^


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_chanchan #1
Wow :D i read your whole fanfiction in like two days!! :D keep up the great work author-nim , author-nim fighting!
Chapter 39: Oh ChanBaek. Jelly of KaiSoo. Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 39: Well no complains since i mainly read this for BaekYeol couple.
Chapter 38: Take care. Love the story. Don't worry. Sequel is good but take care of your health first
Chapter 38: Oh god, why would anyone unsubscribe from such a wonderful story?! We're here for you, author-nim! Your surgery will go perfectly fine! I hope your arm's okay! There's no need to update if your arm's hurting. We can wait. Don't push yourself! ^^
I would love a sequel, but ONLY IF YOU'RE OKAY. Please don't push yourself! Fighting!
tina1222 #6
Chapter 38: Dont worry i love this story too much to unsubscribe<3
Hope youre operation goes well and heal well. Fighting
taeganger799101 #7
Chapter 38: ohmy please take care!!! health first before anything ok! <3
Chapter 37: Aww take care author-nim, hope you get better. Hwaiting!
Angel630 #9
Chapter 37: Take care Author-nim!
ingle_pringle #10
Chapter 37: hope your arm gets better soon :D