Please Forgive Me

It's Not Fair

Kai woke up after a few hours and looked around. The apartment was empty.

He stood up and went to the bathroom to pee, as he washed his hands, he looked at himself in the mirror, surprised to see a post-it not stuck to his forehead.

He ripped it off and looked at what it said:

Hey Kai, don’t worry, we (EXO) took care of everything, just go to sleep okay?


Kai smiled at this, glad his friends were there for him.

He brushed his teeth and changed, after that, he went straight to bed.

He tossed and turned for a bit, feeling empty. He felt wrong.

It had just dawned on him, that this is the first time in about 5 months that he and Kyungsoo ha not slept together.

And he simply couldn’t sleep.

Instead, he leaned on the railing of the balcony outside and watched the sun rise.

He closed his eyes and tilted his head back, breathing in deeply. Kyungsoo. Did you see your present? I hope you did. I hope you forgive me. I need you.

I love you.


Kyungsoo was up all night, thinking.

Could he have meant that?

No, that was a lie.

But, last time, this happened, he was innocent.

Last time he didn’t sleep with someone.

Kyungsoo was on the verge of pulling his hair out.

He doesn’t love you.

He shook his head.

He never cared.

Kyungsoo began to cry.

He never did.

That was it.

No matter how hard he tried to believe in Kai, no matter how much he loves him;

He just couldn’t.

He couldn’t do this anymore.

Kyungsoo clutched his chest where his heart would be.

It hurts. He thought.

Suddenly, his eyes shifted and caught the beginning of the sunrise.

Quietly, he opened the door leading to the balcony and stared.

So beautiful.

A week passed and Kyungsoo stayed at the apartment with the four boys.

None of them really minded, but they were concerned for the two.

They had no idea how to handle it. The four of them all knew Kai’s side of the story, but also knew Kyungsoo’s and understood how they couldn’t solve this very easily.

In fact, they realised the two had to solve their problem, on their own.

Kai knew this too, but also knew his plan required help.


Chen was laughing with Tao, talking about their stalker fan girls, when his phone went off.

He looked at the caller ID and saw it was Kai, after quickly checking Kyungsoo wasn’t around, he picked up the phone.

“Hey Kai.” He greeted cheerfully. “What’s up?”

“I need your help. I’m gonna get Kyungsoo back, but I’ll need your help.”

“Sure.” He said, without hesitation. “What have you got in mind?”

Chen smiled after he hung up.

It’s about time he thought of something. Hopefully he’ll get his feelings across.

Kai smiled to himself, he had already made all the calls and bookings necessary for his plan. He was totally pumped.

After a few calls to a few other members of EXO, he knew he was ready.


A week before Christmas, Chen was dragging Kyungsoo about the mall, insisting he needed the latter’s help with finding gifts for everyone.

Kyungsoo was reluctantly dragged around the busy mall, when suddenly he heard his friend squeal like a girl.

“Look over there!” He said, pointing excitedly to a huge crowd, they seemed to be surrounding a stage.

Kyungsoo could faintly hear singing. The person sounded incredible. Probably an idol. He thought to himself.

“Let’s go!” Chen said, pulling Kyungsoo towards the stage.

Kyungsoo simply obliged, not bothered to argue.

As squeezed through people, the music became louder. Soon enough, Kyungsoo knew he recognised this voice, he just couldn’t put his finger on where it came from.

The two finally reached the front row and Kyungsoo looked up, and his eyes grew wide when he saw Kai. Singing.

He figured the other wouldn’t recognise him-since he had a hat on and the stage was at least two meters off the ground- so he decided to stay for a while and enjoy the beautiful voice that was filling his ears.

After the song ended, he saw Chen put his thumbs up at Kai and saw Kai nod back.

Oh no. Have they planned something together? He panicked and turned to hurry out of there.

Unfortunately for him, Kai had thought of this and when he turned around, he saw 10 familiar faces forming a sort-of human barricade, preventing the boy from leaving.

Giving up, he turned around to the stage again to see what would happen.

He could hear the crowd behind him cheering for another song.

“Before I sing my final song. I want to say a few words. Firstly, my audience, you guys were great!”

The audience cheered.

“Secondly, my friends, EXO, for helping me put this together!”

EXO’s cheers were somehow louder than the crowd’s at this comment.

“And finally, I’d like to thank the most important person to me. Kyungsoo!”

Everyone cheered especially loud and Kyungsoo went very red.

Kai continued.

“This next song is dedicated to you.”

The crowd ‘aaw’d and Kyungsoo felt his heart melting as he smiled.

Kai began singing and Kyungsoo immediately recognised the song.

“Baby don’t cry, tonight…” He sang, words full of emotion.

As the song came to an end, Kai had one last thing to say.

“I made a mistake in trusting that girl, but I promise what you saw was a complete misunderstanding. Please forgive me and come back. I love you."

“Yes!” Kyungsoo screamed, running up onto the stage and hugging Kai tight. Kai hugged back.

The audience cheered and whistled.

After a while, the two broke apart and Kai bought the microphone to his mouth again.

“Thank you for being such a great audience!” He yelled.

After one last cheer, the two walked off stage.


“So that’s what happened.” Kyungsoo said, after Kai told him what really happened that night.

“Yeah.” Kai shrugged. “She’s a total I know.”

Kyungsoo nodded.

Kai frowned. “Why are you crying?”

Kyungsoo smiled at the other. “I’m just so happy, that you still love me.”

Kai embraced the smaller boy. “I could never stop loving you. C’mon, let’s go home.”

Kyungsoo smiled, and the two made their way home, stronger and happier than ever before.


So sorry for not updating yesterday! I was so busy! Please don’t hate me!

*Bangs head on wall*

Please tell me what you think of the chapter, one of my subscribers requested longer chapters- I hope that was long enough.

Bye guys! (/^.^)/ 

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_chanchan #1
Wow :D i read your whole fanfiction in like two days!! :D keep up the great work author-nim , author-nim fighting!
Chapter 39: Oh ChanBaek. Jelly of KaiSoo. Fighting for the next chapter
Chapter 39: Well no complains since i mainly read this for BaekYeol couple.
Chapter 38: Take care. Love the story. Don't worry. Sequel is good but take care of your health first
Chapter 38: Oh god, why would anyone unsubscribe from such a wonderful story?! We're here for you, author-nim! Your surgery will go perfectly fine! I hope your arm's okay! There's no need to update if your arm's hurting. We can wait. Don't push yourself! ^^
I would love a sequel, but ONLY IF YOU'RE OKAY. Please don't push yourself! Fighting!
tina1222 #6
Chapter 38: Dont worry i love this story too much to unsubscribe<3
Hope youre operation goes well and heal well. Fighting
taeganger799101 #7
Chapter 38: ohmy please take care!!! health first before anything ok! <3
Chapter 37: Aww take care author-nim, hope you get better. Hwaiting!
Angel630 #9
Chapter 37: Take care Author-nim!
ingle_pringle #10
Chapter 37: hope your arm gets better soon :D