CHAPTER 2: The Acting Begins Now

My On Flight Boyfriend

Before the flight took off, Jonghyun and I learned more about each other. We spent a few moments just getting into each other's heads. He told me about his love for music, his love for dancing, and his love the arts in general. I learned that he is a native Korean, but has lived in America, explaining why he was so fluent in both English and Korean. He was just like me. He told me to call him JJong, if I felt more comfortable with it. It was the nickname his friends called him. He told me a bit about his life and I told him about mine: my love for dance, my passion for helping other's less fortunate than I, and my tendency to avoid problems. 

Our conversation was getting good until a flight attendant interrupted us. She placed her hand on Jomghyun's shoulder. She gave him a seductive smile, that accompanied her revealing dress. All in all, she looked like a hoe. Jonghyun gave her a small smile, then he sneakily removed the flight attendant's hand from his shoulder. Jonghyun looked in my eyes, almost giving me a signal. Then, he took my hand into his and looked up at the attendant.


"Yes?" he asked with a smirk. His palm began to rub the backside of my hand, caressing it in an attempt to make the flight attendant jealous. The smile that was once on her face was totally wiped off. Instead, a scowl replaced its place. She sighed.


"Mr. Kim, you have been moved to business class because blah, blah, blah. Free of charge. blah, blah, hooray," she said, dully. She handed us two new tickets and left. Jonghyun took a look at the tickets and showed me as wellThe seats were A and B, row four. 


"…First class." I whispered. He looked me and said, "Let's go." What?


"Are you sure, I mean they are your tickets," I replied. He took my hand and pulled me up.


"I'm your boyfriend remember? So they're ours. Plus, who else am I going to take?" Jonghyun asked with a chuckle. I couldn't help but think that he was absolutely perfect. 


We grabbed all of our things and headed towards the front of the plane. "Dang, first class has so much leg room!" I thought. Jonghyun took the window seat, and I took the aisle. Jonghyun and I continued our conversation where we left off. We had so much in common; It was completely crazy. For example we shared a love for tea, a love for dogs, and a deep, burning hate for Robert Pattinson.


But all good things come to an end, because our conversation was again interrupted by someone. This time, it was someone completely worse than an annoying flight attendant. 


"So you guys got upgraded too?" asked a disgustingly familiar voice. Seated a row behind us on the opposite side, was Onew and his girlfriend. My eyes widened at him.


Jonghyun quickly grabbed my hand. I tore my eyes away from Onew and his thinly dressed girlfriend, to look at JJong. He gave me a sweet smile and squeezed my hand. My hands felt warm, wrapped underneath Jonghyun's soft hands. Jonghyun leaned towards my ear and whispered, "Let the acting begin." I nodded my head in agreement, taking his hand off mine and placing his arm around my shoulders. I smirked at him.


"What? I just want to be close to you, love," I said as I removed the armrest between us, scooting closer to him. His eyes were wide, but he quickly put the smile back on his face. "Of course, Hun," he replied.


I looked up to my right to see if Onew was watching, and sure enough he was. His mouth was completely open. Onew excused himself and walked towards the restroom. Better hurry up Onew; You don't want to end up peeing while the flight is about to take off.  


I faced my 'boyfriend'. "Kasahaminda," I said once again. He waved a hand in front of me. "It's no biggie! I've always wanted to try something like this, but while the jerk is in the bathroom, and that girl-" he said pointing to the , who was now asleep, drooling. "-is asleep, we should get out stories straight, right?" 


"Okay! So I met you on a flight to New York. You helped me place my bags into the carry-on storage, which actually happened-"


"-Because you're as small as a midget," Jonghyun said, finishing my sentence. He started to laugh.


"Hey!" I yelled, playfully hitting is arm. My mouth was wide open, but I knew it was a joke. Jonghyun was literally laughing his off.


"Haha, sorry, sorry." he said between laughs. When he finally calmed down he finished the rest of the story. "And it just so happens, I had to sit next to you. We got to know each other and once we reached New York, I asked you to dinner."


Slowly my mind began to drift off and I was imagining things… Dinners with JJong, having moonlit walks, introducing him to my parents…


"So, do you think the story is good enough?" Jonghyun asked. I was suddenly snapped out of my day dreams. It seemed so real. 


"So, why are you flying to Seoul?" he asked. I looked up at him. Why was I leaving my life to go there?


"Life problems, one being the devil who is sitting next to us." I replied flatly.


"We have 16 hours, why don't you tell me about it?"


And you know what I did? I told him everything. I told a complete stranger, my life story. 




*hehe, HIYA! thanks for reading my story. ^^ this is sort of like a filler, but I promise it will get better. :DD


*edited 7/31/12

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katarinaq #1
14 streak #2
Chapter 68: I loved the story! Imagine having an hundred and so passengers in the same flight as them and up in the sky theres a real life drama.. I kinda feel bad for those who wanted peace and quiet while traveling hahaha
I miss jonghyun ㅠㅠ but he will always be in our hearts ♡
armyofelf #3
Is anyone else going back to read Jonghyun fics again these past 2 weeks? Miss him so much TT Jonghyun, you've done well.
One of the first fanfics I have ever read and still one of my favourite Jonghyun fic. Gone too soon, but will never be forgotten. Thank you Jonghyun. Rest in Peace.
first ever ff of jonghyun i read! rereading it again as this reminds me of how i became a shawol. and also missing jonghyun ;; may he rest in peace and i'm sure he's in a good place now.
Oh my god, after all those years I find this story again through the Wayback Machine. I shall reread it again! I may have forgotten the plot and all, but I remember loving it when it was first released and kept following.
missadel #7
Chapter 17: My feeling right now~ why did onew so dumb .. why dint he check bfr break up with miyoung .. sorry but yeah this's way too unlogical ~~
hi! I decided to reread this stort (lack of many good stories with shinee on aff recently) and its been around 2-3 years since I've read this story and after rereading it, I got so nostalgic! Loved it before, still love it, great story!
I still remember this was one of the stories that really pulled me into th fanfic world xDD
Anyhow, was disappointed, slightly, there was no sequel, but with such a good ending and such great progression of the story, it didn't needed one
wanted to etll you how awesome it is and still one of my favs! >__<