CHAPTER 13: Onew & Ms. Anorexic, Ninja Mode.

My On Flight Boyfriend

Awkwardness is a . The four of us just sat there. Cups empty, cookies gone. All that was left was the awkwardness that surrounded Onew, Ms. Anorexic, Jonghyun, and I. Several people passed our table, all who were not surrounded by an ounce of awkwardness. 

"Ahem, so, me and Miyoung will be going? Is that okay?" asked Jonghyun. Onew and Ms. Anorexic nodded. Phew, now time to get out of this hell hole. Jonghyun and I stood up and rushed out of Starbucks. God, I thought we'd NEVER get out of there!




The two "lovebirds" just walked out of the store. From the time to two have departed New York City to the time EunMi and I met them outside of the toy store, they've never left each other's side. And when Jonghyun left for those few seconds to get tissues it seemed as if Miyoung had died a little. Sighhh. My Miyoung. What I did before was wrong, but it was for your own good… 


"Oppa!" I snapped out day dreaming. "OPPA!!" I blinked to see a rather pissed looking EunMi.


"Oppa, let's go follow them?" I stared at her. "Why do you want to follow them?" I asked. She probably has some interior motive. "N-n-no reason, Oppa. It's not like we have anything else better to do!" She had a point.


We're stuck here until who knows how long! I got up and walked towards the entrance of Starbucks then turned around to see if EunMi was following. EunMi sat frozen in her chair. "YAH! You coming?" She nodded her head frivorsely and ran up to me, linking arms in the process. "LET'S GO OPPA!" yelled EunMi, running out of the store. 


EunMi dragged me all over the place, just like a rag-doll. We looked in the terminals, all over then food court, in several stories, but unfortunately no luck. "EunMi, I'm exhausted. Let's just go back to the terminal." She nodded her head and loosened the grip on my wrist. Ahhh. I can feel my blood circulating again. I made a few steps towards the direction of the terminal.


"OPPA! WAIT!" EunMi ran towards me, grabbed my sweater by the hood, and pulled me behind a pillar. 


"WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled. EunMi looked out from behind the pillar we stood in. "SHHHH! They're coming this way!" They? Before I could ask who they were, Jonghyun and Miyoung walked past us… holding hands. 


"Let's go." EunMi pulled me out from behind the pillar. I swear, EunMi is such a ninja. She hid behind trash cans and shadows like it was no big deal. The couple walked through several stores. Never buying anything, but it seemed as if enjoying themselves was better than anything they could buy…  


The two stood in the middle of the terminal walkways, holding hands and smiling at each other. They looked so happy. That could have been me...




I glanced a peak at the two stalkers hiding behind a silver pillar. "So, you think they realize we're acting?" I asked, nodding my head towards Onew and Miyoung. He didn't even have to look at the two. Jonghyun smiled down at me and held both of my hands.


"Nope. They don't even realize that we've seen them following us since we left Starbucks. There's no way in hell they realize we're acting." he stated. I chuckled. 



sigh, i putting this chapter out just because of depression. LOL.
yep, cause of Jonghyun's new relationship.,,
hehe, i was so tempted to change ms. anorexic's name to se kyung. XD
LOL. thing is i liked se kyung ALOT before this so i tried not to be too mad.. =.=
oh well, i'll just imagine that they're not going out & be happy for them
&& EVERYONE SHOULD DO THAT RIGHT?!?! don't be hating on her! LOL
read this if you wanna know what i really think about it ^^ okay
& if your upset still id totally recommend you watch this:
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suddenly getting a crazy influx of subscribers here. how?! why?! from where?!


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katarinaq #1
14 streak #2
Chapter 68: I loved the story! Imagine having an hundred and so passengers in the same flight as them and up in the sky theres a real life drama.. I kinda feel bad for those who wanted peace and quiet while traveling hahaha
I miss jonghyun ㅠㅠ but he will always be in our hearts ♡
armyofelf #3
Is anyone else going back to read Jonghyun fics again these past 2 weeks? Miss him so much TT Jonghyun, you've done well.
One of the first fanfics I have ever read and still one of my favourite Jonghyun fic. Gone too soon, but will never be forgotten. Thank you Jonghyun. Rest in Peace.
first ever ff of jonghyun i read! rereading it again as this reminds me of how i became a shawol. and also missing jonghyun ;; may he rest in peace and i'm sure he's in a good place now.
Oh my god, after all those years I find this story again through the Wayback Machine. I shall reread it again! I may have forgotten the plot and all, but I remember loving it when it was first released and kept following.
missadel #7
Chapter 17: My feeling right now~ why did onew so dumb .. why dint he check bfr break up with miyoung .. sorry but yeah this's way too unlogical ~~
hi! I decided to reread this stort (lack of many good stories with shinee on aff recently) and its been around 2-3 years since I've read this story and after rereading it, I got so nostalgic! Loved it before, still love it, great story!
I still remember this was one of the stories that really pulled me into th fanfic world xDD
Anyhow, was disappointed, slightly, there was no sequel, but with such a good ending and such great progression of the story, it didn't needed one
wanted to etll you how awesome it is and still one of my favs! >__<