Late Night

Apt. 34A


10:45 pm 

Later that day 

Mino took a swig from his water bottle and wiped the back of his neck with the towel that hung from the chair. The guys had just got done practicing for the day and you could see they were exhausted from the look on their faces. Jinwoo was fanning himself with his hand and Taehyun laid flat on his back on the floor while Seungyoon fixed his hair in the mirror. I chuckled and shook my head before searching for Seunghoon , only to have him come back in the room with a towel around his neck and took one look at me before grinning. 

"Hey, did you enjoy it? Wasn't too boring for you right?" 

"Aniyo," I shook my head. "I could never be bored with you guys. It was really fun thanks for inviting me," I smiled. 

Seunghoon blushed and grabbed his jacket along with his back pack before swinging it onto his shoulder and when I held out a hand for him, he pulled me to my feet not letting go of our hands. 

"Want me to walk you back? It's kind of late already," he said. 

"Don't you have to go with your members?" I asked and looked back at the guys. 

His eyebrows furrowed and he whistled to the guys to get their attention when everyone lazily turned their eyes to him. 

"I'm gonna take Kyungmi back are you guys okay on your own?" 

Mino frowned and rubbed his face with the towel before poking the top of his head out of the cotton material. "Yah! We're not babies, we're gonna be fine."

"Yeah we're going to go hang out at my place actually because my umma is cooking," Taehyun chirped and propped himself on his elbow so he could see everyone. 

"Okay then, text me when you guys leave," he nodded and snapped his fingers before turning around. 

"Oh yeah! Bring me back some of your umma's food. Her food is fantastic," Seunghoon grinned and Taehyun rolled his eyes before waving his hand. 

"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever. Just go already," 

I waved to everyone and all the guys waved back as well before Seunghoon was leading me out of the room and back down to the lobby. We didn't run into anymore idols and the building was almost cleared despite people still in the vocal and practice rooms. Staff members were still walking around and by the time we walked out of the building, lights were indeed decorating the street and cars painting the roads with their headlights. 

We stepped onto the sidewalk and I saw the bus stop sign ahead but Seunghoon must have had other plans because he was pulling me in the opposite direction away from where we were supposed to be going. 

"Umm what are you doing?" I raised my eyebrow and looked back at the bus stop as we continued down. 

"Just a detour," he smiled and shrugged his shoulders. 

"Yah..." I said uneasy and tugged on his hand that I was still holding. "What do you mean a detour? The buses are back there and this is not even the same way," I frowned. 

Seunghoon smiled and looked down at me before pinching my cheek. 

"You're really cute when you're confused,"

"Stop changing the subject," I blushed and slapped his hand away. "Where are we going?" 

"Just to Cheonggyecheon Stream and the Plaza," 

"Cheonggyecheon? What's that?" I asked him. 

We crossed the street over onto the opposite sidewalk where buildings and banks were situated next to each other and had to duck our heads when we passed through a building that had low hanging flags in its entrance. 

"There's bridges that cross over it but there's a wall that the water runs down and creates this long and really nice flowing stream. The plaza usually has a bunch of lights and carts to eat or drink something. It's merely for cultural and nature purposes though," he said. 

"At this time of night?" 

"Yeah there's a lot and I mean a lot of lights, not just in the plaza area but down by the stream where people can walk," 

"I don't know," I still said uneasy. I wasn't exactly the expert on where everything was in Korea and the last thing I wanted was to be stranded halfway in Korea and not know where I was going. 

"It's just a few blocks from here, not that far I promise," he told me. 

"Oh," I said quietly and looked down at my feet while we walked until I suddenly looked back up again. "So there are going to be other people? It's okay to go this late?" 

Seunghoon laughed loudly and tapped my lips with his finger as we walked through another crossing. 

"You ask too many questions," he sighed but I could still see the smile playing on the edge of his mouth. "But yeah it's usually people walking around and stuff, like I said it's really pretty and it's perfectly okay to go this late. It doesn't close." 

I nodded my head and after that we fell into a comfortable silence while walking. The sky seemed to get darker and I looked up at the moon that was casting light across the top of the buildings and people that were hailing down cabs. Our shoes against the pavement and the occasionally car honking partnered with the sounds of dishes and food frying through open windows, filled in the silence. 

It wasn't until we were about three blocks down Seunghoon finally squeezed my hand and I looked up at him in curiosity. 


"Let's play twenty questions," he said softly. 

"Wae? I thought you said I asked too many questions already?" I frowned. 

He giggled and shook his head. "Aww I'm sorry, but I want you to ask me a lot of questions now if that counts," he smirked. 

"No, that's not gonna happen," I clicked my tongue. 

"Aw please just this once!" He whined. "I'll even go first, what's your favorite food?" 

I kept tight lipped and Seunghoon groaned before pulling me closer by my hand and diving his face into the side of my neck to rub the skin with his nose. 

I shrieked and tried to squirm out of his grip but the hold he had on my hand was far too strong for me to match and the more he pushed against my neck, the more ticklish it felt. 

"S-stop, stop Seunghoon," I started to laugh and tried to shove him away with my other hand but he just resisted, 

I started laughing so hard that my stomach was starting to hurt and when I finally punched him hard on his chest he yelped and jumped back, almost making us stumble and fall down on the sidewalk. I wiped my tears away and Seunghoon grinned at me with that stupid smirk. 

"Do that again and next time I'm going to spray you with pepper spray," I threatened. 

"You actually have some?" He said shocked. 

"Of course! You can't trust anyone out here," I scoffed. 

"You can trust me," 

"Eh that's very debatable," I shrugged and Seunghoon frowned before squeezing my hand tightly. 

"Gosh you're something else Kyungmi, and you never answered my question,"

"Cham Pong, you know the spicy seafood noodle dish? But if you don't want to be so technical then eggrolls." 

Seunghoon looked at me and when I caught him staring, I frowned. "What?" 

"Nothing it just sounds good," he his swollen lips. 

"It's very good but now it's my turn. What's yours?" 


"Specifically pineapple pizza," 

"Gross," I cringed. 

"Yah it's really yummy!" 

"I beg to differ," I shook my head. 

"Alright whatever, what kind of movies do you like?" 

"Comedy, I don't like chick flicks," I shook my head. "You?" 

"I like horror," he grinned. 

"Hell no. Are you a morning person or night person?" 

"Night person," he nodded. 

"Morning person," I replied. 

"So I expect you to be delivering homemade breakfast in bed from now on," he smiled while looking down at me. 

I raised my eyebrow at Seunghoon and he laughed before shaking his head. "Mianhae mianhae," 

"Yeah you better say mianhae, I'll put rat poising in your coffee," 

His eyes widened and we continued down the street until I could hear water flowing in the distance and as we came around the corner of a building under construction, a huge tower plaza came into view and just beside that I was able to see people walk down what looked like a huge path that lead underneath which must have been Cheonggyecheon. 

"Wow," I breathed. 

Seunghoon pulled me over quickly and we ran over towards where everyone was either walking in or walking out of. And he wasn't kidding about all the lights. Because it was so dark outside, chinese lanterns were hung up throughout the entire walkway and a path on each side of the stream had people walking one way or another. Statues of lights rested on tables that stood inside the stream and I looked amazed at one that was a rabbit, another that was a tower and various other objects that decorated the water. 

The river was flowing silently, not too loud that it was annoying and the further we walked down the more lights that you could see. Buildings converged on each side of where we walked so lights from the windows and jumbo trons were able to cast a glare that reflected off the water. 

When we walked ahead, I looked back to see the wall of water running down and into the stream that looked so beautiful and perfect I just wanted to cry. I lifted up my camera and snapped a slew of photos, stopping to take photos of the statues and of the lanterns above us as well as the people walking. After I was done, I turned the camera onto Seunghoon and took a photo of his side profile until he looked at me with a smile and I snapped it quickly. 

"So beautiful," I murmured quietly. 

"So you're not mad I dragged you over here?" he asked me while lacing our hands together. 

"Aniyo," I shook my head. "Just next time you want to take me somewhere don't be all predator like about it," 

Seunghoon laughed loudly and I blushed while nudging his arm against mine. "Arasso?" 

"Arasso," he nodded. 

We let a silence fall between us as we continued walking that was comfortable enough due to the running water and silent chatter of people around us. I laid my head against his shoulder as we walked and I felt Seunghoon squeeze my hand in return. 

"So perfect," he said softly. 

I hummed in response and let my eyes close against the multitude of colors and how hot his body felt next to mine. 

"You better be talking about the lanterns," 

" the chinese lanterns, I'm talking about you," he replied. 

I laughed lightly and smacked his arm as we walked past a little family of three showing their son all the lights. This was clearly his first time because his eyes were wide open and he looked in shock at everything around him and clapped his hands excitedly. 

We talked some more but I could tell all we wanted was to enjoy each other's presence so we didn't say much after we continued the walk. 

And as he leaned down and brushed his lips against my hair, I thought it was perfectly okay with me. 

You guys liked the chapter guys? I really liked this one because of how carefree Kyungmi and Seunghoon are together. It's seriously so cute. Have you guys ever wanted to walk next to a stream or river with your friend or lover? I know I have, it's so romantic LOLOL. 

But until next time read, comment, subscribe and upvote. Love you guys! 

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy