The Mess You've Made

Apt. 34A


Kyungmi's POV 

"He's never talked to me about someone named Kimi," I told the girl.

"He doesn't really like to talk about his family, so I'm not surprised," she looked down at the ground before smiling back at me. 

I wrung my fingers out and sighed while gripping the doorknob again. "I'm sorry, how are you a friend of the family?" 


"I said how are you a friend of the family?" 

"Our mothers know each other, they have for awhile," 

I nodded and frankly what else could I do? Seunghoon had never told me much about his family the more I stood here and thought about it. In fact he'd only talked about them once and was very vague about it. I had no way to say she was lying and I had no way to say she was telling the truth either. 

The discerning feeling settling in my stomach didn't help at all either. 

"I can take a message for you, like I said but I don't know when he'll be back," 

"Of course, you're his girlfriend," she smiled slightly. 

I didn't smile back in part because she still gave me a weird feeling and I wasn't sure what to make of her. I just wanted to go inside already.

"Just let him know that Kimi stopped by and the family is worried about him," 

"Will do," I nodded. 

I opened the door to my apartment and was just about to turn around to slam it shut when I felt someone come up behind me and whirled around as Kimi stepped up to the door. Before I could say something or shut the door, her hand shot out in front of her and I felt something sharp stab me in my stomach, just underneath my belly button.

I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out and my left hand instinctively grabbed the wooden frame of the door until she pulled out whatever it was lodged inside me, and I felt myself stumble back in shock.

A searing pain erupted through my stomach, like my skin was burning from the inside out and my whole body was on fire. I blinked and things shifted around in the room, I turned around to try to walk towards the living room but nothing was in its right place.

The couch was on its side, all the furniture seemed to be misplaced and when I  tried to take a deep breath, everything only seemed to get bigger. My hand ran down the side of the wall and I reached for the edge of the counter to steady myself, only to miss it.

When I fell forward, the last thing I remember was my head smacking against the hardwood floor before everything went black.   


I woke up with a start, my heart was pouding quickly inside my chest and I could feel a wretched taste settling in the back of my throat. I tried to get my eyes to focus so I could figure out where I was at but things were still in odd places, like I was seeing double and colors that shouldn't be there were all around me. 

I breathed heavily, trying to turn myself around so I could get up but when I tried to lift my hands, I couldn't move them. I looked up over my head and saw that they were being bound against the legs of a table and I tried to pull myself away but it was hard to tell my body what to do when I was feeling this way. 

The room was pitch black, except for a light out of the corner of my eye that I could tell came from the hallway. The sun had already set and now the only thing visible from the two windows across from me were the city lights. 

I yanked on my hands again to try to get them free from the legs of the table, but the rope that had bound me was starting to cut into my skin and the material was being to make it raw. 

When I swallowed, I felt my stomach lurch and an overwhelming feeling of dizziness began to take over me as the room began to take different shapes.

"N-no" I slurred.

My eyes began to become heavy, my eyelids fluttering and I tried to fight against it, tried to keep my eyes open but I could feel my body winning over.


The next time I woke up, I felt something trickling down my face, something cold and wet and when my eyelids finally peeled open; water was spilling across my entire face until I was sputtering and gasping for air.

I coughed repeatedly, twisting my face away until the water stopped and light footsteps walked across the room, almost like a clicking sound until it dissapeared.

I continued to cough until I could catch my breath again but by that point, the footsteps had come back again and someone gently grabbed my chin so I could face them and lightly dabbed around my face with a towel.

When the person was done, they let me go and I tried to focus on who it was but my vision had still not entirely came back and I could only squint as the objects and figures moved around me in a haze. When the person came back, I noticed that the light in the room was on so everything was bright and glowing, my hands were still bound as I couldn't move them and my head was beginning to pound.

"I was beginning to wonder when you were going to wake up," a voice chuckled.

I blinked my eyes to try to focus on where the voice was coming from until a figure squatted down next to me and reached out a hand to push back some of the hair off of my face.

"I didn't even give you that much, the dose was actually a little bit less than what I should have,"

The persons fingers were cold and clammy as they touched my skin and I couldn't figure out how to get away from it because it felt like my body was a bag of sand.

"But I will let you know that Seunghoon did call, I just let it go to voicemail though. He said that they were on the way to Ilsan for a fansigning and I sent him a text that I wished he were here but good luck,"

The figure moved out of the way and walked towards the couch that was directly in front of me before falling down into it with a sigh. "Do you know what he said?"

I felt my eyes begin to roll and I clmaped them shut tightly to get a hold of myself, but my body still felt like it was on fire and the throbbing sensation in my head seemed to be growing.

"You don't want to know? Well I'll tell you anyway,"

The persons ankles crossed in front of them and they smiled to themself with a thouhgtful look in their eyes. "He said he'll miss you and that you would be on his mind and that he loved you,"

"He said he loved you," the person sighed wistfully.

It was like I could hear a voice talking to me but it sounded so far away and soft that it was almost like a whisper, like someone was talking through a wall to me. I could feel the sound of blood rushing through my ears and tried again to twist my hands free but I was starting to feel like lead. 

Just when I thought that I might have out again, the person had moved to get up and I felt someone grab my face before starting to it. 

"You have to stay awake, come on. Who else will I talk to if you're not awake hm?"

The person took a seat next to me on the floor and I blinked my eyes open again, as piercings on the persons skin flashed from the light in the room and brown eyes looked back down at me.

"I didn't really want to do this," the person sighed heavily.  

"I just don't like competition,"

When I swallowed, my stomach turned again and the sweat on my neck made my shirt cling to my body that I almost thought I was going to throw up until my face was grabbed again. 

"You see, I had liked Seunghoon first, I had always liked Seunghoon before you, before anyone knew who he was or before you came along. He was such a bright and charismatic person, such an amazing dancer. I had watched him from his trainee days and knew he was the one. When they finally debuted and Winner was everywhere, I thought of telling him, I imagined how easy our love would be and our future."

White lights danced around the edge of my eyes and the person turned my head that had lolled to the side again. "I planned on confessing after their showcase during dinner, but I had work to do so I couldn't be there. I thought that maybe this would just give me more time to prepare, but the next time I saw him all he would talk about was this girl in his apartment building."

"He said her name was Kyungmi," the person the side of my face. "He told all the guys, about how you looked, the way you talked, how soft your hair looked,"

The voice paused until I felt someone shift and then my head was laid back on the ground as the figure moved around before turning in what appeared to be a circle. 

"All that he ever talked about was Kyungmi Kyungmi Kyungmi. Suddenly this girl from nowhere was all he thought about, and I" the voice said. "I had to take a back seat because he wouldn't shut up about you!"

My toes curled at how loud the voice had rose and I turned my head the other way to try to block it out until the person walked back over and roughly jerked my head forward.

"No! No no no, you don't get to look away. You have to listen to me now, you have to listen to how you stole him from me. Because that's what you did, you stole him!"

"P-Please," I slurred out. 

The voice chuckled and I felt them move again before more water was poured over my face and I coughed trying to get away and keep myself from choking until it seemed like the entire bottle of water had been emptied onto me. 

"Just be quiet and listen to me!" the person hissed. 

Something was flung against the wall before it fell to the floor and rolled underneath the couch. "I tried to forget about Seunghoon because he had found someone else, someone else that he could love instead of me. But it was so hard! The more he talked about you, the more angrier I became. I tried to fight it but then when he came onto me while we were at the hotel after MAMA, I knew he secretly wanted me too."

Footsteps paced away from me and I winced in pain as some of the water had gone into my nose and was causing a burning sensation to begin. "I had to get rid of you, I needed you to go so I could have Seunghoon, like it was always meant to be,"

"So I started keeping tabs on you, I found out where you lived, I followed your routine, I watched you go to school. I even sent pictures to your Uncle's office but no one seemed to get it,"

I tugged my hands away from the leg again but it wouldn't budge and I couldn't feel the tips of my fingers anymore. 

"Why would no one pay attention to me? Why could no one see that I was serious?" 

The voice had stopped talking and I thought that maybe the person had walked away maybe somewhere down the hall or atleast out of the room. A long stretch of silence passed and I thought that maybe somewhere in between they had actually left until quick footsteps made their way back in the room. I attempted to atleast focus on not getting my face grabbed again until a foot pressed down on my stomach hard, right in the exact spot where most of the pain had started from; causing me to let out a bloodcurtling scream. 

"No one listened! And now I have to do this to you for everyone to see! For Seunghoon to see that I've always been there for him! Not you!"

Water prickled at the edge of my eyes and my fingernails dug into my skin as my entire body begin to thrash and trickle like I was slowing being set on fire. My head lolled from side to side and my legs twitched from below me but all I could feel was the searing pain from where their foot had pressed down.

"If you would have just stayed away you would have given me a chance! He was mine!"

Voices began to grow louder until the sound was almost deafening and the room began to spin as my eyes traveled above my head as far as I could make them see.

"I have to be his girlfriend Kyungmi, okay?"

Footsteps walked away from me and I felt tears roll down my cheeks as my body detested in pain and there was nothing I could even think of doing. When the person came back in, I lifted my head up as best as I could and the person looked right back at me before smiling and shaking their head.

"Please don't cry okay? You look so much prettier when you're not so sad,"

The next second, fingers were wiping my face, pushing away the water marks on my face before patting the top of my head. "Don't be sad, I just needed to let you know everything that you did to me. Seunghoon has always wanted me, it's just that you've been such a big distraction to him,"

I was beyond protesting anything at this point or even attempting to say anything, so when I didn't respond, the person chuckled before moving to get up.

"Just stay away okay? If you know what's good for you,"

There was some more shuffling around the room until I could barely hear anything but then the footsteps got closer until someone was leaning over me and I felt lips, slick and moist from chapstick, press against my forehead.

The next thing I knew, the person was gone and the sound of a lock turned before a door was opened and immediately slammed shut behind itself.

After that, everything seemed to become black.


Heyyyyy guys! I'm going to leave you with this update and tell me what you think below. We knew things were gonna get this bad but could we have imagined it would come to this? Leave feedback below and I'm so sorry Kyungmi >_< Until next time, read, comment, upvote and subscribe. Love you guys!  

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy