Next Door

Apt. 34A


2:59 pm 

Monday afternoon 


After using the entire weekend to get myself settled and comfortable in my new apartment, I could definitely feel myself getting the hang of things. I learned that if you tried to turn the AC on too high, it would get stuck and either stay cold or hot for the rest of the day.

There was this real funky odor downstairs in the lobby and it so happened to come every time the guy at the desk, whose name was Hyuk, went for lunch and came back with stinky tofu. I had saw him the other day when I was helping my uncle carry my other boxes up to my room and he had spotted me. Needless to say I avoided going down there between the hours of 4-6.

I didn't really see much of my neighbors partly because I never went out of my way to physically leave my apartment and just go knock on strangers doors. Who does that?! But also in part that it was pretty quiet around the complex. 

After I was coming downstairs from checking my mail, I sorted through meaningless coupons and junk mail with no surprise that there wasn't anything from my parents. It's not like I had told them where I was living now and they probably failed to care. I got off the elevator as soon as my stop came and rounded the corner to my hall, when I saw the guy from two doors down, walk out of his apartment and lock the door behind him.

He had a jean jacket over a light gray shirt and his hair was dyed some navy blue color with a hint of black underneath. He was tall, bending over slightly to turn the key in place before facing the other way and coming down the hall as I walked forward. Rings adorned his hand and bracelets hung off both of his wrists while he stuck his earbuds in and I noticed he had a scar just underneath his bottom lip that contrasted with his white skin.

When he passed by me, he shot me a small smile and I returned it back until he quickly ran to catch the elevator before it closed and I furrowed my eyebrows. 

Must be in a rush.


Later that day....


Music was playing softly in the background from my speakers as I looked on at my laptop to upload some photos onto a file for today. Recently I had made a blog just for fun to share my photos and rant inconsistently over nothing just to kill the time. All my pictures of the new apartment, were the first ones and I giggled at some of the things people had commented like; 

'Is that view foreal?!

And, 'I love your living room!'

I would have to thank Uncle Minho later on for his expertise in interior design. I chuckled as a few more people commented on my pictures before taking a sip of water and almost dropping it all over my lap when my door buzzed. I looked at the clock on my laptop screen and frownedWho could be coming over here this late? It's almost eight.

Hesitantly I got up from my spot on the couch and padded over to the door while leaning forward to put my ear against the hard wood. 

"Who is it?" 

"It's Hyuk, from the lobby," he chirped behind the door. 

Hyuk?! What could he possibly want?

I sighed and moved back from the door to unhook the chain and turn the locks before pushing it open to see him in black pants and a black sweater that had something in Chinese written across the front that I couldn't understand. His hair was styled up and he had a package in his hands. 

"Your uncle dropped this off. He said something about don't break it," Hyuk mumbled and waved his hand dismissively in the air while handing it to me. 

"My uncle?" 

Hyuk nodded and after I took it from he smiled and shook his head. "Sorry for bothering you at this time, you were probably busy," he apologized.

"Aniyo it's no problem. It's not like I was doing anything important,"

"Oh okay then," he chuckled awkwardly and waved me goodnight before walking off.

I shut the door and immediately went to opening the small package in my hands, pulling the tape off and ripping the cardboard apart until a small frame fell out into my hands. I turned it over in my hand and gasped, almost dropping it on the floor when I saw it was a picture of me and my parents when I was no older than seven years old. Back when things were much easier.

We were outside, at a zoo I think and I remember clearly because my appa had let me feed the animals and carried me on his shoulders throughout the whole day. My umma wasn't in fine clothes, but a simple shirt and jeans with a pair of sneakers, the most dressed down I had ever seen.

Frown lines weren't etched into appa's skin and he had a genuine smile on his face as he looked at the camera. I touched the photo lightly and noticed out of the corner of my eye that there was a note still inside the package. I pulled it out and in sloppy Korean was a simple string of sentences jotted down that had a heart scrawled on the bottom.


Kyungmi, as much as I know you don't want to admit it and probably never will admit it- you miss them. Like I said before I know it's hard to think they don't love you, but I believe they'll come around. Give them time and just remember the good memories.

Uncle Minho,


Two days later...

The photo sat on the mantle above the tv, along with the note next to it. I grabbed my keys, camera bag and purse as I headed out for the day and locked the door behind me. I decided to go out and see Seoul for myself, really see and decide to make the most of living here.

I was down the hall and in the elevator within minutes when I heard someone shout to hold the elevator and instinctively my hand shot forward to press the doors back. The guy panting, hurried in and fell back against the elevator with his phone gripped in one hand and a pair of headphones in the other.

I pressed the button for the lobby and looked over at him carefully though it was hard to see with a cap covering his face. 

"Th-Thanks, for holding it," he said trying to catch his breath. 

He leaned his head back and took a few more deep breaths before pulling the cap off his head and I looked stunned when it was the guy from the other day after I had checked my mail. 

He was wearing a white jersey and black jeans that fit his long legs and this time had no bracelets or rings on his fingers and hands. 

"No problem," I nodded. 

He looked down at me and his eyes widened in realization before he squinted and snapped his fingers. 

"You're the girl from the other day!" 

"Ne," I smiled. It was nice to know that I wasn't the only one paying attention. 

"Are you always late for elevators?" I teased and he seemed to catch on to when I was referring to last time when he almost missed it. 

The guy blushed and shook his head quickly while standing up a little straighter. 

"No, I just got so distracted and all that I didn't even hear it coming," he motioned to down to his headphones and I nodded in understanding. 

"Ahh okay I see, Mr. Two Doors Down," 

"Wae, two doors down?" He said puzzled.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure you live two doors down from me. I stay in Apt. 34A," 

The guy seemed to think about this for a moment and looked up at the ceiling before nodding his head and breaking out into a smile. 

"Oh yeah. Nice to officially meet you neighbor!"

I snickered and he chuckled before offering his hand out to me. 

"My government name however is Lee Seunghoon in case you're curious," 

"Lee Kyungmi," I returned the handshake and he looked down at my camera bag and grinned. 

"Are you a photographer?"

"Not professionally, God no," I frowned. 

Seunghoon laughed and when the elevator dinged for our stop, the doors opened and we both walked out side by side. 

"I'm pretty sure you just sold yourself short," 

"No trust me, I'm nowhere near professional yet," I shook my head. 

Seunghoon adjusted the straps of his bag on his shoulder and when we stepped outside the building he looked both ways before nodding towards his direction. 

"Sure you're not, Kyungmi," he chuckled and I would never admit it but I really REALLY liked the way he said my name. 

"I'll have to see for myself sometime," he said and waved good bye as he started off in the other direction and I waved back weakly. 


Lee Seunghoon I smiled to myself. Nice to officially meet you too. 


Sooooo did you guys enjoy this update? I hope you did, I was in a little bit of a writers block earlier but I'm not anymore so they finally meet! Did you like how I introduced them? And please tell me you guys have seen all the teasers. He looks beautiful!! But anyways, read, subscribe, comment and upvote. Love you guys! 

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy