
Apt. 34A


2 hours later...

"Mama, mama," Jisum said as he ran towards Soo Yun and clutched her shirt with his little hands. 


"Jisum is really hungry. Can Jisum have something to eat?" He looked up at her and blinked his big brown eyes. 

She the top of his head and raised her eyebrow as he swayed from side to side. 

"Really, well what do you feel like eating?" 

Jisum frowned and looked down at his mom's lap, thinking for what could have been five seconds before looking up with a smile on his face. 

"I want chicken nuggets!" He smiled. 

"Chicken nuggets?" Soo Yun thought to herself before looking down at him. "Didn't you have chicken nuggets last night with hal-abeoji?" 

"No," he giggled cutely and shook his head. 

"I'm pretty sure you did, in fact I think I still see some on your cheeks..." She trailed off while playfully inspecting his face and squeezing his cheeks. 

"I didn't I didn't!" He giggled and squealed when Soo Yun began tickling his sides and pulling him closer. 

"Are you sure?" 

"I'm sure mama!" He laughed loudly and once he managed to twist out of her grip with a huge smile on his face, Soo Yun sighed and nodded. 

"Okay fine, we'll go get chicken nuggets," 

Jisum cheered and jumped up and down in place before Soo Yun turned to look towards me with an apologetic expression. 

"You wouldn't mind getting some chicken nuggets with us would you? It could give us more time to talk." 

"No I don't mind at all, I'm actually starving anyway," I chuckled. 

"Okay great! There's a Mcdonalds just down the street from here anyway." 


 "How did your parents take all of this?" I asked her.

"They didn't take it well at all. I think mostly because they didn't expect it from me you know? I was always the good child and they would have never thought I would do something like this. But I did," she shrugged. 

"My appa and umma were very embarrassed and they wanted me to get rid of Jisum, but I couldn't even fathom doing that," 

"So you just left?" I said. 

"Well I didn't really have a choice, either I was to get rid of Jisum or I would have to leave. Obviously ISo that's what lead us about a block down from the playground, sitting in one of the booths near the window as Jisum ate all by himself and quietly, without even saying a word. He was on his third chicken nugget and swinging his legs under the table while humming to himself. 

Every now and then he would get ketchup all over his cheeks and Soo Yun would wipe it off while pinching his nose and calling him a messy boy. Really though, they were just about the cutest thing I had ever seen. 

"So what did your parents think about you being pregnant and all?" I asked her after taking a sip of my orange juice. 

Soo Yun wiped with the napkin and left," she leaned over to pat down the top of his head but he didn't pay attention, too busy messing with the action figure. 

"I was eighteen, I was in my last year of high school and I didn't have anyone. Except for Jisum's dad, Nathan. So when I had told him everything that happened with my parents, his own decided I should live with him," 

"Oh wow, that's really nice of them to do that for you," I said partially in shock. 

"Yeah I know," Soo Yun chuckled. "But they told me I had to finish school first and then I would worry about university later. But they've been nothing but helpful throughout these last three years. More than my very own parents my entire life," she sighed. 

I nodded slowly, taking all this information in before I wrung my fingers and looked back up. 

"Weren't you and Nathan like the slightest bit overwhelmed though? I mean you both were in high school and this is a huge responsibility," 

Soo Yun made a face and took a sip of her drink before nodding. "Well yeah of course we were overwhelmed but when I didn't have my parents it was always him I leaned on to. Nathan has always been there for me even before we've been together. He apologizes for putting me through this situation countless times but I didn't get pregnant out of nowhere. This is a two person effort so it's just as much my fault as it is his," she said. 

"Aish, you're only a year older than me and you're talking so mature," I grumbled. 

She giggled and covered with her hands, her eyes forming into crescents that made her look much younger, like a teenager again. 

"Well you kind of have to grow up fast with another little person depending on you," 

"True true," I nodded. 

"That's enough about me though," she pouted. "Tell me about yourself," 

I scratched the back of my neck and shrugged. "Alright, I grew up in Gangnam-gu with my appa and umma and a maid, named Seyoon," 

"Omo, you had a maid?!" 

"Yep." I nodded. "We had a maid but she was always more of a mom to me than my own was so whatever. But anyways, it was just how things were and my family was obsessed with reputation. Umma had friends who had kids that were going to big universities and studying medicine, law and engineering so she expected me to do that," 

"But you didn't want to?" 

"Not at all. I wanted to be a photographer, I had already made all the necessary preparations to be prepared and my family did not like that at all," 

"So they must have kicked you out too then?" 

"Ne, after I had told them that I didn't want to go to America and study, but do photography they completely blew up," 

I decided to leave the part out about my dad slapping me because that was still something I wasn't entirely comfortable with and figured Soo Yun didn't need to know about it either. 

"And that's how I currently live on my own in an apartment complex downtown," 

"Aish, stupid stupid parents," she grumbled. 

"Tell me about it," I laughed. 

Jisum had finished his food by now and was wiping his fingers and mouth off with one of the nearby napkins before smiling up at his mom. 

"I'm finished!" 

"I can see that, are you happy now?" 

He nodded his head quickly and grabbed the action figure off the table to hold close to his chest. 

"Can we go home so I can show appa my toy now?" 

"In a little bit, I still want to talk to Kyungmi okay?" 

Jisum blinked twice and turned to face towards me as I shot him a small smile and he scooted over in the booth to poke my arm. 


"Are you going to meet my Appa too?" 

"I don't really know," I said honestly. 

"You should, Appa is a really nice person and he always plays toys with me," he smiled with his chubby cheeks. 

"Okay then, I'll keep that in mind." I nodded. 

Soo Yun chuckled and pulled Jisum back to her side while telling him not to ask so many questions. 

"Sorry about him," she said sheepishly. 

"It's no problem, so how would this whole thing work out if I did end up babysitting him and all?" 

"Well," she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I usually take night classes so by the time he's sleep, Nathan and I are already gone. His grandparents have no problem watching him but I realize they might need time to themselves too and I don't want to burden them so much," 

"I see what you're saying. I could take morning classes so that way our schedules wouldn't conflict and while I'm at class you have him and when you're at class, I can watch him," I suggested. 

"That's perfect," she smiled relieved. 

"I can give you some more information later on as well but I probably do need to be getting back home." She looked down at her watch. 

"Oh that's cool! We should exchange numbers then," 

Soo Yun nodded and we each took a napkin and wrote down our numbers on the material before sliding it across to each other. I folded mine up and put it in my pocket while Soo Yun got out the booth and lifted Jisum onto her hip. 

"It was really nice meeting you!" 

"Same here!" I grinned. 

"Say bye Jisum-ah," Soo Yun instructed the boy who looked up curiously. 

When I waved at him, he broke into a wide smile and waved his hand with the toy in it. "Bye! See you later!" 

I chuckled and soon they were out the door and walking down the sidewalk while he wrapped his arms around her neck and she kissed his head. 

I decided that I should probably leave too considering I didn't have anything to do here, and gathered up all the trash before throwing it away and pulling my phone out. 

Because I hadn't been checking my phone, there were five missed calls and ten text messages, all from my uncle Minho, Seunghoon and Taehyun, who I didn't know why he needed to call me but then figured Seunghoon probably made him. 

I sent a quick text to my uncle asking what he wanted then called Seunghoon as I left the restaurant and headed down to the bus stop. 

"Yeoboseyo?" He picked up after the third ring. 

"Hey it's me Kyungmi, what did you want?" 

"Oh hey! I just wanted to see how you were doing and let you know about the trip to Sokcho. Why weren't you picking up?" And I could only roll my eyes as I heard the pout on his lips. 

"I was busy looking for a job, which I found by the way," 

"Jinja, you did?!" 

"Yep," I smiled while getting in line behind the people waiting to board the bus. 

"Her name is Soo Yun and she's actually looking for help, well she offered me the job when I was in the park today. She has a son that's only three years old and he's probably the cutest little I've ever seen, like seriously," 

After punching in my card and moving to the back to grab a seat at the window, I sat down and moved the phone to my other ear. 

"That's great! I'm happy you got the job,"

"Thanks," I chuckled. "So what did you want to tell me about Sokcho?" 

"Well, as you know all of us are going and they're each bringing their own friends but are you familiar with Team B? They were the group we were competing against before our debut?" 

"I guess the name sounds familiar," I shrugged. 

"Well they're coming too so it's going to be a lot of people, but there's a huge house that CEO Yang rented out for us to enjoy while we're there. We're gonna leave this Saturday and then spend five days there so we'll be gone Thursday," 

"Okay, I'll pack a lot then," 

"Not too much though," he laughed. 

"I'll try not to," I muttered. 

The bus rumbled down the street before taking a turn onto the highway where we continued through the light traffic. 

"You sure you still want to go though? There's gonna be quite a lot of people," 

"Yeah I think it'll be fun actually," 

"Alright great! I need to get back to practice but I'll probably call you later or swing by the apartment," 

"Okay, see ya then loser," 

"Bye yeobo~" he sang and before I could tell him off the line went dead and all I could do was roll my eyes before putting my phone away. 

"He needs to stop calling me yeobo," I mumbled to myself. 


Later on at the apartment...

I pulled my biggest suitcase that I had down from the closet shelf then went to my wardrobe and pulled open the double doors before looking up at my clothes. 

"What to decide..." I trailed off. 

Well we would be staying at the beach so a swim suit definitely, and it was bound to be hot so I would need some shorts and light tops. I nodded to myself and began going through the racks while pulling down different outfits. 

This was going to take some time...

Hey guys did you enjoy this update?? I didn't make you wait to long arasso? I wanted to get some conversation flowing with Kyungmi and Soo Yun so they could get to know each other a little bit. Sorry if it was boring LOLOL. But things will definitely pick up in the beach scene when they leave. And winner debuts this friday!!! I can't wait I have this all planned out and did you guys like how I included Team B?? Honestly I've always been a wayyy bigger fan of Team B and bobby he's just like sooo mmm goodness hahahaha. Also did you guys head bts is having their comeback on August 20th?!?!?!? I can't wait! Sorry for the long rant but I had a lot to say and V, Suga and Jin ^_^ arghh but until next time read, comment, upvote and subscribe. Love you guys! 


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy