Bare Contact

Apt. 34A



1:03 am 

"I close the door...and you know come in," he blushed and looked down at his feet again before catching my eyes. 

I swallowed loudly and actually backed up a little bit while twirling my thumbs absentmindely. "Um I don't know...I think, I t-think Kim wanted me to like see something," 

Seunghoon raised his eyebrow at me in what could only be in a judging manner before shifting his weight over on the other leg, which really wasn't doing me any favors because it only highlighted his strong calf muscles and thighs. 

"Oh really?" 

I nodded quickly afraid to say anything but while walking backward I must have miscalculated the distance because in trying to reach for the doorknob, I slipped on a shoe that was on the floor and yelped when I fell back and collided with the door. 

"Oh my god. Are you okay?!" He laughed and rushed over to my side while I threw my arms over my head and scowled, trying to rub the burning sensation away. 

He crouched down in front of me, moving my hands away to inspect the top of my head and I winced when he pressed down particularly hard on a certain spot. 

"Ah mianhae, you should really watch what you're doing," he said and looked down at me while I rolled my eyes. 

"This is your fault, if you hadn't been trying to corner me, none of this would have ever happened," 

"Corner you?" He laughed. 

"Yes corner me, with all of this." I motioned with my hands to his lack of clothing and way too much skin. 


"No," I dead panned. "The guys are gonna come back up here and everyone is gonna be in their rooms and if me and you are in here everyone will think something is up," 

"Is that seriously what you think?" He raised his eyebrow. "You do know that not only are the guys going to not come back here but they have their own girlfriends and whatnot. Why sleep alone when you can sleep with them?" 

"I'm not sleeping with you," 

"I dont even want to sleep with you," he grinned, 

"Well gee thanks doesn't every girl want to hear her boyfriend tell her that," I muttered. 

Seunghoon laughed loudly and grabbed me by my hands to help me up to my feet and lookied down at me while raising his eyebrow. 


"Yes or no?" He smiled.

"No," I rolled my eyes. 

"Kyungmi," he whined. 

"I don't-" 

He leaned down and kissed me gently on the mouth as I made a surprised sound in the back of my throat and my hands flew up to grip his arms while his hands settled on my hips. When I didn't respond back, he frowned and pressed his lips against mine harder until I kissed back and he grinned. 

After a few more seconds he pulled back, only enough to see my eyes then kissed me again on both sides of my cheek. 

"Please?" He murmured. 

"I'm not ready to have , y-yet. Not for awhile and we just got together Hoon," I swallowed thickly. 

"I don't want to have yet either," he shook his head. "I just want to be with you right now without anyone else," 

When I looked back up at him his gaze was soft and relaxed, his eyes searching mine but hesitant at the same time, afraid of me rejecting him again. I mean it's not like we were gonna do anything, he wasn't forcing me to do anything. It was just a boy and a girl, two people trying to spend time with one another. 

Everyone was already passed out anyway, no one would be up here and like he said, they had their own girlfriends as well. 

There would be no harm this once. 

"Fine," I sighed. 

Seunghoon broke into a smile so wide, it made my stomach clench and I thought I was literally seeing stars in his eyes as he bent down to hook his arms around my legs and proceed to haul me over his shoulder like a bag of rice. 

"Seunghoon!" I shrieked. 

He laughed loudly and spun around on the balls of his feet while carrying me over to the bed and once he reached the bed post, tossed me down onto the soft blankets and pillows while I bounced from the impact and rolled over on my stomach to hide my face away. 

"You're too much," I grumbled out. 

"Turn around," he chuckled and hopped onto the bed when I felt the matress dip to the other side and a warm body press against mine. 

I shook my head in the pillow and he laughed again before sliding his arm over off my waist and with his left hand, moved some of my hair to the side until he could see part of my face. 


"Why are you being so needy, I'm sure this is enough," I muttered. 

"I'm not being needy," he said and pinched me hard against my side while I yelped and flinched back. 

"Ow, punk!" 

When I lifted myself up and raised my fist to hit him back, he grabbed both of my wrists and flipped us over so I was pinned with my back against the bed and his weight resting on top of me.

"I saw that one coming from a mile away, you gotta be more creative than that," he smirked. 

"Shut up," I frowned. 

"Make me," 

"You really wanna go there?" I raised my eyebrow. 

He raised his eyebrow back at me in a mocking way and I shook my head before shoving hard against him and causing us to flip back over so I was straddling his hips and slapped his chest. 

"Don't mess with me," I warned. 

"Or what?" He laughed, his eyes crinkling at the edges and settling his head more comfortably on the pillow underneath him. 

"What are you gonna do?" 

I rolled my eyes and settled my hands firmly on his chest before leaning down to press my lips softly against his. He made a surprised sound in the back of his throat but didn't object to it as his lips curled against mine and I felt a smile against my own. 

"Nice," he murmured in between. "Unexpected but nice," 

"Stop talking," I giggled and ran my hands up the side of his neck while his took their place on the small of my back. 

He grunted and shifted up slowly so he wasn't completely flat on his back and pulled me closer by the back of my thighs until our chests were almost brushing. 

I carded my right hand through the soft strands of hair and sighed into his mouth the more he pressed in until he was nibbling on my bottom lip and I was having a hard time concentrating. When I felt something slick push against my bottom lip, I hesitated for a moment and didn't do anything until he rubbed a hand soothingly on my hip. 




That was really the only way I could describe it. 

His tongue slipped in and my mind whited out. 

I didn't know whether to bite down or let him just take control, when I kissed back his tongue moved against mine until we were battling against each other with mine fumbling around messily. I bit down on his lip just for extra measure and he moaned slightly while wrapping both arms around my waist. 

I pulled back after a second, pressing two firm kisses to his lips before leaning back and his tongue slipping from my mouth. His pupils were blown wide open, lips swollen and red where I bit but slicked with moisture as there was some drool slightly on his chin. 

I could only imagined that I looked the same if not worse and I blushed heavily while he smiled widely, eyes crinkling and leaned forward to kiss my nose quickly. 

"Thank you," 

"For what?" I said quietly. 

He put a finger under my chin and lifted my face up so we were eye to eye and then placed his thumb on the side of my cheek to run it across my skin softly. 

"For being here, in this room with me in general I guess. For kissing me again," he smirked. 

"You're too much," I shook my head. 

He laughed and ran his hand down the side of my arm until he caught the back of my elbow and pulled me forward to lace my arms around his neck. 

Our breaths mingled between each other, his skin soft everywhere that I could touch. His chest, back, shoulders and arms. When he closed his eyes and nuzzled his nose against mine, I took a deep breath and gently removed my hands from around him to hold his face back. 

"Can I show you something?" 

He was confused for a moment, his eyebrows raising as he looked at me only to give a silent nod but when I pursed my lips and moved my hands to grab the ends of my shirt, he quickly shook his head and immediatly took a hold of my wrists. 

"What are you doing?!" He panicked. 

"I just want to be comfortable with you, like you are with me." 

"You-you don't have to do that really. Like I said just you being here is more than enough," 

"But I wan-"

"No, you don't have to take off your clothes of your shirt when you're with me, you'll never have to if that's what you want," he interrupted me. 

"But that's not what I want," I said and placed a finger against his lips to keep him from talking. "I'm comfortable with you right now and this is something I want to do. I trust you and you can trust me okay?" 

He didn't say anything but he didn't really need to since his eyes spoke volumes on their own. They were uncertain and worried. His eyebrows scrunched up together and I gave him a small smile in reassurance before pulling the shirt over my head. 

I honestly don't really know what was propelling me to be so bold, I don't know why I was willing to take my shirt off in front of him, there wasn't a basis. There wasn't a reason. I just felt like I wanted to. 

He didn't have a problem baring his body in front of me so why would I?

When I tossed the piece of material to the other side of the bed, his eyes were clamped shut tight and I could tell he was holding his breath because the stillness of his chest. His tongue swiped over chapped lips and as I laid my hands against the sides of his face, he only shook his head. 


"No," he whispered out.

"Look at me, please because I'm fine, we're both fine and I'm not doing this to please you or impress you or force you. I'm doing it because I want to." 

"Don't make me-" 

I grabbed both of his hands and pressed them against my abdomen, skin to skin, flesh to flesh, cold to warm and watched as his muscles contracted. 

When I kissed his cheek, Seunghoon's eyes fluttered behind his eyelids and when I pulled his hand further around me until he could trace the curve of my spine, he let out a deep breath. 

"You-you k-kept your bra on," he whispered and blushed when he realized he was stuttering. 

"Yes I kept it on," I nodded my head. 

His eyes were shrouded low, barely looking but at the same time taking everything in. When he moved his fingers across along the pebbles of my spine, his lips parted and when they came into contact with the back of my bra, he brought them forward. 

His hands were soft but intense, touching every area of skin like I was going to melt away like a candle along the path of an aisle. His skin was the same color as mines, just paler but where his ended, mine began. The pads of his fingers glided across the surface and felt all my ridges, all my dips and flaws until I was having a hard time concentrating let alone trying to keep up. 

When he traced the outline of my just over the top of my bra, he leaned forward and gently placed a firm kiss where my heart was. 

"Here is where I'll stay," he murmured. 


The room was bathed in glowing hues of yellow and beige, the night sky filling the windows of empty black voids that were sheathed in outlines of fog from the wind. A fan swirled over our heads but we didn't bask in the coolness but rather the heat our bodies shared. 


Heyyyyyyyy my beautiful and wonderfully awesome amazing subscribers. I am so so sorry this took so long, I am really trying to make up for it but college is a lot of work. Did you guys enjoy this update?? I hope you did , for the little erted people out there hahaha no I kid but they DID NOT have . But anyways do you guys like the way I'm progressing this story? Or no? And 54 subscribers and over 1620 views?! You guys are amazing! So read, comment, vote and subscribe! I love to hear from you guys!

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy