No One Has To Know

Apt. 34A



Monday morning 





I pulled my phone out of the pocket of my coat while our manager drove us to the radio station where we would be conducting an interview and answering the fan's questions. Kyungmi's name flashed across the screen and I bit back a smile before unlocking it and swiping up to answer her.

"Hey beautiful,"

I heard her scoff in the background and I chuckled while Mino sent me a side glance and raised his eyebrow.

"I was um...just calling to tell you that I have class this morning, so if I don't respond back to your calls or anything, then I'm probably busy,"

"How come you didn't want me to drop you off myself?" 

"Because for one you have a schedule today and two I'm perfectly fine getting there by myself,"

"I still would have took you," I mummbled. 

"I know," she laughed. "You can come pick me up if you want and you're not busy," 

"Want me to bring some food too? I can get Chinese,"

"And eggrolls?" 

I laughed and nodded my head. "Yes and eggrolls,"

There was shuffling before the sound of people talking could be heard. "Alright, sounds like a date but I have to go now, class will be starting soon,"

"Have a good day, study hard,"

"Whatever, have fun at your interview and don't stutter too much,"

"That was one time!"

"Sure it was, I'll hang up first," Kyungmi laughed again before the line went dead. 



At Sukira Kiss the Radio

Ryeowook sunbaenim greeted us with a wide smile while ushering us into the room and we bowed respectfully before taking a seat around the table. I grabbed the headphones off the stand and twirled them in my hand while looking around and smiled when Mino snapped a quick selca with him. 

"You guys are so cute," he smiled and clapped his hands before walking around to his own chair. 

Taehyun sat opposite of me and puffed out his cheeks when Jinwoo sat down beside him along with Seungyoon and Mino.

"Sunbaenim," he started. "We're handsome, not cute,"

"Of course, same thing," he waved his hand in the air.

I shook my head with a laugh and watched as he messed with some of the dials and buttons on the control panel before putting his own headphones on. 


Five times. I had tried five different pin numbers and so far nothing was working. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair before putting it down on my thigh and looking up into the mirror. I stared back at my reflection, frowning at myself and how stupid this was. How could I not know his code? I had seen him so many times put it in on his own and now I couldn't even think of where to begin.

I exhaled loudly and threw my head back staring up at the white cieling for a long second until it suddenly clicked in my head. 

His girlfriend. 

I grabbed the phone again off of my thigh and quickly swiped the screen over before typing her name in...and nothing. The screen flashed that it was incorrect again and I frowned when a message popped up saying that the phone would lock for a full two minutes. 

Great just great. 

I spun around in the chair so that I was now facing the rack of clothes that were lined along the wall, displaying the different articles of clothing for each member. There were makeup bags and backpacks lined along the walls with trays and boxes of food stacked up in a pile to be thrown away. All the other staff members had stepped out so I was left alone in the room wallowing in my own misery. 

When I closed my eyes, the events of two days ago flashed through my mind again and I swallowed loudly, unable to get it out of my head, not any of it. His skin, his body, the look on his face when he first saw me. I my lips unconciously and clenched my right hand in the armrest of the chair before taking a deep breath.

I closed the door to the manager's room behind me with a sigh and shuffled down the hall to my own room for the night. Tomorrow and the next few days were going to be busy with the upcoming activities the members were having and I had yet to pick out the wardrobe for a few of them. Running a hand through my hair, I looked down at the floor but didn't hear anyone heading my way until I felt a large body knock straight into me, hard.

"Oh !"

"Sorry," he groaned and winced as he stepped back against the door. After a second, he pushed himself up and had his fingers wrapped around my arms to hold me at arms length.

I frowned because of how hard he had smacked into me but when I looked up to see who it was exactly and give him a piece of my mind, my breath got caught in my throat and for a second I thought I had stopped breathing because I could feel the heat crawling up my neck and face.

It was Seunghoon. Seunghoon was holding me, he was looking at me but most importantly HE WAS HOLDING ME!

His facial expression contorted into confusion; probably because I was just openly staring at him like a fish out of water with my mouth open slightly so I thought of the first thing to save myself before he said anything.

"Watch where you're going much?" I arched an eyebrow at him. My voice ws slightly off but he didn't notice it as he blushed and looked down.

"Again mianhae," he said embarrassingly.

When he looked down, I followed his eyesight and if my face wasn't already red it was probably on fire now. He was only in a bathrobe that he must have tied on in a hurry considering the way it hung off his frame and I could see droplets of water on his exposed chest. I don't know how wide my eyes were but he quickly let go of my arms to pull the robe tight around himself when I looked back up and cleared my throat.

"Where a-are you even going in a rush?" I stuttered and tucked a strand of hair behind my left ear only to look away nervously when his eyes caught mine again.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. How could you stutter?!

"To see Jinwoo, I forgot I gave him my headphones and I need them,"

I nodded and coughed quietly before shuffling out of the way and pushed him gently from the door. "Well go then and just watch where you're going next time,"

He didn't even look back at me when he walked off but I couldn't help but stare at his back, just stare at him in general because I could still feel my skin tingling. I could hear the rush of blood in my ears and the pain in my stomach from the contact that we made. When I saw him disappear into the other room after two knocks, I closed my eyes and tried to remember how warm his fingers were on me. How smooth his voice was when he spoke and his eyes that I couldn't help but yearn for to look at me longer.


I snapped out of it when I heard people talking loudly on the other side of the door and remembered where I was at exactly.

"Silly," I chuckled to myself and spun back around to face the mirror with the phone still on my thigh.

When I picked it back up and slid the screen aside, I stared at the passcode lock with my lip between my teeth thinking what could possibly be the password.

Come on, think just think!

I thought of his birthday, of all the members birthdays, CEO Yang, maybe the year he was born or his hometown. I tried to think if he had any favorite numbers that I could have overheard but everything just seemed generic or cliche. All the important dates coming to mind didn't seem to fit and I thought hard about maybe there was something I was missing until it finally clicked.

Their debut.

It had to be Winner's debut.

Quickly I typed in the date along with her name and low and behold the phone opened. I smiled in relief, fanning my face from the excitement and scrolled through the many different apps, went through his messages, opened up his SNS account and Twitter that he hadn't logged out from.

When I clicked on his Gallery icon, I was able to see all the pictures on his phone and smiled at all the different selcas he had of himself, the group, the other YG sunbaes and the fans whenever they were on a schedule. The further I went down though, the more images I started to see of her, his girlfriend. She was pretty, there was no doubt about it and clear to see how he could fall for her.

Her hair was very long and a dark black color that framed her face nicely. Her skin was a little bit lighter than his and she was tall, easily just reaching his ear in some shots of the two. A lot of the pictures were taken of them either together or her caught off guard and not paying attention.

I giggled when I saw one of himself taken when he was asleep, half of his face buried in the pillow and the sun barely peeking up behind him through the window. His hair was still mused and he wasn't wearing a shirt since his collarbones were easy to spot and the edge of his shoulder where the blanket wasn't covering.

As quickly as it had brought a smile to my face though, it fell thinking of that Kyungmi had probably taken it and if that was the case were they already sleeping together? Not in the sense of sharing a bed which was obvious but having ? I immediately blushed, almost dropping the phone to the floor and shook my head to get those thoughts away.

No, no, no he couldn't have been. I decided to keep going through his pictures but the more I saw, the more she kept popping up until it was one after another.

In his contacts, he had everyone down by a nickname and Kyungmi was under My Love followed by two hearts. I rolled my eyes and went further down until I found where you could insert a new contact.

Quickly, I typed my number in and beside it put down The Cute Stylist. I chuckled and went on to send myself the pictures of Seunghoon's and the one of him sleeping on the bed before closing it and leaving his contacts. Satisfied with my work, I opened his camera and snapped a selca of myself with a peace sign and a smile and set that as my picture in his phone, hopefully he would remember and it would jog his memory.

"Yah is anyone in there?!" Someone shouted knocking loudly on the door while other voices continued in the hallway.

I jumped in the chair, spinning around to have the phone fall from my hands onto the floor just as the doorknob rattled and someone was pushing it open.

"Omo," he said surprised when he caught me sitting down. "What are you doing in here?"

"I was just- I.."

"Forget it," he waved his hand quickly. "They're about to go take a break and we should fetch them some food, come on,"

"M-Mianhae," I nodded and got of the chair quickly not forgetting to grab the phone off the floor and follow their manager out the door.


Heyyyyyy guys! Sorry this took so long, I had this written out and everything wayyy before but my microsoft doc didn't save it and so I lost it and it took me awhile to come back and write it all. But you guys like it right? Seriously this stylist is becoming creepy obsessed. But she still has his phone...uh oh. And did you guys have a good Christmas by the way? I hope you did and have a good New Year! This note is pretty short since I'm pretty busy but I don't want to go back to school. -__________-

Anyways wait for me and I will come back with an even greater chapter. Read, comment, subscribe and upvote. I love you guys so much!

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy