
Apt. 34A



"Hey right hook, you're smiling today,"

I looked up from packing my things inside my backpack and froze as Sihoo's eyes stared back at me. He was chewing on one of his fingernails and adjusted the cap on the top of his head before nodding his head at me.

"You still can't talk or what?"

I my teeth and with a roll of my eyes, lifted my backpack up and put it on my shoulder before grabbing my camera bag. "You can still breathe out of your nose?"

I followed a group of students as they were filing out of the room and I didn't expect Sihoo to still be following me, so I tried my best to ignore him as he kept up stride with me. After I thought I had broke his nose, he showed up a few days later with a bandage around it and avoided any contact with him. Now, it seemed like that had all wore off.

Honestly, I don't even know why he even wanted to talk to me.

"Can you help me with our upcoming project?" he spoke up.

I stopped walking as I made it to the top of the stairs and moved out of the way for other people to go through, while looking at him in disbelief. "You're kidding right?"

"No, I'm not" he shook his head. "I'm having some difficulties understanding what we're supposed to do so I need your help,"

I could tell my face was screwed up in a weird expression because he just kept staring at me and I scoffed before laughing. "Something is seriously wrong with you. I'm not going to help you Sihoo,"

I turned the other way to make it down the stairs and I thought that Sihoo had maybe decided to leave it alone but I heard footsteps rush behind me and he grabbed the top of my arm harshly, effectively pulling me back.


I looked down at his hand and then back up at him with a hard look before pursing my lips. "Let me go Sihoo,"

He stared at me for a long second before releasing my arm and I shook my head before continuing on my way. I rubbed my skin with my other hand as I continued down the stairs, and only looked back to see him still staring after me.

"ing creep," I whispered under my breath,

I continued down the hall, trying to blend myself into the crowd in hopes that he wouldn't come looking after me.


Later That Day

2:25 AM

"Is it too hot?" I smiled while holding the tteokbokki up to Seunghoon's lips.

He pulled the mask down from his mouth and squeezed his eyes closed while biting off a piece and swallowing it in one go. He fanned his mouth while he chewed and I threw my head back laughing, slapping his chest before eating the last of it.

"You said that you liked spicy food though,"

"I do, I do," he mummbled. "it's just that this seems spicier than usual,"

I raised my eyebrow at him and he looked back at me with the same expression before we both smiled and he leaned down to take my hand. "Let's go see what else is around,"

The market was crowded with a slew of other people walking up and down the streets. The smell of food carried throughout the air and wafted steam through the vendors and carts of other food stalls that were parked along the curbs. Pojangmachas were filled with people sitting down at tables laughing over drinks, bowls of kimbap and hotteok or lines waiting for a tornado potatoe.

Music could be heard playing from speakers and open windows of apartments overhead but it was occassionally drowned out by the sizzling of food and smacking of pans and cooking utensils. The smell coated my face, leaving a warm trace that made my cheeks red and my mouth salivate with everything that I could see around me.

We stopped at another stall where a young woman was selling kimchi fries and Seunghoon reached for his wallet in his pocket, letting my hand go to buy one and pass the bills over to the worker. "You sure you can handle this?" I chuckled.

Seunghoon stuck his tongue out at me and lifted two fries up to my mouth to feed me while I smiled and rubbed my stomach in satisfaction. "Let's go sit down somewhere,"

He nodded and we weaved through groups of people and past giggling high schoolers and other couples to find an empty spot in front of a restaurant that was closed for the day. As we sat down, he pulled his mask down to his chin and turned his cap backwards, which let me know that he was more comfortable now that he was sure no one was going to notice him. Our knees knocked against each other underneath the table and he playfully grabbed my thigh to pull me in closer but I slapped his hand away and instead reached for a fry.

"Stop trying to be a and eat,"

"Your ," he smiled.

I gave him a disgusted look and he snorted before sitting forward in his chair and quickly kissing me on the nose. When he pulled back, he had a really weird smile on his face like he was trying not to laugh and I wrinkled my nose in a frown before I was able to look down and see sauce smeared on it.


"I'm sorry," he giggled. "Here, here, here, let me get it," he tried to reach for some napkins in the make shift can that was used as a holder, but I wiped it off with my own finger and it away.

"You're so gross I swear,"

"Says the one who just it off with her tongue," he chuckled.

I moved my hair over my shoulder and leaned back in the chair while crossing my arms. "I'll leave first arasso?"

I made a move to get out of my chair but Seunghoon leaned forward to grab the top of my arms and push me back down into my seat. "Yah okay okay, sorry,"

He stuck his lips out in a pout towards me and I tried to hold back my smile but I couldn't help but laugh at him as he rolled his eyes and took one of the balled up napkins and threw it at me.

"I really don't like you, you know that?"

"Just a few minutes ago you were kissing me though" I smiled.

He rolled his eyes and I grinned before grabbing another fry and popping it inside my mouth. "Love you Seunghoon~" I sang.

Seunghoon pulled a face at me and didn't let up until I kicked him underneath the table and he flipped me off as I threw my head back laughing and reached forward for his hands to kiss his knuckles.



"You don't think I look awkward?" he nudged me gently.

I lifted my head from the spot on his shoulder and looked down at his phone as he replayed the segment of Half Moon Friends. Some of the kids were still running around as the other members were trying to get them to calm down and I laughed to myself before shaking my head.

"Nah...you look a little nervous," I pointed to his face. "But not awkward, it got better afterwards,"

Seunghoon tilted his head to the side as he continued to watch himself and I studied his expression, the way his eyebrows furrowed and his lip sort of twitched like he wanted to say something and I smiled before leaning up and kissing his cheek.

"Don't hurt yourself now,"

"I'm not," he scoffed. "I just think I look kind of weird in some of these shots,"

"You look fine to me and besides those kids don't seem to care,"

He was quiet for a moment and then nodded his head with a chuckle. "Yeah you're right,"

The quiet humming of the buses behind us filled in the silence along with the various people that walked back and forth and conversed with others on their phones. I could feel my eyes getting heavier the longer I sat here and I clutched Seunghoon's arm tightly between my fingers as he scooted closer. The video he was watching sounded in my ear and just as I felt myself slipping away, he leaned down to flick my bottom lip.

"Stop~" I swatted him away.

"Let's go home if you're so sleepy," he laughed. "Not tired," I closed my eyes with a shake of my head.

"Not tired but I could have sworn you were about to fall asleep on me,"

I my teeth and he laughed under his breath softly before putting his phone away in his pocket and moving me so he could stand up.  "Come on, you look like you're about to pass out anyway."

"I'm not going to pass--" a loud yawn interrupted me from finishing my sentence and I exhaled in defeat as Seunghoon raised his eyebrow at me and walked closer to grab my hands and help me up.

His arms naturally curled around my waist as he pushed me into his chest and I could smell the light scent of alcohol and cologne but it mixed together so well in a weird way that I just further settled my nose against his neck to breathe it in lightly.

"At least carry me like one of those dramas," I murmured.

"Kyungmi," he chuckled. "Does this look like a drama to you? You better walk,"


Two Days Later

Sihoo's POV

The front door slamming made me jolt awake from my nap as my cousin walked in dropping her bags to the floor and kicking her shoes off by the entrance with a huff.

She must not have noticed me at first because she was muttering to herself underneath her breath and when I lifted my hands up to stretch, she looked up in surprise, her hands flying to her chest for a moment.

"What the hell Sihoo?!"

"What do you mean, 'what the hell?', I was taking a nap," I yawned. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and grabbed one of the pillows next to me to hold it to my chest as she rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen.

"All you do is take a nap," she complained. I heard the fridge open as she started to rummage around the contents inside and I stood up from the couch to trail after her and lean against the wooden frame.

"I'm not always sleeping,"

"Most of the time," she mummbled.

She pulled out a cup of yogurt and grabbed a spoon from one of the drawers inside and popped the lid open before scooping some into and waving the spoon at me. "Why are you even home so early? I thought you had like a project to work on or something,"

"I did," I groaned. "I was trying to get this girl to work with me but she refused to do so and now I don't know what to do,"

"Find another partner then idiot,"

I made a face at her and she smiled before walking out of the kitchen and making a seat in the living room on the couch. "Who is this girl anyway?"

"None of your business,"

I turned around the other way and shoved my hands into the front of my pocket while she eyed me up and down in a way that I could only describe as suspicious. For weeks I had let on slightly that there was someone that I was trying to get closer to and she took that as me confessing my feelings for someone...but it wasn't like that at all. I didn't like her, I just wanted to get to know her more. Unfortunately, as much as I tried to tell myself that, the more unlikely that seemed to be.

"If you like her, you like her. No big deal," she shrugged. She scooped another spoonful of yogurt into then patted the space beside her. "Sit, hurry come and sit,"


"Sit, come on!"


"Sihoo," she glared at me.

I tried to match her expression but my cousin took it to another level and it was slightly intimidating to be underneath her gaze, so I just rolled my eyes and sighed before making my way over to the couch. I sat down with a huff and she nudged my side in order to get me to talk.

"I just don't get how you can like someone who broke your nose,"

"She didn't break my nose!"

My cousin flinched at my tone and looked at me with a frown before hitting my with her spoon. "Yah! Don't get so worked up!"


She lifted her hand back up like she was going to hit me and I grabbed one of the pillows for defense until she shoved me again and put her cup of yogurt on the coffee table.

"Personally I think it's stupid if you ask me," she said after a minute of silence.

"But I didn't ask you," I peeked over the pillow. "So therefore your opinion is irrelevant,"

"You piece of s-"

"By the way, who are you to criticize me when you can't even talk to that one guy you like so much. Seungsoo- seungho, whatever his name is," I rolled my eyes. 

"How do you know that I haven't talked to him?"

"Because you literally said that when you get around him you get so nervous,"

"That doesn't mean I don't talk to him though, I've said a few things to him,"

"Yeah sure you have," I snorted. 

I casted a glance her way and she looked down at her lap with her bottom lip between her teeth, almost like she was nervous. 


Hey guys! Sorry for such a long time in between updates. I had a lot of between work and school and I was also lacking motivation. Sorry if the story is progressing slowly but I like the pace in order to build up to something. Until next time read, upvote, subscribe and comment. Love you guys!

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy