Helping Out

Apt. 34A



4:34 pm 


After our little chinese food 'date,' Seunghoon seemed to drop by my apartment a lot. Whether to ask what I was doing today, if we wanted to walk to the bus stop together, if I had luck finding a job yet and other stuff like that. And true like he had told me earlier, his uncle did own a shop in Itaewon but it was a candle store and he once brought over vanilla and cinnamon scented candles that he said I would enjoy. The scent was absolutely heaven and I had set it on the mantle in my bedroom the first night. 

All in all, I was really enjoying the friendship I had with Seunghoon, he was nice and caring. He wasn't afraid or ashamed to talk about what he believed in or what he thought was right. He was confident and still believed in his dreams, he was a crazy kid but truly beautiful in and out. 

"Hey wanna meet some of my friends, they're coming over tonight for pizza and stuff," he waved his hand in the air. 

"Your friends?" I raised my eyebrow. "I was starting not to think you had any because of how much you bother me," I snickered. 

Seunghoon frowned and I giggled before washing my hands in the sink and depositing the dishes to the side for later. He had came over earlier when I told him I had made some homemade kimchi and if he wanted any, it didn't take but five minutes before he was knocking at my door with a grin on his face and a messy sweatshirt. 

"Well contrary to popular belief woman, I do have friends. So you wanna come over?" He asked again and tapped his fingers to a beat on the granite counter. 

I shrugged and dried my hands on the dish towel and turned around to rest against the surface with my hands on my hips. 

"I guess, they're just like you right? No drug dealers, North Korean spies, escaped felons," I asked. 

Seunghoon broke into a fit of laughter and covered his mouth while laughing hard and I just frowned because I was being completely serious, it was important to know these things. 

"I promise Kyungmi," he gasped while wiping tears from his eyes. "They're none of those things, I swear. One of them still sleeps with a night light and a stuffed penguin," he shook his head. 

"Hey there's nothing wrong with stuffed animals," I frowned. 

Seunghoon raised an eyebrow at me and I flushed red before looking down. 

"Trying to tell me something Kyungmi?" 

"Yah no," I muttered and pouted when he started laughing again and didn't stop until he saw the look on my face. 

"Sorry sorry, but you promise you're coming over? I kind of already told them about you anyways." He shrugged. 

My head shot up and my eyes grew wide. "Jinja?! You did?!" 

"Yeah, just that you were new around here and you were pretty cool," he smiled at me. 

I blushed and shook my head before pushing myself up from the counter and walking over to the door. Seunghoon hopped off the stool and followed after me, grabbing his phone in the process. 

"Wait why are you kicking me out?" He frowned. 

I unlocked the door and held it open for him while rolling my eyes. "I'm not kicking you out and besides you live like right next door. I need to get dressed and whatnot so leave and call me when I need to come over," 

"Oh okay," he grinned and put his shoes on while I leaned against the doorframe and snorted. 

"Text me okay?" 

"Sure thing noona," 

I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed before flicking my cheek and walking off down the hall to his own room. After I closed the door, I took a deep breath and gathered myself. 

It was just his friends, why was I making such a big deal out of it. Wait friends?! How many people were going to be there exactly?! Aish! 

I frowned and scratched the top of my head before stalking off down to my room and when I got inside, I immediately went to my closet and started going through what I had. He said just meeting his friends and having pizza, so this wasn't going to be something to get all dressed up for. I grabbed a light green cardigan down and a white top along with a pair of shorts that I haven't wore in awhile. 

I dressed quickly, and ruffled out my hair before going to the bathroom and brushing my teeth. After I seemed that was sufficient enough, I sprayed on some light perfume and smiled to myself before checking my phone. 

Only 4:57

That's it?! 

I frowned and walked out of the bathroom, clearly I had to get better at managing my time well and slumped down in the middle of the living room on the rug. This , now I would have to wait god-knows-how long just for him to text me and I was completely bored out of mind. I blew my bangs off my forehead in frustration and was just about to throw myself face down on the carpet when my phone suddenly buzzed. 

I shot up faster than humanly possible and answered on the first ring breathless.



Oh, it was just uncle Minho.

The smile I had on, immediately slid off my face and I tried not to hide how upset I was but he seemed to catch on. 

"Hey uncle Minho," 

"What's wrong? Why do you sound disappointed?" 

Because I am 

"Ah nothing, I thought it was someone else that's all," I sighed and crossed my legs in front of me. 

"A boy?" I heard him smirk. 

My cheeks turned red and I sputtered before I heard a chuckle over the phone and frowned. 

"Uncle! It's not like that!" 

"Then what is it like exactly?" 

"He's just a friend, and he invited me over to have pizza with his other friends," I said. 

"I bet you wish he didn't invite his other friends," uncle Minho muttered, 

"Uncle! I'm seriously about to hang up on you!" 

The older man laughed and I heard some rustling like he must have been slapping his knee and I rolled my eyes. 

"What did you want anyway?" 

"I just-" he laughed then took a deep breath to regain himself. "I just wanted to check up on my favorite niece," 

"I'm your only niece," I bit out. 

"Yah you know what I mean. How are things going on?" 

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair before answering. 

"It's going fine, I just went out a few days ago and actually explored Seoul and it was really cool. I went to the N Seoul Tower, Itaewon and the Olympic Stadium. It was really nice and I took so many pictures. I need to go out again and explore some more though," 

"Yah why didn't you tell me you were going out? I could have took you to a bunch of places all around the city," 

"Sorry," I grinned. "But I actually liked going by myself it was good," 

"You're such a loner," he grumbled. 

I rolled my eyes and was just about to comment when all of my sudden my phone rang and I immediately pulled it down from my ear when I saw I had a text message from Seunghoon. 

"Yah uncle hold on!" I said quickly and fumbled with the screen while I tried to pull up my messages. 

"What do you--" I hung up on him though and read Seunghoon's message that was short and jumbled like he was nervous and hesitant to ask me

Hey, sorry can you come over and help me with some of the food???

I realized I don't want to just eat pizza and I'm a growing boy right? So want to come over???

only if you want! 

...but please say yes ^_^ 


I smiled at his text and quickly sent a reply that I would definitely come over and help him out. I blamed it on my ravenous appetite that I wanted to go over there so bad rather than my need to see him when he just left. 

That seemed reasonable enough. 

As I got up from my spot on the floor and grabbed my shoes, I quickly grabbed my keys and checked my phone again when I saw it was a text from my uncle. 

From: Seunghoon

Yah who do you think you are to hang up on me like that?!

I chuckled and slid my phone in my pocket, choosing to deal with him later and quickly left after locking the door and bounding over to my neighbors. I only buzzed once but that seemed to be enough because not a second later, the door was wrenched open and Seunghoon looked over me for a split second then flashed me a smile full of teeth. He was wearing a black and red checkered shirt over black jeans that hung low on his hips and a backwards SnapBack.

"Hey thanks for coming over! Come in," he said and quickly moved out of the way to open the door wider. 

"Ah it's no problem," I smiled and kicked my shoes off while walking further inside. 

His apartment was in the same setup as mines except his couch was pressed on the opposite wall and he had two recliners on either side and a flat screen tv that had a plethora of game consoles and video games stacked underneath. There was a coffee table that had a plate of crumbs on it and his kitchen smelt like he was about to burn something when I looked in and saw how messy it was. 

"Ew Seunghoon," I wrinkled my nose in distaste. 

He frowned and brushed past me as he ran over to the stove and fanned away the smoke that was floating up to the overhead vent. 

"I was just trying to make some kimbap using spam and it kind of flopped as you can see," he sighed. 

I walked over and stood beside him as I inspected the meat he was trying to cook flightly and shook my head. "Okay, why don't I take this over while you clean up this place because it's kind of a mess and you don't want your friends to see that," 

Seunghoon gave me a pointed look and almost barked out a laugh at me. "You haven't met my friends yet, if they were to see this they would be flattered," 

I wrinkled my nose again and Seunghoon laughed but did pick up the trash that was cluttered on the counter anyway. 

After that we fell into a routine and he did at least try to clean up as best as he could while I finished making the kimbap and even set it on fancy plates next to the hot pizza boxes. It was only almost half an hour later when the bell rung and I looked up startled while Seunghoon grinned and jogged over excitedly. 

I patted my hair down quickly and made sure my fly was zipped up on my shorts because there were plenty times when I had forgot, then I checked my breath and just folded my arms across my chest. The door was pulled open and I peeked over curiously as four other heads came into view and Seunghoon was letting them all in. 

"Hey guys, we have some other company too. My neighbor, her name is Kyungmi," he smiled and shut the door behind them. 

I lifted my hand and waved at them while they all shuffled over and shot me equally dazzling smiles but not as bright as Seunghoon's. 

"Kyungmi-iminda," I bowed. 

"Mino," one of the boys with his hair shaved on the sides pointed to himself. "This is Taehyun, Jinwoo and Seungyoon,

The three boys waved and bowed back as well before the one named Taehyun with the longer shoulder length hair ran over to me. He was dressed in a yellow polo sweater and dark khakis that fit him well. He smiled when I blushed despite having to look slightly down at him. 

"You're really pretty noona." He gushed. 

My jaw dropped open and the guys burst into a fit of giggles while Seunghoon frowned. "Yah! Get away from her with your grubby little hands!" 


An hour later

I sat next to Seunghoon on the couch as he was working on his fifth kimbap and the other guys were sipping soda while chatting over the pizza. They had warmed up pretty nice to me actually and I was grateful that I not only had Seunghoon but four new friends as well when they demanded that I put their numbers in my phone. 

Jinwoo wiped his mouth off on the napkin before his fingers and turning to face me. "Kyungmi can you please come over and cook food for us more often, that kimbap was delicious," he groaned and sagged against Mino. 

I laughed and shook my head before leaning forward. "It was an old recipe I used but I'm glad you liked it!" Taehyun came back from the kitchen and plopped down next to me with a smile on his face. 

"Jinwoo hyung is right, they're really delicious! We all know Seunghoon wouldn't have been able to pull that off. HE would have given us all food poisoning," Taehyun frowned. 

Seungyoon who had been silent, choked on his pizza and Mino laughed loudly while clapping his hands together. "Good one Taehyun!" 

"I wish I would have never invited you guys over," Seunghoon muttered. 



Sorry it took longer to update guys but I'm really busy with life now -_- and I have orientation tomorrow at university and I'm so excited! It's going to be a long two hour drive though so I'm not looking forward to it. Did you guys enjoy this update? I hope you did. Who's your favorite in winner? 

Read, comment, subscribe and upvote. Love you guys! 

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy