Not In My Head

Apt. 34A



"She's going to be okay though?"

The doctor nodded his head and adjusted the clipboard in his arms while pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. "She's going to be fine. She just needs to rest and she's very dehydrated. Once she get's enough fluids in her I wouldn't see why she couldn't go home,"

Minho nodded and took another glance at his niece before swallowing and looking back at the man. "One more question,"

"Yes sir?"

"I just need you to better explain to me how this happened to her,"

"Of course," he looked down at his clipboard. "Well it appears that she might have passed out and hit her head when she collapsed against the coffee table in her apartment. We tested her blood and their was no prescence of drugs or alcohol in her system but she was extremely dehydrated which leads me to believe that's what caused this,"

Minho looked down at his lap, his hands gripping onto his thighs before nodding and bowing his head politely to the doctor. 

"Thank you Dr,"

The man smiled and bowed back before leaving the room and letting the door fall close behind him. 

He twisted in the plastic chair and very gently grasped Kyungmi's hand in his own as he gently squeezed her cold fingers and scooted the chair closer. 

"You're gonna be okay," he whispered.


When I woke up, the first thing I smelt was antiseptic.

White walls stared back at me and a steady beeping sound echoed in my ears as I blinked a few times to let my eyes adjust. When I swallowed, I realized that I was properly breathing on my own and I wasn't in the exact place that I was earlier. 

My hands grabbed a hold of material beneath my fingers; soft cotton and I looked down at the white sheet that was spread over me in the hospital gown.

One of my hands had an IV in it, connected to a machine and a fluid drip on the other side. I tried to scoot myself  up on the bed but a stabbing pain in my abdomen area stopped me from moving as I winced. 

Upon the noise, my uncle jolted awake from where he was sitting in the plastic chair and immediately shot forward to grab my hand lightly as to not upset the IV. 

"Kyungmi," he said quietly. 

His face looked tired but worried as his eyebrows formed a crease in the middle of his head and his lips were slightly turned down in a frown. A jacket rested on the back of his chair and his hair was slightly ruffled; a stark contrast to his usual perfect cut. 

"Uncle," I rasped out. My throat was throbbing slightly but not painfully enough to keep me from talking. "Uncle what's going on? Why am I here?"

He let out a deep breath and closed his eyes in what looked like partial relief and unease. "I don't know exactly. The doctor said that you fell while you were at home and passed out," he sat back down in the chair but pulled himself closer to the bed.

"He said you were extremely dehydrated and that could have lead to you falling down. Do you remember any of it?" he squeezed my hand lightly.

I swallowed and looked ahead at the clock at the top of the wall, the second hand ticking by loudly and tried to think back to those hours but I couldn't. "I don't," I shook my head.

"I'm sorry Uncle,"

"Hey," he said softly. "There's no need to apologize. All that matters is that you're fine and you will be fine from now on, don't be sorry," He the side of my head and gave me a comforting smile before leaning over and pressing a kiss to my forehead.


The smell of perfume invaded my nostrils and I was bound by the legs of the couch as I tried to pull myself from from the rope that was holding my wrists together. I was breathing heavily and sweat clung to my face as I felt a wretching feeling crawl up my throat. I couldn't focus on anything around me because of the room spinning and very vaguely felt someone walk over to tower over me.

The person shifted on the balls of their feet before bending down and the side of my face. I tried to move away but it was hard with my body not cooperating with me and my hands bound. When the person leaned forward, I felt lips come in contact with my forehead and shuddered at the moist clammy feeling against my skin.


I flinched away from my Uncle and he looked down at me with a confused expression. "What's wrong?"

My eyes flickered up and I realized that I was holding my breath and not meeting his eyes. "N-Nothing,"

He swallowed and nodded his head before my hair again and taking a seat back in the chair while running his hands down his thighs. I settled back down against the bed but couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in my chest when he had kissed me.

What was that?  


A few days later

I popped open the cap of the medicine bottle as I poured two pills out and threw them in my mouth before taking a swig out of my water bottle. I closed the medicine cap back over the top and set it back in the cabinet before closing the mirror. 

I gave myself a quick once and ruffled my hair out before lifting up the edge of my shirt to inspect the bruise across my abdomen. It was a deep purplish and black bruise that took over a great mass and covered part of my belly button. I brought a hand down and tentatively pressed my fingertips against the bruise and grimaced when it still stung. 

The pain medicine was supposed to make the pain on my head and the bruise feel better and I had no chance to say whether it was working or not. 


I pulled my shirt down and padded out of the bathroom while switching the light off and going back into my bedroom. Seunghoon was laid propped up against the headboard and raised an eyebrow at me when I came out. 

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I nodded. I made my way back over to the bed and crawled over until his arms opened and snuggled back up into his embrace.

He was careful not to press too hard around my stomach area but instead laced our hands together while he tucked my head underneath his chin. "You'll tell me if you're hurting right? Just like we promised?"

I nodded my head and closed my eyes as I let his scent waft through my nose and focused on the pale skin that peeked out from the red top.

"It only hurts sometimes,"

"I wish I would have been here. I'm so sorry," he whispered.

I craned my neck up to look at him and his eyes were filled with guilt as he bit his bottom lip. When he didn't look at me, I untangled out fingers and laid my hand against his cheek. "Hey,"

His eyes flickered down and he pulled me closer while I my lips. "You don't have anything to be sorry about, it wasn't your fault. I'm fine,"

"But it could have been a lot worse. What if you had fell in the kitchen and were coooking and had the stove on or something? What if you had been showering and collapsed in there? Or anywhere, it-" he paused to take a deep breath and closed his eyes. "It could have been a lot worse,"

While in the hospital, I had got a chance to call Seunghoon and once he found everything out and I told him what had happened, he freaked out and wanted to come back to Seoul but their manager wouldn't let him and it was nearly impossible since he was all the way in Ilsan.

He hadn't stopped fretting over me since he got back and was practically couped up in my apartment if it wasn't for his schedules and the fact that he had his own place. 

But I enjoyed his company, I enjoyed how much he cared and how worried he was, because it meant a lot to me.

"But it wasn't and I'm still here,"

He nodded his head and I leaned up to place a kiss against the edge of his jaw and didn't stop until he chuckled down at me. "I'm glad you're okay,"

My heart fluttered and I bit the inside of my cheek while snuggling against his chest. "Me too,"

He pulled me closer and tangled our legs together while we laid together in silence and let the noise from the fan spinning above fill in the gaps. I thought he had fallen asleep when his breath evened out and his heart was beating steadily in my ear but when I looked up, his eyes moved down to mine and he raised an eyebrow.

"Does something hurt? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I shook my head. I started to say something but retracked when he stared down at me with a concerned look in his eyes.

When I hesitated, he sat up a little straighter and loosened his hold around me. "What's wrong? You can tell me,"

Could I really? 


"Something else happened,"

His eyebrows furrowed and he cocked his head to the side."What are you talking about?"

I sighed and sat up until we were completely facing each other and winced slightly. 

"I didn't fall, I was outside, I remember. I was coming back to my apartment and there was someone looking for you."

"Someone looking for me?"

"Yes," I nodded. "She was looking for you but I told her I didn't know when you would be back and I -I -" I started to breathe quickly and Seunghoon immediately rubbed my arms to calm me down.

"Hey hey hey, it's alright. I'm right here,"

I nodded my head and looked down as he waited for me to go on. "I think she came in, I remember being in here with her but I didn't want her to come in,"

Seunghoon looked at me by putting a finger under my chin and lifting my eyes. "Was she the one that hurt you?"

"I know I didn't collapse,"

I felt tears prickle at the edge of my eyes and used the heel of my hand to push them away while I felt my chest tighten. "She-She did t-this," I choked out.

I couldn't imagine how crazy I must have sounded, I couldn't have imagined what he must have even thought of me. Blaming it on someone else and I couldn't even remember it.

I tried to stop crying but I was frustrated and confused and if anything this would have been the time to shut me up and stop saying nonsense but Seunghoon only gathered me in his arms and shushed me while rubbing cirlces in my back.

"Hey don't cry baby, don't cry. It's alright,"

I shook my head against his chest and felt my head begin to throb in pain as he tried to make me stop crying. "I believe you don't cry Kyungmi,"

He pulled back to wipe the tears from my cheeks and used the sleeve of his shirt to wipe my nose while I pushed his hands away and covered my face. "You shouldn't believe me-"

"I'll always believe you, you're my girlfriend, and if you think someone did this to you then I'll take your word,"

He carefully moved my hands away and put his hands on both side of my face to look at me.

"Tell me what she looked like, do you remember?"

I tried to think hard back to that day but it was hard and some things were still incredibly fuzzy.

"She had long hair," I said after a minute.

Images flashed through my head and I thought of the way she talked and what she wore while he waited. "And piercings," I nodded. "Piercings on the side of her ear,"

Seunghoon looked down at me with something in his eyes and his bottom lip. "Piercings?"

"Yes and she-"

I grabbed my abdomen and closed my eyes while I let the pain make its way through and let out a shaky breath while exhaling through my nose when he squeezed my arm. 

"She said she was a friend of the family, that your mothers knew each other,"

It was quiet for a moment until he took a deep breath and looked down at me and what I saw in his eyes was not what I expected. 

"That can't be possible. Remember when I told you that my parents were strict so I left? They moved back to Busan, my hometown. My mother is traveling, and she doesn't have close friends like that," 


Heyyyy guys! Sorry I made you wait so long for this update, I hope you liked it, I blame college as always. Leave comments and tell me what you think. Don't forget to read, subscribe and upvote. Love you!

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy