You Win Some, You Lose Some

Apt. 34A



A few weeks later

12:07 noon

I was so proud of them, of him. 

Since I couldn't physically walk across the red carpet or sit at the table with Winner, I was enjoying watching the show from my phone as I took a bus across the city to pick up my schedule for classes. I crossed my ankles and leaned my head against the window as the camera panned across the arena full of fans and celebrities. There were seas of light sticks, some in yellow, others in silver or pink. Banners were flapping wildly around along with girls and guys screaming and hollering every time a different idol was mentioned.

Some group named BTS, were taking the stage along with Block B to perform a battle between the two and I grinned as one of the members came forward with a mic in his hand and had dreads on.

The bus took a slight turn in order to get on the ramp and shook alittle when a notification came across the top of the screen on my phone.


From: Seunghoon

Jagiya, are you watching? You better be, arasso I'm just kidding...but you are..right?


I chuckled to myself and looked out the window, the clouds were coming in and the sun wasn't shining as much anymore.


From: Kyungmi

Yah, don't tell me what to do haha ^^ but yes I'm watching it, I told you that I would. Is all of Big Bang there? I only see two of them...where is TOP? But I liked EXO's performance, who is the one that did the solo dance with no shoes on?

From: Seunghoon

YAH!! Why are you so worried about TOP jagiya? I think he is still doing promotions for his movie or something anyway....and your boyfriend is sitting right here by the way :/ and that was EXO's Kai, he's really really good at that.

But only pay attention to me, okay?

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, he was too much.  

From: Kyungmi

I was just wondering

I think I saw the side of your head at one point by the way.


From: Seunghoon

That's comforting

He sent me a selca of himself at the table with Mino twisting around as he talked to the people behind him. I smiled and typed a quick message before sending him a picture of myself on the bus.

From: Seunghoon

So pretty^^

Where are you going anyway?


From: Kyungmi

University, I need to pick up my schedule. We all can't be living it up in Hong Kong you know?


From: Seunghoon

Tell me about it, I wish I could have brought you here :(

From: Kyungmi

Me too, even if I couldn't meet TOP I can atleast see Taeyang.


I bit back at a smile and waited not even a full minute before a notification popped up across the screen and I burst out laughing.


From: Seunghoon

You're trying to kill me! I think you just wanted to be with me so you could infiltrate your way into Big Bang. Is that true jagiya?

Am I going to have to fight for your honor against all my seniors?

TOP is scary >.<

"This stupid boy," I sighed and shut my phone off. The bus pulled up along another stop and I smiled as some high school girls laughing amongst themselves trailed after one another showing something on their phone between them.


Seunghoon POV

I clapped and jumped to my feet just like the rest of my members after Taeyang sunbae was awarded Song of The Year. He was so happy that I thought his face was going to split in half from how hard he was smiling. He hugged G-dragon sunbae first then went to clap the rest of the idols along their back and give thanks for congratulating him. He gave all of us high fives and I may or may not have discreetly started taking pictures of him after he started walking down the strip just to tease Kyungmi later on.

When I switched the mode to record a video, it was hard to hear anything with all the fangirls screaming but it was still a video of Taeyang himself and that should be good enough. He bowed respectively, thanking both of the presenters before turning to face the crowd and waving at everyone. That brought the whole arena to start screaming and chanting his name while he grinned proudly before starting his speech.

 I made sure the camera was focused on him and smiled at just how awestruck he was while trying to speak over the loud fans.


The night carried on with a few more performances and awards and just before it was over we were awarded with Best New Artist! I was astonished and was still in shock for a split second before the rest of my members were jumping up and smiling so widely while hugging all of the sunbaes. After following the others toward the front, I tried to hold back my tears because we were on live tv and I didn't want Kyungmi to see that but it was hard so I bit the inside of my cheek while water prickled at the edge of my eyes.

We gave a speech and thanked our fans again before following the presenters backstage where others greeted us and congratulated us on our win. I bowed respectfully and took a quick selca of the award with the caption, Guess who is a Best New Artist~??

I sent it to Kyungmi, not knowing whether she would see it or not considering the time difference but put my phone away and went with the rest of my members to join into a group hug.


After the awards show...

1:21 am

I laughed loudly when Seungyoon stuck the chopsticks into his nose and made a dying walrus sound while digging around in his plate like an animal. Taehyun had tears in his eyes and kept slapping Seungyoon's arm while Mino was breaking a fresh pair of wooden chopsticks apart to copy him.

"Yah," our manager frowned, turning around in his chair from where he was sitting with the other staff members. "Why are you acting like a pabo?"

"Aww lighten up manager-nim, this is a time for celebration," Jinwoo laughed and patted him on his shoulder.

He rolled his eyes but turned around anyway and went back to sipping his water and talking to the poeple while leaving us alone. Mino had stopped and was texting on his cellphone and leaned against my shoulder and would whine fo me to feed him occassionally which ended up with food all over his mouth and a little bit actually going in.

We drunk a little bit more and chatted awhile before the management started leaving and since the restaurant was only a few blocks from the hotel, they let us stay out a little bit longer until they called for us to come back.

"I can't wait until we have another comeback," Jinwoo said around a mouthful of orange chicken.

"Me too, we can win more awards," Taehyun smiled and when Seungyoon shot him an offended look, Taehyun frowned. "And to come back for our fans hyung, gosh I'm not that horrible,"

"You just want to comeback so you can be on stage with all the other girl groups during music shows," Mino smirked at him.

The maknae's cheeks flamed red and he threw his balled up napkin at Mino's face causing us to burst out in laughter.

"Shut up!'

"You know it's true!" I teased.

"He knows it is,"

"Bora noona, are you sure you don't need help? I can hold your trophy while you guys go backstage. Want me to grab you guys water too?" Mino impersonated the youngers voice.

"Yah!" Taehyun yelled but by that time we were all already laughing too hard to care so he just leaned over and proceeded to slap Mino on the top of his head.

"Quit it!"

"Make me" Mino laughed hysterically.

Just as Taehyun was about to lunge across the table for him, Seungyoon finally jumped in and held him back by his shoulders. "Okay okay that's enough. He was just joking Taehyun and Mino, as a hyung you should know better," he scolded him.

The rapper calmed down after a second and nodded before rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Mianhae Seungyoon and Taehyun, I didn't mean it, I was just joking around,"

Taehyun huffed but the leader glared at him so he wiped the look off of his face and accepted the apology.

"I-It's okay,"

I bit off a piece of my eggroll and checked my phone again but there was still no message from Kyungmi, she did say that she was going to university earlier so she probably had a long day and was just tired from everything, but no goodnight or sweet dreams text? I sighed and put my phone back before reaching for my glass of black soda.


"Ready to go?" Seungyoon said after wiping his mouth and laying down his spoon.

Jinwoo gulped down the last of his cup and myself, along with Mino shoved a few more pieces of food into our mouths and stood up from the table after we were all down.

The owner told us to come back next time we won an award and the meal would be cheap and Seungyoon only blushed before thanking them and we were on our way back to the hotel.

The night air was chilly, but we only bundled together and pulled our masks over our face as we braced the cold. The streets were dimly lit by the lamp posts and store signs that were flashing through the windows. A lot of people were still walking around and enjoying the night life, people stumbling down the roads with their boyfriends and girlfriends. Luckily no one really recognized us since it was so dark and we sort of blended in with everyone around us, because I really didn't feel like running with the heavy feeling of food sitting in my stomach.

Mino chuckled at some of the girls that were giggling at a street sign that had graffiti sprayed on it like that was the funniest thing ever but when he heard one of them make an obscene comment about someone, he turned red and covered his cheeks.

I ducked my head down into the scarf around my neck and walked forward briskly until we were rounding the corner where our hotel was at and followed in one by one until we reached the elevators. I pressed the button for the tenth floor when we all got inside and Taehyun yawned which caused Jinwoo to wrap his arms around him when he yawned too. The ride was short and in a few minutes we were getting off and seperating into our respective rooms that we shared.

Seungyoon was with the managers, I was with Mino and Jinwoo and Taehyun had the room across from us.

"Good night," Seungyoon whispered.

We murmured back responses and went our own ways, the doors locking in place once they shut and Mino let out a loud sigh of release before throwing himself ontop of the bed, still in his shoes and coat.

"You're not gonna shower?" I chuckled and undid the laces on my boots while unwrapping the scarf.

"Arjgkgjlh," he mummbled unintelligable into the pillow.


He sighed and rolled over to prop his arm on the pillow while looking at me. "I said I'm too tired,"

He flopped back onto the bed with a huff and blew his bangs off his forehead while I smiled and finished shedding my coat and long sleeved t-shirt. "Just be ready when I get out, I'll shower first arasso?"

"Yeah yeah," he waved his hand.

I shook my head but grabbed my bag of hygiene products and shuffled into the bathroom, locking the door behind me and turning my music on. I peeled my clothes off and set them on the marble counter, stepping under the roaring shower that became exceedingly warmer as I turned the dial up. The minute the warm water sprayed me and cascaded down my skin, I sighed in satisfaction and let the water soothe my aching muscles and leaned over to let it run down my head. I soaped myself down after a few minutes then stayed under the water a bit longer until the steam was fogging up the bathroom, then I turned the water off.

I grabbed one of the towels, wrapping one around my waist and another around my neck before slipping into my bathrobe. When I went back into the room, Mino was still sprawled across the bed but snoring loudly with an arm thrown over his face. I chuckled and tossed my dirty shirt over at him to which he whined and tried to swat it away.

"Wake up,"

"No," he groaned and turned his back to me.

I shook my head and turned back to my bag and dug around until I realized my headphones weren't in the bag and after checking my other suitcases and going through Mino's as well, I almost tore apart the room until I realized that I had let Jinwoo borrow them when he said his were acting up on the drive over to MAMA.

I quickly slipped my shoes on and shuffled out of the room quietly, shutting the door and spinning around so fast that I didn't see one of the stylist noonas headed my way and crash right into me.

"Oh !"

"Sorry," I groaned and winced as the door handle dug into my back. I pushed myself up and held the noona at arms length while she frowned and looked up at me with her hands still on my arm.

She was older than me, about by two years but looked much younger since she was pretty small but had a beanie pulled over her hair and wore cotton sweats and a white shirt which meant she was probably about to go to sleep too.

"Watch where you're going much?" she arched an eyebrow at me.

"Again mianhae," I said embarrassingly.

She looked down and I noticed her cheeks were turning a light shade of pink until I realized that I was only in a bathrobe essentially and my chest was expsoed, so I let her go and hurriedly pulled the robe tighter around me when she looked up and cleared .

"Where a-are you even going in a rush?" she tucked a strand of hair behind her left ear that was decorated with piercings and looked away nervously when I caught her eyes.

"To see Jinwoo, I forgot I gave him my headphones and I need them,"

She nodded and coughed quietly before shuffling out of the way and pushing me from the door. "Well go then and just watch where you're going next time,"

I raised my eyebrow at her but shrugged at the strange behavior and continued on to their room, not noticing the look she gave me at my retreating back.


*FANS SELF BECAUSE SEUNGHOON IN THE SHOWER* Guysssssss! I am so so so sorry that I took so long to update this. *gets down on my knees and bows before you all* this was much too long right? Do you guys forgive me? It's finals week so I am extremely busy right now and preparing to take my final exams. I will be on break very very soon and I can get back to updating regularly. You will wait for me right? please do and again I'm sorry for making you wait. Did you guys watch the MAMA awards, it was so awesome right?!?! Exo is having a comeback afhkjahgkkg;khfsjg the feels! And do you guys like got7? Who is your bias? I like youngjae and yugyeom lol. And holy crap i got so many new subscribers and views. Do yo guys enjoy this story honestly? But anyways thank you so so much! I love feedback and I love new subscribers so read, comment, upvote and subscibe. I love you i love you so much!

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy