The Truth?

Apt. 34A



Lee Minho's POV 

I looked down at the stack of papers scattered around my desk and sighed loudly before running a hand through my hair and leaning back in the chair.

The sun had set long ago by now, the lights from the city now casting a glow of different colors along the window. I pushed my chair back and got up to stroll towards the window and put my hand against the glass. Cars were going back and forth as people walked along the sidewalk and other offices that were located on the same level as mine, still had their lights on.  

I loosened the tie around my neck and went back over to my desk, sitting down and biting my lip with my teeth as I heard a knock on the door. 

"Come in," 

The door opened quietly and my assistant, Minji, peeked her head in, smiling when she saw me inside and hurried over with a small manila envelope in her hand and a cup of coffee in the other. 

"This came for you today while you were out," she laid it front of me. "And this," she held up the coffee,"is because you look like you're going to pass out and I know you'll refuse all of my advice to go home," 

"You know me so well," I grinned and took the coffee from her while picking up the envelope with my other hand and turning it over to read the address. 

She left with a small wave and tucked a strand of black hair behind her ear just as the door shut and I took a long sip before ripping apart the envelope and turning it over to dump the contents out. Two photos fell onto my desk and I tossed the envelope aside before inspecting the rest. 

I took a look at the photos and thought it was strange because it was obviously someone in their home as I presumed and I couldn't tell if they were watching television or reading something because they were intently looking forward though it was hard to see their face. They were leaning back against something and the room looked oddly familiar though it was shot from a window. 

I just couldn't put my finger on it though and I couldn't understand why this person looked like someone I had met. I quirked my eyebrow in confusion and shook that thought of my head quickly.There was no point behind it anyway. 

The other photo I looked at was of a building, Korea National Univeristy of the Arts, just the entrance and nothing else. I turned the photo over and looked at the back of the other one but there was nothing written down or a message. If anything the only thing that crossed my mind was that it was the same school Kyungmi had went to but other than that it didn't seem significant to me. 

I decided to toss both of the photos into the bin beside my desk and shook my head as I threw the envelope in as well and took another sip of my coffee. 

Strange I thought to myself. 


Around two hours later, I had finished all of the paperwork that I needed to do for the day and packed away all of my things in my briefcase before grabbing my coat and keys and leaving my office. All of the lights where switched off in the building except in the areas where the janitors were moving around and cleaning up. 

I grabbed the elevator just as the doors opened and another worker had gotten off,  thanking her quickly, I pressed the button for the lobby while stealing a look at my watch. 

Once I had made it down to the bottom, I walked out and waved toward Seungsoo, the building attendant who was making his last rounds and shot me a small smile while scanning his key. 

"Have a good night Mr. Lee," 

"Same to you," 

The walk to the car garage was short and in no time I was walking up to my car and throwing my briefcase in the backseat before I slipped into the front and started the engine. 

I pulled out of the lot and sped off towards the exit, turning out of the garage and flying down the street towards my condominium on the other side of town. 


Kyungmi's POV 

"And a side of egg rolls too please?" I said to the elderly woman behind the counter as she wrote down my order on a small notepad. She scratched down the last thing on the piece of paper then rung up my order before I handed her some money. 

There was a fifteen minute wait so I took a seat at one of the chairs against the far wall and leaned my head back while staring at the workers moving around in the kitchen and a little girl who was sitting closest to the counter with a coloring book in her lap. 

A few more people came and went into the little Chinese shop, placing orders or requesting a table with a group of friends or family members. Just when I was about to check the time on my watch, a different woman who looked younger than me, called my name and I made my way forward while she handed the bag over. 

"Kamsahamnida," I bowed. 

"Enjoy, come again," she smiled and waved while I walked out the door, the bell jingling above my head. 

The walk back to the apartment wasn't long and in no time I was walking through the lobby and nodding at Hyuk who was talking loudly on the phone while smacking on some gum. When he caught me coming in, he smiled widely but otherwise said nothing and continued on with his conversation. 

I pressed the button for the elevator and waited a few seconds before the doors opened and went inside while a man and his girlfriend, who was clinging to his arm, pressed the button for me. 

"Thank you," I murmured. 

She gave me a half smile but looked back over at her boyfriend and whispered something to him that I couldn't hear although it made him chuckle and shake his head. 

The elevator dinged, signaling my stop and I stepped off first, adjusting the bag in my arms before walking down to his door. I knocked twice and waited for a few seconds until I heard him shout from the other side. 

"It's open!"

When I walked in, all the lights were turned off inside except for a single flicker of light from the hallway that lit the floor. I stumbled around aimlessly in the entrance trying to pull my shoes off then felt around the wall until my hands came in contact with the switch. I turned it on and carried the food towards where I figured he was at and pushed the door of his bedroom open with my hip. 

"Why are all the-" 

I froze in shock, the bag of chinese food falling straight out of my arms and onto the floor, splattering all along the hardwood floor. 

Seunghoon looked over with a guilty expression, his eyes cast low and fingers fumbling with the leather material of the armrest on the wheelchair. His back was slightly hunched over  in an awkward position and although his feet were planted flat on the floor, because of his long legs they were pulled together making him smaller than he was. 

"Hey," he whispered. 


Once I got over my initial shock, I ran over immediately to his side and skidded down to the ground on my knees but didn't touch him in fear of hurting him or causing any pain. That was the last thing I wanted to do. 

"Wh-what happened?" My eyes darted around his frame but he only shifted slightly in the wheelchair until his legs weren't so bunched up and released a deep breath. 

"It's my back,"

"Your back? Wh-What's wrong with it?" I said confused. 

I couldn't remember at any point where he brought up anything about having back problems or being in pain, let alone having medical problems at all.

"I have issues with my back and awhile back before I met you, we were on tour with YG and I fell down the stage. I slipped a disk in my hip and the doctor said I needed to be careful and not put any more strain on it. Usually it's on and off and sometimes it will be weeks without anything and I feel fine. It started up today so the manager said to just go home and rest,"

He looked back down at his lap and I hesitantly laid my hands on his knees while I processed his words through my mind and tried to come up with a response to say to him, but my mouth couldn't process the words that I wanted to say or even fathom what he had just told me. Instead I only swallowed loudly, trying to get past the ringing in my ears. 

"You told me you were alright over the phone, how long have you been hiding this? Why didn't you tell me?" 

His eyes darted to my hands that were still resting on my knees and shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't want to worry you, it wasn't that big of a problem at first until I started hurting again. I'm sorry, I should have told you instead of keeping it to myself," 

He tried to move my hands off his knees but I stopped him and in turn only gripped harder. 

"Don't keep anything from me okay? When you're hurting let me know so I can at least help you and don't try to only burden yourself. We're dating now, you should tell me what's on your mind and I'll promise to do the same thing. Okay?" 

Seunghoon looked up at me hesitantly and only nodded his head before taking my hands in his own and bringing them up to his lips to kiss my knuckles. 

"You're right, I'm sorry. I won't do that again and next time if it gets too much I'll let you know," 

"Thank you," I sighed and pushed myself up further to gently kiss his lips, not with passion or lust fueling behind it but reassurance. 

His hand curled around the back of my neck and he responded back to the kiss with the same amount of pressure until I pulled back and kissed the edge of his mouth. 


At the YG Building

Mino hugged B.I. who had just came out of the studio after a long day, his eyes tired and a smile tugging at the edge of his lips when he spotted his hyung. 

"Hey," he ruffled Hanbin's hair and walked with him down the hall while the other sighed. 

"Get anything done?"

"Just a few tracks, I'm not sure how I feel about it so I'm just going to go back to the dorms and sleep on it and figure out what I want to do with it tomorrow,"

Mino nodded in understanding and rubbed his shoulder. If  Hanbin was anything, it was analytical and a perfectionist when it came to the music he presented and produced. If there was anything that Mino had always valued about him, it was how seriously he took his job.

They turned the corner and walked into one of the practice rooms where Taehyun was playing a game on his phone as Donghyuk and Chanwoo looked on over his shoulder and Chanwoo laughed as the match Taehyun was trying to make ran out of  time.

"You're not very good Taehyun," Chanwoo chuckled and took the phone from his hands to start a new game. "You still haven't beat my high score,"

Taehyun frowned and shoved Chanwoo aside to glare at him. "I think you're cheating anyways!"

"I don't think you can cheat at spades," Chanwoo laughed and Donghyuk joined in as well until he spotted Hanbin and Mino.

"Oh hey hyungs!"

The other two looked up as well and waved before going back to their arguement and Donghyuk hopped off the armrest to follow Hanbin as he took a seat at the computer on the far wall.

"Hyung whatcha doing?" he wrapped his arm around his shoulder. 

"Just checking something," he hummed and and typed a few things in the computer before pulling up the iTunes tab. A list of songs appeared on the screen and B.I. scrolled through until he came across a particular title and clicked on it before turning the volume up and allowing it to play. 

The heavy bass carried through the room and the three boys nodded their head along to the beat as words started to be sung and Mino stepped back for a second to pace around the chair and recite the words to himself while adding a beat to it.

Just as Chanwoo was about to tease Taehyun some more about his poor gaming skills and his lack thereof, the door to the practice room opened and one of the managers strolled in and called for Mino, something about CEO Yang wanting to see him.

The dark haired boy frowned and told B.I. he would be back in a second before running over to their manager and walking out of the room just as one of the stylists strolled in.

She had a bag over her shoulder and items in her hands as she went over to the clothes rack to make sure that everything was prepared for the schedule tomorrow.

Taehyun looked up and followed the noona around with his eyes curiously and was just about to make a comment when his eyebrows furrowed and he frowned at the object in her hand. It was obviously a phone, but the case was a pattern of black and white stripes with the word RICH  scribbled across the top in cursive and the only person he knew and was dead set on that had that case was...

"Noona why do you have Seunghoon's phone?"

Chanwoo and Donghyuk both looked over at the stylist and she froze for a split second, stopping her movement of hanging the coats back up to look over her shoulder.

"What do you mean?"

Taehyun sat up straighter in the chair and crossed his legs while cocking his head to the side. "That's Seunghoon's phone and he went home because he wasn't feeling well. Why do you have it?"

She lifted one of the white cardigans that had a scarf around it, onto the rack and gathered the other pieces that they wouldn't be using and put it under her arm before whirling around and shrugged.

"Oh, I didn't even know it was his. I found it in the van and was just holding onto it until someone came and got it," She looked down at the ground before back up at Taehyun with a slight smile.

"I can give it to hi-" Taehyun started to say until she interrupted him. "No that's okay! I think he has an early schedule tommorrow and I'll see him anyways so I can give it him,"

She didn't say anymore before sending a short wave and walking out of the room quickly, the door slamming shut behind her and Taehyun staring after with an uneasy feeling in his stomach. 

Seunghoon never let anyone touch his phone for one and that was a fact proven many times when the members tried to get on his Samsung or use it themselves. And two, he hadn't even took the van back to his apartment because he had rode the subway with Bobby earlier who had volunteered to go with him. 

Chanwoo touched his shoulder and Taehyun tore his eyes away to look at the maknae who had a worried expression on his face. "Taehyun are you okay?"

Said boy nodded and gave the other a smile although his thoughts were far from fine, because he knew, he just knew that something wasn't right.


Heyyy guys! I didn't keep you guys waiting that long did I ? Honestly I was kind of on the fence about this update because it didn't pan out like I planned but I didn't want to delete it so here you go. I will come back with a better update next time so be prepared! And Seunghoon's condition is in reference to him missing Winner's fan meeting tour because of his back :( 

But anyways I'm going to stop now and don't forget to read, comment, subscribe and upvote. Love you! Btw what do you guys think of those strange photos? Any ideas?

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy