The Parting of the Sea

Apt. 34A


Two weeks later 

Kyungmi's POV 

"Therefore.." I typed away on my laptop in the library as students around at the other tables flipped through text books and whispered quietly to friends around them. 

The song playing through the headphones I had on, helped me concentrate and I bobbed my head along to the music while glancing down at my notebook before looking back at the screen. 

I didn't even notice when someone else was sitting at the table until I could see red in my peripheral and turned slightly to see a girl with her hair pulled back into a bun in a hoodie and sweats; set her things down. 

She must have felt me staring at her because not a second later she turned her head to face me and I blushed almost as dark as her hair color before nodding and apologizing. The red head shot me a soft smile and continued on with flipping through her notebook while pulling a pack of highlighters out.

"Stop being weird," I muttered to myself. 

I shook my head and glanced up at the clock in the corner of the screen and realized I had been here for a little over three hours already. I contemplated packing up and leaving since I had already been here for awhile but I knew if I were to go home, I wouldn't get anything in, I'd probably just sleep.

Groaning, I twirled my pencil between my fingers before blowing out a gust of air and looking up over my laptop as two boys stumbled in my direction and clambered down noisily at the table.

The student sitting behind the desk at the main entrance looked over with a raised eyebrow at us and I frowned at the two boys who only shrugged in response.

"Yah!" I hissed under my breath. "Why are you two always so loud everywhere you go?"

Jeongmin swung his backpack off his shoulder to put on top of the table and ped it to pull his laptop out while Taesun set his books down and smiled at me. 

"We are not always loud," he argued.

"Yeah!" Jeongmjn shouted.

A few people looked our way and the girl at the desk cleared at us before shooting a nasty look. The other girl with the bright red hair, was starting to gather her stuff like she was moving. 

"Yes you are," I frowned and picked up one of my erasers to throw at Jeongmin. "It's like you only have outside voices," 

The dark haired boy pushed his lips out into a pout but by this long into the semester I was used to it by now and only rolled my eyes while pushing the top of my laptop down some.

"Why are you guys even here?"

Taesun, who was flipping through his textbook stopped to look up and ran a hand through his recently dyed blonde locks. "What's wrong with using the library?"

"Well because last time I checked you guys and I quote, 'hate the library because it's restricting my right to free speech' " I did air quotes. 

"We had a change of mind," Jeongmin said and dug around in his backpack before pulling out a granola bar and ripping it open. 

"Yeah besides we need someone to help us study for the exam tomorrow," he grinned widely. 

I rolled my eyes with a big sigh and and lifted up my notebook like I was going to hit him with it causing the younger boy to flinch. 

"Mianhae Kyungmi!" 

"Shh!" The student said our way with a finger pressed up to her lips. 

It was going to be a long day.


4 Hours Later 

"Oh my gosh," Jeongmin groaned in pain as we walked out of the library. "My head hurts like crazy never again,"

Taesun looked over at his friend and chuckled while taking a sip from his water bottle.

"That's what happens when you actually read the assigned lessons online,"

I giggled as the dark haired boy clutched his head and ran his fingers through his hair in a flustered manner.

"Yah that was too much information all at once!"

We walked down the sidewalk as the sun began to set, creating a haze of orange and pink across the sky in a map of colors. Other university students walked along the street, pulling their jackets around themselves and laughing between friends while we trecked across campus.  

"Tell me why I came to university huh?" He whined. Jeongmin turned around to walk backwards and almost tripped along one of the cracks causing me to snort.

"Just tell me what was I smoking on that day?" 

"Well," Taesun took a deep breath before looking away. "You did say that you wanted to become a director so you could work in Starship Ent. and direct SISTAR's music videos," 

"Aish!" Jeongmin sighed. "Stupid Dasom with her gorgeous self just luring me in!" 

I couldn't help but laugh as he threw his hands up in the air and I tightened my hands on the strap of my bookbag while the wind blew against us harshly. 

"Just four more years then we'll be graduates Jeongmin-ah," 

"That's four years from now though!" 

Taesun finished his water bottle and threw it in the trash can as we came to the bus stop and the two leaned against the pole since others were sitting down. 

"Are you coming with us? We're going to eat jajangmyeon downtown and I know someone who can get us in for free," the blonde smirked. 

I refrained from rolling my eyes and could only chuckle because it wasn't unusual that these two were always finding something free or had connections with someone. In fact, I couldn't remember the last time they had ever paid for a lot of things. Taesun happened to know a lot of people. 

"Sounds tempting," I leaned forward on my feet." But I'm actually meeting up with some other friends," 

Jeongmin scoffed and stuck his nose up in the air like he was actually offended but I knew he was always teasing. "Always ditching us, I'm starting to think you don't love your oppas anymore," 

"Maybe next time," I said apologetically. "We'll go for lunch and you'll pay," I narrowed my eyes at Taesun. 

Just before he could object to anything though, the sound of loud rumbling made us turn our heads in the opposite direction of where the bus was coming and I smiled. 

"Arasso?" by the time the bus pulled up and opened its doors with a loud gush of air, Jeongmin and Taesun were waving at me as I walked backwards.

"You can't ditch on us!"

"I won't!" 

Once I was a good block down, I pulled my phone out to check the message again from Seunghoon that he had sent me. 


To: Kyungmi 

402 Mapgan Street 5 

It's a little restaurant nestled between two department stores you can't miss it. There's a neon sign with a dog in the store window. We'll be at the table in the back :)


I pocketed my phone and walked the rest of the way to the restaurant as the sky grew darker, pulling out my earbuds and stuck them in as my music started playing. A few people were walking ahead of me and seemed to be having a serious conversation from how close they were talking in hushed voices. When I crossed the street, a few teenagers chasing after each other ran past me and almost knocked over a food cart; causing the old man to shout and hold up his fist.

"Punks," he muttered underneath his breath.

I walked a few more blocks until I was turning down a vibrant street of noraebangs, shops and restaurants full of people walking in and out and laughing amongst friends. The glow from the windows reflected off the street and bathed the sidewalks in various shades of color while smoke and the smell of soju clogged the air. 

When I looked up, a flashing neon sign in one of the windows with a smiling dog in the front, greeted me and I pulled the door open before walking in and looking for a familiar set of faces.


Taehyun waved from his spot at the table where he was crowded around the other members, when everyone looked up at me.


I took the seat next to Seunghoon that he had pulled out for me, and once I sat down he leaned over and placed a light kiss against my ear .

"Stop," Mino frowned.

Jinwoo lifted up his glass to take a drink and smiled before rolling his eyes. "We came to eat not feel like the fourth wheels,"

I elbowed Seunghoon in his side and he moved over a little but still kept his hand on my thigh. "Fine fine fine, I'll cut back on the pda,"

"And no feeding each other or any of that," Seungyoon said over the menu that he lifted up from the table.

"Yeah," the maknae said. "Leave that to me instead," he smiled widely.  

Seunghoon frowned and lifted up one of the menus to hit him before we all laughed. "Aish, why are we even eating all together?"

Just as Seungyoon was about to answer, a waiter came over to our table and took our orders, writing down on a small notepad before giving us a smile and walking away. 

Music was playing throughout the restaurant and the other tables were filling out with other people as the night dragged on. No one said anything about the earlier things that had happened between Seunghoon and the stylist, but it was better that way.


"Say ah," Mino said to Jinwoo as he held up chopsticks to his lips. He offered a piece of chicken to him and the he chewed before in delight and taking another piece off his plate.

The only sounds that could be heard were light laughter and the clanking of chopsticks and spoons against plates and bowls with the occasional slurping coming from Seungyoon.

I took a sip of my water and looked around the table at everyone and for once they looked happy, they looked alright and content. When Seunghoon looked over at me, he raised an eyebrow but I only picked up my spoon and continued eating. 

"Kyungmi-ah," Taehyun said after a minute. He lifted up the napkin to wipe his mouth when I answered. "Hm?"

"What were you doing before you came?"

"Studying," I shrugged. "I have some exams coming up and my friends were trying to do some work as well,"

The younger nodded and took a sip of his drink as well. "Is college fun?"

The other guys were looking at me now and I suddenly felt shy until Seunghoon squeezed my thigh underneath the table. "It has it moments, sometimes I wish I never would have applied but then there are days that make it worth it,"

"Why do you want to go?" I teased.

Taehyun sputtered and waved his hands in front of him while Seunghoon and Mino both laughed at him. "N-No!"

"He wants to go to school and become a preschool teacher," Seungyoon snickered. 

"Yah! Stop that hyungs! I don't!" he whined. 

A few people were looking over at us and by now all the guys were laughing and I shook my head as I picked up the menu  and hit each one of them with it. 




"What was that for?!"

'Don't make fun of him, what if he wants to be a preschool teacher?" I frowned. 

Taehyun blushed and mumbled that, he didn't before sticking his tongue out at the others. "Sometimes I really hate you guys," he muttered. 

Seungyoon felt bad after a little bit and leaned over to ruffle the younger's hair while Seunghoon said an apology then pulled my chair closer to his. 


"Do you wanna come back with us?" Seunghoon said as held the door to the restaurant open for me, 

The breeze had picked up, causing me to pull my sweater tight around my body as we walked down the sidewalk together with the other members ahead of us. His hand bumped against mine before we were lacing our fingers and he pulled me closer to his side. 

"Are you going back to the company?"

Seunghoon nodded and looked ahead before turning. "Yeah, CEO Yang allows it now so we want to look at some songs that Mino and B.I. have been working on,"

"Oh okay, I don't really have nothing better to do so I'll come,"

"Thanks," he smiled and leaned down to kiss the tip of my nose. I chuckled to myself and laid my head on his shoulder as we followed the guys.

It took us quite awhile but eventually we made it to the company building a little after two in the morning and walked through the seemingly empty place until we were following Mino into one of the studios and shutting the door behind us.

Taehyun and Jinwoo immediately went to one of the computers and pulled something up that had them talking quickly to each other while Mino and Seungyoon went to a grab a stack of folders off a shelf and pull up chairs so they were facing each other.

I took a seat on the couch across from the huge mirror while Seunghoon joined me and he wrapped his arms around my waist while nestling his face against my hair. The fan spinning above us was wiring slightly and I closed my eyes while his steady breathing above me lulled me almost to sleep.

It wasn't until a few minutes later when the door opened and everyone turned at the sound while I shifted away from Seunghoon when he lifted his head up and noticed the two figures by the door. One was a small girl with blonde curls pulled into a ponytail who was carrying a box in her hands and was just as shocked as she saw the boys.

The other was slightly taller and had dark hair and was dressed in sweats and a hoodie that concealed her slim frame. She scanned the room with her eyes before they widened when she caught sight of Seunghoon and I.

Unconciously I pulled away even further and felt the hair stand on the back of my neck as she looked at us. Seunghoon stiffened behind me and only when I looked down at my lap did I feel how bad the tension in the room had become.

No one said anything for a long second until Seungyoon turned around in his chair and cleared his throat. "Noona what are you doing here so late?"

The blonde coughed and shook her head as she regained her senses. "YG told me to drop off these cds in the room for tomorrow, they're copies that he wants iKon to listen to,"

"Oh okay," he nodded then turned his eyes to the other girl. "Make sure you leave early, it's late outside and dangerous,"

When he turned back around, the girl shuffled forward into the room and quickly went to set one of the boxes against the table before she was waving goodbye to them and hurriedly trying to pull the other girl out of the room.

"Seunghoon-ah," she said suddenly.

I looked up even though it wasn't directed at me and Seunghoon stared at the girl with this expression that I couldn't recognize before I looked forward. "Walk us out will you?"

She had this funny smile on her face that made me uncomfortable and on top of the fact that she wouldn't even look my way, was making me increasingly more uneasy. Seunghoon still hadn't asnwered her but shook his head finally. 

"Ani, have someone else, there is probably someone still walking around here," he said coldly. 

The dark haired girl frowned and her friend tugged on her arm and told her to forget it but the other was relentless and shook her head. "Seunghoon-ah," Jinwoo said. 

"Just walk her out, it's the least you could do," he looked at the younger with an expression that was it was not up for discussion. 

I thought he could have been referring to the accident that happened between Seunghoon and the stylist and the former rolled his eyes before moving from his spot on the couch and getting up with a sigh. 

"I'll be right back, don't go anywhere," he told me and leaned down to kiss my forehead while running his hand down my arm. There was something in his eyes that made me clutch onto his jacket but he pulled my hand away and I watched as he walked out of the room with the two girls.

When the door shut behind them, I rubbed my eyes and tried to tell myself everything was okay and just blamed it on me being really tired.


I pulled my phone out to check the time and chewed on my bottom lip when I realized it had been twenty minutes already. Jinwoo was sitting in Taehyun's lap and they were arguing over something on the screen before the younger almost pushed him off his lap.


"You're fat and my legs are starting to get pins, go sit your fat somewhere else,"

"You can't talk to your hyung like that maknae!"

"You can't talk to your hyung like that maknae," Taehyun mocked Jinwoo in a nasally voice.


"Shut up," Seungyoon frowned at them and threw a pen their way before Jinwoo yelped when it hit him in the back of his head.

"Both of you are fat,"


"I am not fat!" Jinwoo shouted.

I looked over at the door and wondered why it was taking Seunghoon so long, if anything it only took like five minutes to get from here to the entrance. I pulled my phone out again and checked the time before sighing.

"I'm thirsty, I'm gonna go get something to drink," I lied.

Mino looked up from what he was doing and Taehyun stopped arguing as he struggled to get out of his seat. "I'll come with, wait for me!"

"No no no, " I said quickly. "I'll be right back just stay,"

Taehyun frowned and I grinned at him and Mino before I was walking out of the room and down the hall. I was pretty sure the food court wasn't even open at this time, earlier when we had passed by, all the lights were turned off.

I took the elevator down to the lobby and once the doors opened, I walked out quickly towards the front until I could hear the sound of people talking loudly in one voice that I couldn't recognize and the other that was Seunghoon.

When I turned the corner, the dark haired girl was just standing in front of him while he looked tense and I could tell angry from how his voice was rising.

"Why don't you just stay away from me?!"

"That's no way to talk to someone who you assaulted, unless you seemed to have forgot?" she cocked her head to the side.

"Why are you bringing that up? We talked! We cleared it up and now it's over, drop it!" he hissed.

"Drop it? Drop it?" she laughed in disbelief. "Lee Seunghoon, some things aren't forgotten so easily,"

"This needs to be one of those things that is,"

The dark haired girl laughed and moved her hand to cover before shaking her head. "You're funny," she smiled. "Very funny but don't do something that would put you in a very unfavorable position hm?"

"Are you ing threatening me?!"

My hands balled up into fists at my side and I scooted closer, still shielded behind the wall when the girl spoke again. 

"Threaten you? I would never threaten Seunghoon," she smiled sweetly and brought one of her fingers to skim his jaw line lightly. "Why would I?"

"Don't. Touch, Me." he growled and slapped her hand away.

The girl seemed taken back by his action and lowered her eyes before she cleared and looked back up with a nasty smirk. "I would think you wouldn't mind especially after what we have done prior,"

Seunghon's body froze and I felt my stomach drop to my feet as a sickening feeling started to grow in my mouth.

What was she talking about?

What they had done prior?

All Seunghoon said was that they talked...and that was it.

" you!" he shouted.

I flinched away but the other girl didn't waver as her smile grew. "No need to be so upset over a simple kiss,"

As soon as the words left , it was like everything seemed to happen all at once. The blood rushing in my ears did nothing to calm down how fast my heart was pounding in my chest. It was like the words were repeating themselves over and over again until I could feel water stinging the back of my eyes. My hands had grabbed a handful of my shirt and the gasp that left my mouth was anything but silent.

That was apparent when the girl looked over his shoulder and was surprised to see me standing there for a split second before she smirked at my expression.

"Hey Kyungmi,"

I didn't want to see what Seunghoon's face looked like but he turned around slowly until our gazes caught each other and when they did all I felt like doing was punching him. He didn't have to say anything really, her words and his facial expression spoke for themselves.

His face was pale and his eyes were wide before he released a shaky breath and his shoulders slumped with the weight of being caught. Because that's what had happened. I had caught him.

"K-Kyungmi," he said slowly. "Please baby it's not what you-"

I cut him off before he could finish that poor excuse of an apology and held up a hand as I felt water starting to roll down my cheeks. "Save it okay? Just save it,"

"Kyungmi please-" he stepped forward.

"You kissed her huh? How could you do that? How could do that after everything we went through, after everything we promised and told each other?! Did it not mean anything to you?!"

"That's not what happened!" he stressed. "It wasn't even-"

"But you did kiss her didn't you?!" I wiped my tears away angrily with the heel of my hands and only silenced followed my question as he looked back with a sullen eyes and a wobbling lip.

His silence was enough again.

I choked out a sob and shook my head while rubbing one of my eyes. I could barely see my sneakers through the film of water in my eyes and sniffled quietly. "You can't even deny it," I whispered.

The silence that hung between us made me even more angrier the longer I continued to stand there with Seunghoon and the dark haired girl across from me. I felt stupid for crying the more I thought about, and when everything was starting to piece itself together in my mind.

Was this really why he had gotten in trouble with YG? Was this why he was always gone, was this what he did when we weren't even togehter? Waste his time on her? The very same woman that he claimed he assaulted?

When I lifted my head up, his eyes were starting to fill with tears and the girl behind him only looked at me with an intense gaze that made my stomach twist into knots. So this was what it felt like to lose someone? The pain I felt at this moment strangely felt even more worse than the pain of being kicked out.

"You're a liar," I said. "Were you ever really in trouble? All that time that you were off, were you away or were you with her?" I jerked my chin forward.

He didn't answer again.

I scoffed and shook my head while wiping my face. "I ing hate you and I hope you have fun continuing whatever it was with her. Because this," I gestered between us. "It's over Seunghoon,"

His eyes widened and he tried to run forward but I had already turned around and made my way out of the building. I heard him shout my name but I blocked his voice out. My chest shook with sobs as I tried to cover my mouth and keep my head down once I made it out to the street, and instead tried to blend into the crowd of people.

The traffic lights painted colors along the sidewalk and I promised myself that I would never step foot inside YG again or see Seunghoon.


Heyyy guys! Sorry for the long wait but I hope you enjoyed this update. Unfortunately Kyungmi found out and due to Seunghoon, has lead them to this. Don't hate me but Kyungmi thinks that he cheated on her and feels now that this only means they're over. :(

Stay tuned for the next update and don't forget to read, comment, upvote and subscribe. Love you guys!     

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy