Hear What I Say, I Mean It

Apt. 34A



Seunghoon's POV

I only have a few seconds to check my phone before our manager comes back out and tells us it's time to start the fan meeting event. Even if we're being held back behind a wall of curtain and a giant poster of WINNER with all of our faces on it, it isn't too hard to step out some and get a glimpse into the crowd that packs the current venue. There has to be over a thousand people already here, lined up and waiting with posters, cameras ready and shopping bags hanging from their arms.

The weather is warm as summer is now upon South Korea and many people are adorned in shorts and tank tops, snapbacks and sunglasses to shield their eyes from the sun.

Beside me, Jinwoo and Mino are talking about something that happened on the way here and Taehyun is standing still as one of the staff members fixes his makeup and moves some of his hair that falls out of place. I don't know where Seungyoon has dissapeared off to but I'm glad for his absence as I turn the other way and slip my phone out.

No missed calls.

No voicemails.

No unread messages.

My phone is just as blank as it was a few weeks ago, save for the usual friend or member trying to reach me.

And the thought that Kyungmi has not called me back, has not sent me anything- anything at all scares me. It scares me because I have no idea what she's doing, I have no idea where she's at or how she is and her earlier words about ending our relationship still sting in the back of my head. I don't know how many more times I'll have to apologize to her, how many more times my calls will be unanswered or how many voicemails I'll leave her but I'll do whatever I have to to get her back. 

My thumb hovers over her name in my contacts, and briefly I think about sending her a quick message but the hand clapping down on my shoulder startles me in place and I turn around quickly while putting my phone away to face Seungyoon who only raises an eyebrow at me.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I sigh. "You just- you just scared me is all," I shifted away from his hand and shot him a slight smile but Seungyoon clearly could see through my lie and only nodded with a small, "okay,"

"Let's head out, we're starting now,"

The other members nod their heads and one by one we start filing out the back to be greeted with the loud cheering of fans and the flashing of cameras. I plaster a smile to my face immediately, my thoughts from a few seconds ago being pushed into the back as I wave to the crowd of people and follow the other members who go to take their seats at the table.

Seungyoon opens up with his usual  message to thank the fans for all of their support these past few months and pledges to come back with an even better album this year before bowing his head. Everyone takes turns greeting the crowd and when it is finally my turn, I take the mic that Mino offers me and smile into the audience as their cheers get louder and people begin waving their banners in the air.

"Thank you for taking time out of your day to come and see the five of us who work hard everyday to provide quality music for Inner Circles. We will continue to be a group that strives to be the best for not ourselves but for the fans who have helped us so much. Hwaiting!" I make a peace sign on the side of my face and smile as the fans cheer and continue to snap photos.

Once the fan signing begins, people start walking up the table and gifts are being handed over as fans kneel on the floor asking for autographs and pictures. There are so many girls and guys, so many faces to look out at that it all seems to go by in a blur. A lot of them ask various questions, requesting us to do aegyo or to tell them that we love them. Many hand us over gift bags with little baubles, skin care products or fan art that they've drawn at home. A few of us get clothing like sweatshirts and beanies or phone cases and I make sure to thank each and everyone.

I high five a few girls as they squeal in excitement and quickly run off to catch up with their friends and sign a poster with my face on it for a high school girl who looks like she came right after school- pushing her glasses back up to her face and sweeping her hair behind her ears.

"Can you make it out to Yunie, she's my best friend and it's her birthday today?" she says quietly. 

"Sure," I nod with a smile and scribble out a short birthday message followed by a few hearts on the side. After handing her back the poster she bows a few times and I wave back just as the other members finish up.

By the time the fan sign ends, it's a few hours later and the sun is just starting to set as we bid our goodbyes to the crowd and thank them before following our manager out to the van at the back. Taehyun yawns a few times and slumps down in his seat once we all get settled in- and leans his head on my shouldder.

"Did you have fun hyung?" Seungyoon elbows Jinwoo in his side.

The older fixes his hair briefly just as Mino leans over the seat and I look the other way. "I had a lot of fun, I got some really nice sunglasses that I want to wear but I don't know where manager hyung put it," he frowns and crosses his arms.

"It seemed shorter than usual," Seungyoon said quietly.

"I think that's because I have to go to the recording for SMTM4,"

I block out the rest of their conversation as they continue talking and instead pull my cellphone out and turn the screen on, the same wallpaper stares at back at me and I can't admit how much it hurts that it looks the same as earlier. Taehyun starts snoring softly next to me and I close my eyes because my dreams are starting to become more appealing.


2 Hours Later...

"You're not hungry hyung?" Chanhyuk asks as he walks over with a tray of food and pops a dumpling into his mouth.

A food truck had stopped by after our CF shooting with Akdong Musician and everyone was crowded around the boxes of food at the other table while I sat behind on the couch, nursing the same can of soda I had got when we arrived.

"Not really," I shrug.

Chanhyuk frowns and continues chewing until he looks back and after a quick second decides to take a seat next to me and balance his tray of food on his knees. The photographers are taking a break on the other side, going over photos on the computer and deciding which of them best fits while running the film again. A clothes rack is off to the side with various articles of clothing we still need to try on and Soohyun is starting to take selcas with Seungyoon by the set.

"I know we don't talk much," Chanhyuk starts nervously. I can see him looking over at me from the corner of his eye and he starts picking apart some of his rice to nibble on it.

"But you just looked kind of out of it I guess-" he turns to face me and I stare back at him until he averts his eyes and looks back at his tray. "It was kind of stupid to come over here now that I think about it," he mutters.

His neck turns red underneath the collar of his polo shirt and I shake my head before nudging him playfully. "Nah, it's fine you're a good dongsaeang. I guess it's just personal problems really," I sigh.

"Aish," I frown. "I'm really being an for acting so sullen huh?"

Chanhyuk's eyes widen as his head snaps to face me and he shakes his head immediately, almost dropping his tray to the floor if it weren't for the tight grip he had on it.

"Don't say that hyung-what's what's even bothering you in the first place?"

Although the air is awkward at times when we're around each other- I can't deny how caring and sensitive Chanhyuk is to everyone else's emotions. I know he means well and I know he only wants to help me, but the situation is already messy enough and I don't want to involve anymore people into this mess if I don't have to. It's just nice that he was willing to listen to my problems like he can solve everything and he knows the solutions to every situation.

"It's kind of," I frown, "kind of complicated you could say,"

He opens his mouth to say something but instead closes it and frowns before leaning back on the couch with a small huff. "A girl?" he says after a moment.

My lips hesitate, to lie to him almost but he looks over at me with a raised eyebrow and I have no choice but to nod. "Yeah,"

"Figures," he scoffs but then he freezes and I think he might have been electrocuted from the way he recoils and shakes his head quickly. "I'm not saying that it's her fault or anything like that! I'm not blaming her honestly, I was just saying that-that you know usually it is girls- but not that she's the one causing all the problems-"

"Chanhyuk," I cut him off.

"Chanhyuk it's alright, I get what you're trying to say, relax," I chuckle.

The younger flushes red and mutters a soft, "sorry," but I ruffle his hair as his glasses slide back down his nose and he has to push them up. "I just- I just want you to know that I would listen to your- to your girl problems," he murmurs.

"If you have them you know!" he says quickly.

"Thanks Chan,"

He lets out a deep breath and smiles slightly before nodding. "You're welcome,"


Later that night

From: Seunghoon

To: Taehyun

You were right you know...I never told you but you were. I should have listened to you from the very beginning. 


From: Taehyung 

To: Seunghoon

I'm sorry. 


It feels weird walking back to my apartment after so long. After putting my phone away and crossing the street, I push the doors open and only a few people are louging around in the chairs in the front. The TV is switched off and Hyuk is sitting behind his laptop with his headphones on, smiling at something. When he catches me, he does a double take and practically shoots up from his chair to knock it over in the process if it wasn't for his quick reflexes. 

"You're back?!" he pulls his headphones out. He walks out quickly from around his desk, almost tripping over his own feet and he looks like he could have just came from the gym considering the neon yellow shorts he's wearing and the 'Miami Heat' headband he has on.

"I thought-I thought that you had moved out or something you haven't been around,"

"I know, sorry I've just been really busy lately and had a lot on my plate,"

"It's been weeks though- months I think even," he scowls. Months is an exxageration probably but I still look aside and shift the weight to my other foot.

"Again, mianhae,"

Hyuk nods and twirls his thumbs together before rocking slightly on the balls of his feet and looking away before staring at me.


He chews on his bottom lip nervously and begins to fidget which only makes me even more nervous until I lean over to flick his forehead. "Yah spit it out hyung!"

Hyuk yelps and grabs his head as a few people look over at them with hard stares until Hyuk glares at me and lifts his hand up like he's going to hit me back. "Aish you little punk! I don't know why Kyungmi would even come back here for you," he mummbles the last part out.

But it doesn't fall on deaf ears and I freeze, my body stilling and my blood going cold at the sound of that name- at just the thought of her. Hyuk can tell that that seems to catch me off guard because he sighs loudly and walks back to go behind his desk and roll his eyes.

"Don't tell me you forgot your OWN girlfriend lives here?" he frowns. He says it like it's single handedly the most offensive thing he's heard all day and his tone does have some merit but he's completely off.

I could never forget that she lived here, where everything started. I just hadn't assumed she'd come back just like that, right now at least. Since she had ran out on me at the YG building, she hadn't been back to her place and in the span of what felt like forever- I too had avoided my own humble abode because I didn't want to be reminded of an empty apartment with my other half gone.

Cliche but it was true.

"She- she came back?" I whispered.

Hyuk frowned even harder and the wrinkles on his forehead weren't going to dissapear anytime soon judging from the irritated look in his eyes. "Seriously Lee Seunghoon? Are you ting me? Where have you been at these past few weeks? I swear you two act like you would have never met before- she came back some time ago an whatnot but you weren't here so I couldn't tell you," he waved his hand.

"Her uncle came to help her bring some things back- but you literally just missed her by like a few minutes- she came back with take out food as usual," he wrinkles his nose. "Seriously that stuff is going to clog your arteries one day-"

I take off running out of the lobby without a word and I can hear Hyuk yelling after me but his voice is the last thing I want to hear. A group of people are waiting on the elevator and I forgo them to take the stairs two at a time even if we stay on the fifth floor. My legs are aching by the time I reach our floor, I can feel my heart thrashing in my chest, by my desire to see Kyungmi- to even know that she's here and so close is doing weird things to me and I hurriedly throw open the door from the stairs before rushing out the hall.

And it only takes a second.

Not even a second- maybe a milisecond. Maybe the speed at which light travels- even if I know that's impossible but I see her.

I see her from the side, I see her hair is pulled back in a ponytail that sways to the side and that's the last thing I see before the door closes behind her. Even if my head is pounding, even if I can't breathe properly and my thoughts are running a million miles a second- I go after her.

Like I should have instead of stopping.    


Heyyyyy guys! So sorry this took so long to update, but how do you guys like this chapter? Is Seunghoon finally going to make things right and Kyungmi just going to listen to him already? 

I start summer classes tomorrow...and as much as I complain about school..I seem to always be there huh? But I will be writing as much as possible unless school work prevents me. But until next time read, comment, upvote and subscribe. Love you guys! 

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy