Apt. 34A




10:03 am 

"Wanna come see me train?" Seunghoon asked as we walked over to the bus stop. Our usual routine that we did together since he insisted I was the only cool person to talk to on the ride. The sun was partially hidden by the clouds and the breeze was really nice, nice enough to walk but Seunghoon was too lazy to do that. 

"Not really," I shrugged and smiled when scoffed. 

"What?! Are you serious?" 

"Yep," I nodded and pretended to mess with my phone as I pulled it out. 

"Kyungmi," he frowned and tugged on the sleeve of my sweater. "Are you really not gonna come watch?" 

I giggled and slipped my phone back in my pocket before I turned to the sulking boy and pinched his cheek. "You're so cute. I was just kidding," I smiled. 

"So what do you say?" 

We came to the bus stop and he leaned against the rail before facing me and slipped his hands in the front of his pockets. 

"Uh, I don't know. Won't you get in trouble for something like that?" 

Seunghoon smiled widely and I immediately regretted it because I knew this would only mean one of two things. A) that his boss was perfectly okay with bringing in strangers to watch and B) he wasn't okay with it and somehow Seunghoon was going to sneak me in. I guessed it was probably the latter.

"Well," he said sheepishly. 

I groaned and shook my head. "No, this already sounds like a bad idea, absolutely no," 

"You haven't even heard what I was going to say!" He whined. 

"I don't need to!" 

I turned around as the bus pulled up to the stop and Seunghoon was still frowning as we boarded the bus behind everyone and grabbed a seat in the back. 

"Just hear me out," he pleaded.

"Seungho--" I started only to have him cover my mouth with his hand. 

"Technically you wouldn't even sneak in because you have a pass," he said and with his other hand, pulled out a YG security key from his pocket while my eyes widened. "And you could just pass as a staff member, you won't get caught I promise," he said smug. 

He pulled his hand off of my mouth and I frowned before snatching the ID card out of his hand. "How did you even get your hand on this?!!" 

"We have these lying all around in Yang Hyun-suk's office," he shrugged. 

"That doesn't mean you should just take them!" I scolded and slapped his arm while he pouted and rubbed the spot. 

"Yah don't hit me," 

"You deserved it!" 

"So that means you'll go?!" He said excitedly. 

"No," I dead panned. 

The bus rumbled on down the street and a man across from us was typing away on his phone as he nodded along to a song he was listening to on his headphones. I felt Seunghoon scoot closer to me and wrap his arm around my shoulder while I blushed and tried to shove him off. 

"Please," he pleaded. 

"No this sounds like a bad idea," I looked out the window. 

I felt Seunghoon grab my chin with his fingers and turn me so I was looking towards him. "Pretty please?" He tried again and I raised my eyebrow. 

"Pretty please for me?" He pushed out his bottom lip and I sighed dramatically. 

"Fine, but if I get in trouble I won't be your friend anymore," I said childishly and hoped that scared him enough. 

"Wow that was fast," he chuckled. 

"Shut up," I grumbled and shook his arm off while he laughed and just slung it back over. 

"Here put it on," he said. He handed over the pass and I hung it around my neck while he grinned and squeezed my shoulder. 

"I can't wait! You're really going to like it!" 

"Are you even any good?" 

Seunghoon gave me an offended look and scoffed when I started laughing before moving to pinch my arm. 

"Ouch!" I yelped and a woman in front us turned around to glare at me and Seunghoon before looking back out the window. 

I elbowed Seunghoon in his side and he laughed before pulling me closer. "I'll have you know that I am indeed very good," 

"Sure you are," I rolled my eyes with a smile and decided to let him leave his arm around me because if I kept shaking him off he would just do it again. 

Not because I liked it around me, not at all. 

We rode the bus for ten more mintues into town, listening to others people chatter, the driver yelling to some university students to stop fooloing around and a woman juggle two big bags of groceries in her arms as she took a seat in the front. I looked out the window and down the street that carried us farther into the city where the buildings grew more abundant and skyscrapers became visible. 

Seunghoon shifted slightly and tapped on my shoulder so I could face him and he nodded with his chin to the next stop. 

"The building will just be around the next block from our stop," 

"Okay," I murmured and gathered my things when he stood up to pull on the handlebar above our heads and signal to let us off. 

The bus came to a slow stop and when the doors wrenched open, making a loud hissing noise, I followed Seunghoon out and he turned around to smile at me as we made our walk to the building. 

Cars were zipping through the streets and people from different directions where all walking around, creating crammed sidewalks and the smell of food wafted into my nose as I held onto the back of his shirt tightly. 

Seunghoon went down a narrow path and when the crowds had relatively thinned out and we were now in the business district, he peeled my hand off his shirt so he could hold my hand. Our fingers intertwined together and I blushed while he smiled down at me and nudged our shoulders.


"Mmhm," I nodded and he grinned before looking forward and continuing on. 

We walked towards the next block hand in hand and didn't stop until a huge building came into view and he immediately let our hands go and made sure I had the security pass on. I tried to tell myself I was disappointed about the walk being so short in favor that we weren't holding hands anymore. 

"Alright this is YG," he told me over his shoulder and looked both ways before we ran across the street and onto the sidewalk in front of the building. 

We stopped before he came to the door and he gave me a serious look before ticking things off on his fingers. 

"Just follow me and stay behind. Don't say hi to anyone or anything because no one will recognize you and then they're going to get curious. Also, CEO Yang isn't here today so he shouldn't be making any surprise visits in the practice room. Got it?" 

I nodded my head and he smiled before nodding as well. 

"Alright-- oh wait!" He snapped his fingers in realization. 

"If anyone asks who you are by any chance just tell them you're shooting some bts photos for our album jacket," he said and motioned to the camera I had on, 


Seunghoon beamed and whirled around to swipe his card in the slot before the green light flashed above the machine and he opened the door so I could walk in first. The door slammed behind us and he guided me lightly to the side as we walked past the entryway and through the main lobby. Tables were in the front and a tv was placed on the wall directly across where an old interview with G Dragon was playing. He lead us through the lounge room and over to the elevators where he pushed the button to go up. 

I waited patiently and tapped my fingers against my thigh before the elevator dinged and it's doors opened, quickly we went inside and he pressed the second floor just as the doors shut and I leaned against the frame. 

"Like it so far?" He asked glancing out of the corner of his eye. 

"Yeah, but then again, all I've seen is the first floor anyways," I smirked and he rolled his eyes while smiling. 

"You know what I mean," 

"Yeah I do," I laughed and when the elevator stopped at the second floor, we got out as soon as the doors opened and he lead me straight down a hallway before turning the corner into a huge food court. 

There were tables placed everywhere and lots of people inside that were sitting down eating, others talking and some ordering food. There were many restaurants with lines of people and I gasped while clutching onto the back of Seunghoon's shirt and almost squealed at the fangirl moment I was about to have. 

"OHMYGOD! That's Dara! Isn't that Sandara?!" 

I yanked on his shirt to get his attention and Seunghoon chuckled and shook his head. 

"Yes Kyungmi, that is Sandara," 

She was just sitting down at the table with a tray of food next to some other girls I didn't notice and someone tapped on her shoulder and she turned around to face T. O. P.?! 

I screamed internally as he ruffled her hair and she frowned before shooing him off and grabbing her chopsticks to dig into the bean noodles. 

"That's T. O. P, Seunghoon!" I gushed and unfortunately didn't get to see anymore as we went through a door out of the food court and into the dance department. 

There were four different studios labeled A-D and Seunghoon took us down to the last one where a paper was tapped to the front that read, WINNER, and meant that this dance room was for them at the moment. 

"Your group?" 

"My group," he nodded and held the door open so I could walk inside and almost jumped in shock when I saw Mino, Taehyun, Jinwoo and Seungyoon sitting down in a circle around each other on the floor and stretching languidly. 

"What are you guys doing here?" I said immediately and all heads snapped my way before Taehyun broke into a wide smile and jumped to his feet to race across the hardwood floor toward me. 

"Hey noona!" He said and threw his arms around me while I blushed and patted his back before he pulled away and grinned. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"Seunghoon invited me." I replied and pointed over to the boy behind me who was shedding his jacket and backpack on the floor in a heap. 

"Hyung," Taehyun huffed over my shoulder. "How come you didn't tell us you were bringing the pretty noona over?" 

"Her name is Kyungmi," Seunghoon muttered and swatted his hands off of me so Seunghoon could grab my wrist and drag me over to the rest of the guys. "Second of all, it was kind of a spur of the moment thing," 

Taehyun followed behind us eagerly and plopped down in his spot that he was in previously. 

"So you're coming more often now?" He asked hopeful. 

"Um I don't know," I shrugged and all the guys waved at me while I smiled and waved back. 

"I'm guessing you guys are all WINNER then," 

"Pretty much," Mino said smug and patted the space beside him. "Sit," 

I looked at Seunghoon and he nodded so I walked over and sat down in their little circle while Jinwoo grinned and rubbed the back of his neck. 

"She's gonna watch us Hoon?" He asked looking up at said boy who was doing a few stretches on his own. 

"Yeah, everyone should be good by now so let's get in our positions to practice." 

All of the guys groaned and I chuckled while they got to their feet and went to the back of the room to get in their spots and Seunghoon shot me a shy smile before running over as well 

Taehyun cut the music on and it wasn't long before a loud R&B beat started playing and once the bass started up, the boys began moving with Seunghoon in the center and moving to the American rapper that started on the track. 

Their moves were fluid and it didn't take long for them to all fall in place and move in synchronization, like they practiced. Jinwoo made his way to the front and did this locking motion with his hands and body before Seunghoon and Mino, who were flanking each side joined in and did the same move as well and then Taehyun and Seungyoon copied as well. They moved following the beat and Taehyun broke away from the group to make his way to the front and did this rolling motion with his body while I smiled and Seunghoon stepped forward to begin rapping. 

It wasn't until I was suddenly looking through my lens, that I realized I was taking pictures of them and by then I figured they didn't care so I just snapped picture after picture after picture and managed to focus on all the guys quite well despite how fast they were moving. I zoomed in on Seunhoon in the front and he winked at me while I blushed and shook my head but kept taking shots. 

When two of them separated to the other side and the three went to the other wall, the music had dropped to a and the beat was now rising in anticipation when I slightly brought my camera down and suddenly Mino ran out to start break dancing in the center and it carried on until I realized they were doing a dance off. Sweat dropped off of each of them and clung to their shirts as they all took a turn before the music came to a halt and they all froze in midair and some right in the middle of dancing. 

I raised my eyebrow in confusion and was just about to say something when Seunghoon turned around with a smile and clapped his hands to signal that was good. 

"That's alright for now, good job guys," he nodded and the boys all sighed and grabbed some towels and water bowels on the side while Taehyun ran to turn the music off. 

Seunghoon turned around to face me and I held up a thumps up while he beamed and a line of sweat rolled down his neck. 

Nice, I mouthed. 

After today, I think this was my favorite side I had seen of him.

Heyyyyy guys! Sorry this update took so long. I was at college orientation and I had so much to do but I updated finally and do you guys like this chapter? I'm sorry if I'm not good at explaining dance scenes mianhae LOLOL . Just as side note: I hope their friendship or whatever isn't moving too fast for you guys and Kyungmi and Seunghoon are gonna be pretty straightforward in their feelings when they like each other. Rather than just running circles and denying their feelings. Hahaha but that's it. 

But read,comment, upvote and subscribe. Love you guys! 

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy