You Ruin Everything!

Apt. 34A


"Stop messing around," I shook my head and looked down at the water rustling around us.

"I'm not messing around," he said.

When I scoffed, Seunghoon moved his hand off of my waist and put a finger under my chin to lift my eyes toward his. "Hey, I'm not messing around," he whispered.

I felt my heart pound against my ribcage insistently and opened my mouth to protest when he leaned down and sealed our lips together.


His lips.

His lips were touching mine.

All I felt was slick plump lips against mine as he pressed closer and I felt myself responding back.

It took a minute, only a minute before they started to move on their own.

I felt his heartbeat against mine when he leaned into me.

I felt the heat of his skin despite the cold water that surrounded us.

His breath, when he opened his mouth to let me in, it was so foreign to me but felt so natural at the same time.


I started carding my fingers through his hair gently and his fingers gripped tightly onto my side when he angled his head to the side and I accidentally got too excited and bit his lip.

I pulled back immediately and Seunghoon stared at me wide eyed with swollen lips and his hair sticking up in random places.

"W-What," he breathed. "What was that?"

"I'm sorry," I blushed and looked down.

"Don't be," he said softly.

"But I...I bit you,"

Who the hell bites another person?! Only rabid animals bit people!

"Do it again, do it everytime we kiss, I don't care," he shrugged.

I broke out into a wide smile and he winked down at me before leaning down and capturing my lips again in his.

I don't know how long we kissed, frankly I didn't care; all I knew was that I was very glad we were still doing it.

When I would pull back to catch my breath, he would move his lips to my neck, pressing his lips behind my ear, around my jaw and at the base of my throat until I would pull him back to me.


"You're a really good kisser," I smiled into the kiss.

"I had," he pressed a kiss to the side of my mouth. " A lot of practice,"

"Shut the up before I bite your tongue off," I laughed.

Seunghoon smiled and ran his hands up my side just as we heard someone make a big splash in the water quite close to us, making a loud yelping noise.


I jerked back away from Seunghoon and he almost let go of me if it wasn't for the death grip I had on the back of his neck. We both were quite shocked to see Taehyun narrowing his eyes at us as his hair was plastered down on his forehead from the water and he kept himself afloat by raking his hands through.

"Hyung, you and Kyungmi kissed!"

He moved his hair out of his eyes and blinked at us quickly before I was shaking my head.

"It's reall-"

"You told her you want her to be your girlfriend then hyung?" he looked over at said boy.

Seunghoon flushed red when I turned to look at him and he glared at the maknae who seemed unphased by that look.




"But you were kissing her so obviously you two must be sealing the deal right? Or is that when you actually have ?" he looked up into the sky and my eyes widened while Seunghoon splashed him with water.

"Taehyun. STOP. TALKING. NOW,"

"But hyun-"


We cut our swimming lesson very short needless to say.


4:43 pm

I touched my lips as I stared back at myself in the mirror where I stood in the bathroom.

He kissed me.

Seunghoon kissed me.

As I pressed my fingers down a little harder, I blushed and racked a hand through my hair before taking a deep breath.

I didn't think this feeling was going to go away any time soon, not now or ever probably.

This warm feeling that crawled through my chest and at my bones and made my stomach churn. That made my heart palpitate and thrash wildly like it had never known how to beat properly. When I closed my eyes I saw his face, I saw his smile, his teeth, his lips, him.


Knock Knock


I dropped my hand immediately and scrambled to the door to pull it open lightly and poke my head out.

"Yeah?" I said a little breathless.

Kim smiled when she saw me and rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet before putting her hands against the frame of the door.

"Are you almost done in there? We're going to start cooking soon and we need help," she grinned.

"Oh yeah, yeah" I nodded. "I'll be out in a little bit, what are you guys making?"

 "Um," her eyebrows furrowed and she drummed her fingers against the frame. "I believe kimbap, kimchi, grilled barbeque and noodles," she nodded proud of herself for remembering.

"What, no rice?" I chuckled.

"They forgot it," she deadpanned. "We only asked them to do one thing, bring rice because there was a rice cooker here. One thing and they can't do that," she rolled her eyes.

I laughed loudly and shook my head. "Wow real smooth,"

"Yeah I'm saying," she muttered. "But I'll give you a minute then come to the kitchen arasso?"


I closed the door when she stalked back down the hallway and smiled to myself one more time in the mirror.

This was okay. Everything was okay.


A few minutes later I came out of the bathroom and walked into the kitchen to see all the girls bustling around, doing different things while talking amongst each other.

"Can you hand me those gloves?" Soojin asked from her spot at the counter where there was a bucket of fresh kimchi sitting in front of her.

Junhee leaned up on her tippytoes to grab them from the shelf then tossed them over to the girl who smiled in response.

"You're making it from scratch?" I said over her shoulder.

"Hm" she nodded. "My mom taught me awhile ago and I've been doing it since,"

She slipped the gloves on and began to get to work while the others were cutting meat, washing vegetables and filling pots with water to add the food in.

"Where do you need me?" I said rolling my sleeves up.

Kim, who had pulled her bangs up off her forehead into a mini ponytail on top of her head, turned and smiled while pointing at a pan that was heating up on the stove.

"You can get started on that,"

"You want me to fry some eggs?"

"Ne and Spam, Seunghoon said yours was really good; so you should make it," she grinned.

"It's not that good," I smiled shaking my head.

As I grabbed the eggs and half can of meat off the counter, I began to get to work while we all moved around the kitchen and did our own thing. Someone bursting in with a random song here and there and others talking back and forth while we cooked the food.


Seunghoon POV

I looked up at the bedroom cieling, the pale blue fan spinning around wildly in the quiet room and strummed my fingers against my chest. It was hard to deny the rush of adrenaline I could feel coursing through my veins and it was even funnier to feel my lips randomly twitch into a smile every five minutes.

I could hear the girls downstairs talking, singing and laughing amongst themselves while food was sizzling and timers kept going off. If I tried hard enough, I could almost the scent of the delicious food wafting through the air vents.

I didn't hear Kyungmi but it didn't surprise me since she probably wasn't going to just bust out randomly singing in the kitchen in front of all the girls.


There it was. That random smile every five minutes.

I sighed blissfully and let my head fall back on the white pillow while I closed my eyes.


Kyungmi. Kyungmi. Kyungmi.



Heyyyyyy my beautiful readers and subscribers!! It's been such a long time no? I'm so sorry but college is  no joke, you just keep going and going but luckily I have a very small portion of downtime to write. Did you guys enjoy this update? I hope you did and have you guys seen how well Winner is doing? I'm proud of them! But alsooooooooo have you heard that Team B will be debuting?! AKJFKASJDGLKFG';FGJLAJHSKJDFHJAHSLGLF the feels! Well three members so far, and the other three will have to compete for their spot. But yeah anyways sorry I had to rant. I will come back with an even better and longer chapter next time.

Read, subscribe, upvote and comment. Love you!

P.S. keep Eunb and her family as well as LadiesCode in your prayers guys.

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy