
Apt. 34A


Seunghoon's POV



No, this wasn't happening.

As soon as Kyungmi walked out of the door crying, I tried to run after her but Kimi grabbed a hold of the back of my sweater and shoved her off violently to chase after Kyungmi.

I flung the doors open and ran out to the sidewalk to see if I could spot her, but it was too dark and too many people were walking along for me to see anything. When I thought I had seen her from behind, I ran after the girl and pulled on her arm as she turned around in shock, looking at me like I was crazy before I bowed and apologized for grabbing her.

"Mianhae, I-I thought you were someone else," I said quietly.

She shook her head and continued walking while some guys glanced over at me and I quickly turned around the other way to make my way back in the other direction. I tried to look at everyone's face and even ran down the other way but I couldn't find her anywhere. 

I ran a hand through my hair in frustration and tried to think of where she would have ran off to. She wouldn't go back to her apartment, she hadn't been back in months and she definitely wouldn't now because of what happened. I knew where her uncle lived, but I couldn't remember his name or who to even ask for.  

I sighed and dropped my head against the wall that I was leaning on before I cursed to myself and slammed my hand against the brick.

Why didn't I just tell her?! Why didn't I just tell her as soon as it happened? Why did I have to screw up the best thing to ever happen to me?!

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt moisture against my cheeks and quickly wiped it away with the heel of my hand before I was shaking my head and pulled back to punch repeatedly at the wall.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I choked out into a sob and with each punctuated hit into the wall felt my hand grow numb. I hit it one last time and felt something crack inside my hand before I was sliding down the wall in a mess of tears and snot. 

My knuckles were red and blood was starting to trail down my hand but I paid no mind to that and cradled my head in my hands instead. 

"How could you do this to her?" I cried to myself. 


Kyungmi's POV 

The bus rambled along, a woman was sitting in front of me and looking every few seconds out of the window while two men on the opposite side of the aisle talked to each other. One looked to be a high school student while the other a little bit older, maybe his brother and briefly looked in my direction before I was turning away. 

I wiped at my face again with the sleeve of my jacket and looked down at my lap when another stop was said over the speaker. 


The woman in front of me stood up from her seat and grabbed her belongings, before she was exiting the bus and walking down a narrow street lit by store signs and a shack that had potted plants and wind chimes cluttered outside. The only people left on the bus now were me and the two other men. 

I didn't know where I was going honestly, the bus had been my first option after I ran out of the building and didn't know where else to go. But now that it was nearing four in the morning and steadily becoming darker, I needed to get off at some point before I ended up somewhere in Busan.

When the driver signaled to the next stop up ahead, I looked out the window at the passing neighborhoods and the people walking along the street before I was pulling on the cable above my head. The cold breeze greeted me as soon as the doors opened and I stepped out onto the sidewalk just as the bus pulled away.

"Great," I sighed. Down both sides of the street were apartment buildings sectioned off by a metal gate and a street market with a flashing OPEN sign in the window. 

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and turned the screen on to see 27 missed calls. 56 messages, and 20 voicemails. I knew who they were all from and rolled my eyes as I put my phone back and crossed the street to the supermarket. The automatic glass doors slid open as I walked through and an old man sweeping the floors, looked up in surprise before going back to his task.

There were only three people working at the checkout lanes and the whiring from the refrigerators filled the silence in the otherwise empty building.

Aisles of boxed food, packaged ramyeon, vegetable and fresh fruit racks stared back at me until I was dragging my hand down the row of price stamps and came to a stop at the canned meat.

Cases of spam stared back at me and I stared blankly in the middle of the aisle as thoughts of Seunghoon came back to me, of him cooking in his kitchen and begging me to make it and suddenly I felt sick to my stomach.

"ing cheater," I whispered.

"Lying cheater,"

"I hate your damn guts!" I choked out and pressed the heel of my hands into my eyes to stop myself from crying. How could I be so stupid?!

How could I not have realized what he was doing?! Was that why he was so nervous when we were sitting in the room? Because of her and what had happened?

Tears continued to stream down my face while I wiped them away roughly until the old man from the front of the store, passed by and stopped with the broom in his hand to look at me hesitantly. His mouth opened from the corner of my eye like he wanted to say something but I quickly got myself together and bowed with my head down before I was shuffling out of the aisle.


I walked off so fast that I didn't realize he was trying to get my attention and before I could look up, I smacked right into one of the store employees; carrying a box filled with canned soup that caused both of us to fall over. Cans rolled along the tiled floor noisely as I groaned and tried to pull myself up from the ground even though I could feel a knot starting to form in the back of my head.

When I pushed myself up on my elbows, the other two employees were looking on with wide eyes while the girl quickly ran forward and tried to grab the cans that rolled under the shelves. The guy who I had knocked over, sat up with a disgruntled look on his face and frowned harder when his eyes caught mine.

"Yah!" he shouted. "Don't you watch where you're going?!"

I flinched at his tone and bowed my head while coming to my feet, even though he looked far from accepting it. He got up too and dusted off the front of his uniform before he was grabbing the cans as well and mummbling under his breath.

The other girl was able to grab half of them and stack them back inside the box while I handed some more to her until the guy was picking it back up and shot me a glare to move out of his way.

"M-Mianhae, I'll watch where I'm going next time,"

He rolled his eyes and walked off in the oppsite direction, probably to restock what I had knocked down and I suddenly felt  even more worse as my stomach turned uneasily.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to-"

The girl waved me off with a nice smile and shook her head. "It's alright, Sihoo is just having a really bad day. He's been in a really bad mood all day but then again when is he not?" she sighed and laughed to herself quietly.

I didn't feel like laughing back though and she must have noticed it before she squinted her eyes at me and cocked her head."Are-Are you alright? Have you been crying?"

"It's my allergies!" I said quickly. "I'm sorry I really need to go," I bowed to her and turned around without looking back and made my way out of the supermarket.

I needed to go home now. 

The bus stop across the street was empty and I didn't know how long it would be until the next bus came, considering how long I had been riding on the way here. I figured my only option was to call my uncle and try to explain to him where I was at and just wait until he picked me up.

I pulled my phone out and tried to turn my phone on but the battery sign popped up and flashed for a few seconds before the screen turned black again.

"No, no, no, no," I moaned. "Please no, please,"

I tried turning it on again but the screen continued to stay black until I closed my eyes in frustration and lifted my hands up to my head. I was in the middle of nowhere, by myself, without a working phone.

"This can't be happening," I whispered to myself.

I cursed to myself and turned around on my feet only to freeze up when the guy who I had knocked over just a few minutes ago, Sihoo came out in regular clothes and a leather jacket with a snapback on his head.

He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and took one out to put between his lips and lit it as he took a drag before exhaling and letting the smoke roll out from his nose. I guess he didn't notice me because he was too busy looking at something on the floor, but when I walked back, I bumped into the old bench in front of the store and he looked up quickly before catching me and narrowing his eyes.

"You're still here?" his lip curled back. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

I didn't say anything but instead blinked a few times before I was turning the other way and taking a seat on the bench. I would just ignore him, wait until he left and then go back inside the market and ask to borrow the phone and call my uncle.

"Yah don't you hear me talking to you?!"

When nothing but silence answered him, I glanced out of the corner of my eye as he shook his head and took another drag of the cigarette before dropping it on the ground and smashing it with his Converse.

He walked off to the side and I thought he must have started walking to his own house and sighed in relief. At least now that he was gone I could go back inside. I stood up quickly until a loud rumbling noise traveled down the street and a bike pulled up to the curb as Sihoo looked at me for a long second before opening his mouth. 

"What are you still waiting out here for?"

My hands curled into fists at my side as I stared back at him and when I said nothing, he rolled his eyes before unclipping the helmet attached to the side and held it out to me.

"It's late and I don't think anyone is coming any time soon,"

"He's coming- my uncle is coming,"

Sihoo shook the helmet at me, "I'll take you home,"

What?! This punk had the nerve to practically glare me to death in the store for knocking him over and had not only just yelled at me a few minutes earlier and now wanted to take me home like a good samaritian?

"No," I shook my head. "That's okay, please, I'm just going to wait h-here," I said nervously.

"Kyungmi, let me take you home,"

I froze and my eyes widened because how in the world did he know my name?! I had never seen this guy in my entire life except for today!


"I thought I recognized you when you ran into me," he sighed. "We're in the same class with Dr. Lim,"

When I said nothing, he shook his head and just brushed it off, not even bothered by the fact I didn't know him."O-Oh," I coughed nervously.

I felt my face heat up but still didn't make any moves until Sihoo was pushing the kick stand down on his bike and walked over to grab me around the wrist and pull me towards the bike.


I tried to pull my wrist out of his grasp and push him off but Sihoo continued to drag me across the sidewalk until he was literally pushing me onto the bike and reached over to clip the helmet ontop of my head.   

 "I already told you that-"

Sihoo put a hand over my mouth and I looked up at him as he stared at me with those dark eyes and swallowed loudly. "Are you done? I heard you the first time, but for one I don't think anyone is coming and two it's already late enough, don't you know how dangerous it is down here? So just be happy and tell me your address arasso?"

He pulled his hand away and I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my jacket and looked down as he got back on the bike and kicked the stand up before taking off.

I had grabbed a hold of the back of his jacket out of reflex and refused to say anything else to him other than shouting out the building address over the roar of his motorcycle and the wind rushing in my ears. The city flew by fast, the lights turning into patterns of different colors and the sound of other cars becoming drowned out as he drove faster through the city. I had never rid on a motorcycle before and it was safe to say I hated it, especially at how tight I had to hold onto the back of him. 

I don't know how long it took us to get back, but by the time we were passing in through the familiar buildings and skyscrappers, I directed him over to an apartment complex across the street from where my uncle stayed. I wasn't going to let him know where I actually stayed.

Sihoo pulled his bike around the back where the garbage was and stopped at the curb as I hurriedly got off and unclipped the helmet from my head and threw it back at him. He caught it easily and I refrained from telling him thanks since he had practically manhandled me onto the bike.

In fact, I was going to make it even more apparent to avoid him from now on just so I wouldn't have to run into him.

"You're welcome," he nodded my way.

"I wasn't going to say thank you,"

"You were thinking it," he shrugged and looked down at his helmet before turning it around in his hands and looking up at me.

His gaze made me uncomfortable in part because he had a horrible attitude and I had done nothing to him expect accidentally knock him over which I apologized for, Before I could say something though, his gaze lingered for a little bit longer until he was putting his helmet on and taking off without another word, the lights of his motorcycle painting the road behind him.

I rubbed my eyes and took a deep breath before running across the street toward the condos and quickly making my way inside before taking the elevator up to our floor and walking to our room.

When I unlocked the door and made my way inside, all the lights were off expect for the lamp in the livingroom and after glancing down the hall, saw the door to my uncle's room shut. I walked to my room and slipped in after setting my things down and went over to connect my phone to the wall charger.

The screen lit up after a few minutes and even though it was late, my phone rung almost immediately with Seunghoon's face taking up the screen and even though I wanted nothing to do with him, I answered anyway.

It was silent.

Nothing but quiet.

Some shuffling was heard over the line before breathing and then I heard his voice. "Kyungmi?"

He sounded so quiet and small, his voice almost unrecognizably until I heard a broken sob and what sounded like him sniffling.

"Please Kyungmi...please baby just listen to me,"

He stopped short as I heard him take a deep breath and the sound of his cries only grew louder.

"I love you,"

And like the snap of a string holding a kite, the very emotions and my heart all dropped with the string that fell. It was everything I didn't imagine it to turn out like. It was the words that neither of us had said and that I had patiently waited for. It was like being set up on a dunk tank and falling down into the water when you didn't expect the person to hit the target.  

I dropped to my knees on the floor in front of my phone and broke down in a mass of tears and pain, immense pain. 


Heyyy guys! I didn't keep you waiting long right? What do you think of this chapter and what's going on with Seunghoon and Kyungmi? And what about Sihoo? Well until next time, leave comments for me below and don't forget to read, upvote and subscribe. Love you! 

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy