It's Not Because Of That

Apt. 34A




3:38 am 

I heard my phone buzz loudly beside me on the bedside table as I laid tangled up in a mass of blankets. I opened one eye lazily and lifted my head off of the pillow in confusion as I looked out. It was pitch black outside the window and I could hear my fan spinning softly above me. I groaned and rubbed my face before scooting over so I could grab my phone that was flashing brightly in the dark room. 


What in the world was he texting me for at three o'clock in the morning?! 

I whined and untangled my limbs from the blankets so I could grab my phone and I unlock the screen to read the message. 

From: Seunghoon 

To: Kyungmi 

Can you like please come outside ?? I have something to give you ..

Was this dude serious? 

First of all, it was too late for this. Secondly, who gives someone a present or whatever he had at three in the morning. Why wasn't he at his own place sleeping?? Thirdly, couldn't this wait until the morning?! 

I disregarded the text message and tossed my phone back on the stand before snuggling back up to my pillow, he would just have to wait. 





My phone kept buzzing for the past three minutes and I was getting so tired of covering my face with the blanket that I finally screamed into my pillow. 

What the hell?! 

I wrenched myself upright, flinging the blankets off of me and stumbling out of bed as I messed my hair up while walking half asleep to the door. 

I was ready to cuss him out, I really was because one thing I hated more than anything was being woken up before I needed to be. I unlocked the door and pulled it open angrily, ready to launch into a slew of cuss words that would probably make him blush until what he had in front of me died in my throat. 

"W-what's that?" I said breathlessly. My hand slid down the side of the door and fell limp at my waist as I blinked twice. 

"It's a cake!" He smiled brightly in the dim of lights. 

Well yeah way to state it captain obvious, it was more of a question of why he even had a cake in the first place?

"Wh-why do you have that I mean?" 

I rubbed my eyes with my left hand and Seunghoon shrugged while moving the cake to his left hand. "For getting into university, I know how much it meant to you," 

"But we already celebrated," I mumbled. 

"Splitting the bill over pizza and egg rolls could hardly be considered that. Besides it was on sale since cakes aren't so popular on Wednesday, who knew?" 

"Stop rambling," I chuckled. 

"Then blow out these candles so the wax and icing doesn't get on my hands, I'm pretty sure you can get third degree burns from that." He frowned. 

I looked over the cake one last time, it was simple with white frosting and strawberries on top. There was chocolate designs on the strawberries and candle sticks, eight of them, all lit across. I smiled and leaned forward, blowing them all out and watching as the smoke went up in the air. 


"You really need to stop with these random impulse surprises," I yawned and closed the fridge after putting the cake in it. 

I grabbed the plate that had one slice on it and walked back to the living room where Seunghoon was sitting on the couch and handed it to him while taking a seat as well. 

"I like the look you get on your face when I do," he laughed and broke a piece off to put in his mouth. 

"You're too much, AGAIN. What are you even doing up at this time just knocking on peoples doors?" 

It was completely dark aside from the light I had on in the kitchen and the lights from outside casted a glow on the window. The pillow I had in my lap was pressed up under my chin and Seunghoon had slipped out of his sweater, only in a gray wife beater and jeans with his legs crossed in front of him. 

"I had just got back from practice," 

"Jesus, this late?!" My eyes widened. 

"Pssh this is nothing compared to when we first started training. Some nights we didn't even bother going back to the dorms. Technically there was more space there than at the dorms anyway," he shrugged. 

"I don't know how you do it," I shook my head and let my eyes close. 

"Because it's my dream," he chuckled and I felt the couch shift slightly before something cold and slick was smeared on my cheek. 

"Stop," I whined and pushed him away. I rubbed the icing off of my cheek and in return smeared it back on him. 

"Don't go to sleep on me," he laughed. 

"I deserve to sleep," I glared at him. "You woke me up, I should kick you out," 

"Alright alright," he sighed and leaned back on the couch. "I'll leave but as soon as you answer me this question," 

"You're not sleeping over," I shook my head. 

Seunghoon smiled at me and some of the icing off that was on his fingers in amusement. "I wasn't going to ask that but since you suggested it..." He trailed off. 


"Okay okay," he laughed. "I'm kidding but you know how our debut day is getting closer and closer?" 

I nodded my head because somewhere in my deluded brain memory I vaguely remember him reminding me about some big debut showcase they were going to have. It was in August right? 

"Well CEO Yang is letting the group go on a mini vacation before we debut since we're going to be working like slaves," he rolled his eyes. "But we decided to go to Sokcho for the weekend. You wanna come?" 

Even though I could barely see him due to the dark room, I knew his eyes were shining just by the way he was talking and I ran a hand through my hair before sighing. 

"He's okay with you bringing strangers along?" 

"What he doesn't know won't kill him and besides, everyone else is bringing their girlfriends," he said. 

I blushed at the word girlfriend and he must have caught on too because he flushed red and ducked his head down, nervously messing with his fingers. 

"I-I mean they're bringing their friends too. I don't want to be the odd one out and besides we always have fun together right?" 

"Ah yeah that's true," I cleared my throat. 

I hated this awkward tension between us because it never happened, we were always carrying on a conversation or annoying one another but never just awkwardly quiet. 

"I guess I'll go but I need to check first," 

Seunghoon looked up quickly and broke into a wide smile, his eyes turning into crescents. 


"I'll give you more information later on and what not. Just go back to sleep," 

"Finally," I rolled my eyes with a smirk on my face and Seunghoon flicked my head before pressing a kiss to my temple. 

"Good night yeobo," 

I hummed and he gathered up all his things before clambering out of the apartment quite noisily and slamming the door behind himself. 

Aish this boy I swear!

I got off the couch too and went back to my bedroom after turning off all the lights and submerged myself back in the blankets and even turned my phone off. I couldn't take any chances with him calling me again.


Two days later 

4:14 pm 

"I need to look for a job," I mumbled to myself as I scanned through the newspaper I had got from the street cart. 

Uncle Minho had paid my first two months of rent and for that I would be eternally grateful but I needed to take responsibility and start doing this on my own. A lot of kids were playing across the street on the playground set from where I sat on the bench, and I smiled to myself as I watched them laugh and scream. 

I had always had a soft spot for kids even though I never had siblings, but a lot of my friends did and it was always fun to watch them when they were around. Unfortunately no one from Gangnam even still talked to me after I had been kicked out. I shook those thoughts out of my head as soon as they came, it wouldn't do any good now. 

"Mama! Mama!" A little boy, about three years old with chubby cheeks and in a striped shirt with overalls over it, ran towards the woman who was sitting beside me and biting her nail as she went through her phone. 

She looked up immediately when her son called her and by the time he flung himself in her arms, she had put her cellphone down and stared at him. 

"Ne Jisum?" 

"Watch me as I go down the slide okay?" He looked up at her cutely with his brown eyes. 

The woman chuckled and nodded her head before ruffling his black locks and sending him off. 

"Arasso, go then," 

He smiled widely and ran all the way to the yellow slide before going up the steps one at a time and holding the rail with both hands. When he made it to the top he waved at her and she gave him a thumbs up in reassurance. Jisum ran to the other end and sat down on the slide before pushing himself all the way down and throwing his hands up in the process. 

He screamed in happiness all the way down and I couldn't hold back my laughter when he clapped excitedly and ran back to do it all over again. He was too cute. 

"Your son is adorable," I told the young mother. 

She blushed and tucked a piece of  hair behind her ear and bowed. "Thank you, he's too hyper really. I was hoping this would burn off some of his energy," 

She looked tired, you could see it in her eyes but she also had a warm smile on her face that all mothers did when they truly loved their children. Her eyes were slightly red but she had a youthful look to her face that was half way attributed to the big shirt and skinny jeans she had on. 

"He never stops," she sighed. 

"How old is he, if you don't mind me asking?" 

"He's three, he'll be four next month in September," 

I nodded my head and she must have noticed the newspaper I had in my hands because her eyebrows rose. "Are you looking for a job?" 

"Yeah," I muttered and looked down. "I'm starting college soon and I just moved into a new apartment," 

"Oh you're in university too?" She said interested. 

"Ne, I'm studying multimedia," I nodded. 

"I'm in university too!" She smiled shyly and turned to face me slightly on the bench.

My eyes widened and I couldn't help but stare at her in shock. She was so young and a mother and she was studying too?!


"Yeah," she paused and looked down at her lap before turning her attention to Jisum.

"I'm only 21, I had Jisum when I was eighteen. He's my miracle," she whispered with a slight smile. 

Whoa jinja!? A teen mom?! 

I was only shocked for a moment before I regained my senses and swallowed loudly. "Honestly you're really daebak. You were a teenage mom but you still raised your son and are going to university," I shook my head astonished. 

The woman burst into a fit of laughter and covered . "Are you serious? I've never had anyone say that to me," 

"Well I think it's true," I shrugged. "I would have killed myself," I said. 

She laughed some more and I smiled slightly while extending my hand. "I'm Kyungmi by the way," 

"Soo Yun," she returned the gesture. "I could help you out with your job hunting if you wouldn't mind the pay," she gestered warmly to Jisum. 

"I was hoping you would ask me that," 

Did you guys like this update??? I really liked the last part of this, I always feel bad for teen moms, because I've known a lot actually when I went to high school. Thankfully they are all doing good but Seunghoon surprising Kyungmi so late aish that boy is stupid! Hahaha I hope I didn't keep you guys waiting so long on this update. And btw have you guys watched It's okay, that's Love, D.O's drama? I love it! 

Anddd Dynamic Duo-baam is what I listened to. 

As well as Yong Junhyung- flower. 

Until next time read, comment, upvote and subscribe. Love you guys! 

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy