College Kids

Apt. 34A



Kyungmi's POV

2:35 pm 

I tapped my pencil against the notebook as I stared straight ahead at the professor in the front of the room who was talking animatedly with his long hair held back by a rubber band. He was going on about evolutionary themes in Korean culture and tragedies that had shaped art. Honestly at first I listened for a good hour of class but after that had went by, I could feel my hearing starting to tune him out at certain points.

I glanced down at the watch on my wrist, the red second hand ticking consistently slower the longer I stared at it. I sighed and crossed my ankles together as I looked back up at the slideshow and realized that he was talking about something that was probably important considering it was outlined in bold red letters.  

While I was writing down what was on the screen, my eyes would switch back and forth to keep up with the speed at which he was talking and also make sure that I was writing it down correctly. I paraphrased for the most part and put a star next to the things that I would have to look over more in depth later. 

The slide had changed a second later to a graphic depiction of Korean college students protesting outside of major corporation buildings with picket signs and face masks to partially conceal their face. I followed Dr. Lim's explanation of the picture in curiosity when I heard someone shift beside me in their seat followed by a clanking noise until I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. 

"Mianhae," the girl with waist length black hair blushed and ducked her head at me. "My pen dropped under your seat, could you possibly get it for me?"

"Oh yeah no problem," I shrugged and moved my legs aside so I could reach under my seat and grab the pink clear pen. 

When I handed it back, she smiled a cute eye smile and lowered her head so she could continue writing while I turned my attention back to the front. My eyes strayed back down at my watch and with a slight grin, I realized that there was only two minutes left in class and Dr. Lim was trying to hurriedly explain the rest before letting us go. Some people were already gathering their things together and putting away stuff in their bags. Others were checking their phones, with a few already slipping out through the back. 

"Don't forget to get started on your reading as soon as possible. There will be a short online quiz that I will post at the end of the week to gauge your attention in my class," he eyed everyone as much as he could, considering there were about fifty people in here then pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose while waving us off. 

"You are dissmissed, have a good rest of your day,"

"Ne," a large portion of the class chorused together before people started getting up and leaving out the back doors. I waited for a few people to gather their things out of my row, then slung my backpack over my shoulder and politely made my way in front of them before following the crowd out and going off in a different direction. 

I was beyond glad that this was my last class for the day and now I could go home, change and head over to Soo Yun's and watch Jisum. First, I needed to register for an access card to the developing studio though so I would be able to process my photos and have time to work in there if I needed to. 

I looked over at the campus pamphlet I was given and turned it over on the back to read the numbers beside each building. I let my finger scroll down the page until I found the abbreviation for the building and walked the rest of the way through the campus. 

I past a man made mechanical fountain that was built after the school opened and placed in the center of campus. Because of the fields of grass surrounding it, there were lots of people lounging around underneath trees, sitting along the fountain, or laying across their stomachs with books in front of them. I narrowly avoided getting run over by someone riding their bike and walked the rest of the cobblestone path toward a small building that was nestled between the library and Internet cafe. 

Upon walking inside, I followed the signs that were plastered along the walls to direct freshmen where to go in order to be processed and continued down a long corridor before turning and coming face to face with someone's back. 

No way, there was no way this was happening

I leaned over to see the line in front of me and my jaw dropped at the amount of people that were waiting before me and how slow it was moving considering I could only see one person working from where I stood. 

I groaned internally and let myself fall back against the wall while blowing my hair out of my eyes. This was honestly just great.

When I looked back down at my watch, the numbers 2:50 glowed back at me and I closed my eyes in frustration. I was hoping that it would only take me ten minutes at least to get in, get processed and have time to catch the bus at 3:10 that would take me downtown while I walked the rest of the way. 

I was not counting on this many people being here to do the exact same thing I was doing and luck must really be on my side since only one person seemed to be doing their job. 

Just fantastic.


Thirty minutes later..

"Kamsahamnida," I said to the woman as she handed me back my access card through the slot at the bottom of the window. 

She nodded and signaled for the next person behind me to come forward, a boy who yawned and rubbed his eyes as he lazily told her his student number.

As you all should know running was not my forte. 

I didn't like running home from school when I was a few minutes past curfew. 

I didn't like running during our P.E. tests and I didn't like running now. 

Especially now when I knew the next bus would be heading towards the stop that I desperately needed to get on. 

Breathing heavily, I ran down the back of an older building where some students were heading in, clutching the straps of my backpack in my hand and sighed in relief when I could see the bus rolling towards the stop just as I ran the rest of the way. 

I bent over to catch my breath, just as I stopped in front of the sign and took two deep breaths through my nose before looking back up and staring right back at a few people that looked at me as if I was crazy. I blushed and immediately turned around the other way just in time for the bus to pull up. 

A group of students shuffled in before me and I walked up the steps and down the aisle to grab a seat in the far back. Once we took off, I reached for my phone out of the bottom of my bag and unlocked it to find no new messages from Seunghoon, only Soo Yun. 

Huh he must be really busy then, I thought to myself. 

I decided to send him a text anyway, just something short and put my phone away as I let my head rest back on the seat. 

From: Kyungmi 

Class is over! I'm finally heading home even though I almost missed the bus....

You're still coming later right? 


At the apartment 

I threw my bag on the couch and walked down to my room as I switched the light on and began trying to get out of my clothes from earlier. I pulled my shirt off over my head and kicked my jeans away, to tug on a grey sweatshirt and some sweatpants. 

While I walked over to the bathroom, my phone rung and I could hear the ringtone through my bag so I hurriedly washed my face and hands then rummaged through the contents before pulling it out. 


"Hey what's up?" 

"Nothing," I sighed and tucked the phone between my ear and shoulder so I could pat my face with the towel. "I was changing and then I should be over in a little bit," 

"Alright that's cool, Jisum is being fussy today so I'm going to put him down for a nap. He was just watching tv and the show ended and he's been whining all day ever since. He's so dramatic," 

I stifled a laugh and pulled on my converse before walking out and into the kitchen, opening the door to grab down a water bottle. "Just like his mother," I cooed. 

"Yah yah yah! I'm not dramatic," 

"You're proving my point right now," I snickered. 

She mumbled something unintelligible over the line and I could practically feel her eyes rolling as she sighed. "Whatever, how was your first day of class anyways?" 

"It was alright, the classes were okay for the most part. Pretty regular day," I shrugged. 

I went back over to my bag and shoved the water bottle inside before pulling it on and grabbing my keys. "Hey I'm on my way, see you in a few,"

"See ya," Soo Yun hummed just before the line went dead. 


At Jisum's home

After the first ring, the door immediately opened to reveal Nathan in a university sweatshirt and gray jeans who offered me a warm smile before ushering me inside.

"Hey Kyungmi."

I waved and followed him down the hallway towards the living room where his parents were cleaning up and stopped to bow at them.

"Annyonghaseyo," I said politely. 

Jiho turned around with the feather duster in her hand and offered me the same smile as her son before waving as well. "Kyungmi, back so soon. You look even prettier than the last time and don't be so formal. You can call me omma," 

"O-Okay," I stuttered and felt a weird sensation grow in the middle of my chest that I tried to push down. 

Her husband smiled at me and I bowed again before Nathan was steering me out and upstairs to their room. When he opened the door to their room, Soo Yun was just tying her hair up and turned around, smiling when she saw who it was. 


"Hey," I nodded and took a seat at the edge of the bed while pulling my backpack off. " You don't mind if I start on homework while he's sleep right?" 

Soo Yun made a funny face and laughed while shaking her head. "No, I understand. He's in the room across the hall but if he wakes up he usually always comes into our room," 


"I also," she grabbed a slip of paper off the edge of her desk and handed it to me. "Wrote down what he's allergic to and some things he likes and doesn't like." 

"Got it." 

"But our parents are downstairs and he's usually fine when we're not here. But just in case." 

"Soo Yun, I said I got it. Don't worry everything will be alright." I laughed. 

She puffed out her cheeks and frowned while Nathan pulled her closer towards the door. "Bu-" 

"Kyungmi said she's fine, come on we don't want to be late for our first class," he said tugging on her hand. 

She looked back and forth at me then Nathan before sighing and taking his hand. "Okay okay, let's go. Just send me a text at least," 

"Yes mom," I teased and laughed as she glared at me while walking out the door. 


A little after an hour, Jisum stumbled into the bedroom rubbing the sleep from his eyes and looked at me confused as I sat at the desk reading my textbook. 


I spun around in the chair, shutting my book in the process and smiled at the little boy while waving him over. "Hey little dude," 

He walked over and reached up with his little hands for me so I pulled him onto my lap while he laid his head on my chest. "How come you are in omma and appa's room? Did they leave me?" 

"No they didn't leave you," I chuckled and looked down at his face. "They went to school so I'm watching you remember?" 

He looked up at me and nodded, letting out a small yawn before looking at my book. "What are you reading?" 

"About different films in Korea. It's for school," 

"Is it fun?" 

"Not really," I smiled. "But if I don't do it I will get in trouble with my teacher," 

Jisum gasped and turned around to face me with wide eyes. "I don't want you to get in trouble, you should keep reading then," 

I decided to play along with him and pout at the little boy. "Then what will you do while I read?" 

His facial expression turned serious and he slid off of my lap, all traces of sleep gone and scrambled out of the room for a minute before he came back with his hands full of two boxes and two books. He set them right beside me and took a seat on the floor while he looked up with a smile. 

"I have two puzzles I can work on and when I finish I can read just like you," 

"Alright, are you sure you can do the puzzles on your own though?" 

Jisum actually looked at me offended and held up two different boxes with an exasperated expression. "Kyungmi, these are Power Rangers. I can finish this on my own." 

"Okay okay," I held up my hands. "I believe you," 

He giggled and went on to open both of the boxes before dumping the pieces out in front of him on the floor. I shook my head with a smile and continued reading while jotting down notes on the side. 

True to his word, he actually did end up finishing both of the puzzles on his own and made sure that everyone knew by running downstairs to tell his grandparents and back up to the room before staring at it in triumph. When I had finished reading for the day, I put everything away and he asked me to read both of the books to him since he couldn't yet. 

He was quiet throughout the entire time and stared at the pictures along the page curiously before turning the pages for me and waiting until I read. Later on after we were done, his grandma made us food to eat which was delicious fish soup and rewarded her with a kiss when he finished. 

We took a walk around the neighborhood to get some fresh air and he dragged me to the playground that I had met him last time before racing off to the slide. 

As I was chasing him around the playground set while he squealed in laughter, my phone began ringing in my back pocket and I pulled it out while smiling to myself. 

"Kyungmi speaking," 

"You mean Lee Seunghoon's Kyungmi speaking," he laughed. 

"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrow. "I'm not a piece of property, you don't own me," 

Jisum ran between the dinosaur structures roaring at the top of his lungs before he saw me standing on the phone talking and stopped.

"Who is that Kyungmi?" 

I pulled the phone away from my ear to pat the top of his head. "Seunghoon, he's my friend," 

Jisum giggled and rocked forward on the balls of his feet. "Like a boyfriend?" 

"Yah you little-" I spluttered but he had took off towards the swings on the other side. 

I put the phone back to my ear and Seunghoon scoffed. "Did you just put me on hold for someone?" 

"Yeah, a three year old," I snorted. "I'm watching Jisum right now. So don't get jealous, he's not my style. What are you doing?" 

"I wasn't jealous first of all," he mumbled and I rolled my eyes while he continued. "But the members are getting ready for their schedule, I can't go with them. The radio was fun and I didn't stutter," 

"Congratulations," I smirked. "How come you can't go with them?" 

I looked over at Jisum and walked over to where he was trying to push himself but not doing a good job. "Well I'm not feeling well and all so I'm just taking a break while they continue on," 

I raised my eyebrow at his tone of voice because there was something off about the way he talked but I couldn't really put my finger on it. Besides we would have time to talk later tonight and I could really question him. 

"Are you sure you're alright?" 

"Yeah, it's nothing don't worry. How was school?" He changed the subject. 

"Long," I sighed and went behind Jisum to push him high while he kicked his legs. "My classes were fine but I kind of blocked some stuff out. I almost missed the bus when I got stuck at the studio but I barely made it," 

His laugh sounded through the other end before he answered. "Aw I'm sorry and that I couldn't pick you up. But I can still bring the Chinese food if you want," 

"No you're not feeling good I don't want you to have to go out of your way for that. I can bring it and we can chill at your place," 

"Yeah, I would like that actually," 

"Alright well let me go before Jisum decides he wants to jump off the swing and I'll see you tonight?" 

"Yeah, I can't wait I miss you," he said. 

I felt myself blush and rolled my eyes when he laughed because he knew what that always did to me. "Bye," I muttered and hung up first. 


Heyyyy guys what did you think of this update? And is Seunghoon hiding more than he's letting Kyungmi on? Should he tell her? And what's gonna happen when Kyungmi decides to pay a visit? You'll have to wait until the next update and congrats to Got7 for winning a rookie award at the GDA! 

Dont forget to read, comment, subscribe and up vote! Love you guys! 

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy