Things Said

Apt. 34A



A few days later

"Hyung, hyung," Taehyun said as he followed after the leader quickly who had just came out of CEO Yang Hyuk's office. 

Seungyoon looked over his shoulder and stopped walking so the maknae could catch up to him. When he saw the look on the youngers face, he frowned and took his hand to continue walking. 

"What is it Tae?" 

Said boy furrowed his eyebrows and bit his lip, it's not that he was afraid but he just didn't know how to come out and say it. 

"Taehyun?" The leader asked again,

The maknae took a deep breath and sighed before starting. "I think that our-" 


Taehyun looked up startled as they walked into the room and his hyung was seated in the chair in front of the mirror as none other than...

"Seunghoon!" The leader rushed over toward him and grabbed him in an awkward hug since he was sitting in the chair while he laughed and ruffled his hair. 

"Hey Seungyoon,"

Taehyun stood frozen in absolute shock in the doorway, not because Seunghoon was sitting in the room which meant he was back, but because of who was working over him. The girl looked up as she took out a brush and a stencil and noticed Taehyun's eyes on her as they made eye contact. 

Jinwoo and Mino were talking to Seunghoon before they had came in, everyone catching up with him even though it just had been a couple of days. 

"Are you feeling okay?" Seungyoon rubbed his shoulder. 

"Much better, it hurts but it's nothing I can't handle," he shook his head. 

"You can finally join us on our fan meeting tour," Mino sighed. "Yeah it was no fun without you there," Jinwoo frowned and pushed out his lips in a pout while Seunghoon smiled. 

"It was killing me not to be there either," when he looked forward again into the mirror, the stylist looked away quickly and went back to his makeup while Mino sighed again. 



At this point, all eyes were on him and he quickly snapped out of it before shaking his head and offering a forced smile while walking toward  the others. 


Mino raised an eyebrow and he blushed before clearing his throat and smiling wider as to appease him. "I'm glad you're back too hyung! I really missed you."

Seunghoon shook his head and Taehyun glanced up at the stylist who looked at him again before turning her attention back to the boy in the chair. 

"Are you sure you're feeling better?" 

"Yep," he said closed his eyes while she went over his face. "Now stop asking me. What have you guys been doing?" 

Jinwoo exhaled loudly and gently pushed Taehyun out of the way to complain to Seunghoon. 

The maknae edged out of the way and put his hands into his pockets while glancing over to the boy and noticing that his phone was in his lap. He let out a deep breath and was just about to say something else when he looked over to the door and a few men peeked their heads in before telling them that it was about time to go.

The stylist finished fixing Seunghoon up and grabbed all of her things, leaving without another word and a few of the members shuffled out to follow a minute later, but just as Seunghoon was getting up to leave as well, Taehyun grabbed his hand and he looked up confused at him.

"What's wrong?"

Taehyun brought his lip between his teeth and chewed on it in thought before letting go of his hand and putting his hand in his pocket. "Don't think I'm crazy okay?"

Seunghoon slipped out of the chair and grabbed his jacket before putting his arms through and raising an eyebrow.

"I won't. What is it?"

He sighed and walked beside him before raking a hand through his hair. "I think there is something wrong with our stylist. Like something is not right, she gives me a weird feeling,"

He grabbed a hold of the doorknob and pulled it open for both of them to walk through before they went down the hallway.

"A weird feeling, like what?"

"I don't know," Taehyun shrugged.

When Seunghoon looked over at him, he chuckled and ruffled the youngers hair as they went outside the building and got into the van that had the doors open for them. The other memebers were already buckled up in the front and talking amongst each other while the manager was checking something on his phone, so Seunghoon and taehyun grabbed the seats in the back and buckled themselves up.

"Maybe she's just weird and all," he told Taehyun who only pursed his lips.

"I don't know,"

They fell quiet for a few minutes once the van took off and started to drive through the city, but after Seunghoon laid his head against the window and focused on the pain that was currently shooting up the bottom of his back, Taehyun nudged him again.


"I saw her with your phone, she said she was holding onto it,"

Seunghoon sat up straighter and raised an eyebrow at him. "My phone? But CEO Yang had it, I picked it up from his office,"

"No hyung," Taehyun shook his head. "I saw her and asked her why she had your phone but she told me she was holding onto it,"

Seunghoon's eyebrows furrowed and he looked ahead at the members before turning back to him. "But that-"

"She's weird!" he hissed under his breath. "I swear something is not right with her, I think she has something against you or whatever, but it's creepy," he shuddered. 

Seunghoon scratched his head and folded his arms across his chest while he contemplated what Taehyun said, it wasn't that he didn't necessarily believe Taehyun, it was just crazy the longer he thought about it and hard to wrap his head around. 

The two of them didn't say anything more for the rest of the way over to the venue, but the silence was long and heavy as they sat by side in the van with Taehyun frowning out the window. 


Kyungmi's POV

I looked up at the sign of the quaint little cafe nestled between two buildings that had an apartment above it, before looking back down at the address on my phone and confirming that this was indeed the place. I went inside, the bell jingling above my head from the door and stuffed my phone back inside the pocket of my coat before looking around the small area.

Immediately I recognized two familiar faces and broke into a smile when one of them waved me over from her spot and nudged the other one excitedly who was sipping tea. 

"Kyungmi, over here!" 

I walked over to the booth that was situated against the back wall next to the window and slid down into the opposite side while putting my bag down and waving at them. 

"Hey Kim, Soojin." I nodded. 

Kim's hair was now a light brown with undertones of black and she wore a light red top with a beanie that contrasted with Soojin, who had on a sundress with a thin sweater over it. Her hair was pushed to the side and I smiled when she leaned over to squeeze my hand. 

"You look pretty," she said. 

"Thanks," I smiled down at the table before looking back up. "You two look perfect as always," I rolled my eyes. 

They both laughed, mimicking each other's expression before Kim shook her head and put her elbows on the table. 

"So what's up, anything new with you?" 

"It feels like it's been years," Soojin mumbled and took another sip before putting her cup down. "And you don't even call as much," she frowned, 

I shifted in the booth and grabbed one of the menus from the rack before holding it up, just to let my eyes see from the top. "I've been busy," I said.

Kim raised an eyebrow at me and frowned while snatching the menu from my hands. "Busy with what?"

"Nothing," I replied quickly and tried to reach for the menu in her hands. "Kim," I pouted.

 "Tell us," she frowned.

I sighed, realizing I wasn't going to get it back and huffed before folding my arms across my chest. "It's just school, work, babysitting, and Seunghoon. Apparently he has back issues that he never told me about until recently. I came over to his apartment and he was in a wheelchair! I was terrified, I thought something really bad had happened to him, it was crazy,"

She had put the menu down by now and I took it back while Soojin pursed her lips in thought.

"I'm sorry, I-we didn't know,"

"It doesn't matter," I shook my head. "I just wish he would have at least let me know what was going on or something, you can't just surprise people with stuff like that,"

Kim nodded and looked down at her silverware, tracing the outline of it along the table before looking back up at me. "Yeah I understand. Seunghoon's pretty private when it comes to his personal life. It took him forever to come out and tell us who he was bringing to the beach,"

"Tell me about it," Soojin groaned. "Punk,"

I smiled slightly and a waitress came over to our table to take my order but I just ordered a large black coffee and a bagel. "Enough about me. What's up with you guys?"

"University," they both groaned at the same time.

Kim made a strangling motion to her neck and Soojin ran her hands down her face in an exxagerated manner. "I have so much work to do and my parents want me to apply for an internship in Hongdae but I really don't want to,"

Kim exhaled noisly and grabbed her silverware just as her hot chocolate was set down along with my order and stirred it with a shake of  her head. "My dad told me he already got me into an internship in Gangnam! Of all places! I don't want to be over there working with people that grew up with sticks up their asses and ate off of silver plates, no offense," she said to me.

"None taken," I laughed.

 "But yeah anyways, I really don't want to go over there. I'm pretty sure everyone their literally has a billionaire relative,"

"Are your grandparents loaded?" Soojin asked me. 

"I wouldn't know, I never met them," I shrugged. 

Kim frowned and went to pick up her cup of hot chocolate, taking a sip before setting it down and sighing. "We should go off again, just us girls though. Probably back to the beach house or take a road trip,"

"Yeah" the other agreed. "Before our parents ruin our lives,"

I ripped off a piece of the bagel and shoved it into my mouth while chewing quietly and agreeing with them. "That sounds like it would be fun,"


Two hours later

I turned the corner to the hallway and walked the rest of the way down to my apartment while rubbing at the back of my neck. I sighed and just as  I was pulling out my keys to unlock my door, I saw someone out of the corner of my eye and hesitantly looked over to the side.

A girl was standing right in front of Seunghoon's door and after ringing three times and not getting an answer, she sighed and looked down at the phone in her hands. 

I cleared my throat quite loudly and she jumped, startled and turned to look at me with wide eyes, obviously not realizing that I was standing here. 

"Uh can I help you?"

She blushed and shuffled away from the door before running a hand through her hair in embarrassment. "Um does Lee Seunghoon live here by any chance?"

I raised an eyebrow at her and leaned against the door, was she some sort of stalker or saesang? Is this what they actually looked like up close and personal? For a split second I thought to myself, should I call the cops or something? I had no personal experience with stalkers or fans following me home and that only made me more apprehensive when she walked closer. 

"I'm not a stalker or anything!" She said quickly. "I'm actually a family friend and I haven't heard from Seunghoon in awhile and was just checking up on him,"

"A family friend?" 

She nodded her head and bit down on her bottom lip and my hand curled around the doorknob to my apartment instictively "Uh he's probably not home or anything right now but I could probably leave a message-"

"Are you Kyungmi?" she said suddenly stopping me in my tracks. "His girlfriend,"

I hesitated a little, partially in shock and partially from nervousness. No one knew about Seunghoon and I's relationship except our friends, YG and my uncle. We had made it very clear that our relationship would not go public and it was nearly impossible that anyone could have figured out he was dating me. 

"He talks about you all the time," she smiled softly. 

My eyebrows furrowed and she swept a lock of hair behind her ear to reveal skin decorated with piercings. "Um I don't think you told me your name actually,"

"Kimi, my mother is friends with Seunghoon's. She wanted me to swing by and check up on him since we haven't heard anything in awhile, especially after his back accident,"


Heyyyy guys! So like I reiterated in the beginning of this story, please don't copy and paste or use my work. It takes me a lot of time to plan and write this out and I really want to give a good story to my readers for them to enjoy, so please don't plagarize or copy my stuff >_< buttttt so sorry that I kept you waiting so long for this update, I blame college and I will blame college for the rest of my life ahaha. But did you guys enjoy this? And Seunghoon should really hear Taehyun out instead of writing him off, don't you think? But anyways don't forget to read, comment and upvote. Unitl next time!

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy