
Apt. 34A

I didn't want anyone to see me like this. 

Unfortunately luck just wasn't on my side and I had class as the days rolled on. It wasn't like they were going to just wait for me to pick myself up any day I felt like it. I rubbed my eyes with the heel of my hand and kept rubbing them repeatedly (like that was actually going to make the redness dissapear) but to no avail only made it worse. 

I sighed and leaned over to turn the faucet on in the sink before I was washing my face and reaching to grab the small face towel on the rack next to me. As soon as I finished patting my face dry, I looked back up at myself and deemed it too late, all the crying and sleeping I had done had already done its damage on my face.

I laid my forehead against the cool glass of the mirror and took a deep breath, as I felt tears stinging the back of my eyes and shook my head to keep my emotions in check. I had a whole day of classes and studying afterwards, today was not the day. Maybe when I got back home-but right now I needed to act like everything was okay.

I don't know how long I stood leaning against the mirror, but soon I pushed myself back up and stared at myself before patting my cheeks and exhaled loudly.

"Just get through today," I whispered. 

After assuring myself, I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my jacket off of the bed post while slipping my Converse on. I grabbed my backpack and my camera bag off the counter and left the condo after locking the door behind me. 

The commute from where my Uncle lived and where my school was located, was closer than my own apartment so I had been able to make it to the university after two buses and a block later. I  strolled through the campus grounds and weaved past other students while I made my way to class. The sun was high out so I put my sunglasses on and decided to keep them on to distract away from my swollen red eyes.

The pyschology class was about halfway full by the time I walked through the doors and when I slid into a seat in the middle, after setting my things down, a few more students followed in as well before the professor strolled through.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm sure everyone enjoyed the reading from a few days ago and is ready for discussion this morning?" she quirked an eyebrow with a slight smile.

A few students groaned and some of them murmured stuff to friends beside them until the class was buzzing with light chatter and complaints. One of the guys sitting right beside me groaned into his hands before muttering a soft, it and laid his head on the desk before covering himself with his arms.

Dr. Shin smiled at her classmates and hopped up on the front of her desk to swing her legs lightly (they didn't even touch the ground). "Well if you read it or not, I expect everyone to participate in the discussion to your greatest knowledge," then she arched an eyebrow and let her eyes scan the rows of kids. 

"So who would like to begin first?"

I wasn't the only one who sunk down into my seat and I was fairly sure the group of girls sitting in front of me actually put their heads down too. 




I continued to stare down at the notebook in my lap before briefly looking over at the textbook to my right.


I sighed and looked up, the sunglasses blocking the glare of the sun out of my face as Jeongmin walked over through the courtyard my way. He was wearing a white button up shirt and shorts just above the knee with suspenders. When he got closer, he plopped down in the grass and tapped my nose.

"Why you studying out here?"

To be alone

"Just to get some air, it's nice out," I shrugged. 

He nodded his head and hummed to himself before looking down at my work and making a face as he leaned back against the tree and put his hands behind his head. I went back to my work but kept glancing behind me every so often to see him just laying with his eyes closed and his chest moving up and down slowly. 

It kind of made me confused why he would come all the way out here to just sleep but I brushed it off and went back to my notebook. About ten minutes later he nudged me on my shoulder and I grunted to let him know I was listening. 

"Talk to me,"

I rolled my eyes, "can't you see I'm busy?"

"But I'm bored," he said and I could almost hear the whine in his voice. 

"Where's Taesun?"

"Trying to get some girl's number in our physics class," he scoffed. "He practically trampled over me just to catch up with her then told me to go away so I didn't embarrass him. Some bro code,"

I bit back a tiny smile and shook my head. When I looked over my shoulder, he was frowning and I took my pencil and tried to rub away the lines on his forehead with my eraser before he was swatting it away and playfully tried to bite it. 

"Quit it!"

"Don't be so sad. Your boyfriend will come back for you eventually,"

He flushed red and made a gagging sound in the back of his throat before leaning forward to punch me. "Yah! Don't just say something like that!"

"Okay okay," I wrestled him away. "Sheesh princess," I muttered.

He must have heard me because his lips formed a straight line and he glared for a full second before shoving my shoulder until I laughed quietly and shoved him back. Afterwards we sit in silence with the steady sound of the fountain running behind us and the chatter of other students and noises filling the space.

Usually it was always Taesun and Jeongmin accompanying me but without the other, it was slightly awkward but not unwelcomed. I was just about to get back to my work that I had pushed away until Jeongmin opened his mouth.

"Are you okay?"

The question caught me off guard and I hesitated slightly with the pencil tightening in my grip but otherwise pretended that I hadn't heard him until he tapped my knee.



"I asked if you were okay...are you?"

When I looked over at him, he raised his eyebrow at me and I nodded before looking back down."I'm fine," I said quietly.

"Yeah right," he clicked his tongue.

"I could tell something was off from a mile away, you looked like you wanted to glare lasers through your textbook when I came over. What's the matter?"

"'s nothing," I shook my head.

"Just tell me,"

I shook my head again and turned the page, successfully trying to block him out before he snatched the textbook out of my hands and slammed it shut.



"Give it back!" I tried to crawl and pull the book out of his grasp but he held it above his head and stretched his arms out so it was out of my reach.

"Stop it!"

"No! Not until you tell me,"

I reached for it again and tried to pull his arm down but he was much stronger than his scrawny limbs looked and held his own before pushing me away with his other hand.


"No you stop!"

"It's my book-"

"So!" he shoved me back and I fell down on my with a huff until we were glaring each other down. "I hate you,"

Apparently the venom in my words didn't match my expression because Jeongmin only rolled his eyes before waving the book above his head. "Just tell me and you'll get it back,"

"It's my Uncle,"

"You lie! Your uncle practically worships you,"

"My dog died,"

"You don't have a dog, no mutt would ever want to suffer a miserable life at your hands,"

I frowned at him and he smirked before raising his eyebrows. "Try again,"

I sighed and lowered my head before rubbing at my temples with my fingertips. The heat was starting to make me uncomfortable and I was getting more stressed the longer I kept thinking about this entire messed up situation. I honestly should have skipped class today, even though I would've been put through hell to catch up, it would have atleast saved me the trouble from having to go through this.

I thought about just ignoring Jeongmin but I knew that he would be admant about not giving me back my book and he would probably run off to tell Taesun and the last thing I wanted was to include him on this. Anyone for that matter.

"It's just guy troubles," I muttered.

He didn't say anything for a second and I looked up hesitantly to see his eyes trying to find mine, which was almost impossible with the sunglasses on until he sighed and dropped the book down in his lap. "I didn't know you were seeing you want to t-talk about it?"

I almost laughed out loud at his attempt to console me if it wasn't for the silent cloud that loomed above my head. The one that had been weighing down on me for the past few days and the silent notion of Seunghoon's words when he had told me he loved me. I froze and gulped audibly before shaking my head. This wasn't the time to think of that now.

"It's alright," I murmured referring to his lack of knowledge on my relationship, "But no... I don't really want to talk about it. I actually don't want to think about it right now,"

"You can alw-"

"Please," I whispered. "Please I just really don't want to talk about it. Can I just have my book back now?"

Jeongmin sighed and without another word extended the thick textbook my way and before he could conjure up anymore questions, I was gathering my things together and getting back up to my feet. 

"Kyungmi listen I'm sorry- I didn't meant to-"

"It's not your fault and you didn't know, it's okay...well it's not now but it will be,"

"You sure?" he looked up from his spot on the grass. 

No I wasn't sure actually, but I nodded anyway and shot Jeongmin a small smile before he was smiling back, as fake as he could

"Yes, I have to go to class. I'll see you around,"

He nodded and without another word, I was off towards the building across campus. 


It was 6:30 by the time Dr. Lim's class ended, some students were still shuffling out of the room as I grabbed my things and by the time I was pulling my bag over my shoulder, Dr. Lim sent me a smile and a quick wave as she shut down her laptop. 

Students walked down the almost deserted hallway, the sun had already set once I looked over at the window and saw how dark it was outside. I sighed and was just about to pull out my cellphone when I felt someone tug harshly against the back of my backpack and almost send me backwards on my back from the force.

"What the hell-"


I was spun around and came face to face with the guy from last night at the super market. How could I forget bumping into him and spilling all the cans of soup he was carrying before he practically forced me onto his bike to take me home?

I wriggled myself out of his grasp and shoved him away from me but he only chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest before leaning against the wall. "Not gonna say hi to me?"

"I don't need to say anything to you, leave me alone and don't-"

"Why are you wearing sunglasses inside?"

His question made me hesitate and I tightened my grip on the straps of my backpack automatically. "It's none of your business,"

"Tsk," he clicked his tongue. "Don't tell me someone managed to give you a black eye or something after I dropped you off? I would have liked to be present to see that,"

This guy, seriously he had some nerve. My lip curled back in disgust and every bone in my body yelled at me to just knee him in his crotch. I was tempted to until I saw Dr. Lim walk out of the room and shut the door behind herself. I figured why not be the bigger person today and turned around to walk off, before his hand was reaching out again and turning me to face him.

"Will you stop?!" I yanked my hand away. "What is your problem-"

"Take them off so I can see for myself, "

"I'm not taking my sunglasses off just so-"

He leaned forward quickly and practically ripped the sunglasses off of my face until I was stumbling back and reaching out for them but he pulled his hand back out of reach and shot a quick glance of my face. It was obvious that I had been crying, I could still feel how swollen my eyes were  and the red rim around them from earlier probably hadn't gone down. I ducked my head immediately, my hair creating a curtain to block what he saw, but it was too late and even I knew that. The silence seemed to grow in between us and I cursed to myself, only slightly just to hold my hand out, silently asking for the sunglasses back. When he didn't hand them over though, I looked up and his eyes seeemed to bore holes into me at how intense he was staring.

He wasn't wearing his eating grin that he was a few minutes earlier but his gaze looked cautious like he was hesitant of what to say and his face seemed blank. I don't know why but it made me so uncomfortable and frankly my patience was starting to wear thin the longer I thought about him still holding my sunglasses.

"Just...just give them to me," I swallowed.

He opened his mouth like he was going to say something but instead lifted himself up and tossed the sunglasses back. I caught them on reflex and quickly put them back on my face before I was turning around to go the other way.

"Don't cry in public, I could only imagine how ugly you would look then,"

I literally stopped in my tracks.

The door to leave the hallway stared back at me but I stayed rooted where I stopped.

My hands clutched the straps of my backpack and I gripped the material so tight, I was sure that there were going to be marks printed on my palms. I tried to reason myself, to think things through and calm myself down, but everything began to build up.

All my frustration, all my turmoil, angst, heart break, it was too much for me to all grasp in this short burst of time.

I simply snapped.

I spun around so quickly, I don't think Sihoo would've had time to calculate the punch that I delivered straight to his jaw. My fist connected so hard with his face that a loud CRACK  sounded and bounced off the walls of the hallway. He stumbled back into the wall full of flyers and pull off numbers of tutoring services offered on campus. My hand was pulsing, my knuckles almost burning due to the impact and I could only imagine that I had probably broken one of my bones due to not being able to feel it. 

Sihoo on the other hand was holding his jaw and I could see blood pooling at the edge of his mouth that had gotten onto his fingers. His eyes were blinking rapidly and his breath a little harsh. 

"Go yourself!"


I didn't stop walking until I had made it to my bus stop a block away. I sat in the very back and stared out the window watching the stores we passed and the people walking through the streets. When I finally made it home about an hour or so later, I ignored the loud rumbling sound of my stomach and strolled straight through until I was pulling my key out and letting myself in. 

All the lights were turned off inside and I didn't realize exactly where I was until I the light nearest to me and came face to face with my own apartment. For awhile I just stared, I stared at everything that was in place. I stared at my furniture and the TV, at everything that was seemingly untouched with dust coating every surface imaginable. It felt so weird to be so unacustomed to my own place, to something I had been so comfortable with.

I heard footsteps sound on the other side of the door like people were walking back and forth as the sound of voices carried with them. I took my glasses off and let my backpack drop to the ground noisely before I was kicking my shoes off and padding over to the other side of the wall. When I sat down, I laid my head back and pulled out my phone, wincing slightly down at my right hand that had turned red and had spots on my knuckles from the force of the punch.

When I opened my phone, my screen lit up with notifications and all of them were from Seunghoon with two from Jeongmin, a smiley face and, 'feel better.'

From: Seunghoon

Can you please just talk to me? 


The longer I scrolled through, the lengthier his messages got until I was reaching the end where his messages were shorter. I wondered if he was waiting for a reply on his bed next to me. But who knows if he was even home now?

From: Seunghoon

I'm sorry.

From: Seunghoon

I'm so sorry, please believe me. Believe me when I say this please.

From: Seunghoon

Just talk to me, or not. Can you just call me again and you don't have to say anything, I'll do all the talking

From: Seunghoon

I meant what I said earlier...I do love you. I'm sorry that it had to come out like this but I do love you please Kyungmi. You mean the world to me and Kimi is nothing. I can explain everything to you if you just answer me.

From: Seunghoon

I would NEVER EVER EVER cheat on you. Not on you ever. Please, you mean too much to do that. Let's talk because I can't do this without you. I can't think straight and function knowing that you're not mine. 

From: Seunghoon

Let's just talk and if you want to punch me, slap me, hit me, anything you can. If you still want to stay seperated again but we need to talk. 

From: Seunghoon

I'm so ing stupid aren't I ? Just give me a chance and I swear I'll leave you alone if you want me to.

From: Seunghoon

At least give me a sign that you're seeing my messages. 


I turned my phone off and slid it off to the side before laying my head back and closing my eyes. The fan spun slowly above my head and with my left hand, lifted it up to knock on the wall behind me.

Just two raps. 

His signal.


Heyyyyy guys! I hope I didn't keep you waiting long with this. University is over so I'm finally on summer break ^^ Updates should be more ffrequent...or maybe not lolol. But how did you guys like this? Kyungmi's punch though...tell me what you guys think.

And don't forget to read, upvote, comment and subscribe. Love you guys

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy