Egg Rolls

Apt. 34A


I was tired by the time I had got off the elevator on the fifth floor and slung my bag over my shoulder. A day of sight seeing had really made me exhausted and thrilled at the same time. I had countless pictures on my camera that I was excited to upload on my blog but by the time I was rubbing my eyes and fighting back a yawn, I knew I probably wouldn't get to it today. I was pulling out my keys to unlock the door when I heard someone shout my name and turned to see Seunghoon coming down the hall with a big paper bag in his hands. 

"Hey," I smiled and nodded as he got closer and smiled back. 

"What's up?" 

"Nothing much, just got back from a day of sightseeing and I'm starving and tired and ready to pass out," I grinned and ran a hand through my hair. 

"Jinja?! Wow that's cool. What all did you see?" He said curiously. 

"Um, the N Seoul Tower, I went to Itaewon then to the Olympic Stadium in Seoul," I said. 

Seunghoon smiled and nodded his head before looking into his bag and then looking back up at me. 

"Well um, if you're not too tired from sightseeing, I just picked up some chinese food from around the street after training," he suggested. 

"Really?" My eyes widened and I felt my stomach lurch in happiness as I thought of noodles, fried rice, orange chicken and egg rolls. Mmm egg rolls.

"But only if you want any," he said quickly. 

"You have egg rolls?" I piped up. 

"Steaming hot," he said smug.

"Okay," I smiled and unlocked the door and pushed it open while we went inside, shutting it behind us. 

"Just put everything on the table," I motioned to the living room and he nodded while walking off and I kicked my shoes off and shed my jacket on the hook. 

I pulled my bag off and put it on the counter while grabbing my laptop and taking my camera to the living room. 

Seunghoon took the boxes out of the bag and two cans of soda, offering me a spoon and chopsticks as well as packets of soy sauce. 

"Mmm, it smells so good," I grinned and closed my eyes while wafting the smell up to my nose. 

Seunghoon grinned and shed his jacket as well behind him before rolling up the sleeves of his sweater and grabbing his chopsticks. 

"You have a nice apartment by the way, sorry I didn't mention it earlier," he looked over nervously. 

"It's cool," I waved my hand then popped the lid open on the trays and smiled at the noodles, rice, egg roles and broccoli that was inside. 

It didn't take us long before we both started eating, shoving portions of food into our mouth and looking up at one another to grin at each other then taking a sip of our drinks. 

"Take any good pictures?" He asked me while motioning over to the Nikon that was on the couch. 

I swallowed a piece of the egg roll that I was chewing and looked behind me before turning back around and nodding. 

"Ne! Wanna see some?" 

He wiped his mouth with the napkin and nodded eagerly. I grinned and moved over to his side as he leaned over my shoulder and I could feel his arm press up against mine as well as his cologne. I blushed before turning the camera on and going through the pictures. 

"This was when I got to Itaewon and my God it's so packed! People were just everywhere and there were too many shops to look in," I shook my head. 

"Hey my uncle owns a shop down there," he said. 

"Does it happen to be a furniture shop?" I raised an eyebrow. 

Seunghoon looked at me funny before shaking his head. "No why?" 

"No reason," I squeaked out and went through the rest of the photos. 

He commented on every single photo and kept making me stop at some and tell me which ones were my favorite as well as his. 

"I liked the one when I was on top of the tower, that view was just something you don't see anymore," I smiled.  "Which one was your favorite?" 

He thought about it for a moment before taking the camera out of my hands and going through the photos then stopping at the last one. 

"This one is my favorite," he said sheepishly and turned it around for me to see it was the photo of myself when I was eating the tteokbokki. 

I flushed red and laughed as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Yah you're too much. Why that photo?" 

"I don't know, don't laugh," he frowned and I couldn't help but to giggle more until he pushed out his bottom lip in a deep pout. 

"Yah, yah, yah stop laughing at me!" 

"Okay okay, I'm sorry," I wiped my eyes and smiled. 

"Yeah you better be," he muttered. 

I giggled some more and put my camera back down on my lap as I reached for my plate to bring it over to me. 

"Thanks for the food by the way," I said. 

Seunghoon was still red and embarrassed and he mumbled out a, "you're welcome," that I thought was just too cute. 

"Wanna see some more photos?" I asked after taking a bite out the egg roll. 

"Of yours?" He said shocked and whipped his head up to look at me with rice still on his bottom lip. 

"No babo, of my halemoni's. Of course my photos!" I wiped the rice off his bottom lip and he flushed before nodding. 

"Yeah I'd like to see some," 

"Okay," I smiled and got up to grab my laptop on the couch and wave him over. 

"Come here," 

"But the food," he whined with a frown. 

"Bring it over here then fatty," I grinned. 

Seunghoon stuck his tongue out at me but grabbed his tray and scurried over to the couch before falling down next to me dramatically. I opened my files that I had stored by date and started by the ones I had took of my apartment, then going further back to my life in Gangnam-gu. I had pictures of my parents, my old room, school life, some of my friends and just everyday life. There weren't many photos I had of my parents unless I had taken them when they weren't aware. 

"Who's that?" He said softly around a mouthful of noodles. 

He pointed to the screen of a photo that was of me and my Uncle Minho outside at the Han River about six months ago.

"That's my uncle Minho, he's the one that got me this apartment," I said. 

"Oh" he murmured and nodded. "Um if you don't mind me asking, how come you live here and not at home with your parents? I mean that's Gangnam," he said in disbelief. 

I clenched my hands around the laptop and took a deep breath before answering. "They kicked me out," 

"WAE?!" He said shocked and shot up surprised almost dropping his tray all over the floor. 

"Seunghoon," I frowned. 

"Why did they kick you out?!" 

"It's stupid," I shook my head. 

"So tell me," 


"Just tell me, please," he pleaded. 

I sighed and rolled my eyes before looking down in my lap again. 

"I didn't want to go to medical school and be a doctor. I wanted to be a photographer so they couldn't accept that and kicked me out," I shrugged. 

I felt the tears stinging in the back of my eyes but held them back because there was no way on earth that I was going to cry right in front of Seunghoon, that would just be stupid. He didn't say anything for a long moment and I turned over just as he looked my way with the softest expression I ever seen. 

"I'm sorry you got kicked out, my life wasn't much better than yours either," he muttered. 

"Your parents kicked you out too?" I whispered and he chuckled before shaking his head. 

"Nah, I left. My stepdad was really strict with me and my mom wasn't any better so I just up and left," he shrugged nonchalantly. 

"Oh wow," I breathed and he rocked against me to nudge my shoulder. "It's no problem though," 

"Was it because of the sport you played? When I got back you said you had just come from training," 

"Oh no," he laughed and waved his hand. "Not like training for a sport. I'm a trainee for an entertainment company. I'm hoping to debut with a new band sometime," he said matter of fact. 

Wow a trainee for an entertainment company I thought to myself. 

"Wow you're really daebak you know," I smiled. 

Seunghoon blushed and shook his head. "What company are you training for?" 

"YG Entertainment," 

The big three as well!

"Jeez, I hope everything works out," I murmured. 

"Thanks! Same for you too Mrs. Famous Photographer," 

"Stop calling me that," I pouted.  

He laughed and grabbed a piece of egg roll in his chopsticks before putting it in front of my lips for me to eat. "Say ahh," he commanded. 

I looked at him not moving my mouth and he frowned, pushing the food against my lips again. 

"Please just eat it, you like them anyways," 

I sighed again before opening my mouth and he smiled widely, sticking the food in and I munched on it happily before opening my mouth for another piece. 

"Now you want me to feed you," he groaned. 

I slapped his arm and he laughed which caused me to smile too before he was pushing food into my mouth again. 

"I like hanging out with you, you're so chill," he said after awhile. 

"I don't like hanging out with you," I mumbled. 

Seunghoon gave me a hurt look and his jaw dropped until I felt sorry and apologized. 

"I'm just kidding Seunghoon, I like hanging out with you too," 

"Meanie," he frowned. 

I smiled and punched his shoulder and he grinned back after a minute as well until we both broke into a fit of laughter together. 

Nelsiexoxo_16 here, did you guys enjoy this chapter? It's not boring right? And I can't believe winner is finally going to debut on August 1st!! Wow! Long time coming but I can't wait. 

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy