
Apt. 34A

Seunghoon stood up from the bed immediately and I looked at him in confusion as he went over to my closet and pulled the doors open, grabbing various hangers down of clothes and tossing them on my bed. 

"Wh-What are you doing?" I moved off the bed. 

He grabbed down another handful before tossing it on top of the others and stretching up on his tippy toes to see if he could grab any bags that were on top.

"Seunghoon!" I grabbed his arm.

"No one is going to hurt you, not again, I won't let that happen. And I don't want anyone to come back here for you,"

He stopped what he was doing to look at me and sighed. "You can't stay here, you can't. What if she comes back? She knows where you live now, what's going to stop her the next time?"

"I-I can't go back to my parent's house, they cut me off," I shook my head.

"And you can't stay with me, she knows where I live too, I'm going to have to tell CEO Yang about this, he could probably get someone to watch the apartment or something,"

He turned back around and grabbed some sweaters, handing it to me as I dumped them on the bed. "But we have to get you out of here,"

"My uncle," I said quickly.

"Your uncle?"

"Yeah, I can just stay with him, he wouldn't mind, I think he would be happy about it actually,"

Seunghoon looked over at me for a long minute and nodded. "Okay, let's pack your things away. The sooner we get you out of here, the better,"

He the side of my face and pulled me into his arms as I wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt his lips press down on the top of my hair before he leaned back and laid our foreheads together.

"I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, if anything happens to you I won't be able to live with myself. I don't know what I would-"

I laid my hand over his mouth, effectively cutting him off from continuing and squeezed the nape of his neck.

"I know, everything is going to be okay, alright?"

He nodded his head and I pulled my hand away to kiss the edge of his mouth as his hands held onto the side of my waist.

A few minutes later we finally pulled apart and I went over to the other side of the room and grabbed down one of my huge suitcases and laid it on the floor while I opened it and he laid my clothes inside.

I went into the bathroom and grabbed down some things to put into my arms and filled them in a bag before going back to put them in a suitcase.

We moved around the apartment in silence, gathering things and putting them inside. I put my school things inside my bookbag and grabbed my laptop and camera from the shelf before shoving it in my book bag. 

Seunghoon rolled the suitcase out of the room and set it by the door as I came back out and grabbed my phone off the counter to send a message to my uncle. 

From: Kyungmi 

Uncle Minho~ would it be okay if I stayed with you for a couple days? Just until things settle down? It would only be for a little bit.

I set my phone down and put my shoes on while Seunghoon helped me into my jacket and put his own shoes on. My phone buzzed on the counter and I picked it up while unlocking the screen and opening the message.

From: Uncle Minho

Did something happen, what's wrong? Are you hurt? Did you call 911?

I sighed and typed a quick reply back.

From: Kyungmi

Yah Uncle! Everything is fine, I just don't want to stay at my place for awhile but it's just for a little bit.

From: Uncle Minho

Ohhh. Okay then, yeah of course you can come over then do you want me to pick you up or send a car? Are you coming now?

From: Kyungmi

Seunghoon can take me over actually and yeah I would like to come now if that's okay?

From: Uncle Minho

You know it's fine, stop acting like a stranger >_< and hurry and come before dinner starts

I smiled to myself slightly and slid my phone back into my pocket before Seunghoon raised an eyebrow at me.

"What did he say?"

"He said it was fine, do you think you could take me to his condo?"

"Sure," he nodded his head. "Let's go,"

He took my hand in his and dragged my suitcase out the door as I locked the apartment behind myself and followed him out. He lead us down the elevator until we were in the lobby then I followed him out toward the side of the building where a black car was parked.

"Is this yours?"

"No," he shook his head. "Seungyoon's, he let me use it,"

I nodded my head and he opened the door for me before moving to put my suitcase in the back seat. By the time he was in the drivers seat, I had put my seatbelt on and waited as he started the engine before pulling out and driving off.

I gave him the address to my uncle's condo and looked out the window as he drove through the city. The sun was beginning to set, causing a glow to cast over the roads and buildings as we sped through.

I felt something grab my hand and looked over as Seunghoon laced our fingers together before lifting my hand up to press a kiss to my knuckles. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Seunghoon," I nodded.

He nodded at me and looked forward as he continued driving until we were moving onto the highway and driving into a different part of the city with skyscrappers, and elaborate buildings and statues lined along streets with grand churches .

He to a narrow street that lead us up to a parking garage next to the condominiums and pulled the car in before shutting it off. "Do you want me to come in with you?"

"No that's okay, I can manage,"

"A-Are you sure?"

"I'm fine. He's just going to want to talk and talk and I know you have other things to do. I'll call you tonight later on okay?"

"As soon as you get settled in?"

"As soon as I get settled in,"

He looked like he wanted to say something else before bitng down on his bottom lip and sighing. "What is it?"

"I'm so sorry about this, if it wasn't for me and everything, none of this would have happened to you and I just put-"

"Stop," I frowned. "Stop blaming yourself,"

I leaned over the seat to give him a kiss and I tightened my hand in the front of his shirt as our lips moved against each other, slowly at first then increasing as he tilted his head to the side and deepened the kiss and nibbled on my bottom lip.

I pulled back after a moment and kissed both of his cheeks before he smiled and ran his hand down the side of my neck to rest it there. "Don't forget to call me and if you need anything just call me okay? I will stop whatever I'm doing to come to you,"

"You can't do that,"

"I'll try,"he smirked. 

I rolled my eyes and gave him one more kiss before getting out of the car and pulling my suitcase out with me. He waved at me as he pulled out and sped off and I walked the rest of the way to the entrance of the condo before walking into the lobby.

It was an elegant place, a chandlier hanging from the middle, while a tall female in business attire typed into a computer at a desk. There were people walking around in business suits and dresses, chatter lingering between everyone as I walked over to the glass elevator door and pressed a button for my uncle's floor.

When I stepped inside and pulled my things along, two men in fresh suits stepped inside the elevator as well and side eyed me in curiosity while I looked forward and tapped my fingers against the handle.

The door dinged a minute a later and I stepped off first while continuing down the rest of the way until I came to a door with the numbers 404 written across.

I rang the bell three times until I could hear footsteps and shuffling around until the door finally opened and my Uncle smiled down at me and pulled me inside.

"What took you so long?"

"I didn't take that long," I dragged my suitcase. "Are you sure it's okay?"

"Stop saying that," he frowned and lead me down the long hallway toward the huge living room that was decorated in various shades of black and white with a bar set up along the wall that lead into the kitchen.

We crossed through the living room and into a wide spacious room that was decorated with a huge bed in the middle and a window behind it that had a bathroom connected to it. He set my things down on the bed and flipped the light on before smiling at me.

"Is this okay?"

"It's fine, I think this room is bigger than my entire apartment," I chuckled.

He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly before waving it off. "Nonsense, just wash up okay so we can eat,"

"Arasso," I nodded.


Seunghoon's POV

The next day

I didn't fall, I was outside, I remember. I was coming back to my apartment and there was someone looking for you. 

She was looking for you.

I think she came in...but I didn't want her to.

She did this.

She had long hair. 

Piercings on the side of her ear.


On the side of her ear.  

Seunghoon couldn't get Kyungmi's words out of his head as he walked through the YG studio and headed toward the changing room. The other night they had talked on the phone for hours until she fell asleep and he listened to her snore lightly over the line before smiling an ending the call. 

He was so worried for her that he didn't know what to think, let alone what to do. 

He was so used to being in the same room with her or being next door that it felt weird knowing that she was practically all the way across town. 

Unreachable to him. And that in no way eased away any of his worries. 

Seunghoon couldn't believe someone would go this far as to attack his girlfriend, to attack the one person that mattered the most to him?

The thought of a crazy saesang or any lunatic for that matter, hurting Kyungmi just because he wasn't there made him even more angrier.

He walked up the lift to the rooms that were situated on the other side of the hall and had a sign taped to each door that let someone know whoever was using that room at the moment. 

Seunghoon barged through the door that had the sign 'WINNER' across the front, the door swinging open loudly before it smacked against the wall with a loud echo. 

Taehyun jumped up from where he was getting fitted for a white jacket and a matching top while Seungyoon slept and someone worked on Jinwoo's makeup; coating his face with the brush while blowing some away. 


The stylist working at the counter turned around and smiled at Seunghoon when she caught sight of him but her smile quickly vanished when she saw the look in his eyes. 

Seunghoon studied her for a split second, his eyes raking over her frame until he noticed the piercings that deocrated the top of her ear all the way to the last lobe. 


He charged at her before she had a chance to say the rest of his name. In the second that it took him to cross the room, he grabbed the girl by the front of her shirt and slammed her up against the mirror until it rattled from the force and everything that was set up had fell down to the floor and rolled away. 


The members had jumped up and tried to pull Seunghoon off of her as she shrieked and trembled in his grasp from how tight he was holding her and the pain she could feel in the back of her head from when he slammed her against the glass. 


Mino, who had walked in a second later, dropped his phone and raced to grab a hold of Seunghoon's waist to try to pull him off while the other members were either trying to pull his hands away or get the girl out of his grasp. 

"Let her go Seunghoon!"

"What are you doing?"

"Are you crazy?!"


"HUH?!" he screamed.

The other ladies had ran out of the room in shock while Seungyoon followed them out but to probably go get CEO Yang or someone that could help. The girl stared at Seunghoon in terror as her bottom lip wobbled and she tried to break free but he only held onto her tighter.


Taehyun stopped moving for a split second to look at Seunghoon in shock. "K-Kyungmi?"


"O-Oppa please," her voice shook. "I s-swear, I did-didn't do anything. Plea-"

"You liar!" Seunghoon grabbed her forward before slamming her roughly against the mirror again, causing a crack to show at the top of the glass. Her head clipped against the surface and she cried out while his hands shook and his vision was starting to become blurred from the tears.


Heyyy guys! I hope I didn't keep you waiting so long, sorry but did you like this update? What do you think is gonna happen to Seunghoon and the stylist? And how do you think Kyungmi will react to this? Until next time, read, comment, upvote and subscribe. Love you guys!

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy