Stupid People

Apt. 34A

Seunghoon's POV

As soon as I wake up, I hear hushed giggling and the sound of something like a shutter which is not something you typically hear in the morning. Blinking my eyes open, I rub away the remains of sleep and shift slightly on the bed to see Kyungmi perched on her elbows, the sheet wrapped around her and a camera held up as she snaps pictures of me.

"Ugh," I groan and throw myself back into the pillows. "Seriously, it's too early for this," I whine and turn my back to her.

"I wanted to have a picture of my boyfriend in the morning,"

The mattress shifts and I know she's moved closer because I can feel her hand running up my back, just her fingers grazing lightly. I try not to shiver and ignore her as she leans over and angles the camera at my face while I try to move the blanket over myself. 

"Quit it," she laughs.

"No, go away," I frown.

I know that she isn't going to give up so instead I turn around quickly and snatch the camera out of her hand while wrapping my other around her waist to hold her close. "No more pictures,"

She frowns at me and I laugh softly before setting her camera down on the night stand next to her bed and pulling her up so our eyes are leveled and I can feel her breath tickling my lips. 

"I hate you," she mummbles. 

"I love you," I kiss her nose. "I love your eyes," I kiss her cheek. "I love your body," I kiss her forehead. "I love your mind more," I kiss the top of her head. 

She rolls her eyes and I sink lower into the mattress while pulling her ontop of me and kissing down the column of her neck. Her breath is sharp as she lays on top of me and her hands are firm when she presses them against my chest and attempts to push me away. I tighten my arms around her waist and lift her chin so I can claim her lips and her breath is even better than I remember.

When we kiss it's slow and smooth, her lips are wet and she moans against my mouth when my hands slide lower until she's pulling them back up and pulling away.

"Why?" I pouted.

"I'm sore you punk," she flicked my nose. "I also need to shower and get ready for class soon,"

I frown even harder and that only causes Kyungmi to laugh before she's kissing my lips and getting up from the bed with the blankets around her. "You can either join me or you can sit here and complain,"

I lift my head up to see if she's serious but she only smiles and drags the blanket with her to the bathroom before taking it off and throwing it back at my face.



Forty Minutes Later

"I have to go," I say while lifting the towel up to my head.

Kyungmi pulls her head through the opening of the shirt and brushes her hair away from her face before leaning up to kiss my nose. "You don't want to eat something first?"

I run the towel through the top of my head again before slipping it off and putting it ontop of her own while she chuckles with a roll of her eyes. "Nah, I'll just get something there,"

I stand up from the bed and gather the rest of my things in my hands while Kyungmi goes into the bathroom to put the things away and then follows me out to the living room. The clock on the the TV reads ten-thirty and I know I'm going to get a scolding from Seungyoon when he sees me. I can almost imagine his voice in the back of my head.

"Are you really sure you don't want something to eat?" Kyungmi frowns.

She scratches the back of her neck and looks at me with those unsure eyes and I all I can do is grab her around the waist with my free hand and kiss her on the mouth. Her breath tastes like orange and mint, it's a weird combination but the scent of the toothpaste that clings to her teeth is addicting enough to keep me kissing her.

"Stop," she laughs into my mouth. I smile into the kiss and bend her over as she continues laughing before pushing me away by my shoulder and punches my chest with her fist. "You're too much," Kyungmi giggles.

"You're not-"

The doorbell rings and we both stop talking as she looks toward the door and raises her eyebrow before looking back at me.

"Who is that?"

"I don't know," she shrugs. "I wasn't expecting anybody," She removes my arm from around her waist and walks over to the door before opening it. "Kyungmi!"

"Uncle!" She closes the door to unhook the latch then opens the door wider for Minho to step inside with a two bags that smell of food and his hair messy from outside.

"Don't you remember that we eat together on-"

When he notices me, he stops and raises an eyebrow before turning back to his niece. "What's he doing here?"

"You realize he's my boyfriend right?" Minho walks into the kitchen and sets the bags on the table before ing his suit and hanging his jacket on the hook beside the picture frames.

"But here so early in the morning?" he whines.

He rolls up the sleeves of his dress shirt and begins taking the styrofoam boxes out, laying them out on the table and looks up at Kyungmi as she shakes her head. "You're prying uncle,"

"I'm not prying I'm just concerned about my niece-"

"Prying," she says.

I snort and Minho looks at me before I duck away and Kyungmi walks over ot tug at the bend of my elbow and pull me over to the entrance.

"He's leaving? Good!"

"Hush!" she calls back.

I slip my shoes on quickly and tuck my things underneath my arms as she sighs and leans up on her tippy toes to wrap her arms around my neck and kiss the side of my mouth. "Sorry about him,"

"It's okay," I smile. I rub her back and pull her closer by her hips before kissing her softly on the mouth and smiling against her lips. It's almost like we can't stop kissing since last night and the feeling it leaves me with in my body feels so good. She pulls me closer by the back of my neck and I almost keep it going until we hear a loud cough and pull apart quickly to see Minho frowning at me.

"Shouldn't you be leaving already?"

"I was just going," I nodded my head and tried to fight down the blush that had spread over my neck.

Kyungmi rolled her eyes at him but led me to the door before pulling it open as I walked out. I waved to her uncle and then said one more goodbye to her before going back to my own place.


A Few Days Later

Kyungmi's POV

"Is your face okay? Why do you keep smiling like that?" Soo Yun waved her hands in front of my face.

I pushed her hand away and continued walking as Jisum ran ahead of us trying to follow his remote controlled toy car. The sun was barely peaking through the clouds but a nice breeze flowed through the park. When I didn't answer her, Soo Yun frowned and grabbed a hold of my arm.

"Answer me what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing is wrong with me," I chuckled. I used my finger to smooth down the crease between her eyebrows but she scoffed before shoving me lightly. 

"Just come out and say it."

We continued walking and the toy car went off into the grass but Jisum picked it up and placed it back on the cement before running off again. 

"Something happened," I shrugged. 

Soo Yun raised her eyebrow and pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "Well you're smiling so I'm guessing it's good...does this have anything to do with that one boy..Seungsoo?"

"His name is Seunghoon!" I laughed. "But yes it does,"

Soo Yun scratched her chin and swung her free arm before rolling her eyes. "I don't like guessing games, can you please just tell me?" She sighed so loud that I couldn't help but laugh again and moved out of the way when she attempted to hit me.

"Come on just think about it," I nudged her. "Why do you think I'm smiling like this?"

"I don't know you cou-" she stopped talking then, stopped walking entirely and stared at me wide eyed before gasping loudly. "NO WAY!" she screamed.

Jisum turned around and frowned at his mom before picking his toy car up and running over to her. "Umma why are you staring at Kyungmi like that?" he tugged on the bottom of her shirt.

When Soo Yun didn't answer him, he tugged on her shirt again and she bent down quickly to cover his ears before staring at me. "You had with him?!" she whispered urgently. 

I nodded my head and she made some weird noise in the back of before gaping at me. "DID YOU USE PROTECTION?! Because if not then say hello to your next  nine months!" she pointed down to Jisum. 

"Yah!" I ran over and slapped her shoulder. "Yes we did! We were careful!"

"Are you sure?!"

I lifted my hand up to hit her again and she burst out laughing before letting go of Jisum's ears and wiping the edge of her eyes. "I was just wondering,"

"Shut up,"

She smiled widely and Jisum stared up at her before shrugging and running back off with his car.




Two Days Later

"We are moving you to a different group,"

"Excuse me?"

The manager looked down at the file in his hand before rubbing the bridge of his nose and sighing. "YG wants you to work with Lee Hi now. There's going to be some changes going on and staff members are going to be switching,"

At first I didn't think that he was actually talking to me but when I blinked again, he handed over a single piece of paper and sent me a small smile before walking out of the room.

Across the top of the paper was Lee Hi's name and below that a list of her staff and the various duties that each of them performed along with her schedule for the following month. I found my name at the bottom of the list and beside that it said LUGGAGE.  I sat back in my chair with the paper in my hands before balling it up quickly and threw it straight at the wall.

I lowered my head to my lap and tried to pull myself together but I was so frustrated that I screamed into my thighs. I couldn't be moved just like that-not without a warning so suddenly. Not when I had spent so much time with, no, I refused to accept that. 

I scooted the chair back noisely and rushed out of the room quickly, running down the hallway and pressed the button for the elevator until I was counting down from my floor. When it finally came, I hurried inside and closed the doors before pressing the button to the third floor. 

The doors opened with a loud sound but the hallway was quiet. There was no one walking around, I couldn't hear anything in any of the rooms as I walked past them and when I came to the CEO's office at the end of the hallway, all the lights were turned off inside. 

"No," I muttered underneath my breath. "No, no, no,"

"NO!" I screamed. I banged my hands on the door and didn't stop until I felt my legs give out and slid down to the carpet. 


Seunghoon's POV

Jinwoo raised his head from his hand and yawned into his palm as one of the photographers walked back into the room. 

"Tired already? We aren't even half way done," he chuckled. 

Taehyun was scrolling through his Instagram and had just uploaded a selfie with Mino before showing it to the rest of us. 

"I barely got any sleep last night and we got here so early," He yawned into his hand again and I smiled when the photographer pushed Jinwoo's feet off the stool and he frowned. 


"Hyung nothing. Let's get a few more individual shots and then it won't be much longer- I promise,"

Seungyoon came back with a water bottle in his hand as Mino followed after him and I stood up just as Taehyun looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "You look stupid again," he grumbled.

"Stupid? You're insulting me and I didn't even do anything to you yet,"

"Yeah but you have that smirk on your face again," he flicked my ear. I shoved him hard and he would have almost fell over if Mino hadn't grabbed him.

"I do not,"

"Are you talking about that smirking he's been doing lately?" Mino said. 

"Ugh," Seungyoon rolled his eyes. He sat down in front of the background and held the prop in his hand before the photographer. "He's still doing that?"

"What are you guys even talking about?" I frowned. I was about to say something else when Jinwoo held up a finger. "Ever since a few days ago you've had this really dumb look on your face and you just look so happy. It's because of Kyungmi right?"

"It has to be because of her!"

"What did she do?"

The photographer snapped his fingers for Seungyoon to look his way, so he stopped talking and began posing with the props but the others just weren't going to let it go. 

"She didn't do anything," I adjusted the cap on my head.

"You're so full of it," Jinwoo his teeth.

"I know he's such a liar,"


Mino laughed loudly and came over to pat my shoulder but I shrugged him off and swatted his hands away when he made a move to grab me. "I don't like you guys get away from me,"

"I'll just ask Kyungmi myself," Taehyun shrugged. 

"How are you gonna do that? She's busy and she definitely won't make time for you,"

"I have her number," he pulled a face at me. 

"Since when?!" 

"Shows how much you know about your own girlfriend," Jinwoo whistled. I glared at him while Taehyun slipped his phone out from his pocket and I almost started chasing him if Mino hadn't grabbed me around the waist. 

"Hyung! Aren't you going to do anything about this?!"

Leejun, the photographer, continued to shoot pictures and only waved his hand to the side as to not bother him. 

"I really hate you guys," I muttered. 


Hey guys! Sorry for the wait. Personal matters prevented me from writing so I took a break but now that things are good I am back and will be for awhile. So sorry for that hiatus but I hope you enjoyed this update and I know not much has happened but it'll pick up. Read, subscribe, upvote and comment below! Love you all!

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy