I'm Not a Tourist

Apt. 34A



As excited as I was about meeting Lee Seunghoon today, I had more important matters at hand and that's what lead me to standing at the bus station, about two blocks away from the apartment complex. Some people were shuffling around, talking on their phones and one woman was cooing to her baby that was wrapped in a striped green blanket and kept fussing. I bit my lip and adjusted my purse before pulling out the map that I had grabbed from the street cart and checking where I was again. 


So that meant I would be taking this bus to Yongsan-gu where I wanted to visit first, Itaewon. I pulled out a marker from my bag and mapped the route before I heard the bus rumbling down the street and I quickly put everything back. Once everyone saw the bus coming, people started filing into a line and pulling out their bus cards and handfuls of change. Luckily I had made sure to get a bus card prior and silently moved ahead when the bus pulled up and opened its door.

Once I was on, I found a seat in the back and set my camera bag in my lap before pulling it out and putting it around my neck. I put all my other stuff inside and tapped my fingers against my thigh before the bus took off. From the map it said that it would be about a twenty five minute ride to Yongsan-gu, so I just looked out the window and watched the scenery, in hopes the time would go by. 

I was too busy looking out the window when I felt someone approach me and turned to look sideways to see a teenage girl in a school uniform, looking at me nervously. 

"Is anyone sitting here?" She said quietly. 

"Aniyo," I shook my head and smiled as I moved over some more so she could sit. 

The girl thanked me and nodded before sliding in and dropping her bag at her feet and pulled out her iPod along with her headphones and set them on her head as the song started. 

I tried taking a few photos through the glass but the bus ride was too bumpy and kept shaking so I just waited and a few minutes later the next thing I knew, the bus was finally at Yongsan. It pulled up in the station and I excused myself as I went through the aisle and stepped out onto the crowded street. There was an abundance of shops lined down the the sidewalk, people walking back and forth through carts and racks and boxes of things. I held onto my stuff and started down the busy lane, walking by to see one shop that had furniture aside and was trying to urge a man into buying a lamp. 

I grinned and continued on to see another store that sold suits and tuxedos for men and boys and as well tailored outfits. People were bustling around the small carts that sold jewelry and an older woman sat on the street and made homemade pottery glasses and bowls that a few people had stopped to watch her do. I broke through the crowd and stood amazed as she molded the wet clay onto the wheel and expertly moved her hands around to shape and form the piece before her. I lifted my camera up and snapped a few pictures of her before putting it down and setting in a few dollars where she had an offering bucket. 

I went on and stopped at a few more stores where women were selling shoes, handbags and coats. A little girl was modeling a pink puffy winter coat in front of her mom who smiled and shook her head. 

I stopped at a food stand that was selling tteokbokki, fried sweet potatoes and eggs on a skewer along with dumplings and sundae. 

500 won, the sign said next to the stand. 

I reached into my bag and pulled out some cash and ordered two tteokbokki while handing the woman the money. I took a picture of the stand and after I was given my order, I thanked the woman and kept walking. I took a picture of myself eating the spicy rice cake then walked into a store that sold stationary items, souvenirs and merchandise for popular kpop bands.

Lights and bells jingled from all around the ceiling and some American rock song was playing in the back as I went through each of the aisles and went through shelves. I picked up some notebooks, a few pencils and a B2ST keychain. After ringing up my stuff I took a shot of the store from outside then pulled out my map again to see where my next stop was. 

N Seoul Tower in the Namsan Mountains

I checked the route and figured that I need to take a bus to Gwanghwamun then take the subway to Myeong-dong station so I could catch a cable car up to the tower. 

I rounded the next corner and followed the signs for the nearest bus stop and when I found it, people were just starting to board so I hurried along and unfortunately had to stand because it was so packed. About half an hour later when I had got to the station, I went through the machine rails and inserted some money to buy a ticket and waited until the subway came. I noticed there were some people singing a song I couldn't remember with a violin and a woman sitting on a crate while playing the guitar. I took a shot from afar and when the subway came I walked in and sat down next to the door quietly. 

"Umma, umma," a little boy about five whined to the woman who was sitting down on her phone across from me. 

"Ne, Doojoon?" She looked up and the little boy leaned against her arm while sticking his bottom lip out in a pout. 

"Can I have some banana milk?" 

The woman smiled and swept a lock of hair out of her eyes before reaching into her purse and pulling out some just for him and the boy clapped excitedly and kicked his little legs as he took it. 

"Thank you umma!" He chirped and she patted his brown curls while going back to her phone. 

I chuckled to myself and messed with the items I had got today in the plastic bag and just waited until I got to my stop. 

At Myeong-dong station

The subway doors opened and I stepped out and followed the stairs up and outside where the cable cars were. Only four people were waiting when I got over, three of them looked to be university students and another was an American who had the same map in his hands that I had and a baseball cap on with a Yankees jersey and jeans. I quickly put the map away and joined the group, when the next car pulled up and we were able to board.

The only thing I could say was that the view was amazing. 

As the car started the climb up the wire zip, we immediately lifted from the street and were pulled through with the people and cars all underneath us becoming tiny specks. I snapped so many pictures and it only made me even more eager when the car was above the the vegetation and we were starting up the mountains. I looked over to the other side when I could sort of see the Tower in sight and gawked at how big and far up we were going. I took a photo of the tower and soon the cable car pulled up to the site and opened the door for people to get off. 

There was an intercom that was announcing boarding an unloading for people to catch the cars, people walking up to the tower and kids filing in to see the views. I walked over to the observation deck next to two woman who were pointing and looking out excitedly. And if I thought that the view coming up here was good, this clearly crushed that statement. I could see out beyond miles of land, past mountains, hills and still see the wonderful view of Seoul. A map next to the window, had a dot on each area that you would be able to make out from standing in this area. I took a shot of that and walked around the entire deck to point out all the things I could see. It was truly beautiful. 

Later on... 

The N Seoul Tower was wonderful but I had one more stop for the the day and that was to be able to go to Mapo-gu and see the Seoul World Cup Stadium. 

When the bus arrived to my stop, I got off and walked the rest of the way which was only four blocks and took some more photos of the street as the sun was just barely starting to set. I was able to go up to the stadium and the doors were still open so I walked inside and got to see all the various pictures of famous Korean futbol players and autographed jerseys and signed photos that had all been framed. 

I took photos next to most of them before going inside to the actual stadium and marveled at the wide open field. There had to be more than thousands of seats in the stadium and the field of grass seemed to go on and on as I ran over to the gate that held you back from stepping in the field. 

"Wow," I breathed. 

I heard a few more people shuffle out to see the stadium and smiled when they politely waved at me and a little girl, who could probably be only one, giggled. 

"You a tourist?" The man said to me and I quickly shook my head. 

"Oh no no, I'm from Korea," I grinned. 

He motioned to the travel guide map in my hand and I flushed before shoving it away in my pocket. 

"It's just because I got lost," I said flustered. 

The man smiled and nodded while his wife lifted their daughter into her arms and she took note of my camera. 

"Oh, are you a famous photographer?" 

"Ah, no ma'am," I said politely. 

She waved her hand in the air and giggled that sounded much like her daughters while her eyes formed little crescents.

"Aigoo, with a camera like that you should be," 

Yeah I should be huh? I smiled to myself 

Hey guys! Did you enjoy this update? I really like to travel and I can't wait to visit Korea one day. There are so many places to see and go to. I'm sure Kyungmi had so much fun hehehe and I need to fangirl because f(x) new album red light got me like ASDDFGHJJKKLLJJSHDHDGGFJ!!!! Right in the feels! I love those girls! 

But anyways before I go into full fangirl mode.... Read, comment, upvote and subscribe. Love you guys! 

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy