
Apt. 34A



"I would like to make a toast," Bobby said standing up from the table.

"You always have something to say," B.I. rolled his eyes and laughed when said boy shoved him lightly on the shoulder. 

We were all sitting around the table scrapping our forks against our plates and going back for seconds as most of the food had already been cleared by the guys and yet they were still hungry. Seunghoon and Mino were loading spoonfuls of rice onto each other's plate while Jinwoo was leaning over to whisper something in Lea's ear that made her giggle. 

"I want to hear what he has to say," Junhoe piped up and raised his glass of soda in the air. 

"Thank you," Bobby smiled proudly and cleared his throat very loudly (and dramatically) I must say just to get everyone's attention even though we were weren't all that far away. 

Yunhyeong stuffed two sides of rolls into his mouth and was messing around with the vegetables on his plate before discreetly dumping them onto Donghyuk's. 

"What is it you're going to say?" He said curiously. 

I looked back and forth between the two before Bobby raised his cup in the air and put a hand to his chest while the others looked on amused. 

"I just want to say let's continue to hang out and spend time with each other in the future even if our lives become busy. We're family and we stick together," 

B.I. pretended to wipe tears away from his cheek and Seungyoon smiled while clapping his hands excitedly until the rest joined in and raised our cups and glasses as well. Clinking and chattering soon followed after until everyone was conversing amongst themselves and sharing images around on their phone. 

I sat still at the table for a minutes just watching everyone and smiling to myself. Even though I had just met the other boys, I had already felt so welcomed and close to them in just a few days. Even though I had just met these girls, I could tell that these relationships would carry even after we left. 

Donghyuk and Kim were both eating noodles off of each other plate even though they had their own and I couldn't help but chuckle when Donghyuk bit his lip and Kim had to rub his cheek to get him to calm down. 

I looked behind me and noticed Seunghoon leaning against the counter top sauce off of his fingers and when he caught me looking, he blushed a deep shade of red and tried to straighten up. 

I rolled my eyes with a smile and motioned my head for the outdoor balcony hoping he understood what I meant. When he nodded and held up a finger, I giggled and excused myself from the table to go outside. 


The sliding door fell back silently, with the waves crashing silently ahead as the stars were just starting to come out. After closing the door behind myself, I felt the wind pick up and blow my hair across my face as I walked closer to the rail. Just down below the shore you could still see kids and people walking around and enjoying the last few moments. 

A dog was barking excitedly as it chased after a little girl with her ponytail bobbing in the wind. Her squeals were loud and shrill and when the dog finally caught up to her, she fell against him playfully while he over her face happily. 

I chuckled and tried to drown out the rest of the noises from inside, everyone laughing and talking loudly. Music was being and I could hear the rap bass through the glass and the scrapping of chairs against the floor. Everyone was probably starting to dance. 

I closed my eyes and soaked up the softness of the air, the feeling of being alone until I heard the door sliding open as silently as possible. Footsteps carried after and soon I felt a pair of strong arms circle around my waist and a warm body press up behind me. 

"Sorry for keeping you waiting," a deep voice said in my ear. 

I hummed back and leaned into the chest while still holding on to the rail and not opening my eyes yet. "It's okay, you had to your hands clean," 

Even though I couldn't see his face, I could feel Seunghoon pouting and and couldn't help the giggle that escaped past my lips and only grew louder when his arms tightened around me. 

"Yah~" he whined. "It was just so good that it happened to get all over my hands," 

"They have a thing to help for that, it's called paper towels," I snickered. 

"Kyungmi-ah, stop making fun of me!" He sulked. 

"Okay," I laughed. "You big baby, I'm sorry," 

He huffed behind me and I smiled while tangling our hands together that rested against my stomach. We didn't say anything to each other for a long moment, just choosing to sway in the silence and enjoy being with one another. I didn't open my eyes until I felt him shift behind me and turned around so I could face him. 

When his eyes caught mine, we both blushed and it was funny after all the kissing we did earlier and establishing whatever we were, that we still managed to be like this. He put a finger under my chin and lifted it up so we could see one another and we both smiled as he made a bored expression. 

"I meant it you know," he whispered slightly. 

I raised my eyebrow at him and he gestered between the both of us while puckering his lips. "The kiss. I meant it when I kissed you earlier because I feel something for you," 

I could feel my ears heating up and tried to keep my body in control while I swallowed slightly and nodded. 

"I know you did and I meant it too. I don't just kiss people back for the heck of it and I feel something. I f-feel something as well." And blushed at how stupid I probably sounded for stuttering. 

He smiled so wide that I saw his gums and wrinkles creased the sides of his eyes but I only smiled back because it felt good to know that you were just as loved, if not even more. 

His forehead came to rest against mine and he pulled me closer so we were chest to chest with space almost impossible between us. 

"Will you do me the honor of please being my girlfriend?" 

I laughed quietly and threaded my fingers through his hair while his hands tightened on my hips and he bumped our noses together. 

"Tell me that I won't regret this," I said quietly. 

When he looked down into my eyes, he swallowed carefully and pecked my top lip twice before answering. 

"I promise, I swear," he took a deep breath. "I will never ever hurt you," 

And when we kissed again I felt it in his words, I felt it in his lips and through his motions. Maybe later on down the road things would fall apart, maybe we would break up or maybe we wouldn't. All I knew was that I needed this, I wanted this and I was determined to do whatever to keep it like this. 


Two hours later...

"I really like your hair it's really long and full," Soojin said as I sat between her legs on the floor and she braided my hair back into a fish tail. 

"Oh um thank you," I smiled and Yun grinned at me while she finished typing a message on her phone before passing around the bowl of popcorn. 

A drama was playing in the background that the maknaes seemed to be really interested in while Jinhwan had fell asleep in the first ten minutes with the pillow over his face as to not be bothered. Seriously, he was always sleeping, I was starting to think there was something wrong with him. 

"Give me some," Jinwoo opened his mouth and Yun made a disgusted face before grabbing a handful to throw it at his face. 

"Kill yourself," 

"Yah! Lea!" He frowned and turned to his girlfriend that was currently just as interested into the drama too.m

"Lea," he tugged on her sleeve. 

"Shh shh, I'm trying to pay attention," she swatted at him. 

Soojin and I both broke into a fit of laughter while he frowned and threw himself back on the carpet. 

I felt the girl shift behind me before she was patting my shoulder and looking over to give me a thumbs. "All done!" 


She nodded and pulled her phone out of her pocket to show me what it looked like and I smiled after thanking her and getting up to my feet. 

"Thanks! You'll do my hair from now on, arasso?" 

Soojin winked at me and I shuffled across the room to grab the two red cups at the edge of the table before going into the kitchen and cleaning up the rest of the mess that was still everywhere. 

After putting the plates away in the dishwasher, dumping everything in the trash and putting the rest of the food away while stealing a glance back out. He was probably in the room then. 

I sighed and quietly walked back through the living room where everyone spread out across the floor before me didn't bother to pay attention. 

I went up the stairs and up the level that I knew where the boys were sleeping before making my way down the hall and softly pushing the door open. 

"Yah Seungh--" I stopped dead in my tracks as I came face to face with his and said boy turning around to face me in his plaid boxers. 

"S-Sorry," I stuttered and looked down quickly, almost closing the door back shut up he spoke up with a blush running up his neck. 

"Wait," he turned around fully and wrung his fingers nervously while looking straight at me. "Come in. C-come in and close the door behind you," he suggested. 

I swallowed loudly and looked up with wide eyes as my hand completely slipped from the doorknob and fell limp at my side. 



Hello my beautiful readers!!!! I am so terribly and deeply sorry for keeping you waiting so long. College life is no joke and seriously kicking my . Surprisingly I had enough down time today to write this chapter. I will try to update as fast as possible so please be patient. Did you guys enjoy this update?? I liked it because it's leading up to something very unexpected....keke 

until next time read, subscribe upvote and comment. Love you guys!

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy