Along The Way

Apt. 34A



Last day 

7:47 pm 

"Do you guys have everything?"

I took a look in the backseat and glanced down at all the bags, mine were placed underneath Seunghoon's followed by a few of the guys along with Jinwoo's messenger bag that he insisted wasn't a purse. 

'Hyung that's a purse, my umma has one like that,' Taehyun scratched the top of his head. 

'It's not a purse, I got it when I went to Itaewon and this ahjussi was selling them. They're in style,' he insisted. 

Taehyun looked over at the rest of us like he wasn't buying that and just rolled his eyes while mumbling 'purse,' underneath his breath. 

"Okay then," Seungyoon clasped his hands together. "Let's head out then we have a long drive back," 

He made sure the house was locked securely before bounding down the steps and sliding into the passenger seat so we could leave. I felt Seunghoon's hand grab ahold of mine and I smiled over at him while he lifted it up to kiss each one of my fingers. 

 Aish this guy, I blushed and rolled my eyes. 

When the van pulled away from the gravel stone path, he made a sharp U turn and drove down along the rode that we had came from just a week ago. We swayed from side to side due to the bumpy ground and I looked behind me slightly while I could still see the house behind us. 

The days may have been short but I not only met some amazing new friends, but also got to experience the most amazing feeling ever; being loved. Not just by the girls, who were incredibly cool and amazing but by the other members, their friends and most importantly Seunghoon.

As I thought about him I smiled to myself and gripped his hand tighter in the car while the manager turned the voume up in the car and it flooded around the background.


Three days later...

"When do you start school?" my uncle asked me as he carried a plate over to the coffee table in the middle of the living room and took a seat across from me.

Uncle Minho had been able to slow down at the company for a little bit and was taking time to hang out with me more often, I guess because he was feeling bad but I wasn't really fazed by that. I was going to start preparing for the fall term soon then taking on the job of watching Jisum; my hands were about to be quite full. Putting Seunghoon into the mix was only going to make things even more hectic, especially considering where we stood now.

"Um, next week actually,"

"Do you need anything, like supplies or something?" he rolled the sleeves of his shirt up before grabbing his chopsticks and digging into the food.

"No I got everything pretty much,"

I placed one of the open boxes of food between us and sat on my knees as I moved some of my hair behind my shoulder and dug in too. "Well I'll get you a backpack at least," he said around a mouthful of food.

"But I already have one," I chuckled.

He swallowed loudly and shook his head while waving his chopsticks in the air. "I'll get you a new one, something more stylish and modern,"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a piece of broccoli, bringing it to my mouth as he grinned from across the table and ruffled my hair out.

"Stop that," I grumbled.



11:25 a.m.

I looked down at the address that I had written up on a piece of paper then looked back up at the small house nestled above the rock path that was settled between a fairly maintained garden. I walked up the steps towards the honey yellow house, adjusting the backpack over my shouler and opened the wooden gate that lead to the front of the house before knocking on the door.

I made sure I looked presentable, or as much as I could even though I was only in a pair of jeans and a shirt from last summer when my parents sent me off with my cousins to a Christian camp.

I could hear some shuffling around followed by voices until the door fell back quietly and an elderly woman with her hair pulled up in a bun and a shawl over her shoulders, smiled while waving me inside.

"Ah are you the girl that Soo Yun has been telling us about?"

"Probably," I grinned and bowed before the woman as I started to take my shoes off and follow her inside the house.

She lead me down a hallway where there were various photos of their entire famly aligned along the wall with the most recent being of Jisum. There were wedding photos, family vacations, pictures of Nathan and Soo Yun that continued up until she was pregnant. I smiled at the last picture of Jisum sleeping in his grandmother's lap while he on his thumb. We came around a corner that took us into the living room and an older gentleman was resting in a recliner while trying to cross something out on a puzzle he was working on.

When he heard us come inside, he looked up suprised but broke into a soft smile while pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.

"Jiho, who is this?" he said softly.

"Daehan-ah," she rolled her eyes. "I already told you that Soo Yun was looking around for a babysitter for Jisum,"

"Baby sitter?" he said suprised and sat up a little straighter in his chair while looking between his wife and me. "We're getting a baby sitter since when?"

Jiho sighed and patted the side of her face before looking at me with a sympathetic look. "Mianhae, my husband is becoming senile and soon he's going to forget what his own name is,"

I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or legitamately serious so I didn't want to laugh but I also didn't want to make things awkward so I simply just pursed my lips and nodded.

"That's okay,"

"Annyounghasaeyo, Lee Kyungmi-iminda," I bowed toward him and he laughed slightly before pointing a bony finger at me.

"Remind me of Jiho, she was spirited and happy too, then we had kids," he waved off.

"Yah!" Jiho frowned and walked over to the recliner to smack him upside the back of his head and I clamped a hand over my mouth so I wouldn't bust out lauging.

Even if things seemed weird at first, you could tell that they still very much had a lot of love left between the two of them, it was in the way they looked at one another, when they teased each other or when Jiho rubbed the spot on his head afterward where she had hit hm. It was just the way they were with each other.

"Saranghaeyo," he smiled up at her while making a hand heart at his wife.

Jiho rolled her eyes but blushed and slapped his shoulder playfully. "What are you fifteen? You're almost sixty pabo,"

The others, probably hearing the commotion, came down another hallway with a lean slender man carrying a little boy in his arms followed by Soo Yun who spotted me instantly and waved, her face breaking into a smile.


She ran over to side hug me and I squeezed her waist before pulling back and Jisum had lifted his hand to wave shyly at me before putting his face back in the man's neck.

"Annyounghasaeyo," he grinned and bowed slightly.

"Annyounghasaeyo," I said back and bowed as well.

There was a slight awkward moment where no one said anything but just stared between each other until Soo Yun cleared and laced her arm through mine. "This was my friend I was talking about. She's going to be a college student soon too and she was okay with watching Jisum if we were busy or to give you guys a break, " she said to her in-laws.

"Nonsense," Daehan waved his hand. "We don't need breaks,"

"Appa," Nathan frowned at him. "I think it's a good idea and it would help a lot,"

His mother nodded along with him and Soo Yun pulled me closer while I looked at Daehan and he rolled the pencil between his fingers and turned his attention back to the crossword puzzle in his lap. "Don't worry about me, I just really want to finish this last one,"

Both Nathan and Soo Yun laughed while Jiho shoved her husband lightly and I broke into a wide grin.

"Kamsaminda," I bowed towards all of them.

"Stop that," Jiho shook her head and moved towards the kitchen where I could see food already being prepared on the stove and a big blue bowl of kimchi sitting on the counter top. "You eat enough and that will be a better thank you," she said.

"Halmoni, what if she already ate?" Soo Yun said while turning around.

"No no," I said quickly. "It's okay, I'm actually very hungry,"

"Good, we always have too much anyway," Nathan grinned and hoisted Jisum up higher in his arms before walking towards the smell of the food.

"Boys," Soo Yun shook her head before turning to me. "Wanna put your stuff down or go to the room before it's time to eat?"

"Uh yeah sure," I smiled.

Jisum wiggled out of his dad's arms and dropped down onto the floor to scramble over to his halmoni and grip onto her legs while looking up at the woman.

"Halmoni, are you going to make me eat the green trees again?" he asked.

"Jisum you mean broccoli, it's good for you,"

"But it doesn't taste right," he scrunched his nose up and shook his head.

Nathan slid into one of the chairs at the counter and patted his lap for the little boy to come sit, but he just shook his head and went back to looking at his grandmother.

"Well the way I cooked it this time, it's going to be more delicious than ever,"

"Than ever, are you sure?" he said with wide eyes.

Jiho chuckled and left the pot to sit for a little bit before patting the top of the little boy's curly hair. "Ne, and is where is halmoni's kiss, I don't think I got one today,"

Jisum gasped and jumped up and down at her feet while holding his arms up to her. "Sorry halmoni, Jisum can give you as many kisses as you want now,"

The old woman laughed, creases forming at the edge of her eyes and leaned down to give her grandson two kisses on his cheeks before giving him a peck on his small lips.


"His parents are something else," I laughed while dropping my bag in the corner and falling down on the plush bed.

"Oh this is nothing, they're like this almost everyday," she sighed and ran a hand through her hair before falling down right beside me on the bed.

"I just hope they didn't make you nervous or anything like that, they sometimes act so crazy,"

"Oh no," I frowned. "They're just something else but I can tell it's going to be fun and interesting,"

She nodded her head and after a minute of silence with us just looking up at the cieling, she her side and propped herself on her elbow to look at me.

"Hey you know you forgot something,"

"Forgot what?" I raised my eyebrow.

Soo Yun gave me a pointed look and poked me in the side. "You know what I'm talking about,"

"No I don't-"

"The trip, you know," she nodded and waved her hand. "When you went to the beach house. What exactly went down there?"

I flushed red and threw my hands over to cover my face and she burst out into a loud peal of laughter while I shook my head against the sheets.

"Stop laughing!"

"Was it really that bad?"

"It wasn't bad!"

"Then what has got you all bent out of shape hmm?"

I swallowed loudly and peeked between my fingers at her while she was looking down at me with an amused look on her face. "Any day now," she clicked her tongue.

"Aniyo, it's so embarrassing and private,"

"Bwoh?! Did you sleep with someone?" she said shocked.

"Yah! No, I'm not easy, it wasn't like that,"

"Then spill, you promised you would,"

"No," I groaned and rolled over until I was laying fat on my stomach.

"You have to!" she laughed and threw herself over me while I squeaked and flailed my arms around.


Thursday night

8:10 p.m.

"What is all this?" I said quietly while Seunghoon stood in my doorway with a cardboard box in his hands and a ridiculously happy smile on his face.

"Just a little something something for you," he shrugged. "Can I come in?"

"Might as well," I sighed while opening the door wider. "Since you made such a long trip down here to see me anyways,"

"Yep, two doors exactly," he laughed.

He made his way over to the kitchen, setting the box down on the table and I leaned against the frame, folding my arms across my chest while he began opening it and grinned to himself.

"Seriously what's in there?" I yawned and rubbed my right eye. I was just about to get started on watching The Commitment and hopefully pass out within the next two hours so I could be up early tomorrow.

What I did not plan on was Seunghoon showing up in a pair of basketball shorts and a wife beater with that lazily smile that he knew would get me to do just about anything and a surprise in his arms. But Seunghoon was a nice surprise everyday to me so I guess I would make an exception this time.

"Why don't you come over here and find out?" he chuckled.

I sighed loudly and trugged over to the kitchen table, taking a seat next to him before he grinned and leaned down to place a kiss on my cheek.

"So I thought that you might like some of this stuff but don't worry it didn't cost me anything...well it didn't cost me anything now per say," he frowned. "You get the idea,"

He pulled the box open and took out a red hoodie, along with a snapback that had 'Spray paint' written across the top, followed by a stuffed Charmander and three articles of shirts before spreading it out on the table.

I raised my eyebrow at him and looked between all the things and back at him again but he was obviously not getting the point. "What is this?"

Seunghoon pouted slightly and put his hands into his pockets while rocking forward on the balls of his feet. "I was thinking since you know, like since we are dating now and all...that you would maybe...want some of my stuff. You know like couples when the girl wears the guys stuff. So I thought I would bring you some of my favorite stuff so you can have it," he shrugged.

The tip of his ears turned so red that I coudnt help but bite back a smile and shake my head. He was seriously being the cutest thing ever right now. Bringing me your things so I could wear them? So cute! I tried to hold back my laugh but I really couldn't the more I thought about it and the more I looked at his face, he was just too much.

"That's adorable," I giggled. "But you didn't have to bring me this stuff, I would have been fine without it. And usually these things just happen, like I end up in your shirts, you leave things over and I happen to keep it," I shrugged.

He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck in a shy manner while groaning. "I feel so stupid now,"

"Don't" I smiled and slipped out of the chair to bring my arms around his waist and look up at him. "It's really sweet and cute,"

"Are you sure?" he glanced down. "Because I feel really stupid now that you're explaining all of it,"

"It's cute," I shook my head. "You were so excited that you literally brought a box of your things over, which I am going to keep by the way, I like when you do things like this,"

"Why?" he smirked. "Does it make me seem hotter than you imagined?"

"No," I snorted. "Makes you seem like a dork," I laughed.

Seunghoon frowned hard at me and I laughed loudly before reaching up on my tippy toes to plant a kiss on his lips. His hands grabbed a hold of my hips to steady me and he kissed me back for a second before I pulled away.

"Where did you even get that from?" I chuckled.

He pecked my top lip before kissing the side of my mouth and shrugging. "It was on Tumblr, under cute relationships. I want us to be on that tag one day,"


Heyyyyy guys!!! I am so so sorry that this took so long. I truly am, I didn't mean for that but I got tied up in school and everything just got in the way. But I did take some time out to finally finish this chapter and I'm so happy I did. Did you guys enjoy this update? I hope you did, Seunghoon is seriously a dork like majorly haha. And just so you know... I think there are going to be some rough waters ahead for this couple...don't hate me. But I seriously gt like a bunch more subscribers and views, you guys are amazing and keep me so motivated! 2pm is going to be in my area for their concert tomorrow and I'm so jealous that I can't go and who else is excited for ikon?! Because I Am! And have you guys listened to nu'est's album rebirth? I seriously recommend you do. Until next time read, comment,subscribe and upvote. Love you guys! Also guys don't forget to check out my other fic, So We Go On. Go subscribe, comment and show it some love please.


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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy