Sand Between My Toes Part I

Apt. 34A


Friday night 

11:33 pm 

"Don't you think that's too much?" Seunghoon scratched his head as he leaned against the bed post in my room. 

I looked up from where I was packing my toothbrush, toothpaste and other hygiene products in a ziplock pouch to stuff into the side pocket. 

"Umm no. You said we were gonna be there for five days," I replied. 

"Yeah but your suitcase looks like it can't even close," he frowned. 

"It can close, just watch," 

Once I finished, I made sure all the zippers were closed then threw the top over before sitting down on top of it and motioning him over. 

"Watch and learn," 

Seunghoon rolled his eyes but came closer anyways as I leaned over and began to zip the suitcase close all around. I finished with a huff and threw my head back to get my hair out of my face while smiling up at him. 

"Now what was that you were saying about it not being able to close?" 

Seunghoon pulled a sour face and waved me off as he sat down on the edge of my bed with his arms folded across his chest. 

"Shut up," 

"That's what I thought," 

I got off my suitcase and rolled it over to the door so I could set it there for tomorrow and turned back to Seunghoon who had this funny grin on his face. 

"Ew why are you making that face?" 

"I'm just happy you're coming I guess," he shrugged. 

I couldn't help the blush that rose up my neck and painted my cheeks as I rolled my eyes and ran a hand through my hair. 

"Well I am flattered Mr. Lee but I need you to evacuate the premises before I call the cops for breaking and entering," I said with the most serious face I could muster. 

His jaw dropped and he gave me an 'are-you-kidding look' before standing up from the bed as I laughed. 

"I'm serious though, I need to go to sleep since we're leaving so early," 

"Yeah yeah yeah," he mumbled and shuffled forward across the room. "I still think you packed too much," 

"And I don't care what you think," I shook my head.

Seunghoon frowned and wound his arms around me to give me a hug as I smiled and wrapped my arms behind his neck. 

"Meanie," he muttered into my skin. 

"Get out," I laughed and pulled back to ruffle the top of his head. "And see you tomorrow bright and early," I chirped. 

"Aniyo, you're already being too happy and the morning hasn't even came yet," he groaned but pulled back as well after squeezing my waist. 



7:20 am

"Help me with the bags hyungs!" Taehyun whined as he struggled to situate all of their belongings in the trunk with everyone's suitcases. 

Seungyoon came out from the back of the building where the two vans were waiting and smirked when he saw the maknae struggling. 

"Having fun there?" 

Jinwoo turned around in the seat to see Taehyun roll his eyes and smiled as he managed to get all the suitcases on one side and stacked on top of each other. 

"You seem to be doing fine on your own though," he grinned. 

Taehyun blew his hair out of his eyes and glared at Jinwoo from the trunk before sticking his middle finger up at him. 

"Screw you," 

"Hey hey, don't get mad at me just because you lost the bet," 

"That contest was rigged! I swear you all plotted against me!" 

He lifted one of the duffle bags into the trunk and huffed as he realized there were still three more by his feet. 

It was just five days, why were there so many bags?!

Seungyoon climbed into the back seat next to Jinwoo just as Mino and Seunghoon came out of the building with sunglasses on and a jacket and hats to cover themselves. 

"Hey you got it Taehyun?" Mino said as he watched him lift the bags into the back. 

Oh, so now you offer your services?!

"Yes I got it hyung." 

Both of them shrugged and got inside the van while Team B was already getting inside the van behind them to follow the boys all the way to Kyungmi's place then to Sokcho. 

The drive wasn't long at all since the traffic was surprisingly light, by the time they had made it to the apartment complex, picked up Kyungmi then headed out; they were actually on good time. 


Kyungmi POV

I put my headphones in, stealing a glance around the van at the rest of the guys who had fallen back asleep or were absorbed in their phones as soon as we started the drive. Because I was sitting near the window, I was able to lean my head against the glass and close my eyes as the music drifted into my ears. 

Seunghoon was already knocked out beside me as his head was tucked into his chest and he was snoring softly next to Mino who had let his head fall back and had his mouth open. 

The whole van was quiet despite the soft roar of the engine and the outside noise. 


4 hours later...

"Yah guys come on get up," Seungyoon said as he shook someone beside me. 

I fluttered my eyes open and yawned as I leaned forward and was able to crane my head out the window. There was a nice pretty yellow beach house set beside an abundance of trees, where a path lead you down to the shore underneath. 

"Oh wow," I breathed and rubbed my left eye as I turned around to shake Seunghoon awake. 

"Yah~ get up already. We're here,"

Seunghoon frowned and swatted my hand away as he continued to sleep and Mino, who was already awake and and stumbling out of the van, rolled his eyes before his index finger and shoving it in his ear.

"Ew! What the ?!"  Seunghoon shrieked as he jumped up and knocked the hat off his head. 

"Bet that woke you up now," Mino smirked.

I busted out laughing as I opened my door and Seunghoon flung his hat at Mino who ran away laughing as well to get the bags. 

Once we all had carried our things inside to the beach house, we all decided to pick rooms and that's when I noticed a group of girls were already inside waving and giving hugs to all the boys. One of them with short hair and a beanie on, noticed me behind Mino and smiled widely.

"Omo! Who are you?!" She had more of a tomboy feel to her that made her seem very friendly and equally just as pretty next to the others. 

"Lee Kyungmi," I smiled and bowed slightly as she squealed and hit the girls next to her. 

"Annyounghaseyo Kim Li-iminda," she pointed to herself. 

"Jun Hee, Kim Soojin, Ah Lea and Jang Yun," she introduced the girls next to her. 

They all waved at me politely and I smiled back before lifting my bag up and scooting over as the rest of the guys filed in. 

"So you guys probably already got your rooms then huh?" 

Soojin, the girl with the braid along the side of her head and flowing black hair nodded but made a waving motion between all of us. 

"There's only two beds to a room so you can share with Kim if you want,"

I looked over at said girl and she was giving me a thumbs up while bouncing up and down excitedly in place which made me giggle.

"Okay then,"

"Yeah that's what up!" She pumped her fist in the air and Soojin slapped her arm while the other girls laughed and shook their heads.

"Seriously you're so embarrassing!"

"No I'm not!"

"What are you guys talking about?" Jinwoo said as he walked in with Jinhwan, Bobby and B. I.

I jumped slightly and Kim rolled her eyes as she stuck her tongue out at him. "None of your business Jinwoo, and hi guys!" She waved to the other three. 

I blushed when they smiled back then looked over at me and waved too. 

"Oh! You're pretty, are you Seunghoon's girl?" Bobby said surprised. 

"N-no!" I said flustered and could already feel my cheeks heating up. 

B. I. smacked Bobby upside his head and scoffed. "Yah why are you asking her that?!" 

"I just wanted to know!" He whined and pushed the fake sunglasses up his nose. 

Meanwhile Kim and the other girls had already came over to my side and were leading me away from the boys to a flight of stairs that led up to a room connected by double doors. 

"You can have that bed!" Kim pointed to the one situated by the window. 

"And after you get settled we can go out to the beach or look around," Yun suggested as Lea helped me put my suitcase on the bed. 

"Oh thanks, um we can go to the beach, just us girls," I grinned and sat down while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. 

Soojin clapped and Kim hopped over next to me as she leaned back on her hands and the other girls sat across from us on the other bed. 

When I noticed that they were all just staring at me and it was pretty awkward, I raised my eyebrow and shifted slightly. 


"Who's your guy?" Yun asked me nonchalantly. 

"Um who's my what?" 

"Your guy, like who's your boyfriend?" Kim said and crossed her jean clad legs. 

"No one," I said honestly. 

"You're totally lying!" 

"You're dating someone," 

"You at least like one of them?"

"None of them are my boyfriend," I shook my head. 


"Who are you guys dating then?" I leaned forward. 

"Jun Hee here is Seungyoon's girlfriend, Kim is dating Donghyuk, I'm dating Jun Hoe," Soojin pointed to herself. "And Lea is with Jinwoo and Yun is dating Mino," 

"So," Jun Hee clasped her hands together. "You're special someone..."

"Is no one," I dead panned. 

Kim tapped my shoulder and I looked back at her. "Ne?" 

"Who invited you here?" 

"Seunghoon," I eyed her carefully. "Why?" 

"He likes her!" 

"That's so cute he invited you!" Soojin gushed. 

"Seunghoon and Kyungmi, it has a ring to it," Lea said dreamily and all the girls burst into giggles while I blushed and tried to cover my cheeks. 

"You guys are horrible," I groaned. 

Kim squealed and sat up so she could throw an arm around my shoulder and pinch my cheek. "You're so cute, Seunghoon definitely sees something in you," 

I made a dying noise in the back of my throat and just wanted to throw myself under the bed when a knock came to the door before someone was opening it. 

I peeked between my fingers and speak of the devil, Seunghoon stuck his head inside and smiled when he noticed me while the girls are all eyed me and whistled. 

"Hey, are you girls done gossiping about us and wanna go out?" 

"Well actually," Soojin flipped her hair over shoulder. "Us girls are just going to catch up and go down to the beach," 

Seunghoon frowned and was just about to say something else when Yun stood up and shooed him off. "So go now we still have stuff to talk about," 

"Yah yah yah! You can't just push me out and what do you mean girls just catching up?" 

"It's really self explanatory," she grabbed a hold of the door. 

"But, Kyungmi-ah-" 

"She's fine," Yun said closing the door. 

"Yah! Wait Kyungmi-ah! Are you okay?!" 

Yun shut the door close and I shook my head while all the other girls squealed and presumed to rush over and tackle me to the bed. 

"He asked if you were okay!" 

"He cares about you!" 


This is was going to be a long week

Hey guys!!!!! I didn't keep you waiting long on this update did I? Did you guys enjoy it? I wanted to introduce all the females and get them all settled in before they started having some fun hahahaha I hope I didn't bore you. I would love to go on a weekend trip to the beach with my bias *_* if you guys could go who would you choose to go with?? Of course my baby Kris is mine guys LOLOL 

But uhhhhhhh I leave in three weeks for college life guys and I'm not even ready. I hate separating >_< and have any of you tried out the new asianfanfics? I'm very skeptical because I don't do good with change...

But anywyas until next time read, comment, subscribe and upvote. Love each and every single one of you! 

Eyes,nose, lips- Lydia Peak Cover 

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please continue to wait for me. I am working on the update and trying to make it as best as possible for my readers!


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Rizazmiy #1
Chapter 38: Please continue your story authornim
Chapter 7: that little Dara and Tabi moment tho hahaha
Chapter 38: hahaha make up that sounds hella nice :)) XD gosh seunghoon and omg her friend is so cute
Chapter 37: they are literally the cutest things ever ugh seunghoon
Minwo033 #5
Chapter 37: Yeay for the update!! This is one of my fav current fanfic that i like! Thank you for the update
MarchNoona #6
Chapter 36: Thanks so much for this fic. Is it done? I seriously love it. I'm really happy to see a Seunghoon fic. Baby lion <3
Chapter 35: I have never read any seunghoon bc it's always mino like thank u so much for this
Chapter 34: yES YESYES
Chapter 26: pls do so seunghoon
Chapter 24: just got crazy