Scared fool versus love.

30 y ... divorcée

 Hyuna was reassured that he didn’t bring up the hot topic and went her way after saying goodbye. She saw him walk in the opposite direction and she just couldn’t resist his large back appealing her. She just wished she could run to him and just jump on this back. 

She let her repetition monopolize all her mind and finally the show started. But hell, she was the last, the one ending it.
Finally her turn arrived, and after a long breath she let the hatred invade her character. She was the black widow, the one hating everybody. With a singular walk, she graced the runway with her presence. Her bleu nuit dress, themed with the “spider” and “black widow” was spectacular and she looked like a beautiful but dangerous ghost, between weakness with the laces in her arms and strengh in her rough look. She seemed to not even step in the floor, she was bare foot, because the only thing that should be seen was the dress.

It was a interesting battle , who from the model or the dress will get the much more attention ?

The room was reduced to silence , observing the singular apparition.
She was arrived to the little podium with her slowly, scary yet very graceful walk. And after turning around to show off the dress, she went back, her almost bare face exposed to eyes and when she turned back a last time, a thunder sound was heard and all the lights were turned off. It took everybody by surprise and even more Yong Guk that was completely mesmerized by her performance.

He was charismatic too on stage, but for that he was rapping, using his mouth, he was blown away by the fact that Hyuna with her single body was able to catch so much attention, to express weakness and grace with a single hand move yet being fierce with her chin up and her chest bombed.

He had no time to think back about it that the lights returned and this time the creator, a woman  was holding Hyuna hand as if she was conducing her to the aisle. This time, Hyuna had a big smile plastered on her face and thanked the crowd bowing. 
Then, after clapping for the creator and some photos, the show was finally over. He stayed here, replaying that graceful apparition of Hyuna.

“Why are you staring at the runway as if there was still something going on ?” 

He turned his head and Hyuna was sit in a chair next to him with teasing eyes. “Just replaying the best part of the show, you were puzzling Hyuna.”
“Oh thanks you , it was thrilling to do that.” 

“Will you do it again for me ?” he asked.
Hyuna laughed “it’s not on command,I mean all the pression fell back and now I’m decontrated, all the magic went away.”

“Are you sure ?” Yong Guk said with a smile.

She stayed silent. She was clear on her words and she was sure he get the thing but this smile. She furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief. When did he learn to flirt ?  He was indeed faking being vexed saying that all the magic went away.

"Where did you learn to flirt ?" she asked him out of the blue.
He replied simply : "Oh,  too much time spent with the couple."
"Ohh, I get things better now !" She said before laughing. She stood up and Yong Guk studied her , she was wearing a intense blue dress, with black stilettos.

"Could we talk about ourselves, tonight ?" Yong Guk asked, sat on the empty stage now.
"Like what  ?"  She sat reluctantly next to him and looked away.
He touched her face lightly and she blushed , making him laugh. "What are you trying to do ? " She asked.

"Hmm, like estimate my chances, 2 years after my failed confession ? "  He said trying to sound cheerful.
Hyuna was surprised by his bluntness. And formed a “o” with . She started to explain herself.
“I was confused at that time, those two years were well spent. I thought a lot about myself, you know I rarely was this alone in my life.” 
“You were lonely ?”
he asked her, teasing.

“No, I wanted this time for myself and only myself, I’ve traveled alone, visited New York  myself, I've learned to live at my own pace, it’s something I wish to  everybody.”

“So… you didn’t miss me ?”  Yong Guk asked with a frown.

“Don’t be stupid …” she started  “Being away from you I’ve realized that I have feelings for you, since a while. Whenever I’m with you, it feels like a high school crush, something unbelievable. You know when we met, you said to that ert to go away but you didn’t say or look at me at all. And I don’t even know why I grabbed your shirt and takled to you this casually. I got stuck, maybe from the first day even if I was still recovering from my divorce even if I hate this idea.”

“But why do you hate it ?” 

“It is a interview or something like that ?” she asked, realizing that Yong Guk was the one asking questions.
“Maybe, now answer me, please.” He smiled making her frown.

"I remind you that you’re 26 years old Youngster , I’m 32 years old, we have a 6 years gap. When you was 12, I was already going to universities parties." She advanced her agument.

He shrugged, nonely convinced by it.  And retorted : "This is cliché, it’s not those 6 years that will keep us from dating, don’t be a fool."

She cleared and fidgeted her dress, lowered her head  : "I’m a scared fool, actually. "

He sighed, accepting the fact that Hyuna had her own life, and that she doesn't want him to be a part of it. However, she get closer to him and kissed gently his collarbone  in a slow manner, before whispering with a mischevious smile :

“But willing to try…”

“This is why I love you, anyway.” He stood up and asked for her hand, that she offered with a shy smile. 




Both were quite sad this day, Yong Guk was finally returning back to Korea. He spent  some extra days here in Japan but now, as said he had to go back home. They entered the airport holding hands and still talking about nothing and anything. It just felt right for both of them to be together. They knew that they could face difficulties later , but neither wanted to think of those things.

Both were appreciating this sweet bubble of love they created until the last second.

Soon, the moment arrived when Yong Guk had to leave. "Youngster , you should really go this time."
Yong Guk was being childish : " I don't want to." He kissed her longly, and as much as she wanted to give up, she break the kiss.
"You're going to miss your flight." she said with a harsh tone.

He sighed and asked with a little voice : "But, how do I know that this trip is not a dream, Hyuna ?" 
Hyuna smiled , tyring not to roll her eyes. She steal away his phone and showed him his screen picture, a photo of them to argue : "Maybe the hundred photos you took of us ?" 
"Hmm... maybe." He flashed his gummy smile taking back his phone, not before looking at the photo with a cute foolish grin and Hyuna smiled back. 
"So ... I' ll get going."
He walked away slowly, totally relaxed. Hyuna sighed, feeling already that she miss him. He waved to her a last time and finally disappeared behind a door. 
This way a slow distance relationship started. Both weren't the style to be glued to their phone all day , to wait impatiently for the other to reply. Their messages were random, as their calls.  This spontaneousy was a great fact, both were always excited to write and read to each other.

This night , Hyuna came back home and few hours later, received a cute message.
" I completely forgot to tell you how I love your short haircut, you look so dazzling with it." 



Here another chapter, with finally those two getting together ~~ 


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Chapter 36: I died in romantical way xD

Ah i'm waiting for erine's fic anw ;"3
Indian ocean? Where are you come from?
Chapter 36: This was to cute!!!
sunfoolfinger #3
Chapter 36: I really like this one~
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 36: Awww, while I'm sad it's ended, it was the perfect ending for the 2! so sweet & adorable, I love their daughter, so fiesty! although, I will say, that I totally think that Hyuna is preggers again! her feeling lightheaded, sick of smells, feeling tired... all those lil things made me think that. LOVED what Yongguk said about it taking 6years to make him, so he'd be perfect for her! ugh, the feels on that! thank you for writing the awesome story & look forward to reading you other ones!
Chapter 36: Thank you for writing this! It was a great read :)
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 35: I loved this chapter, I swear, sometimes I think you read out of my journal w/ a lot about her & Yunho! hahaha... but I was SO glad & touched at how her & Yongguk had that sweet & loving moment after she ran back home to him! ugh, just the feels! loved this chapter, thank you so much for updating! sorry, that things didn't quite work out for you & your crush, maybe next year? and Yes, it seems like he's got a good crew of friends & loved ones. hopefully Yongguk leans on them.
jmayo81 #7
Chapter 34: OMG... the Yongguk feels throughout!!! I had a similar relationship to her & Yunho w/ my ex & would LOVE to meet a guy like Yongguk. so sweet & kind & not making you feel like a burden! but the cliffhanger!!!! UGH, can't wait for him to meet a REAL man. I hope it goes well >_<!! thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 32: Welcome back! this was a cute chapter! love the siblings :D Jae & Dae & Nahyun. thank you for updating, looking forward to what will happen next!
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 31: Ahhh, I wanted to space out the story, but I loved it! I'm glad they got together, FINALLY... can't wait for an update :D
jmayo81 #10
Chapter 1: I'm just starting this story... loving it so far. thank you! glad I've got more chapters to go :D