How to be with you

30 y ... divorcée

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Yong Guk was watching TV with Jun Hong , wondering how the date turned out. This bothered him honestly, this set up blind date. Erin is picky and wouldn’t have chose anybody to spend a dinner with Hyuna. So, he must be somebody totally cool, intelligent and cultivated. Yong Guk could already picture himself  Hyuna laughing at one of the man intellectual jokes and showing him her hald-moon shaped eyes. She must have find him awesome, it’s already 11am he thought, frowning without even realizing. Soon, the door opened on a tired Hyuna.Jun Hong gets up and welcomed her in a unusual way :

"Noona your feet are bleeding."

Instantly Yong Guk stands up and saw an exhausted Hyuna with a deceived face. He gave her a long look and finally stopped his eyes on her  injured feet :

"What happened ?"

"I walked until here." She said with a tired tone.

"He didn’t drop you there ?" he asked troubled.

She was going to yell this but out of exhaustion her voice was just a whisper : " Oh no I wouldn’t even go in his car."

"Let’s wash your feet in the bathroom." Yong Guk lifted her, surprising her. Her senses woke up at his touch, his enjoyable perfume was charming her , his warm and toned body against her was a great sensation. She was lost searching for the last time a man actually lift her and tried keeping this moment in her memory that he  dropped her in the bathroom. He gently washed her feet. She looked at him with soft eyes all along, thinking how gentle, sweet and good-hearted he is. She took a glance at his large and smart-looking hands, definetely one of  a thinker she said to herself. However, she lost track of her thoughts when he started to put some disinfectant on it.

"It hurts." She said, almost reproching it to him.

"You should have think of it before walking for hours in heels then walking bare foot." He nagged her, with angry eyebrows.

"Well, sometimes you just don’t get the chance to think before doing things." She said , still frowning at he contact of the disinfectant on her wounds.

"Anyways I’m done." He said not wanting to get in philosophical conversations tonight.


He was going to lift her once again until the kitchen where Jun Hong was doing some hot chocolate for them but she stopped him, avoiding his gaze. “That’s okay, I can walk yo-you’ve done enough…”

Yong Guk understand that she wasn’t at ease with all those body contacts and realized that he had his hands on her waist. He quickly removes his hands fluttered by the contact but still stayed close to make sure that she wouldn’t hurt her badly.

"Whoah I don’t know what I would do without you guys." She said with a warm smile when Jun Hong handed her a hot chocolate. She took a sip of her mug and the sweet taste with the melting marshmallow pieces in was total heaven.

"So what happened ? He didn’t like you ?" Jun Hong asked, concerned about his Noona.

"In fact the person who was supposed to come didn’t show up because he didn't like the fact that I’m a divorcee." She said playing with Jun Hong hair, evasive.

Yong Guk lost his temper, "So you waited for nothing ?!"

" No, instead he sent his disgusting fat and old friend,Plus being not that handsome, he was rude to me, saying that he would forget that I’m a divorcee because I have a nice body." She said, angry just from mentionning the person ruined her night.

"Don’t tell me that you ate with such a person." Yong Guk said dismayed by this man behavior. She shook her head before rolling her eyes "Of course, i didn't"

"You did well, Noona ! You don’t need a mysogin and macho man !" Jun Hong said. The young boy was admiring how the woman will stand up for herself, and stick to her beliefs. He wished that someday his girlfriend will be as awesome as her ! On the other side, Yong Guk was angry, those two men judged her and made presumptions of her.He would love to have a conversation with that person that dared treat Hyuna as a piece of meat. She's so much more than that, a cultivated, funny woman, who had the sense of justice and principles.

Hyuna  kept sipping her hot chocolate and asked how Jun Hong spend his day at school. He told her he was flirting with girls and how since she was conselling him on his hair, he was getting popular among girls. She laughed, half amused.

"Didn't i just betray the womanity by producing a heart-breaker ?" She said with a dramatical voice, making Jun Hong burst into laughs. Even Grumpy Yong Guk smiled at her joke.

 Sure, Hyuna wasn’t the typical weak woman he thinked she was. Seriously he freaking doesn’t care of the fact that she was divorced. But herself seemed to live her life with the “divorcee” tag and it was frustrating.He grabbed his chance as Jun Hong was in the bathroom for the moment :

Hyuna , can I say something to you honestly ? Yong Guk said. He was sitted in front of her and had some serious eyes. Hyuna raise her head and nodded curious. He took her hand in his, making her flutter a little, before saying :

“Remember that you’re amazing, it’s not because you seems to have no luck with men or because you’re 30 years old that this will change. You’re being  courageous trying to be independent and I can assure that someone will see you as you really are someday, funny smart sassy and generous.”

She listened to him, surprised by his sentences. He seemed so confident and sure of what he said and has still her hand in his. He could be so charming and overwhelmed with confidence sometimes, making her wonder how to be with him.

"Well I don’t … what makes you think th-"

"Noona, do we still have rice ?" Jun Hong said interupting those two. Yong Guk released Hyuna hand that Hyuna hided on her tigh, and a awkward ambiance built up. Jun Hong guessed that he arrived at the bad moment. Great timing Yong Guk thought now trying to surface the embarassement.

“Oh, wait a minute … hmm no we don’t have any.Let me teach you how to use the rice cooker.” Hyuna said, trying to suppres the weird ambiance

Jun Hong frowns, making Hyuna retort to him : “ It’s basic for great eaters like you.I teached that to my gluton brother and now he owns a restaurant ! I should have teach Jae’ too“

 JunHong eyes had sparkles when he heard about the word 'restaurant' : “Really, can we go there someday ?“

“Hmm I’ll see , it’s actually quite far from Seoul. “ She said, making Jun Hong pout.

“It’s the first time you talk about Jay.”  Yong Guk stated.

“ It’s been a while that we didn’t see each other, back then Jae’ absolutely hated school and skipped classes. Some of his classmates didn’t even know his face.  Dae’ as the younger boy followed his exemplary older brother example, plus he was a stomach with legs , always hungry in every possible occasions …that’s mostly because I was tired of cooking for him that I learned him to !”

Soon, she sighed, getting upset at the thought of always having to send her apologies to the boys teachers :  “So enough talk, let me show you how you properly cook”

She teached him how to use the rice cooker and they had a lot of fun as Jun Hong kept pushing on wrong buttons then Hyuna hold her laugh and just pushed the big button in the middle.

That’s all you needed to do, Dear ! she said with a smile. Jun Hong pouted.

"So let’s head to the meat !" Jun Hong took a frying plate and planned to carelessly throw the meat in it, without even oil. Hyuna sighed and told him all he needed to do before throwing the meat in the pan.

"Now you keep an eye on both , I’ll prepare some veggies." She cut and fried some veggies and ten minutes later", sat back with Yong Guk.

"So it’s quite good !" she said with the mouth full, after Junhong served them.

"You really have bad habits  when it come to eat , Hyuna." Yong Guk said dismayed by this. For Hyuna eating was like a refuge. She smiled, still filled with food and kept eating, making JunHong proud of himself.

On the morning, Hyuna was singing a little. As she was getting ready for the day, she noticed her ring necklace and grabbed it. For the first time since  she’s been there, she took it off feeling now that she didn’t need it anymore. She looked at her bare neck and her bare finger and for the first time since she was there it wasn’t ripping her heart to see this, finally she seemed lighter. To celebrate this she put her white dress that her co workers gave her with some bleached jeans and arrived in the kitchen proud of herself.

 When Yong Guk arrived in the kitchen he saw that Hyuna wasn’t getting ready for work. She was typing in her computer madly.

“You’re not going to work today ?”

She sighed and stopped to type “I want to end this article before, I’ll make a stop there this afternoon to see my babies.”

“Your babies.” Yong Guk repeated narrowing his eyes.

“Oh, sure my co-workers “ She rectified herself quickly.

“How old are they ?” he said suspiciously. He knew that working in a magazine required years of college but Hyuna  was always behaving as if she was surrounded by high schoolers –although he could understand this state of mind with Evil Erin.

“ Hyemi and Minah are just turning 23 and it seems to me that Kyungri is 24 like you.” She said, not very sure of what she was saying.

“So I’m a baby too ?” Yong Guk fully vexed by this sentence. He crossed his arms , suddenly feeling grumpy.

She looked up at him surprised to see that he was hell serious. She gulped and tried to give him a answer that please him :  “You don’t get me that vibe, you are wise for your age…Plus you’re a boy it’s not the same relation”

"So what relation do we have ?" he retorted with serious eyes.Here again, the lost puppy turned to the manly knight asking for the truth…

"Hmm, I mean we’re best friends, aren’t we ?" she said while looking away. It was lying to label themselves as “friends” ,their relationship seems deeper than that and she could sense that Yong Guk felt it but well … She tried to keep her mind away of this memory of her brushing his hair while he was asleep.

"Sure, friends"

Does he seem totally deceived by this or is it me ? she wondered hearing that.The boy was biting his lips and seemed to have deep thoughts. Hyuna decided to break the silence talking of her office life :

"So there’s KyungLee, she’s a coffee addict and her eyes are really pretty. Then we have the princess of the office Minah. Sometimes she just stops to type on her computer and sighs with a sad face. Usually we imitate her right after making her pout. Then, Hyemi, she’s the clumsy one, she forget to register her articles so often !"

"Days at the office must be fun !" Yong Guk was getting distracted by moving while talking. This way, he wasn't that angry anymore towards her.

"Sure, but we do work, a little. Oh, also they are around my height !"

"Boyahh ? They’re like giants !" He found Hyuna so tall, and there's Erin being the same height, now three more girls ?!

" Hmm, not exactly. Except when we always hit each others legs under the table, maybe ! " she confessed. He laughed, that's it now he totally forgot that she just vexed him just a minute ago.

"But seriously, you’re very tall for a korean girl." He stated.

"I’m sorry for those short average korean men then." She bowed amused, with a faked sorry face.

"But except getting on the nerves of those shorts average korean men, what do you do at work ?"

"I mostly take international calls, take care of all the editorial road, sometimes do interviews. I’m like the Protective mother figure they never had at work, here to correct their typing errors, to give advices." She answeredwith a smile talking about the job of her dreams.

"Mother figure ?" he said with a gummy smile.

She blushed seeing him this smiley and tried to justify herself : "Even Junhong said that to me, I prefer sister figure but it seems that it’s not strong enough."

"It’s right you would do a wonderful mother !" He said , totally picturing her in a middle of severals children, all having her wonderful half-shapped moon eyes.

"Oh, I …. Just … maybe" she managed to say. Yong Guk noticed that she got embarrassed and didn’t insist on this point.


I'm back with this chapter, i've finally decided what to do for the next chapters, that's why this chapter came up this late. I apologize  , have fun reading !!

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Chapter 36: I died in romantical way xD

Ah i'm waiting for erine's fic anw ;"3
Indian ocean? Where are you come from?
Chapter 36: This was to cute!!!
sunfoolfinger #3
Chapter 36: I really like this one~
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 36: Awww, while I'm sad it's ended, it was the perfect ending for the 2! so sweet & adorable, I love their daughter, so fiesty! although, I will say, that I totally think that Hyuna is preggers again! her feeling lightheaded, sick of smells, feeling tired... all those lil things made me think that. LOVED what Yongguk said about it taking 6years to make him, so he'd be perfect for her! ugh, the feels on that! thank you for writing the awesome story & look forward to reading you other ones!
Chapter 36: Thank you for writing this! It was a great read :)
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 35: I loved this chapter, I swear, sometimes I think you read out of my journal w/ a lot about her & Yunho! hahaha... but I was SO glad & touched at how her & Yongguk had that sweet & loving moment after she ran back home to him! ugh, just the feels! loved this chapter, thank you so much for updating! sorry, that things didn't quite work out for you & your crush, maybe next year? and Yes, it seems like he's got a good crew of friends & loved ones. hopefully Yongguk leans on them.
jmayo81 #7
Chapter 34: OMG... the Yongguk feels throughout!!! I had a similar relationship to her & Yunho w/ my ex & would LOVE to meet a guy like Yongguk. so sweet & kind & not making you feel like a burden! but the cliffhanger!!!! UGH, can't wait for him to meet a REAL man. I hope it goes well >_<!! thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 32: Welcome back! this was a cute chapter! love the siblings :D Jae & Dae & Nahyun. thank you for updating, looking forward to what will happen next!
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 31: Ahhh, I wanted to space out the story, but I loved it! I'm glad they got together, FINALLY... can't wait for an update :D
jmayo81 #10
Chapter 1: I'm just starting this story... loving it so far. thank you! glad I've got more chapters to go :D