Chapter Twenty Six



The So and Gu couple came to the Yoon household for brunch and to discuss Jae Kyung and Woo Bin. Jae Kyung was away for a business trip in Macau, and coincidentally, so was Woo Bin. F3 could only pray that Jae Kyung and Woo Bin don’t run into each other there. Ga Eul has tried to keep Jae Kyung from going to Macau with the excuse of she needs Jae Kyung’s help for the wedding preparation, but that plan failed. F3 couldn’t even try to convince Woo Bin because Woo Bin was in Macau for business, but it was his underground business. After their joint project for their company was completed, Woo Bin and Jae Kyung haven’t been in contact with each other, both claiming they were too busy.

 “Okay, any brilliant ideas?” So Min asked as she cuts some fruits to serve her friends.

“… Nope,” everyone says dejectedly.

“Why? You guys seemed to have great ideas when we were in Alaska,” Ji Hoo said with his brows raised.

“This is different, her family doesn’t approve of him, and he doesn’t want to have anything to do with her either,” Ga Eul pointed out. “You guys were just beating around the bush, so we needed to shove you guys.”

“Plus, this isn’t like Jun Pyo’s and Jan Di’s problem. The Dragon Mother was the problem, for these two, it’s each other,” Yi Jeong also added.

“You know, Dragon Mother is actually very nice now,” Jan Di said as she happily ate her odd craving for pickles and ice cream together while patting her round forming stomach.

Everyone else could only look in disgust as they watch Jan Di enjoy eating something they would never eat. Jun Pyo’s mother has also been a lot nicer. The older staff of the Gu household says their madam has returned to the days when she first married Jun Pyo’s father. Now, Jun Pyo’s mother and father are enjoying themselves at home and occasionally going on whimsical vacations. Jun Pyo’s mother still has a little kindle out for Jan Di, but ever since she found out that Jan Di is going to give birth to a boy, she has been making sure that Jan Di is eating right and doesn’t do anything drastic.

“That’s good to hear,” Ji Hoo said. It has been a while since he last visited the Gu household. “Anyways, right now, I fear most is that the two monkeys will run into each other in Macau.”

So Min sighs as she sat down next to Ji Hoo. “Maybe they can find their way together there. You know, away from their current lives.”

“No, Woo Bin is there because there was some uprising in the underground world,” Yi Jeong informed them.

“Jae Kyung is there because she is signing some big deal over there.”

“I got it!” Jun Pyo piped up. “Macau can be like Vegas for them!”

“You want them to get hitched?!” Jan Di shrieked and whacked Jun Pyo’s head. “That is the smartest thing you have ever said all day!” she added and whacked him one more time.

“Her way of expressing love is scary,” Yi Jeong whispered to Ga Eul who nodded in amazement that Jun Pyo hasn’t dropped dead unconscious yet.

“I wonder if she’ll murder her child because she loves him so much,” Ga Eul added.

Jun Pyo rubbed his head painfully. As Jan Di’s pregnancy lengthens, her hits gets harder. “As I was saying, Macau turns into Vegas. Just get them as drunk as possible and then get them married.”

Ji Hoo frowned a little. “Forcing marriage upon those two might not be the best idea. If the media finds out they are married, there will be an uprising, and it will be hard for them to divorce if we do this legally.”

So Min elbowed Ji Hoo lightly while giving him a stank-eye. “Don’t listen to him.”

However, So Min’s words were forgotten. Ji Hoo was always the voice of reason in F4. What he said made sense and the repercussion of Woo Bin’s and Jae Kyung’s marriage could be extremely good or bad. The good side is two prominent companies are joining together. The bad side is Jae Kyung’s family will definitely disagree and could possible disinherit Jae Kyung while Woo Bin’s family underground status might be threatened because Jae Kyung’s family has nothing to do with the underground world. Jae Kyung wouldn’t be able to help Woo Bin rule the underground world once he becomes the head and replace his father. She would do the opposite; she will be Woo Bin’s weakness.

“He has a point,” Yi Jeong agreed. “We need a better plan.”

“No, we can make this work,” Ga Eul says totally fantasized by the idea of ‘Waking of in Vegas’ kind of ordeal.

“I agree!” Jan Di says happily. “I believe in Woo Bin sunbae! He can definitely take care of Jae Kyung, but actually, Jae Kyung doesn’t need anyone to take care of her. She’s quite scary in the first place. Also, her fighting skills are no less than Woo Bin.”

“Jae Kyung Unnie will definitely be able to help Woo Bin!” So Min campaigned.

F3 could only shake their heads. Women, they can be so irrational.

“No, we can’t put our friends in a tight spot like that,” Jun Pyo spoke against them.

Jan Di’s eyes turned into slits and stop eating mid way. “What did you say? Repeat it!”

“No, we can’t put our friends in a tight spot like that,” Jun Pyo repeated but this time with less determination.

“Are you sure we can’t?” Jan Di asked again in the same menacing voice.

Jun Pyo shivers like a little puppy and kept silent while glancing at his guy friends hoping that they will come to his rescue and engrave some rationality into his wife’s brain. “Jan Di,” Ji Hoo tried again. “This isn’t a drama where marriage will solve everything.”

“You know what,” So Min finally spoke, “we will take care of this mess our way, and you men can just sit back and watch how everything turns out well.”

“Yeah!” Ga Eul agreed enthusiastically.

“Ga Eul,” Yi Jeong said gently. “I am sure that Woo Bin and Jae Kyung can work things out their way.”

“And that has worked out so well for them,” Jan Di and So Min said sarcastically.

Before anyone else could object Jan Di firmly said, “We get them hitched and that is final.”

“Okay, but how are we going to get them hitched? We can’t just hire anyone; the word will leak too fast and Jae Kyung’s and Woo Bin’s body guards stay with them 24/7.”

“I saw we send someone there and help them out,” Jun Pyo suggested.

“I would go myself, but the wedding is coming up soon and so is my exhibit,” Yi Jeong said.

“Same,” Ga Eul said as Yi Jeong held her hand.

So Min and Ji Hoo looked over at Jun Pyo and Jan Di.

“No way! Jan Di is pregnant! Pregnant woman can’t go on planes!” Jun Pyo argued.

“Then you go,” Ji Hoo suggested.

Everyone frowned. “No, we are not letting curly fries here ruin our friends’ happiness,” Yi Jeong said.

Jun Pyo pouted. “Hey! I can totally help!”

“I say, we should send Ji Hoo sunbae and So Min to Macau. They are the most level headed together and I am sure that with them, everything will run smoothly,” Ga Eul suggested while everyone agreed.

“I can’t; I still have the construction of the new ward to worry about,” Ji Hoo declined nicely.

“I can’t just kick off and leave all those sick children behind,” So Min added.

“We will take care of that,” Jan Di said with finally. “Plus, I am sure that you would like to spend some time with So Min in Macau since lately you have only been seeing Hyun Ah everyday for the past few weeks,” Jan Di sneered.

Ji Hoo scratched his head and defended himself. He knew very well that there was a rift between the F4 ladies and the new doctor Hyun Ah. “It wasn’t just her. There were a few more doctors there too.”

So Min took a hold of Ji Hoo’s hand, “I am sure that Jun Pyo and Jan Di will definitely take care of the ward for you.” So Min changed her mind; she definitely wanted to go to Macau with Ji Hoo. The idea of him spending so much time with Hyun Ah bugged her.

“What about the children ward?” Ji Hoo inquired at So Min’s sudden change of mindset.

Before So Min could even respond, Jan Di answered for her, “I will get one of my doctors to fill her place temporarily.”

“Come on, Ji Hoo. We gotta help a brother out,” Yi Jeong said in a way Woo Bin would approve.

“Yeah, man. He’s not the same anymore,” Jun Pyo added in a more serious tone.

“Sunbae!” Jan Di and Ga Eul whined.

“Ji Hoo,” So Min pouted. “Come on! Look at them,” she helped begged Ji Hoo.

“Fine!” Ji Hoo finally gave in. Plus, if he thought about it again, it would be a good idea. He could get more alone time with his wife and reassure her that he and Hyun Ah has nothing going on between them.

“Perfect, now go pack your bags right now!” Ga Eul said happily as she clasped her hands together with glee.

“I have the jet ready for you two already so just get going,” Jan Di informed the Yoon Couple.

So Min frowned. “Did you guys plan this?” She has obviously learned not to trust in coincidental when she is involved with F4.

“…Maybe… maybe not,” Ga Eul said cheekily and pushed her and Ji Hoo toward their room to pack.

Ji Hoo and So Min could only follow their friends’ wishes and boarded the plane each only hauling a small carry-on bag. The Yoon Couple was on their way to Macau while the Gu Couple went home to have some family time with Jun Pyo’s parents and sister who came back from America. On the other hand, the So Couple went wedding shopping. Their pending marriage was already plastered all over the magazines; some with pleasing words while others were bad mouthing Ga Eul.

“I’m sorry,” Yi Jeong the nth time apologized to Ga Eul while holding her hand and driving to pick up their wedding bands.

Ga Eul smiled reassuringly. What kind of fiancée would she be if she wavered over something as little as to gossip? “It’s fine Sunbae! As long as I’m with you, I’m happy,” she replied honestly.

 “Thank you,” Yi Jeong replied.

Ga Eul smiled, “My pleasure.”

Yi Jeong smiled across the car to Ga Eul. He would occasionally glance at her all the time when there was a stop light or a stop sign. This creature next to him opened his weary heart to something he has always believed never existed. With Ga Eul around him, he feels as though he is living under a sweet breezy canopy. Ga Eul not only brought sunshine into his life, but she also managed to get his mother out and about. It was also quite funny to see Ga Eul giving his mother a makeover which caused his father, his very own philander father, to not recognize the wife that he can never love. He was so ashamed when he first introduced Ga Eul to his mother. Ga Eul and he were on dinner date when he received multiple calls from his desperate mother. Of course, he continually to ignore her calls until finally Ga Eul said he should answer it. When he answered it, it was his mother’s doctor’s voice. Ga Eul overheard the man’s begging voice and his mother screams. She was the one that convinced him to go visit his mother. It amazed Yi Jeong how calm Ga Eul was even when his mother was screaming and shouting at her to get out. Yi Jeong’s mother did not object his marriage for the same reason Jun Pyo’s mom did. His mother didn’t want Ga Eul to get married with Yi Jeong in fear that 1) Yi Jeong was going to be like his father and abandoned her and 2) she isn’t capable of losing the only man in her life that she can somewhat rely on. Ga Eul would come to the hospital often to visit his mother and at first, she would always be kicked out and soon enough, his mother just let Ga Eul do whatever she wants. Just like Yi Jeong, his mother grew accustomed to Ga Eul and always demanded to see her instead of him. She no longer wanted to see his father; all she wants to do now is go dress shopping with Ga Eul, help plan the wedding, and paint.

“By the way, I hope you don’t mind. I decided that our honeymoon would be in Venice, Italy,” Ga Eul informed Yi Jeong after they did their wedding shopping and returned to Yi Jeong’s studio.

“No, that’s great!” Yi Jeong replied. He has always thought that Ga Eul would choose Paris for their honeymoon because it was the city of love but Venice was just as romantic. However, he had a second thought, “Isn’t Venice where my mother decided to do her re-debut?”

Ga Eul giggled sheepishly. “Yeah… I kinda… you know…”

Yi Jeong eyed her suspiciously. “What?”

“I couldn’t say no!” she finally cracked.

“I knew it! Mother put you up to this! She’s stealing you from me!” Yi Jeong exclaimed with amusement. His mother has found her new attachment and that attachment is his fiancée.

“Oh come on! You know how lonely she is? Plus, she’s adorable! You can’t say no to her!”

“She’s my mother!”

“I know; that’s why I can’t say no to her. You look exactly like her!” Ga Eul said happily and pinched Yi Jeong’s cheek.

Yi Jeong could only shake his head and start to work on his ceramic. Ga Eul would stay by him and make some comments and keep him company. He still can’t get over how attach Ga Eul and his mother had become though. While Yi Jeong and Ga Eul are getting ready to enjoy married life, the Yoon Couple is on Shinwha’s private jet to Macau.

“Is this a second honeymoon?” So Min asked as she bobbed her head to the music she was listening to while holding hands with Ji Hoo.

“I didn’t know we had a first one,” Ji Hoo said in confusion.

“I counted Alaska as our first,” So Min said in a matter of fact tone. “I hope the next one will be the one that is official.”

“Three times the charm,” Ji Hoo said and kissed So Min’s forehead.

“It better be.”

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Chapter 40: I laughed, cried, cringe , laughed and cried some more.... Loved reading ur story.... Good job!!!!❤
Chapter 23: Keep writing love! I loved reading this!
Chapter 22: Its so cute and well written.
DianaDoe #4
Chapter 40: Awww how could they die on the same day. ......such a lovely story
Nikfechan #5
Yo pense que era una historia crossover de playfull kiss y bof
oviya2322 #6
Chapter 40: Whoa!!!!! was a beautiful fanfic... Really loved reading ur stories....I loved ur way of expressing the words and love for those 4 couples ....plz keep on writing ur fanfics.... Thumbs up ...unni
Amazon34 #7
Chapter 40: Chapter 40 : Beautiful story author pls keep on writing :)
prajkhj #8
Chapter 40: Just loved this... Keep writing... All the best
nanda88 #9
Chapter 40: like a nice story ;)
Chapter 20: Chapter 20:I was disagree with the use of word such as Buddha,Allah and Shiva because it will cause misunderstanding in certain races.
Anyway your story so lovely..