nursing him

Is this how love feels like?

sorry!!!!! i couldn't connect to my internet today. so sorry for updating this chapter so late!!! don't hate me.... =(

Mi Sun P.O.V

“Medicine, where are you. Oh right, 2nd drawer from the left.”

I can’t believe baro did not tell me that he was having a high fever. How can he just stay at home without going to the doctor?

“What else do I need hmm…”

I am practically running around my house like a mad woman looking for things that I myself don’t even know what I’m supposed to look for.

I took off my blazer and tie and toss it on my bed before leaving my house.

The elevator door opens the minute I press the button, which was convenient for me.

“Mi sun, why are you even doing this.” I asked myself as the door closed.


Baro P.O.V

I open my eyes as I feel someone patting my head.


The figure in front of me smile at me. “Yes sun woo darling?”

“Mom? Is that you?”

“Yes darling.” she continues patting my head.

“I-I thought…”


I couldn’t believe it. My mom is sitting next to me on my bed. Is this a dream?

“Look at you.” my mom said as she my cheek. “You’re so thin. Have you not been eating well?”

“I-i….” I was trying not to choke from crying.

“It’s okay sun woo, it’s okay…” my mom wipe off my tears.

“I-I miss y-you mom.”

“I miss you too, sun woo.”

She continues wiping my tears then my hair gently.

“Shh..Go to sleep. You need to rest.”

I didn’t want to close my eyes because I was afraid when I wake up, she won’t be here with me anymore. But my eyes just close itself before I could even take control of it.


Mi Sun P.O.V

Mom? He thinks I’m his mother? Omgosh his crying. Ottoke!

“Mom. Don’t go.” Baro whimpered and grab my hand.


“Don’t go…mom”

He tightens the grip of my arm as he continues to mumble in his sleep.

Poor baro, he must have missed them a lot.

I let him hold my hand, which hurts a lot, and patted his head.

“Shh..Go to sleep. You need to rest.”



Baro P.O.V

I open my eyes and find myself looking at the ceiling of my bedroom. My whole body feels so sticky. There was still a cloth on my forehead. I lifted my right hand so that I can take the cloth away but I realize I was holding something.


I look at the arm I was clinging onto.

No wait, she’s wearing a school uniform.

I push away her hair that was covering her face.

Mi sun? So I was really dreaming.

I smile as I look at her sleeping face. She really came back. I her cheek absentmindedly until she open her eyes.

“Hm..” she rub her eyes. “Oh! Your awake. How are you feeling?”

She take away the cloth and feel my forehead.

“Oh your fever has gone down.” She wipes off the sweat around my neck. “The medicine helped.”


“Yeah, you ate it just now.”

Did i?

She laughed. “I think you were half asleep when I woke you up. Are you hungry?”

I nodded.

“Do you mind if I use your kitchen?”

I shake my head.

“Okay. Just sleep, I’ll be right back.”

Before she could walk away, I grab her arm. She eyes widen.

“Erm, sorry.” I said. Why did I grab her arm?

“It’s okay. Do you need anything else?”

Stay with me. “No.”

She nodded and left.


Mi sun came back with a bowl of leek porridge.

She helped me to sit right up from my bed.

She volunteered to feed me.

After feeding me till the last spoon of porridge, she patted my face and neck with a damp cloth.

She feels my forehead one last time and told me she’ll let me sleep. She said, “I’ll be at home, studying. So don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything, okay?”

Before she stood up, I grab her arm and pull her back towards me.

Our faces were inches apart. I could hear her uneven breathe.

This time, my selfishness has taken over me.

“Can you stay here with me, please?”






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Joon_A #1
Chapter 73: Yeah..its been awhile..i just found 'is this how love feels like" and finally I just finished reading it....OMG I love it so much,I really love all the endings
*this is my new acc.,I forgot whats my old username and password so I make a new acc.
Btw,excellent story ;)
khatz17 #2
Chapter 42: i really want her to be with baro :-P
BlackPearl96 #3
Chapter 2: Hi, I keep seeing this story and it makes my interested every time. But every time I realize it can't read the font :/ I may be the only one but it would be much appreciated if I could enjoy your story like the others, please change the font author nim
Chapter 72: Hello!! New subscriber and new reader here~ \(´▽`)/ hbshjsahsahjsahsajhsd I love your story!! ♥ like seriously how do you do that.. I was blushing from beginning until the end!! I love all the endings ;_; cant express it well but the point is I love this story very much! Thank you for making this author-nim!!
gongchan. gongchan. gongchan.
Thank you all for reading! =D
Daenaelysa #7
ohgawd I liked Gongchan's more than Jinyoung's even though I'm Jinyoung biased. CHANNIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME.
congrats on completing your story!! i hope mine becomes as successful as yours is!!! <3<3<3<3<3