his sick

Is this how love feels like?

Mi Sun P.O.V

Ding Dong~


Ding Dong~

No one came to the door.

He must be resting. Should I ring again?

Before I could even press the bell, the door opens slightly.

I saw baro wearing a black sweater with blue shorts, standing at the door, holding a tissue.

“M-mi sun?”


“What are you doing here?” he said, rubbing his eyes.

“To visit you of course.”

“Oh okay.”

He left the door open and walks back.

“Baro, how are you feeling?” I asked as I shut the door. “Baro?”

I found him lying on the coach with his eyes close. I shake him as I call his name again.

“Baro, you’re sweating.”


I push away his bangs that were covering his eyes.

“My gosh, you’re burning! Baro!”


Baro P.O.V

I was surprise that mi sun actually came to my house to check on me. It makes me kinda happy. But my body was too weak to even think about it.

“Baro! Baro you’re having a fever! Let’s go to your room okay? Baro!”

My head feels so heavy and my throat hurts from coughing. I even got flu in the middle of the night.

“Baro!” I feel mi sun pulling my arm.


“Where is your room? Let’s go to your room, okay?”

I drag myself up from the coach with the help of mi sun and walk towards my room. I trip on the carpet and landed on my bed.

I can feel mi sun putting the pillow under my head and pulling the covers over me.

I open my eyes to look at her. She was pacing around the room as if she was looking for something. was constantly moving but I couldn’t catch what she was saying. She disappeared into my bathroom and came out holding my towel.

She swept my bangs out of my face and placed the soaked towel on my forehead.

“Have you eaten your medicine?”


“When was the last time you ate?”


“Did you know you’re having fever? How come you didn’t tell me?”


“Baro, you need to speak to me.”

I couldn’t. I don’t even have the energy to speak right now. I wanted to tell her I caught fever after I came home from school. I wanted to tell her I haven’t eaten anything or my medicine since last night. But I couldn’t.

“Omgosh baro you’re freaking me out! I’m going home to get you some medicine to bring down your fever okay? What’s your house code?”

“……..five.” I breathe, and I started coughing.

“It’s okay, slowly.”

I don’t know how long it took me to tell me my house code.

“Just sleep.” She said as she put a new towel on my forehead. “I’ll come back in a while, okay?”

I chuckle to myself as I heard the door close.

“Mi sun, why are you even here.”

another chapter? no? yes? haha okay i'll upload one more. =) stay tune!

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Joon_A #1
Chapter 73: Yeah..its been awhile..i just found 'is this how love feels like" and finally I just finished reading it....OMG I love it so much,I really love all the endings
*this is my new acc.,I forgot whats my old username and password so I make a new acc.
Btw,excellent story ;)
khatz17 #2
Chapter 42: i really want her to be with baro :-P
BlackPearl96 #3
Chapter 2: Hi, I keep seeing this story and it makes my interested every time. But every time I realize it can't read the font :/ I may be the only one but it would be much appreciated if I could enjoy your story like the others, please change the font author nim
Chapter 72: Hello!! New subscriber and new reader here~ \(´▽`)/ hbshjsahsahjsahsajhsd I love your story!! ♥ like seriously how do you do that.. I was blushing from beginning until the end!! I love all the endings ;_; cant express it well but the point is I love this story very much! Thank you for making this author-nim!!
gongchan. gongchan. gongchan.
Thank you all for reading! =D
Daenaelysa #7
ohgawd I liked Gongchan's more than Jinyoung's even though I'm Jinyoung biased. CHANNIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME.
congrats on completing your story!! i hope mine becomes as successful as yours is!!! <3<3<3<3<3