Fluffy Moments

Class President


Few hours passed when I decided to go downstairs to spend some time with mom. I stood up from the couch where I am sitting and headed straight to the door. I went down the stairs and sat on the chair beside Minah. After a few minutes, mom came out from the kitchen.

"Hmmm? I thought you are asleep."

"Why? Did something happen?"

"Well, a strawberry cake was delivered here along with some books. The guy said those are for you."


Then Byunghun suddenly came on my mind. My cheeks felt red and hot that time.

"Who delivered it?"

"A tall guy wearing a black shirt."

"Ohhh. Byunghun's not tall. He probably asked someone to deliver it."

"Are you saying something?"

"Eh? None! Not at all. Haha."

I can see Minah staring at me through my peripheral vision. Her "are-you-hiding-something-oppa" stare.

"So where's the cake?"

"Oh. It's on the kitchen. I placed the books on the shelves."

I quickly stood up and hurried to the kitchen and found the tall cake on the center of our table.

"Woah. It's really huge! Umma! Why you didn't told me that this is really huge!!!"

"To surprise you, maybe. Haha."

I dipped my finger on it's creamy foam and elegantly the cream on my finger.

"Do you have a lover, son?"


"Hoho? Then who gave this cake to you?"

"A friend. YEAH! A FRIEND! Hahaha."

"Aish! How long are you going to lie at me!"

And just like that, I ran all the way back to my room. Again, I jumped and jumped on my bed.

"This is the very first time someone did these kind of things for me. So this is how love feels like."

I smiled as I stared at my ceiling, with the face of Lee Byunghun on my mind.



I lazily opened my eyes as I felt the sunlight from Mr. Sun, passing all the way on my windows. I checked the clock on the bedside table and it's 7:00am. As soon as I stood up from the bed, my phone ringed. I checked who was calling and there goes Changjo.

"Good morning!!"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry if I called too early."

"It's okay. What do you need?"

"Well, it's Saturday today right? And we don't have classes today."


"I would like to ask if you are ... well ... free later."

"If I am what?"

"Free ... free later."

"Oh! I almost forgot! I need to go and spend my weekend at my aunt's place."

"Oh? Where is it?"



"YAH! Don't yell at the phone!!"

"I'm sorry. So, you are not available for today?"

"By the way, why do you ask if I'm free later?"

"I just want to hangout with you."

"But you got Byunghun and Minsoo, right?"

"You are different."


"Nevermind. Hahaha. Okay, bye."



"Why don't you come with me?"


"Yes! Come with me to Busan!"

"Are you serious? Is it okay?"

"Aish! Don't worry! It's okay!!!"

"So what time shall we meet?"

"10am. Let's meet in front of the school."

"Okay. I'll prepare my things! Bye!!"

He ended the phone call after that. I felt more excited to go to Busan since Changjo's coming with me. I don't know why. After I put my phone on the table, I hurried to the bathroom and finished my needs. I came out and prepared my clothes. I dried my hair first before I put on my v-neck shirt and shorts. I also took some extra clothes from my closet and placed them on my backpack. After I prepared everything, I quickly ran all the way out of our house. I waited for almost 10 minutes until a bus arrived. Several minutes passed and I arrived near the school. I was on my way when I saw a car in front of the school's gate and a guy with red hair. Changjo.


An exciting muscled guy shouted my name with a smile on his face. I fastened my steps and hurried to him.

"Are you ready to go?"

I nodded and smile on his words. He opened the car for me and I sat in front, beside the driver's seat. We placed our bags at the back and he started the car.



Kyaaaa ~ ChangRick ♥ OMG!!! Chapter 20 is here :D I'm really sorry if I wasn't able to update this fic these past few days :((( By the way, please enjoy :D Comment and subscribe guysss. Thanksss!!! :)

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FloraLeona #1
Chapter 20: Chunji knows Byunghun is a short king lmaoooo
OppaIsWaitingForMe #2
Chapter 1: IM ALREADY LIKING THIS STORY OMG RICKY AHAHAHAH XDDD SO ADORABLE I CANT! I'm already digging this story! So it's basically 2:02 am AND I HAVE SCHOOL !- NO REGRETS MAN! PFFT WHO wants school when u can read a fanfic and Get ur heart blessed :')
Chapter 1: aww Ricky is such an obedient dongsaeng xD
exoticsinspirits #4
Chapter 25: Haha. Cant imagine a brutal niel. Hahaha
Chapter 4: yahhh!! Changjo like Ricky!!!!!!
Chapter 39: the ending is sooo kawaii!! :3
thank you author-nim for your hard work! ^^
Chapter 27: ahhhhh GD hyung thats mean~
i can totally confirm the "turning a straight guy gay" thing eyyyyyyy
Chapter 39: kyaaaaaaaa sweet eding of CHUNJOE after gone trough so many obstacle..ommo NAP so xDDD ,the cutest couple CHANGRICK whose have a same talent(dancing) never argue..aww love all this couple..ahaa