Hello, brother

Royal Lovestory


Tao – so that's what Kris felt. He was expecting it, but it still felt like it was too early to confront him again. Kris knew that he will have to explain his plans and thoughts to Tao and, to be hones, to himself, too, because he still hadn't admitted it to himself, but... he felt like he was a stranger to himself, like he was living someone else's life, like... like a fish that doesn't know it's in water.


“Hey.” Tao welcomed Kris.


 Wait a minute...he wasn't mad? Did something happen before Kris got here or had Tao accepted the fact that his dear older brother had made some terrible mistakes along the way thus far? But why?


 In the other hand why did Kris expect Tao to be mad at him in the first place? Hadn't Tao showed and proved him countless of times that he'll understand him no matter what mess Kris was in?


It may take some time, but after a while of thinking about it Tao would always see that Kris always chose the best from even the worst situations... which means... Baekho's pity twist of fate was actually the best possible way... the worst would have been JR's death. No one wanted to even hear about that option.


“Hey.” Kris said in return.


There was this subtle tension in the air. It wasn't the kind of achingly crushing tension; it was lighter. It was the kind of tension that told to the parties involved that something was ought to come... that someone had to come clear his heart of its secret thoughts.


“It's so nice to see you two together again.” Daoming smiled. “When was he last time we were together like this? As a family?”


“That was a long time ago, dear. A long time...” Gao nodded and let his gaze wander over his sons.


Tao and Kris nodded, but remained silent. That’s right: when was the last time they were together as a family? Wasn't it four long years ago? Wasn't the last time on the same day when all this mess began to unravel? Wasn't it the day when Kris and Tao had their first big and real fight? Wasn't it the day when... two brothers swore to kill each other?


The wounds were still fresh. Night after night Kris and Tao thought over that day, that one moment, which changed everything.


“You said we have no secrets! You lied to me! You lied to us!


“You think I don't know that?! You think I don't feel bad because of it?-


“Boys, please... stop it.


“You should at least try to look like you care...


“Don't question whether I care!


“Why shouldn't I? All you've been doing lately is hiding and keeping secrets from us. If you cared you hadn't done that to us! How could you-... How could you do that?


That one little hint that slipped from Tao. That seemingly unnoticed irrelevant little phrase – it was enough to pull out everything from Kris's soul. That was enough to make him get caught in the webs of lies that he had been knitting so cautiously, with much attention. It wasn't enough, because a real brother will feel when something is off.


“Yes, a long time ago, but that doesn't matter any more.” Kris broke the silence. He really didn't want to stir up the old mud. “How are you feeling, mum?”


“I'm fine as ever. Thank you, dear. You did the right thing.”


“Then why does it feel so wrong?”


Kris couldn't stay away from that one topic, which he actually didn't want to talk about. Do you see the controversy between his heart and mind? One tells him that he has to come clear and the other tells him to stay shut and just bury it all down there.


And now when he thinks about it... he somehow has started to like the beating he gets. He feels as if he finally receives the punishment he deserves. I need to pay for my deeds.


“Because you keep thinking about it that way...” Tao cut in.


Tao's and Kris's eyes met – something really had happened in the meanwhile, because Kris' couldn't catch even a tiniest bit or anger in his brother's eyes... there was nothing of that sort! Nothing!


“... you keep pulling yourself down. What's done that's done – you can't change that anymore; the only thing you can do now is to deal what's coming – the future is the only thing you can change.

Just... you just have to try as hard as you can to clean up the mess afterwards. There still are things you can prevent and change – you still have that second chance.”


A faint smile grazed over Kris's lips for a second. For a moment there he felt that he wasn't insignificant; that he could do something for the ones he loved and cherished. He had regained his determination; he found his safe ground again.


“You don't know how long I've waited to hear that, brother.” Kris said softly while looking at the stained carpet on the floor.


“I took me long enough to realize that.” Tao sighed.


Gao and Daoming exchanged glances – this was a bonding moment they didn't want to interrupt, so they kept quiet and watched as he scene unfold before them.


“Why?” Kris couldn't help, but wonder – he had to admit to himself that this time he didn't know everything; this time he wasn't 'almighty'.


“I was there when Soohyun and Dongho got reunited.” Tao said, “You could actually feel how they felt – happy... It put me to think: I've always had you... from the moment you came into our lives. We never left each other's side. I didn't have to live with the guilt and angst and constant worry of where you were... because by the end of the day you always came home – you were always... “ Tao swallowed, because his emotions weren't really making this easy for him. “... you were always there for me.”


And when the two brothers looked at each other this time it was clear that their wet eyes told more than enough – they were true brothers again; the vow of death was broken.


This family was whole again.



Took me long enough! Because of some personal matters I don't have time for everything so updating stories is at the bottom of my priority list right now.

Enjoy! ...and leave witty comments.


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Chapter 64: ONE WORD/ EXPRESSION. OUCH! this story is really sad.

~~ Did Sehun just endured the pain? OMO! :(

~~I can't bear see my baby Jr like this! :( :(

Update again soon! :) FIGHTING!

Chapter 63: This is so scary.. all of them are hurt!!!!! Sehun... poor guy:( I want to cryyyyy this story is so full of pain; ( SapphireBlueS, please update soon! Or whenever you're free, pwease!
Chapter 61: Oh gooooooodnessssssssss Aron and the rest are doooooommmmeeeedddddddddddddd!!! AHHHHHHHHHH
Chapter 61: Keep up the great work! :D Fighting~!
Chapter 17: XD sweet dreams, how cute.
Chapter 16: Well dang, the boys got some pretty good moves X3
Chapter 15: Eh eh eh? Bb just what in the hell was that XD
Chapter 14: Lol evil ukiss XD
love it <3 keep updating !! :3
Chapter 59: I finally caught up woop woop

That chapter was touching man. I was confused at the start because I had no idea what was happening (and my dad had Top Gear on so I kept watching that) but I re read it and now I'm not confused haha.