Another time

Royal Lovestory


“He's here!” Sunhi called for others as Aron stepped into the house – his sweet-sweet home. The girl turned to the boy and smiled: “Right on time. We thought that we'd have to have lunch without you.” The butterflies in her stomach made it a little harder for her to sound normal, to talk without stuttering. But here you are. Not doing anything special, but you still make me feel like I'm a wobbly cake of jell-o.


“So~ how is he?” Ren asked halfway down the stairs.


“Who?” Aron raised a brow. Of course he knew of whom Ren had been talking about, but it was just too much fun to tease the younger boy.


“Kris. Duh~” Ren rolled his eyes. “So: how is he?”


Others had piled up into the living room by now and waited patiently for what Aron had to say.


“He's fine. Kind of... He has some pretty severe bruises and cuts on him. His neck looks the worst. You all know how the hanging goes...” the boy looked at his audience, “yeah... so the line where the rope was is all purple now and it's scratched up. I couldn't see much of it – he was bandaged, but as much as I saw...” he didn't end the sentence instead he made a grimace – he couldn't find the word to describe it all. “He said that it's not that bad as it looks like, but I tell you: he looked like and old worn-out rag to me. He was pretty beat up.”


“But other than that? Other than the physical part?” JR asked. He was surprised that he even had the courage within him to speak. He was still cautious about Aron. This morning JR was rather relieved when he found that Aron had left before he had woken.


“You mean what's going on in his head? I don't know... He assured me that he'll be with us once he heals, but he sounded different. He was somehow...” Aron furrowed his brows,” Something didn't click in him like it used to... I can't describe it... it was weird. All the time I was there he was... he just wasn't fully there... Being so close to death is not an easy thing to get over. He said that he feels numb, like nothing matters anymore...”


That really brought the youngsters down. It reminded them that this thing wasn't a game. Death behind their door was a reality they had to accept. Any of them could get killed in some point; when this is over they may have to bury not only the people they actually never knew, but even one of their own, one of their friends. That made them feel numb.


“And this is depressing,” Minhyun spoke up. “I can hear the food cry because no one seems to want to eat it.” he joked.


“Yeah, there's already a puddle there.” Haeran went along with her boyfriend's joke.


This wasn't much of a joke, but it was enough to cheer the lads up that they could have their lunch in a bit of a happier atmosphere.




It was dark outside. The young were in the living room either chatting or listening to others. JR and Sunhi were absorbed in painting vivid scenes from the castle's life with their words for Lia. The latter wanted to know what had changed since the times she used to work there. Though her work had only been to look cute and pretty and though it all lasted for only a couple of months... that explains why JR didn't know her before – they hadn't met... she still remembered how the place looked like so that others didn't have to draw her a map of the place.


At first Baekho and Minhyun were busy with adding some crucial details to JR and Sunhi's already perfectly detailed tales of funny accidents of the castle's hordes of maids, but after a while they moved on to tell their own Murphy's law's situations to Chinsun and Haeran. Needless to say that the air was filled with giggling, chuckling and laughter.


But Ren was quite quiet. He did say a word or two from time to time, but most of the time, when HyunAe stole glances at him, he was looking down wearing clouded expression. The girl remembered the day before yesterday when Aron came with the terrible news. She saw that same boy she saw back then. His face wasn't blank anymore, but it wasn't clear what exactly was he feeling either.


“Ren, could... could I talk you?” HyunAe asked.


“Mmh?” Ren was woken from his thoughts, “What is it?”


“You've been awfully quiet for the last days...” HyunAe started speaking softly so that others wouldn't hear, “I was just wondering what goes on in your head. You can tell me.”


Ren just stared at the girl. His mind was so overwhelmed by his troubling thoughts that it took him a little while to process what the girl had just said.


He looked away, onto the ground. HyunAe observed the boy. He nodded.


HyunAe got happier – he trusted her!


But then Ren shook his head.


HyunAe's mood fell. Why are you doing this? You're hurting yourself... I can see how keeping it in affects you. If you don't want to tell me then please tell someone else...


“Why?” the girl asked.


Ren shook his head again and got up. He had to get away. Though he had no idea what he was running from. He wanted HyunAe to be by his side, but then again he wanted to be alone... but he wanted someone to just be there... He wanted... he wanted... What did he want?


HyunAe watched him get up and go to the kitchen. She didn't know if what she did was right or wrong but she followed him.


Others noticed the two's sudden leave.


“What's that all about?” Baekho thought out loud and raised his brows as he looked after them.


“Love.” Chinsun shrugged. Baekho's ears turned red by the comment – hearing this words from his girl was something he has to get use to one day... but right now... it's one of the things which make him go up and down, over the Moon and back, and also make him turn into all available shades of pink, red, scarlet, and rubin.


Everyone looked at each other, smiled, and turned back to their story-telling. There wasn't much they could do for the birdies anyway, but the best they could do was just to let them be and get their little disturbances in their valley of roses sorted out.


HyunAe closed the door behind her. Her heart dropped when she turned around: “Ren... Mingi? Are you alright?” The boy was leaning over the sink.


“I'm fine... I'm fine...” the boy said softly.


“But... you're so pale...” the girl got even more worried. You're not alright... Look at you. It's eating you up from the inside. “Are you sure?”


Ren nodded closing is eyes. He took in a breath. “I'll be fine.” When it's all over... but right now... I'm dying... I can't... I can't stop it... I can't change it... They're dead... I can feel it...


HyunAe poured some water for the boy. “Here, have some. Maybe it will help.” You can't really wash away your troubles with a glass of water, but it's nice to know that... someone cares... Does he? Does he feel that I care?


“Thanks,” Ren said taking the glass. The corners of his mouth curved up just a little ensuring HyunAe that he really appreciated this small and seemingly insignificant gesture. “You're so sweet.”


“But I can't be sweet if you're keeping things from me.” HyunAe still went on.


Ren tensed up. He bit on his lip. His hands started shaking. “... I can't...” he whispered. His eyes were wide open. The boy stepped away from the girl, turned to her, looked her right into her eyes, and shook his head. “I'm sorry... I can't...”


“Please,” the girl pleaded, “I want to help. Tell me.”


“I can't...”


“If not to me – I understand – but then to the others. Tell them.” HyunAe tried to speak reason into the boy. “I can't see you like this. It hurts me to see you like this. Mingi, do you understand? It hurts me, too.” the girl said bitterly with tears stinging in her eyes. “Please, help yourself.”


“I'm sorry. No one can do anything about it...” the boy said, his voice getting softer and softer. “I've done some terrible things... I can't change them anymore... no one can. I... I should be hanged... like Kris... I should pay for... that…”


“Ren... Mingi? What are you talking about?” HyunAe got confused and even more worried. “What have you done? What's with-”


Ren shook his head. He looked down and let his fringe cover his eyes. He sniffled.


HyunAe swallowed – it hurt. First tears made their way down her cheeks. She went up to the boy and hugged him. Was it right? Was it wrong? She didn't know, she didn't care, she just wanted to make a difference.


“I'm sorry, HyunAe... I'm a bad person...” the boy whispered through his tears.


“Not you're not. Can you hear me? No you're not. You'll fix it somehow. You'll find a way.”


“But if it's unfixable. I can't bring them back...”


He can't bring them back? Did he.. did he... kill... somebody... HyunAe's heart trembled. She didn't want to believe it. Her... her Mingi... to do such a thing... Was it- But then again she didn't know that much about him. She didn't know most of the things.


“It can't be unfixable... it's just broken, right?” she asked hoping that Ren would understand her play of words. She couldn't just ask directly whether the boy meant that he had actually killed someone or was it just something really bad which could be put on the same shelf with death.


Ren didn't say anything at first. He let the question linger a bit – he liked the way HyunAe put it. It made it seem less burdensome for him – 'it was just broken', he’ll fix it. He just has to try harder.


“Yeah... it's just really broken...” he said resting his head atop of the girl's.


“But broken vases are even prettier when they're fixed. It makes them precious... you've taken the time to fix them...” the girl said feeling relieved by the boy's answer. Her heart got lighter, though she still didn't know what the real reason for Ren's worry was, but she was happy the boy shared this much.


“One day I'll tell you the whole thing... but right now... I just... I need some... time... before it all...” Ren said making the girl to look at him.


“I can wait.” the girl nodded smiling a little.


“Thank you.” But... you may not like me anymore after this...


Does it seem to you that the storyline's borders have gone vague or is it good that the story goes on in different levels? Is it good that there are many people telling their stories or...?

Tell me about your thoughts.

Can you guess what Ren has done? What about Kris? What happened to Aron and Lia's parents? Are there any more secrets you've noticed? What about 'the guy, who takes the blow for all'?

I'd really like you to give me some feedback. If you find at least one thing from each chapter you like or which makes you raise quiestions then speak up, I'm here to listen!

Just to let you guys know that in May I'll have one hectic month and I will probably go on a little brake. I'll try my best to write but I will not update bacause I'll be off in the weekends and on weekdays... it's the end of the schoolyear so... you know what I mean.


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Chapter 64: ONE WORD/ EXPRESSION. OUCH! this story is really sad.

~~ Did Sehun just endured the pain? OMO! :(

~~I can't bear see my baby Jr like this! :( :(

Update again soon! :) FIGHTING!

Chapter 63: This is so scary.. all of them are hurt!!!!! Sehun... poor guy:( I want to cryyyyy this story is so full of pain; ( SapphireBlueS, please update soon! Or whenever you're free, pwease!
Chapter 61: Oh gooooooodnessssssssss Aron and the rest are doooooommmmeeeedddddddddddddd!!! AHHHHHHHHHH
Chapter 61: Keep up the great work! :D Fighting~!
Chapter 17: XD sweet dreams, how cute.
Chapter 16: Well dang, the boys got some pretty good moves X3
Chapter 15: Eh eh eh? Bb just what in the hell was that XD
Chapter 14: Lol evil ukiss XD
love it <3 keep updating !! :3
Chapter 59: I finally caught up woop woop

That chapter was touching man. I was confused at the start because I had no idea what was happening (and my dad had Top Gear on so I kept watching that) but I re read it and now I'm not confused haha.