Allowed to be

Royal Lovestory



Aron stomped down the street. Cold wind hit his face and he pulled the hood of his jacket over his head. Damn it all! How could I've been so blind?! She had been giggling to herself for the last few months already! Gosh!


Why does it have to be so cold here! Arrgh.


Seriously! I knew he was coming. I was prepared! I said it was OK. It was OK, he was coming. I said I wouldn't get mad! But I did! I didn't- Why in the world!? Why couldn't I... just...? But...I... I didn't... want to... to hurt anybody. Aron drew in a breath and looked into the cloudy sky. The clouds seemed to have got even darker than before. I'm sorry, Lia, I didn't want to act this way. It's just-... he haven't done anything wrong, he's a good guy, but it seems like he doesn't care. He doesn't even want to be the King for god's sake! He said that himself! And now I'm mad because I'm mad! This is ridiculous!


Like this - being mad for being mad - Aron walked around the city. And then... Sunhi. My sweet and bubbly Sunhi. She just... right there, right in my reach... At least I know where she is and what she's doing... even though she doesn't remember... She doesn't know how much she means to me, how much I love her.


Aron turned around a corner. The streets were unusually empty in this part of the city. But Aron was too busy to notice that, he was too caught up in his thoughts. I can't lose anyone else anymore! I'm sick of feeling gloomy all the time! I'm sick of the scars I have! I'm sick of hiding, sick of everything...


Sometimes I feel like I should give up.




He went through the darkest alleys to keep himself mentally awake, to remind himself why he was here for, why he did the things he did, and not to give up on the path he had chosen. He passed some of the most devastating sights. He didn't stop, thought he wanted to. There was nothing he could do, for now. He was alone.


People in his home street were quite well but in certain parts of the city he could see the devastation and pain Lucras's greedy high taxes had brought. There were people on the streets begging for food and money. He gritted his teeth, turned away, and cursed the Rotten to the ends of the world with the most foul words he could find which are better to be left unsaid.


Aron would have given the poor his money but his pockets were empty. With heavy heart he had made a promise – better said a pact – with Lia that they'll only use money for their own good. Were they greedy? – No, this decision was made because they were low on money. It was hard to keep the promise, but so far he managed to keep his word. To help others they have to be healthy and well when the time comes to reveal Lucras and his henchmen and make them pay for all their doings. If they were sick and weak they cannot do much.


A bunch of Council's guards passed by Aron on the street. Some time later another group of guards went the same way. The Watchman didn't ponder on looking for the cause for this kind of movement - it was probably another uprise somewhere in the city.


People are getting impatient... Too bad for you, Lucras, we have an army as big as your already. In a few weeks you'll only be a bad memory in our minds.


Aron took another route. 



The time passed quickly. The day had got warmer as the hours went by so Aron didn't mind the cold. And how could he anyway - he was in his thoughts most of the time.


Soon the city's grand clock's strikes could be heard. Two times it . Aron raised his head. Five whole hours already?! Wow... His stomach growled. Shut up! Ah, man... I'm hungry...


He wasn't far from the City Center's Square, he could see the smoke coming from the Green Springs which were near the Square. His house was only a few streets away from here. Lia has probably made something by now.


Again a group of Council's guards passed him. This time they weren't walking, this time they ran. Aron got suspicious. Something's not right. They have never been this lively, even in the summer. He turned around and looked after the guards.


Some people ran after the them.


"Do you think they'll hang him?"


"They said he was a traitor! Of course they will!"


"Finally something interesting is going to happen in this city!"


Someone's going to be hanged? Without thinking twice Aron followed the runners. He didn't think about his empty stomach anymore, there were much bigger things in his mind now.


They were heading towards the Square. As Aron moved through the street he could hear the lively chatter echoing from there. He had to stop for a moment to take in the sight - the place was packed with people! Holy-moly! That's a lot of people... There was barely room to turn around and as he was one of the late arrivers he got himself a place at the edge of the Square.


Aron looked up and saw that someone was brought up onto the wooden platform. That guy didn't resist at all, he even stumbled on the stairs. He looked absolutely worn out. He was probably interrogated... and we know how that goes...


He looks familiar though...


Who are you?


Lucras and his entourage came into view. They looked like clowns in their expensive clothes, walking as they held their heads high. Aron smirked to himself and he heard some people around him snicker. The Watchman quickly searched for the laughers and noticed a group of guys in the crowd whom he hadn't seen before. Not that he knew everyone in this city but they actually stood out, they looked different. If I only could see their faces! Maybe they could join us, they seem strong... and well-built. They must be from outside.


The people quieted down and the Council's Headman began to speak:


"I, Lucras BetRa'yal, hereby announce that Kris Wu Fan, the butler of the Royal Hall, is guilty of betrayal of his country..."


Aron's eyes widened, he didn't listen to what was coming next because he knew what was going to happen in the end. Kris? Kris?! What? How?! When?! He tried to find a way how he could get nearer to the platform but it was pointless. This place was overcrowded. It was no way he could get there on time! And even if he did get there what was he supposed to do?! How was he supposed to save his friend?! He was absolutely alone right now!


I can't lose another friend! I just can't let this happen! Aron was actually freaking out  - something that hadn't happened to him for the last 4 years. I need a miracle! Why is this happening?! Just when everything was starting to work out!


The thoughts in his head got scrambled, he didn't know what to do. His feet didn't move. His limbs felt heavy.


They're already putting the rope-


He went numb... and felt powerless, weak. He just stood there, he couldn't do anything. He was too small and insegnificant among these hundreds of people.


Suddenly the guys in the crowd, whom he had noticed before, pulled out their guns and shot into the air. The people around them, especially women, started screaming and yelling, and started pushing others to make them move, to get away.


Everything was a blur to Aron. It all happened too fast. He looked up to where Kris was.


“Kris! No!” he yelled but his voice cracked and the last word was barely a whisper. No one heard him. No one listened.


But you freakin' promised!


Hey, sugar plums! You know, it gets pretty dull if I don't receive much feedback on my story. Not that I don't have awesome readers who comment pretty much on everything (I'm thankful for every single word you've written!), but... you know, even if you write "Update soon!" I'll be happy - at least I know you read this tryin'-hard-to-be-a-story thingy I've put up here.

And you may carry on now.



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Chapter 64: ONE WORD/ EXPRESSION. OUCH! this story is really sad.

~~ Did Sehun just endured the pain? OMO! :(

~~I can't bear see my baby Jr like this! :( :(

Update again soon! :) FIGHTING!

Chapter 63: This is so scary.. all of them are hurt!!!!! Sehun... poor guy:( I want to cryyyyy this story is so full of pain; ( SapphireBlueS, please update soon! Or whenever you're free, pwease!
Chapter 61: Oh gooooooodnessssssssss Aron and the rest are doooooommmmeeeedddddddddddddd!!! AHHHHHHHHHH
Chapter 61: Keep up the great work! :D Fighting~!
Chapter 17: XD sweet dreams, how cute.
Chapter 16: Well dang, the boys got some pretty good moves X3
Chapter 15: Eh eh eh? Bb just what in the hell was that XD
Chapter 14: Lol evil ukiss XD
love it <3 keep updating !! :3
Chapter 59: I finally caught up woop woop

That chapter was touching man. I was confused at the start because I had no idea what was happening (and my dad had Top Gear on so I kept watching that) but I re read it and now I'm not confused haha.