I know nothing about love

Royal Lovestory




Three days before the ball.

First guests arrived, they stayed in a hotel near the castle so the castle was rather quiet today, because Lucras was generous enough to give a day of to a number of servants. The preparations were all done and finished. Gardens and courtyard were raked and cleaned, food storage filled to it's absolute limit, new clothes for the youngsters and the castle personnel finished. The castle was full of fuzz because of the upcoming. Last two days will be the busiest – D.O has to make a huge cake for the ball, one day before the ball he'll make all kinds of dishes which could be kept over night and served cold, and then there's the ballroom and gardens' decorating...

But Ren had something totally different on his mind, or rather someone. He had had his eye on HyunAe for the last two days. He really wanted to tell her, but he didn't know how. He wante to tell her, but the didn't have the courage. Minhyun had confessed and Baekho, too. Ren was the last one amongst their group and he was feeling the pressure. Actually no one pressured him, it was just his own mind playing tricks on him.



The poor boy was so distracted that he walked into a door. He didn't do that very quietly. The whole hall echoed and he called unwanted attention on himself, but of course he didn't notice that. Ren's current worry was his head and whether he had broken his nose or not. Lucky him he only got a little bruise out of it and even more lucky his fringe could cover it.

The poor boy was so distracted that he walked into a door. He didn't do that very quietly. The whole hall echoed and he called unwanted attention on himself, but of course he didn't notice that. Ren's current worry was his head and whether he had broken his nose or not. Lucky him he only got a little bruise out of it and even more lucky his fringe could cover it.

JR peeked from behind of the door. Seeing Ren he bursted out laughing. “Dude, seriously. Last time you tripped over nothing and now you just walk into a door. Either you're stupid....o-r... ,“ the prince got serious and looked right into Ren's eyes, „you're in love...“

Ren forgot how speaking was supposed to be done so he just looked at JR with wide eyes, mouth open, and head tilted to the side. The bruise on the boy's forehead made him look even more comical. JR started laughing again – the blondie changed color. „Huu-huu-huu. You're blushing! Ha! I knew it. I knew it. I was right from the start!“


What are you talking about?“ Ren asked confusedly.

You really hit your head hard, didn't you?“ JR smirked.

Ren wanted to talk back but Lucras went by. The two boys bowed and the man nodded lightly. That guy is the last person they want to have dealings with. He had become quite pompous and even more arrogant as the ball was nearing.

When Lucras had passed by the two JR grabbed Ren's wrist and pulled him inside his room and closed the door. „You really can't see yourself from aside, can you?“


Oh, my dear little toes. It's obvious you like-,“ JR lowered his voice for the next part, „HyunAe.“

Ren jumped back. How big can this boy's eyes get? He could compete with D.O on who has the biggest eyes and how big can you go? The blond looked down and once again red crept up to his cheeks. „Is it... that obvious?“ he mumbled.

It is.“ JR said, „especially when you zone out like you did. You'll get killed one day if you won't watch your step.“

Ren snorted, turned around, and plopped down on JR's bed. „I won't get killed. I'm not that much of an airhead. It was your fault, by the way, you opened the door.“

Me?!“ JR asked pointing at himself.

Yes. You.“ Ren answered flatly. The boy breathed out heavily.

After a small moment of silence JR spoke up: „You know, if you won't tell her soon, then you'll just make things more difficult for yourself.“ The prince said it in such a brotherly tone that it made shivers run up Ren's spine.

But I have no idea how to tell her! And I don't have any courage, too. I'm just a teeny-tiny insignificant piece of nothing.“ he said and to his stomach. „Plus, I don't know anything about-“ he said the last word into the pillow so it got muffled.

JR raised a brow and leaned forward in his seat. „What was that, jumbo, I didn't quite catch that.“

Ren still had his head in the pillow. He hit the bed with his hands and legs – looking like a little kitten who desperately wants to get out of the cold water. He stopped the hitting then slammed his hands on the either side of the pillow and raised his head and looked straight into JR' eyes. „I said... I DON'T FREAKIN' KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT LOVE!“

JR shot up and slammed Ren's face right back into the pillow. „Shut up, stupid! You want everyone to hear you?“

When JR let go of Ren the boy the bed again – he was now on his back. „I don't care – I'm doomed anyway.“ he over dramatized with his voice and act making other think that he was, in fact, dying.

It's not that bad. I'm here. I can help you.“

How exactly are you going to help me? You didn't even have enough courage to tell your own friends that you're meeting a girl...“

JR got baffled – he didn't expect that. The prince felt awkward and just sat down on the chair. Ren looked at the boy and then realized what he had said.

I...I didin't mean it... that way. Sorry.“ Ren said sitting up on the bed properly.

JR shook his head and said: „Nah. I'm fine. I know how it feels. Everyone else of us have already confessed and you're probably feeling like you're under pressure from us. Right?“

Ren smiled but it came out as a frown. „Kind of...“ he sighed, „See – I left a letter in her room saying that she should meet me in the Cherry Garden by the fountain... but she didn't show up...“

JR just looked at Ren with a dumb expression. It would have been perfect if some crickets were singing, too. Yes, but instead of crickets they got something else. Someone ran through the hall. Steps echoed back from the walls. That someone entered a room - door was slammed shut – and then silence filled the place.

Ren stared back at the prince. „I left the letter between the pages of a book which was on her table.“ the blonde mumbled and looked down.

Now JR expression got even dumber. „Who does this kind of thing?! Of course she won't show up if you leave your letter between the pages of a book! - When did you put the letter there?“

Two days ago...“

JR groaned. „For heavens sake!“

And I didn't actually write my name on the letter, too.“

JR facepalmed. „And you think she'll come? Someone leaves her a letter saying,“ he  paused and  said next part in weird creepy whisper, „meet me... and you think then she'll be all like: ohmygosh, I'll go right away. Maybe I won't get ! - You really don't know anything about love...“

Ren stayed silent and JR said nothing more either.


Just what the doctor ordered – Kris knocked on the door and entered the bedroom. Two boys looked up at the young man. Kris looked back at them. He raised a brow and asked: „Did I interrupt you?“

JR stood up. „No-no. You don't have to. What's the matter?“


JR's eyes widened. „Ahh! I forgot! - Later, Ren, Kris," JR took off but turned back at the door, „Ren, go tell her. I know she likes you!“ Then the prince ran away down the hall.

Ren shot up and sprinted up to the door. „How do you know?!“ he shouted hoping the other was still near enough to hear – he was.

JR halted his running. „The reason I smiled so much back at the south border... It was because you and HyunAe were too obvious.“ with that said the prince ran down the stairs, disappearing from the sight. Luckily no one else was around at this moment, except the three, or it would be a big trouble for Ren... and JR, too, of course.

Ren's face heated up, he smiled and drew in a shaky breath. So maybe, just maybe... if you say so...

Kris leaned on JR's bedroom's door fame with crossed hands. „So: how are you going to tell her?“

The blond turned around and he had the same expression on his face like Baekho had yesterday. Kris chuckled. „OK, then. We'll figure something out.“ the young man said with a reassuring smile.






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Chapter 64: ONE WORD/ EXPRESSION. OUCH! this story is really sad.

~~ Did Sehun just endured the pain? OMO! :(

~~I can't bear see my baby Jr like this! :( :(

Update again soon! :) FIGHTING!

Chapter 63: This is so scary.. all of them are hurt!!!!! Sehun... poor guy:( I want to cryyyyy this story is so full of pain; ( SapphireBlueS, please update soon! Or whenever you're free, pwease!
Chapter 61: Oh gooooooodnessssssssss Aron and the rest are doooooommmmeeeedddddddddddddd!!! AHHHHHHHHHH
Chapter 61: Keep up the great work! :D Fighting~!
Chapter 17: XD sweet dreams, how cute.
Chapter 16: Well dang, the boys got some pretty good moves X3
Chapter 15: Eh eh eh? Bb just what in the hell was that XD
Chapter 14: Lol evil ukiss XD
love it <3 keep updating !! :3
Chapter 59: I finally caught up woop woop

That chapter was touching man. I was confused at the start because I had no idea what was happening (and my dad had Top Gear on so I kept watching that) but I re read it and now I'm not confused haha.