I Can't

Fighting Over Seoul and Your Heart

I Can't


{Doojoon's POV}

She was still staring outside the window, and still not caring about anything that surrounds her. She doesn't seem to respond much except nod her head. She only gave focus when we talked about the gang and fighting, but when it's about something else, she doesn't seem to care. She hasn't spoke, ate nor drink much since we left Seoul. I've never seen her in a position like this. She's in her worst state ever. I watched her as she mindlessly stare out.


"Minyoung-ah, do you want some chocolate?" Dongwoon offered. Instead of taking it as expected, she just shook her head without looking at Dongwoon. She touched her bracelet without looking and mouthed 'Oppa'. I can see that nothing fills her mind right now except for Leeteuk.


"Oppa, are the girls of 4Minute coming with us?" She turned to me, but her eyes were still filled with pain. I smiled and patted her hair. "If that's what you want, then I'll call them." I told her and she returned into staring into the oblivion again. 


I picked up my earpiece and dialed Jihyun's number. "Yeoboseyo?" She spoke on the other line. "Jihyun-ah, do you think you can come to Busan?" I asked her. "Is MInyoung with you?" She asked and I sighed. "Sadly, she came with us. She's not in a good state. She's forcing herself to do this." I whispered. She agreed and said they'll try to go as soon as possible.

{End of POV}




Park Jungsu...


How are you? I'm trying to live withstanding the pain I did. This is because of work. Please understand. But I don't expect for you to love and accept me like before. I know I'm not even half of Taeyeon sunbae. 


"Oppa, are the girls of 4Minute coming with us?" I asked him. He smiled and patted my head. "If that's what you want, then I'll call them." He said. I just need someone to talk with. I can't just hold my feelings within me. I need girls to talk with me since these 6 creatures aren't that emotionally capable of understanding a woman's heart. 



Hours later, we arrived at the hideout. They stepped out while I remained inside the van. They said they'll just talk with the people and that it won't take long. I decided to step outside for some fresh air since it was gettin hot inside the van. While watching, I saw some figure sneaked in. I checked my gun in my pocket, and sneaked to follow that figure. I saw how he skilfully passed the guards and small passages. But he can't pass me.


When there was a dead end, he turned and saw me.  "Boo." I said with a smirk, and the gun fired.


{Doojoon's POV}

"What was that?" I asked. "It was the sound of a gun fired!" Junhyung said and we ran to find where it came from. When we arrived at the scene, we were surprised to see a dead body on the floor. "He works for Super Junior. We saw him dead already." They said. 


After that, we went back to the van and saw Minyoung leaning at the car. "Minyoung-ah, did you hear the sound of the gun fire?" I asked him and she nodded. "The guy was wearing a blue top with brown leather jacket." She said, and she was right. "How?" Yoseob asked and she just smirked. "I killed him, stupid. He's under Super Junior." She said as she sits down inside the van.


"Thanks for that." Kikwang said and patted her back. "That's why I'm here for. You need me here. You need me the most." She said and looked at the window again. That's a lie. Leeteuk needs you the most. Why are you making yourself suffer like this?

{End of POV}




Moments later, we arrived at the place we were going to stay out. We were near the seaside as expected, but not where the shipping line is. I got my own room while the others shared. While fixing my things, there was a knock on my door. When I opened it, the girls of 4Minute immediately hugged me. "Minyoung-ah!" They said. I hugged them back, but I couldn't smile. I could never without Leeteuk.


"How are you?" Sohyun asked me. "I'm fine." I said as they all sat down. "How can you say that?! You're the only one saying you're fine. it's obvious you're not fine. You don't smile, laugh or react. You were worse than when we met you!" Hyuna said. I agree, but I couldn't do anything. "I'm fine. This is what I wanted. This job is my life." I said and tried to fake a smile. "I thought Leeteuk oppa was your life?" Gayoon asked and my face fell. 


Leeteuk was my life... He was my everything...



{Doojoon's POV}
"OPPA!" there was loud constant knocking on our door and when I opened it, Sohyun was there. "Oppa! Minyoung fainted!" I rushed to her room and found her pale. I carried her to her bed and we waited for her to wake up.


After almost an hour, she woke up, but she still looks pale."Minyoung-ah, have you eaten?" Jiyoon asked and she nodded. "That's a lie." I said. "Get her some food." I told Dongwoon and he went away. "She only ate a spoon of everything, and a sip of water." I told them. We looked at her whose eyes were looking at the window.

{End of POV}




When it was already late at night, I went to the underground practice room. I took up a sword on practiced on my own. I took out all the pain, the anger and heavy feelings I have. I was already sweating and went into the gun chamber. I picked up the gun and practiced on my own. If I see Leeteuk with another girl, there's no one to blame but me. I left him, so I won't be surprised if we end up like the movie we watched.


I dropped the gun and I fell unto my knees. I removed my head gear and cried. I held my bracelet and took my bag. I hugged the Domo stuffed toy he bought me and laid at the cold dark floor of the chamber. I looked at my watch and saw that it was already 2 a.m. I should just go to my room and sleep. 


I took a shower and threw myself at my bed. I looked at the picture frame on the table beside my bed. Leeteuk oppa, hope you are fine. Don't worry, if we still see each other, I'll tell you what I do. I'm ready if you're going to accept me or not.


Life really is unfair. When I thought I couldn't have you, nothing could have separated us. And when I though I could have you forever, I realized that I couldn't really have you. I just can't have you for my own, can I?



This is part is Minyoung's side on how she is. Can you feel her pain? Do you understand why she is leaving? Comment your thoughts. And about to those who are curious when will hey find ou each other, I'll hint you. It will be in Busan. But it won't be in the next chapter. 

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2030 streak #1
Chapter 73: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story and it was really nice...
tehyun90 #2
Chapter 26: where are u come from(country)? your comment in chapter 26 make me curious~~
Finished reading this for the millionth time. Hehe. I don't know if you remember me or not but my old username was IamElfandShawol. Hehe.
Ara-chi #5
AliceN #6
I loove your story so much!! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful B-DAY :D
starting reading! hope it'll be awesome!
wah atlast im d0ne. Super like, i really love this st0ry i cnt explain my feelings.. Wahh daebak chingu.!
Here i am.. Hehe Beast and Super junior.. L0ve it. Hehe ok ok, lets begin.. Hehe