System Error

Fighting Over Seoul and Your Heart

We were checking our balances, assets and also doing inventories. "This is not good," Junhyung said and all eyes were on him. "What are you trying to say hyung?" Dongwoon asked. "One of our hideouts got attacked again. Our men were badly hurt and it's getting hard with the constant attacks from Super Junior." He said. What's up with them and their constant attacks? Can't they accept the fact that we're better? 


I stood up and went into the main office. "What are you doing, Minyoung?" Yoseob  asked me. "Looking for the nearest Super Junior hideout." I answered without looking at him.  "Are you crazy?!" He grabbed my arm. "I'll hack into their database. Let me do this thing. I'll make it alive for sure." I told them and he let go of my arm. I rummaged through the files I can possibly find. Before I could leave, Doojoon grabbed my arm. "Let us come with you. We'll distract them while you get into their database." I agreed to them since I do need to divert the people's attention.



After a while, I managed to get ready and went to find their two hideouts. The nearest one is a 15-minute drive from our office. It's small and like any other hideouts, it was hard to find. I first went down with my mask and went to the back of the hideout with Kikwang. The rest of them spread out.


I secretly passed by the people guarding the entrance. I looked for the main office of this hideout. I luckily peeped through the main office. But someone was guarding the room. Good thing I bought that drug that makes the person immediately fall asleep. Now, where is that needle? Ah, found it! Good thing we made this. Whether this could kill a person, we don't no. Hyunseung and I didn't care, and trying it on someone was a waste of time. But we were sure we can make people fall asleep with this.


When the person turned around, I silently entered the room. I grabbed him from behind and covered his mouth. I immediately injected the needle in his arm. After a few seconds, he became calm and closed his eyes after a short while. When he was unconscious already, I tied him unto a chair and placed him at the door, so no one was able to come in.


I went to the computer and tried to scan their database. They seem to have protected their system very well. I brought out my equipment and connected it to their hard drive. I tried breaking their firewalls, but there's just too many passwords needed and gates to enter. I tried hacking into their system, but alas, their system is near to impossible.


"MInyoung-ah, it's Kikwang. Are you in here?" I heard a knock. "Yeah. I'm in here." After a few seconds, he destroyed the door and he came in. "Did you use that new chemical you and Hyunseung made?" And I nodded. He walked by the guy and went near me."Are you done?" He asked me. "It's harder than I thought. The person who protected their system is very smart. I have never encountered this much and to think I've hacked and destroyed a lot of firewalls already." I told him.


His phone started ringing and he answered it. "Okay, hyung." He said and looked back at me. "Minyoung-ah, we have to hurry now. They might find us." He said. I guess I'm just going to send my deadly virus that can be sent to their other networks and their whole database, even their main system can be affected.


Now, in just a few seconds, the virus will-- "What the!?" I looked at the screen as the virus back fired. "Overdrive malfunction." It says on my drive. "NO! NO! NO!" I screamed as the virus just back fired on my equipment. My eyes widened at just what happened.


My computer equipment had just been destroyed. I held my things in my arms as I kicked their computer unit. "Minyoung-ah?" Kikwang's voice was in fear. I looked at him and my eye twitched. "Let's go now." He said and he jumped at the window. I took their monitor and threw it at the guy on the floor before jumping out of the window and returning back to the van.


"What happened?" Hyunseung whispered. "Her system was damaged. Her virus acted back on her and all of her equipment was destroyed." Kikwang explained. "Even though I had a back up of everything, of every creation I have, these babies were important." I told them.


I seriously can't understand how that person, whoever created their system managed to make my virus back fire. This is just inevitable.


{Leeteuk's POV}
"Hyung, someone tried to get into our database." Kyuhyun spoke and we all made our way behind his back, trying to have a look of what was happening. "What do you mean?" Eunhyuk asked. No one understood what was written there, except for Kibum and Heechul hyung probably, but none spoke.


"See this," he pointed. "Someone attempted to hack into our database. Luckily, I installed something into our database so that if someone attempts to put a virus on us, it will back fire." He smirked. "Whoever was trying to hack into our system was pretty smart. She made halfway already." He ended. "Aish~ Evil maknae," I said and ruffled his head. This evil genius really comes handy.


I'm guessing this person is from Beast. I mean, we recently had just a fight. Obviously, they're the ones behind this attempt. Luckily, Kyuhyun is smarter than whoever they have. I'm so proud of him. He even managed to finish school being number 1, like his hyung.

{End of POV}


System Error.


I tried regaining back my old computer equiment, but they just wouldn't. I guess I just have to trace the one in Super Junior who did this. But the problem is, we don't even know their names nor their faces.


I got my empty trash can and threw it across the room. After throwing it, someone entered the room. "Minyoung-ah?" I saw that it was Doojoon oppa. "Oh, it's you." I told him. He saw my trash can on the floor and just shrugged it off. "Anyways, I came here to give you this." He handed me a paper bag. 


When I took it, it was surprisingly heavy. "Oh, sorry." He said and helped me to put the bag on my table. "What are these? Why are they heavy?" I asked him with an annoyed tone. "Just open it. Don't return it to me, okay?" He said and left. 


I scratched my head and took the first box I could took hold of. I took it out of the bag and I was surprised to see what it was, "Portable Hard Drive," it read. I took out the other boxes, and just as I had guessed,  they were all computer equipment. They were the same as my old equipment, before they broke. 


I smiled at the items Doojoon oppa had gave me. Now, I could transfer the files again, and create new viruses and other softwares.



A somewhat action filled chapter too~! Don't forget to comment guys. I feel like I only have 2 people who are actually commenting. I have a lot of silent readers. :p

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 73: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story and it was really nice...
tehyun90 #2
Chapter 26: where are u come from(country)? your comment in chapter 26 make me curious~~
Finished reading this for the millionth time. Hehe. I don't know if you remember me or not but my old username was IamElfandShawol. Hehe.
Ara-chi #5
AliceN #6
I loove your story so much!! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful B-DAY :D
starting reading! hope it'll be awesome!
wah atlast im d0ne. Super like, i really love this st0ry i cnt explain my feelings.. Wahh daebak chingu.!
Here i am.. Hehe Beast and Super junior.. L0ve it. Hehe ok ok, lets begin.. Hehe