Back To The Things It Should Be

Fighting Over Seoul and Your Heart



He brought me back to my place. I cleaned up and took a shower. My ankle hurt again. I was limping when I returned back to my room. Jungsu oppa helped me and carried me to my bed.


My phone suddenly rang. “Minyoung-ah, where are you?” It was Doojoon oppa. “Oppa, mianhae. I got hurt and decided to go home. I’m sorry I forgot to tell you.” I lied as I looked at Jungsu oppa who was preparing the first aid kit. “Are you hurt? Do you want me to bring anything?!” He sounded worried again. “I’m okay. I just need rest, that’s all. So you can just return back to the office. Bye,” I said and hung up.


Jungsu oppa started to rub antiseptic on my wounds. I winced in pain. “I’m sorry. But it’s the only way for your wounds.” He said. He then placed a band aid on my face. “You look cute,” he said. I felt my face turn pink again. He then stood up and returned the medicine cabinet. “Are you hungry?” he asked me. Before I could even answer, my tummy growled. “I’ll take that as a yes. Now, I’ll see what I can cook for you.”


I just looked at my phone. I opened it and looked at the pictures. There were a lot with different people and one folder was entitled “Oppa”. I opened it and all the pictures were of me and Jungsu oppa. Some pictures were stolen when the girls took my phone without my permission and took snapshots of me and Jungsu oppa. I know I would get mad at them, but seeing those pictures did calm me.


After looking through all my pictures, I took out a frame. And yes, I had framed the picture of me and Jungsu oppa. “Minyoung-ah,” I heard Jungsu oppa’s voice. He entered with a tray of food. “Here,” he set it on the table near my bed.


“Say ah~” Instead of refusing, I opened my mouth and he fed me. He did it until all the food was gone. “I’ll clean them now.” He said and I followed him. “Let me clean them,” he said. “Let me help,” I told him. While he was cleaning up, he blew bubbles. I took some and put some in his nose.  “Yah,” he giggled and put some bubbles on my face. We played for a while and we laughed like children.


After playing, Jungsu oppa asked me to go to the park with him. I nodded since I got nothing else to do. We held hands and walked like children. “Have you experienced being a child and rode the swing or slide?” he asked me. “Aniyo. I think grew up without having that chance.” I said. He rolled his eyes and pulled me to sit at the swing.


“Oppa,” I said but he just placed his finger on my lips. “It’s never too late to be a child. Give yourself a chance and be a child for this moment.” He said and pushed me on the swing. I felt like flying and the wind blew on my face. I smiled at our position. Then again, I wonder what he really is to me. We act like we’re something, but everybody expects Taeyeon to be Jungsu oppa’s girlfriend. And that thought brought another frown to my face.


“Is there something wrong? You look like you’re not having fun anymore.” He said. I shook my head. “My head hurts already. Let’s just sit or walk now.” I said and we walked instead.


This time, we weren’t holding hands anymore. It was already night time and we sat on top of a small hill and watched the stars. I lay down and he did too. We were now beside each other, pointing at the stars. “That’s big dipper over there,” I pointed out to him. And he held my outstretched hand.


“Am I forgiven now?” he asked me. I turned to him. Now our bodies were facing each other. “What do you think?” I asked him. He then let go of my hand and looked away. “Yah. I was just kidding,” I said and he looked me into the eyes again. “I’m sorry. I promise I won’t hurt you again. And if I do, I’ll hurt myself.” He told me. I smiled at his words.

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2030 streak #1
Chapter 73: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story and it was really nice...
tehyun90 #2
Chapter 26: where are u come from(country)? your comment in chapter 26 make me curious~~
Finished reading this for the millionth time. Hehe. I don't know if you remember me or not but my old username was IamElfandShawol. Hehe.
Ara-chi #5
AliceN #6
I loove your story so much!! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful B-DAY :D
starting reading! hope it'll be awesome!
wah atlast im d0ne. Super like, i really love this st0ry i cnt explain my feelings.. Wahh daebak chingu.!
Here i am.. Hehe Beast and Super junior.. L0ve it. Hehe ok ok, lets begin.. Hehe