The First Fall Of Snow

Fighting Over Seoul and Your Heart

Someone Is You


It was already winter season. Snow is expected to drop by today too. When I was ready to go to school, someone rang the doorbell. I opened and saw Jungsu oppa. “Jungsu oppa, you’re here.” This was the first time he picked me up from my house. “Are you surprised?” he asked me. “Of course I am. You never went to my place to pick me up to go to school. It’s new.” I said and closed the door behind me. “Well, this gives us more chance for us to talk,” he smiled and I smiled back at him.


“You smile more often now. That’s good.” He said. I smile more often because I have a reason to smile now. “It’s seems like we’re going to be late. Why don’t we run?” he held out his hand and we ran towards school.


We were laughing all the way until we reached the school. We stopped and caught our breaths as we reached the school. “Let’s go to your classroom,” he said and pulled me now. Once we reached there, he finally let go of my hand. “Take care, okay?” I nodded and he waved goodbye.


I turned to look at my classmates and saw that they were all looking at me. I bowed and took a seat. “So, are they really dating?” One of the girls asked. “Why don’t they just admit it anyways, right?” another one said. There’s nothing between us. If there was, I don’t want others to know, but as if that would happen. Right now, I’m contented with what we are, friends. But there was this feeling I can't understand. When I'm with him, I feel so happy. And my happiness is uncomparable when I'm with him and with I'm with others. He has that effect on me which makes me smile without trying, making my heart beat fast without any reason and more. I think I just don't see him as a friend. Then there was the kiss...


The kiss...










The Best...


But I should not hope for something. What if that kiss didn't mean anything to him? What if I wasn't that much to him?


{Leeteuk’s POV}

“I told you they were dating. Did you see Minyoung’s eyes sparkle when she was with Leeteuk sunbae? That’s not how a friend would look at her friend.” One person said. “Leeteuk sunbae too. His eyes seems like they were sparkling too.” I just nodded to myself. My feelings for her are beyond words. It’s beyond my control.


How can I describe what I feel for her? I feel an unexplainable happiness when with her. When her beautiful hand holds mine, my heart jumps for joy that can’t be measured. She doesn’t need any effort to be beautiful, because she already is to me. Her smile is so precious since she rarely smiles, I treasure every smile of her that I see. Even her laugh could not worth than any material item on earth.


And I can’t deny the fact when we kissed, it felt like heaven. She’s the best thing I have received on earth. I just want to be with her. Maybe not now, but I’ll wait on her forever if I have too.

{End of POV}


When lunch came, I sat at the usual lunch table we always sit. I waited for him like always. When he came, I gave him some of the food I prepared for him. He also handed me a chocolate cake for dessert. While eating the cake, he took a small piece and offered to feed me. “Say ah~” he said. I hesitated but I opened my mouth and took the piece of cake he has. "I told you they were dating~!" I heard some student commented. I just excused myself that I was already full, but I just wanted to go away.




After school, we walked towards the park. We sat at the bench, took pictures and watched the children play. “Ice cream!” A small kid pointed to an ice cream cart. I walked towards the cart and Jungsu oppa followed. “Do you want?” He asked and I nodded. “Get whatever you want and I’ll pay.” He said and I took two popsicles. I gave him the other one and ate mine.


We walked with my arm around his. Jungsu oppa then excused his self to the restroom, and I waited alone. “Hey look, it’s quiet girl.” One girl pointed out. “Doesn’t she smile?” The other one spoke up. “Does she even have a name? Does she even talk, smile or laugh?!” The last one said and they all laugh. I was about to charge them but Jungsu oppa came.


“She has a name. It’s Lee Minyoung. Yes she can talk. Her smile is very pretty, compared to yours and her laugh is natural and not fake.” He said and pulled me away. The girls were surprised. They never expected and saw him like that.


I kept quiet, wondering why girls always treat me like that. I never did something wrong to them, and yet I’ m treated like this. “Hey, are you okay?” He asked me as we continue to walk. I nodded. “You’re not.” I sighed.


“Could you please not listen to them?” He said and pulled me into a hug. “Believe me when I say you’re pretty. Believe me when I say you’re more than any other girls out there. Believe me when I say you’re special.” He paused and breathed. He then pulled me a little more. We were only a few inches away from each other and he looked into my eyes. Those eyes that tells me he's sincere. He makes me believe everything that he says.


“But most of all, believe me when I say you mean so much to me that I don’t want to lose you.”


We both looked up and watched as snow fall upon us and what caught our attention was the mistletoe above us. “I guess there’s nothing we can do right.” He said and gently leaned in. and here again. My heart beats for him, shouting his name. My lips responded to his lips by kissing him back, and my arms wrapping my arms to him more.


Can this moment not end at all? My lips love the feeling of being with his. It’ll be a lie if I say that my lips don’t miss his lips. Right now, I don’t care about the things around us. All I care right now is him and me.



I'm thankful to those subscribers, new or old. Even if you don't comment, knowing that you still subscribed, thank you. I really hope you enjoy this. And no, this is not some farewell message. The story is still half-way probably. :D

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 73: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story and it was really nice...
tehyun90 #2
Chapter 26: where are u come from(country)? your comment in chapter 26 make me curious~~
Finished reading this for the millionth time. Hehe. I don't know if you remember me or not but my old username was IamElfandShawol. Hehe.
Ara-chi #5
AliceN #6
I loove your story so much!! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful B-DAY :D
starting reading! hope it'll be awesome!
wah atlast im d0ne. Super like, i really love this st0ry i cnt explain my feelings.. Wahh daebak chingu.!
Here i am.. Hehe Beast and Super junior.. L0ve it. Hehe ok ok, lets begin.. Hehe