Beautiful Sunset

Fighting Over Seoul and Your Heart

Only U


Things had been awkward between me and Jungsu oppa. He still kept his promises, but we couldn’t look into each others eyes now. Each time our eyes would meet, we would both become pink. It’s hard to be in this situation. I want to talk to him, but I don’t know what to say.


Right now, we are eating lunch. “Here, it’s for you.” He gave me a chocolate bar. “Thanks,” I answered. “Uhm, are you free tonight?” he asked me. “I guess so. Why?” I answered him, still avoiding his eyes. “I just wanted to invite you to the Namsan Tower. I want you to ride the cable car.” I looked at him. “I’d always wanted to ride that,” I told him and he finally looked at me too. “I’ll pick you up after your last period then,” he said and I nodded.


As soon as I reach my next class, another chocolate bar was there. “For the most beautiful girl in school!”  My heart felt happier. As soon as tests were given, I aced all of them. I excitedly rushed outside to see that angel leaning on the tree. After the kiss, I became sure of my feelings, but I’m afraid to assume his. But I’m contented with what we are, just friends.


“Ready?” I nodded and we made our way to the Namsan Tower. We arrived at sunset time, which was one of the most beautiful times to be there. As we were riding it, I saw the beautiful view of Seoul, and the beautiful sunset. I was happily pointing and I was smiling.


“What?” I asked him. “You’re smiling,” he pointed out and I realized that I was. “You should do it more often, it suits you better.” He said. “If someone can make me smile,” I answered. “I can make that. Now, all I need is to make you laugh.” He said and switched his gaze back to the beautiful scenery.


I didn’t realize but his hand was around me the whole ride. I leaned my head on his shoulder. I can feel his smile forming. “This is beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here,” I answered and we continued to view the sceneries.


Once finished, we ate at a restaurant. Then we started walking home. “Minyoung-ah, remember one of my promises to you?” he said. I looked at him, who was looking at the stars. “Which one?” I asked as our hands sway. “The one where I promised you to make you laugh,” he said. “What about it?” I asked and we stopped for a while. “I’ll fulfill that promise of yours.”

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 73: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story and it was really nice...
tehyun90 #2
Chapter 26: where are u come from(country)? your comment in chapter 26 make me curious~~
Finished reading this for the millionth time. Hehe. I don't know if you remember me or not but my old username was IamElfandShawol. Hehe.
Ara-chi #5
AliceN #6
I loove your story so much!! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a wonderful B-DAY :D
starting reading! hope it'll be awesome!
wah atlast im d0ne. Super like, i really love this st0ry i cnt explain my feelings.. Wahh daebak chingu.!
Here i am.. Hehe Beast and Super junior.. L0ve it. Hehe ok ok, lets begin.. Hehe